My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1898: The highly competitive high-end catering market

I opened a new book: The End of the World: My house can be upgraded, my brothers help to collect it, and give me some recommendations!


Cyclamens are very famous, and they can not only eat in.

A lot of cooked food and semi-finished products are also provided for members to take home and enjoy with their families.

Their meals and cooked food are good, but there is a problem, that is, the price is really expensive.

After all, they are focusing on the high-end market.

But for ordinary people, if you want to go to their store, they really can't afford it.

What Wan Gongzi intends to do is differentiated operations and develop some healthy foods specifically for low-end customers.

For example, the main product he plans to make is ham sausage.

After all, this thing, compared with canned food, does not need tinplate packaging, which saves a lot of cost.

Of course, it can't be like Mouhui. You might not need a pig to cook ham for a year.

What is made is not ham sausage, but starch sausage, plus various additives.

What he intends to make is pure meat sausage.

Since we want to differentiate our operations, we must do it to the extreme.

Fifty percent of the turkey meat, plus a certain amount of pork, and other meats can make a very good pure meat sausage.

And the taste is much better than Mouhui's high-end pure meat sausage.

The most important thing is to focus on health, because there are food research and development centers made by famous chefs to provide technical support.

They can use many more advanced technologies and flexible packaging.

In this way, those preservatives can be reduced, or even no preservatives.

In fact, there are many such ham sausages abroad, but very few in China.

After all, domestic consumers pay more attention to price.

But that was all twenty years ago, and now even ordinary consumers know the concept of health.

Everyone wants to eat healthier food.

And Wan Gongzi's pure meat ham rushed to this concept.

Pure meat, one pound, no preservatives, taste good.

Divide into 200 grams, 300 grams, and 500 grams in different packages, and then offer different prices.

For many ordinary people, the price may be slightly more expensive.

But if you think about it, a catty of pork costs more than ten yuan.

But a 500g pure sausage is only 20 pieces.

You buy a pound of pork back, don’t you light the lamp and boil the oil to cook it yourself?

In addition to the gas and electricity bills you spend, isn't it the same after all?

If you add your labor costs into it, the cost you spent may be higher than the price of this pork sausage.

And you still can't cook it to the taste of others!

The most important thing is that people’s pure meat sausages focus on health.

There are no unnecessary additives and no preservatives.

The taste is good, and people also actively promoted that if you eat the right amount, then you can just supplement the protein that your body needs every day.

Think about it, those fitness meals, what kind of chicken breasts, how unpalatable boiled.

How can this be delicious?

There are also chicken balls, and the like is the same concept.

He even plans to withdraw some quick-frozen dumplings and instant noodles to meet market demand.

In the second half of last year, Lord Wan had been doing business in this area.

And after finishing those things, he put his thoughts on some more high-end ingredients.

This is the eel rice that Xiao Feng was invited to eat today.

"Brother, you said, what if I opened a restaurant specializing in eel rice in China?"

Young Master Wan tentatively asked Xiao Feng and said, Xiao Feng smiled at this.

"You can try this, but I don't know whether it will succeed or not."

When he heard it, he knew that this ten thousand prince must have watched his cyclamen make a smooth wind, and then he was also tempted.

After all, his cyclamen came from after the explosion last year, and countless people used this store for analysis.

After analyzing and analyzing, the business model and philosophy of this store have been analyzed transparently and clearly.

There are almost no secrets in the industry.

So since the cyclamen came into flames, there have been countless copycats.

After all, the domestic catering market is huge, and high-end catering is definitely a profiteering industry.

It's impossible for everyone to watch the celebrity chef group make all the money!

With such a large market share, who doesn't want to get a piece of the pie?

Is the cyclamen model difficult?

Do not! Just find a good corner, then do high-end decoration, and finally look for professional nutritionists and senior chefs to design recipes.

Then it's marketing at a high price...

Although everyone knows that they do not have the strength of a celebrity chef group, they can make such high-end delicious food with the most garbage ingredients.

But other aspects can still be plagiarized!

Let's not use turkey, we can use other high-end ingredients instead!

And although the cost of hiring a chef is higher, the ingredients used are also expensive.

But the problem is that the profits of high-end restaurants are also high!

As long as you can make dishes similar to cyclamen, you can achieve the same effect.

Let customers eat well, eat healthy, and lose weight.

Isn't that a piece of pie that can be shared in the high-end market?

