My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1217: The key to the market

In fact, this is the idea that Xiao Feng came up with after receiving the inspiration from American snacks.

As we all know, the United States is a country with a very developed food industry, not to mention all kinds of processed and semi-processed foods.

Anyone who has been to a supermarket in the U.S. has seen all kinds of snacks on a few shelves.

In fact, Xiao Feng is very general about snacks, especially the snacks from the United States. Potato chips are chocolate, or all kinds of snacks with extremely high sugar content.

However, he had been in the United States for a long time before, and because of the pressure, he often drank some alcohol at home.

In the end, he found a very good snack, that is, jerky.

All major supermarkets in the U.S. sell all kinds of jerky, of which beef jerky is the main one.

And these beef jerky are made with bison and buffalo, which the Americans don’t like to eat.

We must know that when the Americans first landed on the North American continent, this magical road was full of magical animals.

That is the bison!

The size is comparable to the bison of an Isuzu minivan.

When the U.S. Army was engaged in the Westward Movement, it did two things. One was the Indians.

Another thing is to slaughter a large number of bison, because there are too many things.

According to preliminary statistics, the Americans killed hundreds of millions of bison in the entire Westward Movement.

The species that once dominated the American continent was almost wiped out.

Later, for some purpose, they protected the species again.

However, even if the bison population has recovered, it has not recovered to its original prosperity.

However, there are still thousands of bison living in several nature reserves in the United States.

Because there are no natural enemies, the number of these bison is also very large, even in order to balance the environment of the nature reserve.

Every year the government issues a decree to allow people who like to hunt to hunt some.

In some Indian reserves, local people are also allowed to hunt and kill bison.

Because there are too many bison hunted, and compared with farmed beef, the taste of bison is very poor.

So many people make bison beef jerky.

The other is water buffalo. The meat quality of water buffalo is very unpalatable compared with farmed beef.

So the Americans also made this kind of beef into beef jerky.

Don't tell me, especially the salt and pepper flavor, it's really delicious, very suitable for drinking.

And compared with other small snacks with super high sugar content, this kind of dried meat products, as long as they are eaten in moderation, are quite healthy.

It is precisely because of this inspiration that Xiao Feng decided to make the farmed turkey into jerky snacks for sale.

"Hey! That's a great idea! Now the domestic snack market has been growing very fast."

"We can really do something about this!"

After listening to Xiao Feng's thoughts, Wan Gongzi took the initiative to substitute himself as a partner.

Xiao Feng just smiled and didn't object, he continued.

"My idea is to establish a healthy snack brand."

When Young Master Wan heard this, he immediately became serious.

Recently this year, the domestic people have paid more and more attention to the concept of health, but there seems to be no decent healthy snacks in China.

And Xiao Feng's idea is very good.

"You mean it's like a good product store, or come to Yifen?"

"Well, you can try, but our main focus is health."

Every year in the alien world, a large amount of dried fruits can be harvested, and Xiao Feng has always wanted to find a channel to realize those wild mountain products.

Now that a large number of plantations have been obtained in South America, the source of these goods has finally found a cover.

What about the shipping channel?

In recent years, the domestic snack market has been booming, and Xiao Feng has been planning before.

The squirrels that were popular a few days ago were very successful.

This also makes Xiao Feng very motivated, but it is not so easy to break a blood path in a highly competitive market.

If you want to be successful this year, you must first have characteristics.

To put it bluntly, you just have to have your own mastermind.

For example, when people think of McDonald's, they think of their Big Mac burger.

When I mention KFC, I think of their fried chicken nuggets.

Whenever celebrity chefs make fast food, they think of their classic braised sirloin rice!

And if you want to create a small snack brand, you must have your own flagship snack.

In Xiao Feng's view, chicken jerky, which is based on health concepts, is very suitable for this role.

And presumably beef jerky, this turkey-based chicken jerky has higher nutritional value and better taste. The most important thing is that the cost will be lower!

"Well, this can really be messed up! You can really try it."

Lord Wan touched his chin, thought for a while, and finally decided to join in and try.

Xiao Feng obviously didn't refuse him before, so even though he didn't quite understand the potential of this market, he decided to invest in it.

