My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 241: :meet

The delicacy prepared for the banquet is actually not a lot of portions. Even if Chen Fang intercepted half of it immorally, it was still not enough to fill his stomach. Just when he was about to start with a few hard dishes again, the butler Lin brought the fat chef to examine it. The situation in the kitchen.

   When the butler saw a waiter making small gestures to the prepared dishes, they were very angry. The butler looked angry and the fat chef was also very angry.

"What are you doing! I don't know what to do, can this dish be tampered with? Even if you think it’s more beautiful, you can’t tamper with it. Don’t lay it out quickly, don’t mess around." The fat chef rushed to Chen Fang. The little thief who grabbed Chen Fang by his side said loudly, and at the same time he kept turning to Chen Fang.

   The fat chef is kind. He voluntarily defined Chen Fang's behavior of serving dishes as a redecoration. He obviously didn't want Chen Fang to be punished.

   "Oh." Chen Fang was embarrassed when he was caught, and hurriedly put a bite of the chicken leg in his hand, and quickly put it back on the roast chicken that had lost two wings.

   "..." The fat chef is Buddha. He didn't pay attention to what Chen Fang was doing just now. If he knew that he hadn't let go of the chicken legs and even the chicken wings, he would definitely not come to say.

   It hurt you so badly. How could I come to help you? The fat chef's crotch hurts and regrets.

   The butler came over angrily, but he was taken aback after seeing Chen Fang's face.

   "Mr. Chen, why are you serving food here? When I just told the young master about you, he didn't even know that you were here." The butler said dumbly.

"Oh, I'm hungry, so I can't come over to find food. Seeing that there is not enough manpower here, I will help and make my own claim. I am very sorry." Chen Fang responded to the kindness of the fat chef, but did not tell the story. .

  Originally, the fat chef was in a panic. He mistaken the young master’s guest for the waiter and asked him to serve the dishes. This would be a serious crime. If Chen Fang was investigated, he would suffer. But seeing that Chen Fang didn't say his mistakes, he was very grateful for a while, and kept showing thanks to Chen Fang with small gestures behind the housekeeper.

   The butler is a sophisticated character. He caught a glimpse of the fat chef's movements and Chen Fang's image from the corner of his eyes. You can guess it by guessing, but he didn't say it, just invited Chen Fang to leave with him.

   The fat chef had a cold sweat on his face. After seeing the two of them leave, he immediately arranged for someone to clean up the "remnant" dishes and re-add them.

"Master, don't be surprised, it happened to be the person I hated, so Xiaoke detained it." Chen Fang consciously needs to be honest, and tells what he has done. People will always find out what he has done. , If this is for the other party to find out for themselves, it would be bad.

   "You are the savior of the young master, I shouldn't have said anything, but if you did this at the old lady's banquet, it would be a bit of a disregard for the Lin family." The housekeeper's expression was not very good.

  Chen Fang moved other people's dishes at will. Even if there is no poison or other things, he just slurps something to eat, but whoever wants to be touched by someone in the mouth doesn't have to think about the result if he is known.

   Besides, you hate others, and you can't use the Lin family banquet items as props for teasing. This is too unnatural.

   Chen Fang was very embarrassed. He didn't think so much, so he kept apologizing.

   "Where are you always taking me?" Chen Fang asked.

   "Take you to the banquet hall to see the young master." The butler's tone is not very good. He is responsible for the banquet. No one will have a good attitude when encountering such a thing.

   "Wait." Chen Fang stopped suddenly.

The housekeeper frowned, thinking what the kid was trying to make a moth, he was still anxious to find a way to deal with what Chen Fang had done, every dish was half eaten by this kid, and he would definitely be seen when he delivered the food. Now, when he arrives in the lobby, he is received by the young master, and he will be recognized soon. The third table where he delivers food is all the heirs of the big family. After and after the association, you will surely find that the food is passive. What's the matter? , If this kid weren't for the savior of the young master, he would have to beat him to death.

   "Shave my head, rest assured, as long as I appear like this, they won't associate me with the food delivery person." Chen Fang said to the housekeeper.

   The butler almost died of anger when he heard that, you took it out by yourself, but it didn't fall on him. He got a haircut, believe it or not, I even shaved your head.

However, even though his heart regained his anger, he still helped Chen Fang to shave his head, only to see the butler stretched his hand over Chen Fang’s head, and the three thousand troubles were gone. Of course, because he was not a professional hair shaver, he still had a thin spot on his head. The stubble looks like it's just grown.

   Looking at the Ufa on the ground, Chen Fang was very sad. He sacrificed before his hair grew.

   Shaved his head, Chen Fang changed his clothes back to the appearance of short-sleeved big pants in front of the housekeeper, and then followed the housekeeper with a strange expression into the hall.

