Just when the boss gathered a few younger brothers, went to their country for a meeting, and was about to put some pressure on the ninth laboratory.

Suddenly a big dog owner in the Middle East suddenly made a move.

That is, a month ago, He Xiaojun suddenly received news that he would bring people over for inspection.

At first he thought that it was just the provincial leaders who were going to inspect.

After all, the Rejuvenation Pill of the Ninth Laboratory has performed very well in this year's domestic anti-virus event.

And also knows how to share the worries for the above, and follow the steps above.

Although it has never been like some companies, things are not done, but the slogans are shouted loudly.

And they never chanted slogans, but the instructions to their superiors have always been implemented.

How can you not like this kind of company?

The difficulty of the Ninth Laboratory is naturally known to the above, so this year the Ninth Laboratory was specially set up as a special tax-free enterprise.

Moreover, the tax exemption is unprecedented. This treatment is definitely something other domestic enterprises can only be jealous of.

Moreover, the tax exemption period is as long as ten years.

The state has given such an effort to a private company, which shows the attitude of the country towards this company.

Moreover, the province and the city also attach special importance to the ninth laboratory.

Especially in the provincial capital, a piece of land was directly given for the Ninth Laboratory to build a branch factory.

After He Xiaojun sent someone to investigate, he decided to build a branch factory in the provincial capital.

After all, the transportation advantage of the provincial capital compared to Bincheng is still very obvious, and it is very convenient to send the products to the whole country from where.

In addition, there are many pharmaceutical companies over there, and the Ninth Laboratory is also planning to expand its production scale recently.

So he also wondered, if there is a suitable company in the provincial capital, he would buy one and start the project directly.

Precisely because of these actions, the province and the city have offered quite a lot of preferential conditions for the Ninth Laboratory.

A high-quality company like the Ninth Laboratory, whether it is in the province or the city, does not want this company to move.

Because this is the province, the city, and even one of the few leading companies in the country.

Even if they don’t collect corporate taxes every year, they only need to spend a portion of the foreign currency of corporate income and go to a bank in the province and city to earn enough.

What's more, such an enterprise still supports countless downstream supporting enterprises.

For these downstream companies, the annual profits and taxes are enough for them.

In addition, the Ninth Laboratory is a well-known high-paying enterprise.

Even if the company does not pay taxes, the high-paid employees in the company pay a large amount of income.

Besides, don't these people buy a house without eating or drinking?

Therefore, the province and the city have naturally attached great importance to the ninth laboratory.

The state directly announced that the Ninth Laboratory will be exempted from taxation for the next ten years.

The two levels of government blatantly provided various subsidies to the Ninth Laboratory.

For example, subsidies for high-tech innovative enterprises, anyway, this subsidy is allowed by the state.

Moreover, the specifications of our subsidies must be the highest in the country. We will subsidize them once in accordance with national regulations, and then our provinces and cities will subsidize them according to their own standards.

Counting it down is to subsidize three times.

There are also various talent subsidies. As long as your company finds many doctors or certified management talents, we will give you subsidies according to the head.

This subsidy standard is not like the talent subsidies given by other places. They are all subsidized in the form of tax rebates, one settlement every year, and discounts.

This time, the province and the city will send money directly without any discounts. This effort is absolutely unprecedented.

There is also housing subsidies. As long as these talents settle down and buy houses locally, they will be subsidized.

Not to mention that the house price will give you a fracture, and you will be given a subsidy of 1,000 yuan per square meter for the decoration fee.

Doing so makes the management of the Ninth Lab happy, because doing so is helping them attract talents.

After all, there are not many companies that can get such preferential subsidy policies nationwide.

Anyway, various inclined preferential policies are emerging in endlessly.

The reason they did this was to keep the Ninth Laboratory.

Do you think that doing so will bring huge economic pressure to the province or the city?

Then you are wrong, people have already figured it out!

Now because of the global pandemic, coupled with the sweater war with the United States.

The current economic situation across the country is not good. Almost all export-oriented foreign trade enterprises are facing a life-and-death crisis.

Although our domestic economic situation responded quickly last quarter, the data is gratifying.

But that is mainly driven by domestic large-scale infrastructure investment, and foreign trade, which is one of the troikas of the Chinese economy, is now in a very bad situation.

Low-end foreign trade. Now due to competition from Vietnam, Indonesia, Malaysia and other countries, our market share has shrunk a lot.

As for the mid-range foreign trade market, countries all over the world are affected by the pandemic and under-employed, leading to a serious decline in the consumption power of all countries in the world.

