My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1179: Where there is danger, there is opportunity

Back then, this debt was caused by loans from many banks by the former head Stefano for rapid expansion.

However, Voegelin's business conditions went from bad to worse, which was also caused by the huge financial pressure brought about by this huge loan.

It can even be said that Stefano finally shot Voegelin because he could not repay the huge loan.

At that time, Voegelin was a listed company, and their market value was mostly paper wealth.

When the stock price is high, the value of the company's assets is high.

And each quarter's financial report is a barometer that affects the company's asset scale.

When Voegelin's business conditions were good before, their stock prices were good.

But later because of this huge debt, their annual net profit was all swallowed up by these debts.

Even their quarterly profit is not enough to repay the interest generated by these debts.

The straw that crushed the camel appeared, and Voegelin had suffered losses for the first time since three years ago.

Since then, they have suffered losses for three consecutive years.

At the same time, their stock price dropped from the highest peak of 72 dollars to 56 dollars.

If they could not reverse the decline, their stock prices would continue to fall.

If that situation continues, then sooner or later, there will be insolvency.

By then, Voegelin could really only declare bankruptcy.

It was at that time that Xiao Feng took over Voegelin.

The first thing he took over was to privatize Voegelin and delist.

In this way, Voegelin's financial report does not need to be announced, and it will not affect Voegelin's stock price.

Moreover, during the acquisition process, Xiao Feng also lowered prices several times, and finally the cost of repurchasing Voegelin was much lower than his previous estimate.

So he used the remaining funds to pay off part of the loan.

During this period, because Voegelin's business conditions improved rapidly, they used the profit to repay part of the loan.

After all, the company is now privatized and there is no need to distribute dividends to shareholders, so the company’s profits are spent as they wish.

In Chamberlain and Helen's opinion, paying off the loan is the most correct approach.

Xiao Feng also agrees with them very much.

After all, debt management is not a good habit, if it is really an upswing in a major economic cycle.

When the global economy is very optimistic, debt management is naturally no problem.

But now, obviously because of the downward cycle of the global economic downturn, it would be too irrational to operate in debt at this time.

And the most important thing is that during this period of time, the central bank of the United States, the Federal Reserve, in order to save the economy of the United States, has begun to flood the water.

Now that the U.S. can easily borrow money everywhere, Chamberlain and Helen decided to borrow new debts and repay old debts.

Because before, Voegelin borrowed from banks and financial institutions.

Most of them were borrowed during Stefano's business period. To be honest, the interest on these loans is very high.

Some have an interest rate of more than three or four, which is generally borrowed from the bank.

Some even borrow as much as 7 percent and 8 percent from some financial institutions.

If such an interest rate is in the country, it must be considered normal, but in the United States, where the financial industry is extremely developed, such an interest rate is definitely very high.

As the world's financial center, the world's hot money distribution center, the US market can circulate a lot of funds.

Therefore, the interest rate for borrowing money from the United States is generally very low.

Especially large companies with good qualifications and bargaining power want to borrow money. At the lowest point, they can even receive a few percent of the interest rate.

Throwing away the cost of operation and time, the money is almost all for nothing.

Don't really think this is an exaggeration, in fact it is quite common in the U.S. market.

Stefano, the former head of Voegelin, obviously lacked in this aspect.

Because the interest rate on the money he borrowed is very high, some of the most outrageous are even as high as 12%, 13%, and the highest can even reach 15%.

This interest rate is almost comparable to the loan interest rates of those bad companies in a certain country's financial market.

The first thing Xiao Feng took over Voegelin was to arrange for Chamberlain to negotiate with banks and financial institutions with high interest rates.

Ask them to lower interest rates or extend the repayment period.

Of course, the people who got the most answers were rejected, so Xiao Feng simply used the remaining money in his hand to repay all the loans.

But even so, the company now has a loan of nearly 10 billion.

And these loans can generate four to five billion in interest every year. Although it is not high, it is not low.

And recently, just as the U.S. central bank released a lot of water, Chamberlain and Helen discussed it.

I immediately decided to find a new bank loan and pay off the original loan.

After all, low-interest loans are now everywhere on the streets, and the fees are even lower.

Compared with the previous loans, financial expenses alone can save more than one billion yuan.

