My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 234: : Talk collapsed

"Brother Ming, save me, this man is a lunatic, he said he would bury me, that would really do it." Jace saw Chen Fang walking towards him, riding his mount and rushing to him like a mouse that only met a house cat Zhan Liuming around.

   Zhan Liuming and the children of the other aristocratic ladies are very disdainful of Jace's behavior.

   "Your name is Chen Fang, right?" Zhan Liuming stared at Chen Fang with the arrogant eyes that couldn't conceal the inside, and said, "Jace is also a close person to me. Give me a face."

   How does he know my name? Chen Fang looked at Jace and realized that this guy should have said it.

   Who are you, why should I give you face? But looking at the appearance of the dozen or twenty people from the other party, Chen Fang dangerously swallowed this sentence.

   There are so many people on the other side, and they are all youngsters, elders and elders. Let's tactically counsel them first.

   "Since you speak, I can't help but show face, but you'd better let him speak less." Chen Fang said lightly.

   Chen Fang's expressionless expression made people think that he took Zhan Liuming's words very seriously.

   "Haha, I'm very happy that you can give face." Zhan Liuming was satisfied with Chen Fang's "seriously" appearance, thinking that Chen Fang was showing his identity and showing his weakness.

   "I promise Jace will not say a word from now on." Zhan Liuming said after taking a glance at Jace by his side.

   Jace listened to Zhan Liuming's words, and he looked only conniving on the surface, but resentment flashed deep in his eyes, and he didn't know whether it was aimed at Chen Fang, Zhan Liuming, or both.

   "Chen Fang, this little fox let me be like this, as long as you are willing to give it to me, I will give as much as you want, and I will get my friendship." Zhan Liuming said.

   Friendship, don’t think I don’t know a pack of fifty cents.

"I'm sorry, I won't give you the little guy, and the little guy is not mine. It belongs to the owner here. You should leave quickly. The owner here won't give it to you from the little fox, and he is very I don't like strangers and my temper is not good. Don't blame me for not reminding you when the time comes." Chen Fangzheng said.

   Chen Fang didn't want to talk to them anymore, so he could only move out of the original owner of the tree house where he had been buried and talk about it. He was occupying Zhan Liuming and they didn't know the situation was lying.

   "Can the owner here come out to meet? I think he will give Zhan Liu's face." Zhan Liuming said.

  Zhanliu's family is famous? Chen Fang didn't know about this.

   "I said that the owner here doesn't like to see outsiders, so leave quickly."

   "Senior, Zhan Liuming, the third son of the Zhan Liu family, wants to see you." Zhan Liuming ignored Chen Fang, but shouted towards the tree house.

   "Don't shout, the owner here has just gone out hunting, and he won't be back in a while." Chen Fang said.

   "Hehe, Chen Fang, are you insulting my IQ?" Zhan Liuming sneered.

   "What do you mean?" Chen Fang's heart burst.

   "There is no master you mentioned here at all, even if there is, I am afraid..." Zhan Liuming looked at the small dirt bag under the tree and said mockingly: "I'm afraid it's no longer alive."

   Why does Zhan Liuming say that? It’s really because Chen Fang’s excuse is too clumsy. There are so many traces on the scene, just to say that the faint smell of rotting in the tree house, this smell has been heard in wars, it is the smell of rotting corpses, combined with this new soil. Bao, coupled with his yelling just now, these three points alone are enough to prove that Chen Fang is bluffing to deceive them.

   I'm going, and so again, why are all the people I met so clearly aware of the details, where are the moving IQs, where are those dandy boys? The **** novels are indeed deceptive, and Chen Fang's heart is miserable.

   "Well, your eyes are like a torch, the owner here is indeed dead." Chen Fangdao also said it directly, no matter how hard his mouth is, it will only make people laugh.

   "In other words, this little fox is no owner." Zhan Liuming laughed.

   The people behind him brightened their eyes and admired Zhan Liuming.

   Chen Fang really wanted to shake his mouth, why didn't he just say that the little fox is his own.

"You don't know about it. Its owner has entrusted the little fox to me before he died, otherwise he won't stay in my arms obediently, right? I think you are a decent person from a big family. It's going to take people away, okay." Chen Fang bit his head and made up a reason, and then used words to stop the war.

   "Oh, that's it, then take the liberty to ask, when did its owner entrust it to you?" Zhan Liuming asked with a smile.

   "Since I knew it was presumptuous, why should I tell you." Chen Fang became a little impatient.

   "Because I want to confirm the time, how else would I believe that this three-tailed fox was entrusted to you by its owner." Zhan Liuming still smiled.

   "What happened two days ago." Chen Fang replied without even thinking about it. The night two days ago was when he first met the little fox.