Therefore, the export of this piece is also very poor, because people in other countries have no money, so there is no way to spend it.

Even after the pandemic is over, I don’t know how long it will take to return to the previous state.

As for the high-end foreign trade, it actually refers to the foreign trade of high-value-added high-tech products. This one has always been what we lack the most.

It has always been dominated by traditional economic powers such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. Our market share in this market has always been low.

The Ninth Laboratory can be said to be the only domestic company that has opened a breakthrough in this market.

Therefore, at the moment, other parts of the country are experiencing weak economic data or uncertainties about the future market prospects.

Only Binhai Province is outperforming, relying on two companies such as the Ninth Laboratory and Celebrity Chef Manufacturing.

Especially in the Ninth Laboratory, the Klick serum, Rejuvenating Dan, and drugs such as artificial albumin and artificial gamma globulin have broken the embarrassment of Huaguo’s failure to make achievements in the field of original research drugs.

Moreover, these drugs are even more powerful in the global market thanks to the ravages of this pandemic.

The sales of several drugs are hitting new highs every day!

This naturally provokes covetousness from other provinces.

In the first half of this year alone, He Xiaojun has received dozens of delegations from all over the country and from various provinces and cities.

The purpose of these people is very clear, that is, they hope to seduce the Ninth Lab and set up a company in their city.

Needless to say, first-tier cities such as Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen have attracted high-level delegations to lobby.

Not to mention the conditions given. If you want to give the land, if you don’t want to build it yourself, they will give it to the building directly.

Since they were established anyway, there are more vacant office buildings, many of which are local state-owned assets.

As long as the Ninth Laboratory is willing to pass, the building worth billions of dollars will be given to you every minute.

But the headquarters needs to be moved there...

As for other new first-tier cities, such as Rongcheng, Greentown, Hanjiang City, Jinling, Shuangqing and other cities have also sent very high-level delegations.

They were more practical and did not ask the Ninth Laboratory to move its headquarters there.

Anyway, I said, I invite you to set up a branch on our side.

After all, the domestic market is so big, your Ninth Laboratory now has a headquarters, and there is no branch in other places.

This is very detrimental to market coverage and penetration.

You can rest assured to come to us, as long as you come, we can talk about various preferential policies.

It doesn't matter if you want policies and land, let alone taxation.

Anyway, I will definitely treat you to the highest standard.

After all, everyone is staring at a star company like the Ninth Laboratory.

Everyone knows that this is a big piece of fat, if you get it on your own territory.

At the very least, it can drive an industrial chain of millions of people. ,

With such a huge industrial chain, how many jobs and taxes do you want to create?

The current domestic economic situation is so difficult, and the development in the next few years is also full of uncertainties.

At this time, if the ninth laboratory can be introduced, it will definitely have the effect of setting the sea **** needle on the local economy.

And these domestic provinces and cities frequently visit the Ninth Laboratory ~www.ltnovel.com~ to make various small actions, the leaders of Bincheng City and the leaders of the province can all stare at them.

They naturally knew what ideas those people made.

As for them, they naturally do not want the Ninth Laboratory to move to other places, and they are not even willing to even open branches in other places.

After all, the economic situation in other provinces and cities is not good, and their Binhai Province is not doing well on their own!

After finally getting out of a Golden Phoenix company, you are going to pick peaches and dig a wall. What do you mean?

In this way, in order to be able to keep the ninth laboratory.

They gave the leader of the Bincheng Merchants Office a deadly order to sleep in the hall of the Ninth Laboratory even if they sleep every day.

The Ninth Laboratory has received investment inviting personnel from any city, what conditions have those cities set for the Ninth Laboratory?

The city and the province must know the first time.

Anyway, the China Merchants Office is to strictly guard against it and never allow the Ninth Laboratory to be poached.

During that time, the people at the Bincheng Merchants Office were exhausted, from the uncle who looked at the gate from below to the biggest director above.

Almost all of them have been laid on the floor in the lobby of the Ninth Laboratory's headquarters.

During that time, the hall of the Ninth Laboratory almost became the designated office space of the Investment Promotion Office of Bincheng City.

Every day, people will be arranged to come on duty in shifts. Anyway, the task is very clear, and it is absolutely not allowed to privately contact the personnel of the Ninth Laboratory in any other city in the country.

Even if there is contact, they must be accompanied by local investment promotion personnel, and they must know any preferential policies for enterprises proposed by the other party and report them as soon as possible.

So during that time, the Ninth Laboratory felt the unprecedented care in the city.

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