In fact, the most important thing is that Xiao Feng arranged for them to secretly bring in Southern Cross Bank.

Anyway, the money is made by the bank, so who is making money for?

Southern Cross Bank, or its own bank, can also provide cheaper loans.

The most important thing is the diamonds and gold he bought from other worlds, as well as the gold he bought from Sunan, and some ugly wealth he bought from South America.

Through this channel, you can go to the U.S. market, take a wash, and then return to the Southern Cross Bank account.

In this way, the money will be clean as soon as it enters and exits from the United States.

In this way, once in and out, it can also be mortgaged to the collateral of other banks and financial institutions.

For example, part of the real estate in the store, as well as the company's equity, are transferred to Southern Cross Bank.

This is more secure.

This is a very good opportunity for asset transfer.

Chamberlain and Helen did very well, and Xiao Feng was also very satisfied.

At the same time, they also formulated a series of new business plans.

Recently, the overall economic environment of the United States has been hit by a pandemic, and economic growth has experienced a large-scale decline.

And recently, because of BLM, American people have begun to take to the streets to obtain production materials for free.

The real economy of the United States has suffered a huge blow at this stage.

It is obviously unwise to expand and open stores on a large scale at this time.

But as the saying goes, there are dangers, there are opportunities.

In the eyes of Chamberlain and Helen, in fact, now is also the best time for Voegelin to expand.

But this expansion is not about opening new stores all over the world.

Instead, they started to make arrangements and waited for the BLM situation to calm down and expand the scope of business after the epidemic passed.

Now is the economic downturn in the United States, but you have to know that the United States has a very strong economic background.

After going through this difficult period, the US economy is destined to recover quickly.

And this cycle is slow, which means two to three years. If it is fast, one or two years is enough.

If you wait until then to formulate a development plan, it will be too late.

And now is indeed the best time to start the layout.

Especially under the influence of pandemics and BLM events.

Many physical stores in the U.S. have closed down one after another because they could not continue to operate.

If you are lucky, you close the door, and if you have bad luck, you basically go bankrupt.

As a result, in many major cities in the U.S., shops in prime locations have become vacant.

You must know that when the economic environment is good, the rents and prices of these shops are very expensive.

For example, in New York, uptown Manhattan, a set of shops in prime locations.

In normal times, it is absolutely priceless in the market, and no one will sell it to you if you want to buy it.

And even if it is sold, the price is still sky-high, for a set of street shops on Fifth Avenue.

The kind with an area of ​​200 square meters facing upwards can cost tens of millions of dollars at every turn.

Don't be too expensive!

But now, because the owners have financial needs, such properties are being sold in large numbers.

Stores that used to be tens of millions of dollars are now basically sold at a 20% discount, or even half price.

This gave Voegelin a chance to get in.

We must know that the reason why Voegelin was able to crush CVS when the number of stores was a few thousand less than relied on the high quality of the stores, and their stores often chose to open in the wealthy area. , Or neighborhoods where middle and high-income classes live.

The reason why Voegelin would carry a heavy debt of 18 billion before is because it is too expensive to buy a house in such a neighborhood.

As the nation's leading large chain at the time, they never bothered to rent a house in the wealthy area.

Of course they also have the experience of renting a house, but some of them ended up unhappy in the end.

The landlord sees that they are making money, so every time they renew the lease, they will ask for a price increase.

Or if Voegelin wanted to rent a house, he would simply offer a high rent price.

It is precisely because of such unpleasant history that Voegelin opened a shop later and simply chose to buy a house and open it himself.

In this way, on the one hand, operating costs can be greatly reduced, and on the other hand, the company’s asset valuation can be greatly improved.

This is also a support point for Voegelin's stock price, and it is also the main reason why Xiao Feng knew that Voegelin was not doing well and was willing to buy Voegelin for more than 40 billion yuan for Stefano.

Because Voegelin has brand value, he still has a lot of real assets.

Of his more than 7,000 branches, 90% of them are in his own shop.

Even if he fails to do business after he takes over, he can get back part of the capital just by buying real estate.

And now, when there is a large-scale bankruptcy wave in the United States, Chamberlain and Helen intend to continue to maintain Voegelin's original business philosophy, and even carry forward.

For them, now is a good time to make a big splash!

It is also a good time for them to prepare for the future...

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