  Where is the strange flower coming out of this, the butler is a little broken.

   Chen Fang was led into the hall by the butler, everyone's eyes "wish" fixed on him, and they all wondered who it was.

   "Who is this person? Do you know him?"

   "I don't know, but the identity that can enter here is not simple."

   Jimo and they also saw Chen Fang, and they were a little puzzled how he came in without the invitation letter.

   "Hey, it's Uncle here." Ya Ya said greasyly.

The little fox originally stayed in Yiyi's arms, holding a fruit and chewing. When he saw Chen Fang, he immediately broke free from Yiyi's embrace, rushed to Chen Fang and climbed up with his clothes. The speed occupied the high ground, and he just got down on his belly. It was uncomfortable to be pierced where the soles of hair were sparse, and he screamed two times unhappily, then opened his mouth and plowed on Chen Fang’s head, trying to get rid of those stubbles, so that he could lie comfortably. a little.

   In this way, Chen Fang held a little fox that was licking stubble on his head, and followed the butler to the front seat in the hall.

   "Hahaha, so funny."

   "That's a three-tailed fox, where did this guy get it?"

   "Isn't this little fox from Jimo? I just saw that she was holding it."

   "Is this person related to the Jimo family or Wenren family?"

   "Could it be the fiancé of one of them?"

   "You think too much, it takes a lot of eyesight and disability to see him, and when you look at his dress and temperament, he is definitely not a person with a family and status."

   "Cut, if there is no family background and status, why would he come in?"

   "Who knows."

   There was a lot of discussion in the hall.

   "Brother Ming, how did this guy get in?" Jace looked at Chen Fang incredulously and said.

"I don't know, but if he has a relationship with the Lin family, we really can't touch him." Zhan Liuming frowned and said. According to information, he knew that Chen Fang lived in the Wenren family, which was just a declining family. He didn't pay attention to it, but it would be troublesome if Chen Fang had a relationship with the Lin family.

   "Who is he?" The cold-faced woman asked. This is her first sentence after coming here. People related to Jimo are within her attention.

   "The person named above." Zhan Liuming said softly.

   The cold-faced woman took a serious look at Chen Fang, wondering why this seemingly ordinary person was noticed by the people above.

The housekeeper took Chen Fang to the chief of the banquet. There were not many people sitting here, only five people. The head was a kind-hearted old lady. On the left was Lin Zhan who was familiar with life, and on the right was Lin Zhan’s younger brother Lin Zhan. Both of them are young men, Lin Zhan's eldest son Lin Feng and second son Lin Dong.

"Brother Chen Fang, there has been no news from you. I thought I would never see you again. I am really glad to see you today. If I hadn't had your treatment before, I might not be sitting here today." Lin Zhan stood up before Chen Fang walked over, stretched out his hand to hold Chen Fang's hand and said gratefully.

   "Don't say that, it was all about getting what you need at the time." Chen Fang said quickly. When he was in the Starry Sky Arena, he used treatment as a condition to let the other party paint for himself. There is nothing wrong with that.

But Lin Zhan doesn’t think so. Using paintings for treatment and survival is not equivalent at all, so he is really grateful to Chen, last time it was with the help of this little brother , I was able to escape. "Lin Zhan took Chen Fang to his mother and said.

   "Thank you for saving my son. Your kindness to the Lin family is really unrequited. Please tell my son if you have anything in the future." The old lady stood up and wanted to salute Chen Fang.

The old lady was heartbroken when Lin Zhan disappeared inexplicably. The old Patriarch of the Lin family died, and the new Patriarch was not standing for election. The eldest son had the ability and means to succeed the Patriarch, but he was about to succeed the Patriarch. The time suddenly disappeared. This caused the Lin family to have bad thoughts. They thought it was Lin Zhan who caused the ghost. Although Lin Zhan has always denied it, rumors spread. Some people with ulterior motives came out to do things, and the family was in turmoil. The old lady had no choice but to stand up and preside over the overall situation, but after all, she was aging, weak and energy-saving, and she couldn’t help it. If her son suddenly appeared a month later, she really didn’t know if she could hold on, so she was against Chen Fang. I really appreciate it.

   "You should sit down all the time. I don't dare to accept such a big gift. It's a longevity in my hometown." Chen Fang hurriedly stopped the old lady from giving him a gift.

"I came here today without preparation. I can't bring out any good things for your old birthday. This is something I just got a while ago. You will accept it if you don't dislike it." Chen Fang pretended to take it out and took out an octagonal crystal. To the old lady.

   The old man didn't care what Chen Fang gave, so he took it over, and then took Chen Fang to sit next to her where Lin Zhan had originally been.

   "Chen Fang, what rare treasures you gave me, tell everyone." Jace yelled with some jealousy when seeing Chen Fang being so treated.



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