So since last year, many high-end catering brands have suddenly appeared on the market.

And some of these high-end catering brands, like Cyclamen, intend to really take good care of this business.

Others do not intend to make money in catering at all, but intend to fool others to join and earn money from franchisees.

There are even some, behind which are various venture capital institutions and large-scale capital.

Their purpose is to make the brand a listed company, and finally go public for arbitrage.

Anyway, since last year, this high-end catering field is extremely lively.

A variety of new brands can be said to be endless, although several brands fall down almost every few days.

But at the same time, new brands will emerge every day.

Some people left the market crying, others made a lot of money.

And how can Young Master Wan not be moved when he sees this situation?

Starting this year, he has asked his team to start investigating this market.

Since making friends with Xiao Feng, he has learned a lot of business concepts from Xiao Feng.

For example, if a company does a good job and is not bad for money, then it will resolutely not go public.

Fictitious name is not important, what really matters is actual interests.

And if you look for a field, then you have to spend money to cultivate deeply, and sooner or later you will have results.

With the change of the times and the disappearance of the demographic dividend of the previous generation, the business model of domestic business has changed.

Looking around for speculation as before, and thinking about getting rich overnight, it will no longer appear.

Not only will the common people scold you, but the national level will not allow it.

In short, it is not impossible to get rich overnight, but if you rely on opportunistic tricks, it is impossible.

The future belongs to the group of people who are familiar with the business field.

So if you want to be optimistic about the high-end catering track, then you have to figure out how to make your own characteristics.

We must ensure differentiated operations with our peers!

Thinking about going, Wan Gongzi got inspiration from the eel rice he ate when he traveled to Japan at the beginning of the year.

In Japan, eel rice is also a very high-end dish.

Because eel itself is very healthy, and in terms of nutritional value, it is really a tonic ingredient.

Only because of the Japanese love, the eel population has begun to decline in a large area.

In other words, eel is almost eaten by the Japanese.

We are also a major eel farming and exporting country, but a large number of eels produced every year are exported to Japan.

The world consumes about 130,000 tons of eels every year, and almost 70% of these are consumed by the Japanese.

Of the 100,000 tons consumed by the Japanese, almost 70% was imported from our side.

And the amount of eels consumed every year in our country is only a mere 1,000 tons.

On the one hand, it is because domestic consumers do not have enough knowledge about the nutritional value of eel.

On the other hand, it is because the price of eel in China is definitely not low.

Usually grilled eels cost more than 100 per piece.

On the other hand, the eel rice in the Japanese food store has only four pieces of eel on it, which is only two or two on average, but the price is more than thirty yuan.

Where can ordinary people afford to eat this stuff?

Even if the price of eel rice at the Japanese food store is acceptable, the problem is that two or two pieces of eel are not enough to fill the teeth!

So Wan Gongzi hit the doctrine on a high-end restaurant specializing in eel rice.

It's the same as turkey meat, the main meat product of cyclamen.

He wants to open a high-end restaurant, because there is no cyclamen seasoning technology, and no one has the technology to keep unpalatable meat.

Then start directly from the ingredients, and directly use high-end ingredients to attract customers.

As for how to hire a nutritionist and cooperate with the chef to make various nutrition packages, this is not a difficult task.

Chefs are easy to find, and nutritionists have graduated a lot in China in recent years.

Especially Bencheng Medical University has graduated many professional nutritionists in recent years.

The professional standards of these nutrition graduates are really good.

In the job market, it is very popular with various food factories, high-end restaurants, and fitness clubs.

Today, Lord Wan invited Xiao Feng to have dinner. On the one hand, he really hopes that Xiao Feng can help check it.

Secondly, it was also a test of Xiao Whether his restaurant can be opened, it really depends on Xiao Feng's face.


Because of the eel!

Why are eels expensive?

Because of the fry of this thing, there is no way to artificially breed them.

It depends on people catching the eels on their way home from returning to spawning. After they are caught, they are sold to specialized breeding companies to raise them. ,

As for the eel cultivating factory, this is not a difficult task for Wan Gongzi, and it can be built at the expense of money.

But the key is that this fry is not easy to do. In recent years, the price of eel fry has become more and more expensive due to the decrease in the number of eels.

It used to talk about kilograms, but now it's about articles. Last year it was sold on articles.

The price of a single bar has risen to 5-6 yuan.

However, it is said that the Pan American Agricultural Development Company has mastered the key eel fry hatching technology...

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