My Strength Does Not Allow Me to Low-key

Chapter 1043: No reason, just because of my waywardness!

As for Voegelin, will he go bankrupt because he compensates our pharmacist?

Sorry, that is not something we care about.

Who made you a Chinese company!

Now almost all the media in the United States are paying attention to this matter, and these pharmacists feel that as long as they make trouble.

They won’t lose out. After all, Huaguo Capital acquired American companies and expelled American workers.

Originally, anti-China sentiment in the United States is now very high, and it is best for them to make a big deal at this time.

There are even several large legal advisory companies in contact with them, ready to take their cases.

A lawsuit was filed against Voegelin, and the law firm likes such cases the most.

As long as the case is touched by the Chinese, this case will be won, and a large amount of compensation is indispensable.

And those litigation sticks can also follow to get huge dividends.

In just a few days, the acquisition of Voegelin and the privatization incident have swept the entire country.

A company worth tens of billions of dollars was unknowingly controlled by a Chinese capital.

This is horrible to say.

And this is a pharmacy closely related to ordinary Americans, not a high-end hotel or movie theater like bad assets.

This kind of chain stores, but will continue to make money from the Americans.

If the U.S. people continue to make money from the Chinese, this is in line with the values ​​of the U.S. people.

But if the Chinese are allowed to continuously earn money from the Americans, it is okay if it is sneaky.

How can Americans accept this blatant coming?

In recent years, only Wal-Mart and other chains have sold made-in-china goods in large quantities.

How many U.S. people’s glass hearts have been broken?

Now you, a Chinese capital, control our second largest chain pharmacy in the United States?

This is more than just a problem of crossing the border. In the eyes of many Americans, it is simply a treason!

The first to verbally criticize Penny Vera Asset Management was the anti-China pioneer Fox Channel in the United States.

This is a TV station owned by the Australian tycoon Murdoch and the TV station with the most unfriendly attitude towards China in the United States.

They jumped out first and fired the first shot against Penny Vera Asset Management.

Then came Colombian CBS, with Japanese participation.

After CNN, but ABC and NBC, their attitudes towards this matter were slightly relaxed.

This of course has something to do with Xiao Feng and the big bosses of these two companies.

While abroad, some netizens on Hong Kong Island and Frog have also collectively raised C on the Internet.

A Gongzi’s capital has penetrated into our goddad’s nest. Is there any reason for this? Is there a King Fa?

As a result, there was another round of verbal criticism on the Internet.

Originally, Xiao Feng had no intention of responding to these media questions.

Anyway, Voegelin had all the equity in his hands, and Helen had already greeted the acquaintances he knew.

Voegelin's privatization, the procedures are legal and compliant, and no one can fault it.

As for the pharmacists who want to rip off, hehe, he has a way to make those guys look good.

Even in a lawsuit, he is not afraid.

What do the lawyers who spend so much money for?

Those pharmacists, are their hands and feet clean when they work in the pharmacy?

He has 10,000 ways to make those guys worse than dead.

Humph! When the time comes, just because one is unwilling to work overtime, he will be able to sue these pharmacists and lose all their pants.

Everyone must pay my Voegelin 18 thousand to let you go.

If you have no money to pay, then wait to file for bankruptcy and go to the streets.

As for why the compensation must be set at 18 thousand?

No reason, just because of my waywardness!

As for those happy media, Xiao Feng also has ways to deal with them.

Sugar-coated cannonballs can easily knock them down, anyway, every year the company has a lot of advertising expenses to spend.

Which TV station did you vote for instead of?

When the money is in place, those TV stations will naturally shut up.

As for those Internet scumbags, ha ha, how about jumping high?

I just ignore you, can you bite me?

There is a kind of you to try to smash the glass of my shop and see the iron fist of the American police. Are you protecting me as a capitalist?

Or will it protect you Pluto fighters? You really take the slogan of Pluto seriously, right?

If you dare to come over and make trouble, let you know who your father is!

Therefore, Xiao Feng didn't take these seriously. In his opinion, it was just a disease of mustard moss.

Money and time will help him settle everything.

In the face of capital, these ‘Internet mobs’ are just a group of native chickens and mobs.

I don't bother to compete with you at the end, and I don't even want to talk to you.

Firstly, I am afraid of losing my identity, secondly, I don't want you to rub my heat...

how? I'm so headstrong! Dissatisfied? You bite me!

But when he saw McGee. After Pompeo's televised speech, he finally realized that the development of the situation might be out of control.

