My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 691: :Program

Besieged in the forest for at least half a month, the food consumed by tens of thousands of people is not a small number. The supplies brought by the army before will soon be eaten up. In order to be able to support it longer, earlier A rationing system was implemented, and some mutant beasts were hunted in the forest to supplement.

But it still didn't last long, and the supplies he brought were emptied, and the beasts in this small forest were also hunted out.

Bark and grass roots have become a staple food these days, except for the prince and his guards.

Charming and others can only barely maintain by plant fruits temporarily cultivated by buds, but it is not a long-term solution to always eat fruits and not meat.

"If it drags on, the soldiers of the whole army will lose their combat effectiveness. At that time, they may not even have the strength to walk. If the totem frenzy launches an attack, we will have no resistance." Said charmingly and worriedly.

Gong Beiwang's expression was heavy, and he naturally knew what would happen if he continued like this.

When he found that food was about to become a problem, he went to the prince to explain the situation, hoping that Gong Tian could order the army to organize a breakout, but it was rejected, and he was driven out without even saying the reason.

"That guy can really enjoy himself under any circumstances. He actually ordered the food he hunted to be given priority to him. It's extremely unbearable. How can he look like a general marshal." Wenren said in a whisper.

There are fewer and fewer prey in the forest, sometimes less than two or three can be hunted a day, but all the prey is taken away by Gong Tian as a marshal, and no soldiers are left at all. Only 60,000 people are him and him. His guards can eat full, others can only eat the bark and grass roots, and every time he eats full, he will pull his guards for multiplayer sports, it is shameless to the extreme, has caused the elimination of him and his kiss The dissatisfaction of everyone outside Wei.

"Leave him alone."

Meimei didn't want to mention any topic about Gongtian, at this time it was a waste of words.

"Uncle Gong, can't hesitate anymore, while the soldiers still have a little strength, let's make the last fight, it is better than continuing to die here." Charming said.

"I also want to give it a try, but I am no longer a marshal and cannot command the army." Gong Beiwang said embarrassedly.

Charming sighed in her heart, Gong Beiwang was too pedantic, and he obeyed the imperial court's orders under whatever circumstances.

"Uncle Gong, with your appeal in the army, even if you don't have the position of marshal, I believe you can still command the army."

"The current situation is life and death. You can't just watch the army being dragged to death here. Don't worry about this or that." Huamei persuaded.

Other people including Gong Beiwang's subordinates also persuaded.

Gongbei saw that everyone felt that he should try his best. After the fierce battle, he gritted his teeth and decided to say: "Okay, I will summon all the officers and soldiers to make a final breakthrough, but desperately also requires a strategy. You can't go to death in vain. No?"

Many people fell silent. During the time they were trapped, they didn't think about how to break through the defense of the totem frenzy, but they had no way to get along.

When everyone was silent, Jimo said, "I have two plans."

Everyone turned their eyes to Jimo, waiting for her to continue.

"I have learned that you have made several breakthroughs before. All the soldiers gathered to break out of one direction, and they were finally repelled by the assembled totem frenzied orcs, which led to the failure of the breakthrough."

"I think the totem madman should have some way to keep monitoring the movement of the army." Jimo said.

"Indeed, the previous few breakouts were all in different directions. Every time I was about to reach the outer forest, I would be repelled by an army of tens of thousands of totem frenzied orcs. One time may be bad luck, but two or three times cannot be related to luck. , You don’t need to think about it to know that they know everything about our army."

Gong Beiwang nodded, and then said:

"After I thought of this, I asked the soldiers to pay attention to removing all the animals that appeared in the surrounding environment. After all, the totem beasts that totem frenziers can use to monitor our movements are their totem beasts, but they seem to have no effect, and I don't know why."

The mutant beasts in the sky, on the ground or in the ground were all cleaned up by the soldiers, but after several breakouts, they were still blocked by the army of totem frenzy.

"I think maybe the totem beast of the totem madman is not just an animal." Jimo reminded.

"You mean..."

Jimo pointed to a seemingly ordinary plant not far away and said, "That plant is called Cordyceps sinensis. As far as I know, this plant does not appear in places other than the western border."

Pregnant Cordyceps is gray overall, with three-leaf high-stalked roots, with holes in the middle of the leaves, and the stems are hollow like straws, and the roots are hollow. It belongs to the Great West Wasteland and cannot survive for long outside the Great Wasteland.

Because the pregnant cordyceps and the tiny insect called the one-eyed fly living in its hollow tuber are in a symbiotic relationship.

Although pregnant cordyceps is a plant, it cannot absorb nutrients from the land. All the nutrients come from the dead body of the one-eyed fly.

The food source of the one-eyed fly is the pollen of plants that are very common in the great wasteland but not found elsewhere. Once there is no food source, the one-eyed fly will die quickly, and the pregnant cordyceps that loses the one-eyed fly will die soon.

"I noticed this plant and looked for it, and found that there were many withered pregnant cordyceps in the place where the army was. Unsurprisingly, the totem maniac should use pregnant cordyceps and other special plants as a means of monitoring. "Jimo said.

"It's so magical, plants can also be used as surveillance methods."

Everyone was surprised.

"Sister, how did they use this pregnant cordyceps to monitor us? Could it be the eyes of the one-eyed fly?" Wenren asked.

Jimo shook his head, "I don't know how totem mad orcs use pregnant cordyceps to monitor our movements. Their methods are very strange."

"After talking so much, what do you want to say?"

A subordinate of Gong Beiwang was impatient, what he wanted to hear was how to break through instead of listening to popular science here.

"If we have a way to clear these plants that they use to monitor the army, so that they can't know our movements, and can't concentrate in one place to contain them as before, then our success rate of breaking through with superior forces will be greatly improved. "Jimo said.

"But it's easier said than done. We didn't know that they fell on the ground and used several plants to monitor us."

Charming shook her head, trying to discern whether a plant in the forest is a watch of the Totem Tribe. Not only does it test knowledge, but it is easy to find out in this vegetation-covered forest, unless a fire is burned, but let alone wet Whether the environment can be set on fire or not, even if it is set on fire, it is themselves that suffer first.

"What is the other plan?" Gong Beiwang asked.

"Split the troops."

Jimo spit out two words lightly

"Split the troops?"

"For, divide the army into more than four units, and break out from all sides at the same time. In this way, the totem freaks have to divide their forces to encircle them. Then it will depend on luck and strength."

"Or sacrifice most of the soldiers to break through from one direction, and drag the Totem Frenzy to make another part of the troops break through from the opposite direction. My suggestion is the latter." Jimo said slowly.


Everyone was silent.

If the former is executed, the probability of a successful breakthrough is small, and the latter is highly likely to succeed, but...

"No, we can't do this."

Gong Beiwang directly vetoed it, and he would not do anything to give up soldiers.

"That's right, just do it."

A voice intervened, and everyone turned their heads to see Gong Tian walking over with his guards.

"Order the whole army to gather." Gong Tian said to Gong Beiwang indifferently.

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