   After hearing Chen Fang's words, Zhan Liuming smiled more. Based on the rotten smell he smelled, it can be inferred that the owner here was dead for at least seven days. Chen Fang said that he entrusted him two days ago. This is not a joke.

   Zhan Liuming smiled slightly, and suddenly raised his hand to attack Chen Fang, only to see a black shadow shooting towards Chen Fang out of thin air.

   Chen Fang hurried to the side, and then said in a cold tone: "What are you going to do."

   "Hehe, tell me that the corpses in the pit have rotted like this. You and I were entrusted two days ago. Isn't this lying to me?" Zhan Liuming looked at Chen Fang with a mocking expression.

   It turned out that the target of Zhan Liuming's attack was not Chen Fang, but the small dirt bag behind him, because he guessed that Chen Fang buried people here.

When Chen Fang escaped, the small soil bag was exploded, and after being attacked, not only was the mud thrown off, but also the animal skins that had originally covered the corpse were also opened, revealing the one person and two inside. Three rotting corpses of the beast.

  Oops, this kid just asked that on purpose, and Chen Fang was shocked when he saw this.

The little fox who stayed honestly in Chen Fang’s arms, saw the little dirt bag that buried his parents and the old woman who treated him well during his lifetime, exploded, and immediately exploded, his silver eyes were red and dead. Staring at Zhan Liuming's group of people, they kept struggling in Chen Fang's arms to rush out.

   How can Chen Fang dare to let go, rubbing the little fox, softly comforting from time to time.

"Chen Fang, give you one last chance, as long as you hand over the little fox to me, what I just said will not change, or else..." Zhan Liuming said that even if I was deceived by you, I still look very generous. , But the meaning of his last sentence is also very clear. If Chen Fang doesn't agree, he will not be polite.

   In fact, Zhan Liuming doesn't have to be so troublesome. It's nothing to grab something from his family background. What's more, it's still in the wild here, and the accompanying people are close to Zhan Liuming's family, even if he kills people, he has no scruples.

The reason why I have been asking for Chen Fang’s flaws is only because his target is not only the three-tailed fox, even Chen Fang is also coveted by him. For some reason, he cannot be too obvious to avoid being around. What did these other family members see.

   If the people following him are his own people, he would have already started to take people apart from anything else.

   "Needless to say, I won't hand over the little fox to you anyway." Chen Fang replied coldly.

   "Brother Ming, this kid doesn't give face so much, so he can just grab it." The person behind Zhan Liuming said, his words attracted others to drink.

"Brother Ming, please call the shots for me. This **** wanted to kill me before. You helped me catch him. I want him to die." Seeing Zhan Liuming and Chen Fang talk about it, Jess ran away. After coming out, looking at Chen Fang fiercely, he pleaded with Zhan Liuming.

   He knew that Zhan Liuming had thoughts about Chen Fang, and he was also involved in some things. He also knew what Zhan Liuming was worrying about, so he gave an excuse.

"Chen Fang, you lied to me first, and tried to kill Jace before, so it seems that I have to catch you." War murmured purposefully, hearing other people's words noncommittal, but it was a request to Jace Made a statement.

   As the voice of the war stream fell, people from other families gathered around on their mounts.

   Chen Fang immediately became vigilant when he saw this, but the little fox, who had been struggling constantly, seemed to feel the danger and calmed his eyes stared at the front vigilantly.

Fighting is inevitable. In order not to get in the way, Chen Fang can only put the little fox down, and then draw Fang Tian’s halberd from the arsenal, which can play an advantage in group battles, open the battle to face each other, and Chen Fang does not forget to use identification Sweeping, Chen Fang was full of disdain and his eyes showed contempt when most of the people on the opposite side were only at the first and second level in strength, and even a few ordinary people.

If there are more than two middle-level third-level people on the opposite side, Chen Fang will definitely flee and break through at the beginning of the battle, but now the opponent doesn't even have a middle-level third-level person. Chen Fang is still afraid of a fart. Fight if you want.

Zhan Liuming's reaction to Chen Fang was very surprised. He thought that even if Chen Fang dared to resist, he would be more flustered, but in fact he saw that Chen Fang was still calm, and he immediately watched with interest. Up.

   "Brother Ming, there are so many of us hitting one, and it's a little bit of a slump. If this is spread out, I won't dare to see anyone in the future." A family of children surrounding Chen Fangzhong said suddenly.

   "Yes, Brother Ming, or I will meet him first." Someone was eager to try.

   "Whatever you want, I just need to catch him and give Jace an explanation." Zhan Liuming said indifferently.

   "Boy, is there a way to stand up with me?" A young man from a family riding a unicorn provokes Chen Fang.

   "Hmph, I'm afraid you won't make it." Chen Fang snorted coldly and accepted the challenge.

   So the others stepped back and surrounded Chen Fang and the young man.

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