Xiao Feng laughed when he saw that Mr. Wan agreed to buy shares.

With Wan Gongzi joining, at least the problem of offline stores will be solved.

A small snack shop, the area is not too big, as long as the place in Wan Gongzi's shopping mall is enough.

This is the benefit of letting him join in, and this is also the benefit he intends to throw out.

He has been doing business in China for so long, and it can be said that he has only worked with Master Wan.

As for the others, they could only stare at his property, but couldn't eat it.

Therefore, there are already a lot of domestic capital that has opinions on him.

On the surface, everyone does not offend the river, but the anger of those people will sooner or later accumulate.

Rather than waiting to explode those people, it's better to give them a way out.

And this kind of snack product seems to be simple and has no technical content, but it is true that the mass consumption is very large.

If the brand is done well, it will soon be welcomed by consumers.

Moreover, it needs technical support from the Food Research Institute on Mendao. These products are easy to make special features, such as healthy signs.

Once the archway is erected, it can easily make billions or even tens of billions a year.

Don't believe it, or you will just look at those national drinks, Lulu, and Coconut. People are the ones who make money quietly.

And his ultimate goal is to become a small food company.

Special technical support is provided on the side of Tomen Island.

At that time, this small food company will be successful and be listed on the market.

Let the guys who are eyeing and squinting, at any rate can be dazzled by the light made by famous chefs, and let them feel relieved.

In addition, by the way, the standards of the domestic snack food industry have also been raised.

After all, the industry is really messed up now, and everyone does their own thing.

Moreover, they are guided by profit, and do whatever makes money, and do whatever they make.

They only cater to the tastes of consumers, heavy oil and sugar, and simply ignore the health and safety of consumers.

So Xiao Feng also felt that he could come in and disrupt the situation.

In addition, this turkey jerky is actually a stepping stone for him to explore the domestic healthy diet market.

A key to open the domestic healthy diet market!

Once the turkey jerky is accepted by the market consumers, he will immediately launch several other products that have already been prepared.

The most important of these is the turkey meal replacement for weight loss.

As I said before, this turkey meat has super high protein content, very low fat content, and it is also very rich in amino acids.

This kind of food is really suitable as a weight loss meal replacement.

In fact, this kind of fat-reducing meal replacement has long existed in the United States.

It's just that those fat-reducing meal replacements are prepared for professional fitness personnel and bodybuilders.

The price is also relatively high, generally 14 ounces, which is about 400 grams of turkey jerky, costs about 100 yuan.

Xiao Feng had also eaten several times in the United States before, and the texture and taste of the jerky was really good.

Therefore, Xiao Feng intends to introduce this reduced-fat meal replacement into China.

Nowadays, there are more and more fitness people in China, and people who care about health have more and more knowledge about fitness.

Twenty years ago, people's understanding of fitness was still simple aerobic exercise and anaerobic exercise, but now, people's understanding of fitness and weight loss has been very deep.

Especially after more and more western nutrition concepts have become popular.

More and more people know that if you want to keep fit and lose weight, you can't just lower your head and practice hard.

In fact, the true meaning of fitness and weight loss lies in the difference in calories.

What is the calorie difference? In other words, your daily intake of calories is lower than the calories you consume. The greater the calorie difference, the faster you will lose weight.

And now many well-informed fitness coaches will tell you that, in fact, the concept of real fitness and weight loss is three points training and seven points eating.

So for many babies who lose weight, the true meaning of weight loss is eating.

As long as you eat the right food, not only can you ensure that you are full and well eaten, but also that it will not affect your weight loss at all.

Even if you eat the right food, you can lose weight without exercising every day.

So how do you eat it right?

Many people think that if you want to lose weight, you must eat less meat, especially fat, because it is in their concept.

The reason why people gain weight and grow meat is because they eat too much meat and eat too much fat.

But modern scientific research proves that this is completely wrong.

Humans gain weight because they consume too much starchy food.

After eating too much starchy food, people's blood sugar will rise quickly.

If you maintain high-intensity exercise during this process, your blood sugar will be consumed all the time, and you will not gain weight.

But if you do not exercise enough during this period, the blood sugar that has not been consumed will be converted into fat and stored in your body, thus making you fat.

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