"As a spokesperson for the national interests of the United States, I feel that I must stand up and speak up."

"As for Penny Vera Asset Management, I think it is really necessary to check the details of this company."

"This is for the national security of our country, and it is also for the benefit of our American people."

"We must not allow any asset management company with a Chinese background to control our American companies."

"So I have made recommendations to the U.S. Securities Regulatory Commission to carefully review the privatization transaction of Voegelin."

"Look at this deal, is it in the interests of our American people?"


After listening to this sentence, Xiao Feng felt that he didn't have to listen to the rest.

Although on the TV screen, the fat white man was still talking about benevolence and morality.

But Xiao Feng felt that this guy's mouth full of feces was really annoying.

He also knew before that this US government is very difficult to lead, and it can even be said to be the worst in recent decades.

And the attitude of these guys towards China also took a 180-degree turn from before.

It can be said that we are doing the right thing with China everywhere.

And this McGee. Pompeo, as the first U.S. secretary, has always been a well-known hardliner against China in the White House.

Although his anti-China strategy is likely to please voters.

But after all, he said and done a lot of things that hurt the feelings of the people of the country.

In business, Xiao Feng, as a pure businessman, does not like to go to the political circle in China.

It’s the same when I arrived in the U.S. I just wanted to do business on my duty, but I didn’t expect the U.S. people would not let it go!

Moreover, he is also the first secretary of the U.S., so the situation seems to be really serious now.

After all, it was the trick of Jonathan's grandson!

At this time, Helen also opened the door worriedly and walked into Xiao Feng's office.

"Darling, the news from New York is not very good. The Securities Regulatory Commission has suspended the approval of Voegelin's privatization."

"And there is a senator named Miley in Washington, who has led an investigation team and will come to investigate Penny Vera Asset Management the day after tomorrow!"

Helen was worried.

At this time, Xiao Feng suddenly relaxed, knowing that doing business in the United States would be troublesome.

It has long been known that Americans are more sensitive to Chinese capital.

So originally he didn't want to show his face and prepared several vests.

But now it seems that the lemon spirits of the United States are still not able to be prevented.

"Let them let them go, but they may have to trouble you, dear!"

Xiao Feng took Helen's hand and patted it lightly.

Helen didn't know why, when she felt the temperature from Xiao Feng's big dry hands, she immediately became calm.

"Don't worry, honey, leave this to me!"

"Well, you can deal with Miles and those people, and I'll take care of the rest."

"First, all you have to do is to collect this McGee for me. Pompey's information, the more the better..."

"Well, I see..."

You have to tie the bell to untie the bell!

If you want to solve the problem, then the key to the first solution is you, the first U.S. secretary.

Don't look at you in the U.S. power, but Xiaoye still doesn't take you seriously.

That's it!

It's clear that everyone's well water doesn't offend the river water, but you just want to stand up for those bastards?

Then don't talk nonsense, just let the horse come here, see if I pierce you and you're done!

Xiao Feng also had Liwei's thoughts in mind.

If you want to do business in the, there will definitely be all kinds of monsters coming out.

He didn't have any thoughts, and he had to deal with them endlessly every day.

This time, I just used this McGee who hit the gun to stand up.

Even the first minister of the United States, Lao Tzu can break his teeth.

You other monsters, ghosts and monsters, want to come over and wipe your oil.

It all has to be weighed and weighed to see if you have such a good mouth.

As for why you have to choose the little BOSS of Hard mode to PK when you come up?

No way, Xiaoye is so self-willed!

Of course, the reason why Xiao Feng is so confident is that, on the one hand, the Helen family also has a solid foundation in America.

It can provide him with a lot of help, and on the other hand, it is also because he has a team led by Pablo around him.

Pablo is not the only financial expert in this team.

There are seven or eight clone intelligence experts transferred from Karapag.

These people have been speaking out in this world for some time, and they have basically become accustomed to everything on earth.

And their ability to collect information and intelligence is far more powerful than the CIA, Mossad, and MI5, the most powerful intelligence agencies on the planet.

So while he asked Helen to send an intelligence gathering team, he also asked Pablo to cast this net out.

These cloned intelligence experts are definitely more than just intelligence gathering.

Each of them is actually a top assassin and killer.

And they are all the elites of the Star Warriors. In terms of strength, they are even stronger than the security captain Owen next to Xiao Feng...

And unlike those human spies who need the assistance of high-tech equipment, they themselves are human-shaped intelligence collectors.

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