My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1351: : Activate the stone statue

Before thoroughly researching the floating fortress control method and putting it under control, the **** emperor didn't want to give the great elders those who harbor strange intentions the opportunity to covet the floating fortress.

Therefore, the Emperor God ordered a blockade on the day after inspecting the floating fortress, and no other people were allowed to enter.

Of course, his decision was strongly opposed by the three elders and the five elders, as well as several elders united by them.

Although the Great Elder did not stand up head-on to oppose him, he pushed the flames behind his back and made people instigate some high-level officials to stop the imperial blockade.

The reason the elders objected was that the Emperor's order included them, which undoubtedly violated their rights.

The **** emperor of the **** race takes the lead, but it doesn't mean that he can make a statement.

The presbytery composed of many elders has the power to restrict imperial power. If most of the elders of the presbytery feel that there is a problem in the order issued by the **** emperor and raise objections, then the order issued by the **** emperor will not be effective.

But most of the time, because the elders have their own factions and check and balance each other, it is rare that most people oppose the order of the emperor, so the presbytery is actually not very binding on the imperial power.

But this time under the activities of the three elders and five elders, most of the elders realized that if the **** emperor alone controls the floating fortress, it would harm the elders and themselves, and temporarily united against the order of the **** emperor to blockade them. The Presbyterian Church is required to send someone to intervene in the research on the control method of the floating fortress.

Facing the opposition of many elders and the high-level officials they supported, the emperor felt powerless for the first time, and for the first time he became jealous of the elders.

Because the opposition was too loud, the emperor hated that he could only compromise, withdrew the blockade order, and agreed to the request of the Presbyterian Church to send someone to join the study.

The elders who had cooperated to boycott the imperial power for the first time realized what they were, and their minds became more active.

Among them, the great elders are the most transparent.

Hidden behind the scenes, the great elder, who had watched the incident completely, realized that it seemed that he could unite with other elders to overtake the imperial power, so as to use the presbytery as a medium to make their originally dispersed power overtake the **** emperor.

He seemed to see a way to take his power to the next level.

Of course, it is not easy to realize this idea. The reason for this success is that the interests are aligned. If you do other things, it is estimated that you will go back to the past. After all, in many things, everyone's interests are inconsistent or even hostile to each other.

But buds are already in the heart of the great elder.

He believes that as long as there is a suitable opportunity or a way to balance the interests of the elders, then the matter of overhead emperor power is not impossible to achieve.

It’s not just the great elder who has this idea. As the main participants, the three elders and the fifth elders also have feelings. It’s just that they are a little unclear for the time being and haven’t reacted to it. Will also see this as the Great Elder.

As the bearer of the matter, the emperor empathized with him. He found that this sign was earlier than the elder, so he was very anxious and very vigilant, and then increased the surveillance of the presbytery, and increased the target for the target. Of wooing.

With this disturbance, the first real confrontation between the Emperor God and the Great Elder came to a close temporarily, but the next round of confrontation between the two sides was quietly brewing, and for this reason, both sides focused on the destruction. In the matter of uniting and seeking unity, we neglected to pay attention to the floating fortress.

One night after five days had passed, the gods researchers who had been working in the fortress center for several days and nights were very exhausted because of the pressure of no progress in the research on the energy hub, so they decided to rest. One night, after regaining energy, we will continue.

When the last researcher exited the room where the energy hub was located and turned off the lighting equipment. When the room fell into darkness, at the moment the researcher closed the door, a teleportation array appeared on the ground in a remote corner of the room. After the light radiated, a figure appeared. .

Chen Fang walked out of the circle, and after adapting to the dark environment, he walked towards the energy core that he had specially put down from the dome for the study of the gods.

"Fortunately, they didn't have time and shifts to conduct research all day long, otherwise I would have to come in forcibly."

Chen Fang was somewhat fortunate.

This is a small mistake in the plan. I didn’t take it into consideration before. Fortunately, he was lucky. The researchers of the Protoss didn’t adopt a scientific sorting system to conduct research. Otherwise, he would have to forcibly break in and disturb others. Circumstances, to execute the next step plan. Valley

"First activate the battle stone statue. When the gods army is about to come up, then open the door of the hidden army room at the bottom to release the army that has been holding back for five days, and finally open the barrier to block the connection between the fortress and the outside world, and The gods are here for a showdown."

While thinking of his plan, Chen Fang put his hand on the fortress energy core and input source energy.

The fortress core that received the source energy was quickly activated, and at the same time the entire fortress shook.

Then Chen Fang summoned Hela and entered the command to activate the battle statue towards the core of the fortress.

Stepping out of the summoning circle, Hela respectfully saluted Chen Fang.

"Father, what do I need to do."

Chen Fang pointed to a newly opened groove in the core of the fortress and said, "Put in lifeless energy inside, and I want to activate the battle stone statue."

Originally, it only took one step to activate the stone statue, just input the start combat command to the core of the fortress, and the battle stone statue would automatically absorb the dead energy to activate it and take action to fight.

But before the death gas in the fortress was absorbed by Hela, the death gas pool was also So now if you want to activate the battle statue, either Hela will provide death energy to the core of the fortress, and then use the energy hub pipeline to fight. The stone statue transports the dead gas, or Hela goes to the room where the stone statue is located to release the dead gas for it to absorb.

"Okay, father."

Hela walked towards the core, put his hand into the groove and poured lifeless energy into it.

After the dark-toned death air entered the core of the fortress, energy lines began to appear on the floor and walls of the room where they were located. These energy hubs connected to the entire fortress were transmitting death to the room where the battle stone statue was located at an extremely fast speed. Qi energy.

Soon the nearly ten thousand battle statues in the fortress reacted.

Amid the creaking sound, red light was emitted from the eyes of the battle stone statue, its limbs moved, and they walked out of the room in groups.

The movement of the stone statue was not small, which naturally attracted the attention of the patrolling soldiers of the gods from outside.

"Did you hear the sound that can only be made when the large forces act?" a soldier said.

The companion replied: "Nonsense, I am not deaf because of such a loud noise, how could I not hear it."

"That's weird. It seems that there shouldn't be a troop capable of making such movements."

"Yeah, it's weird today. The entire fortress was shaking just now, and now there is the sound of large-scale troop operations."

"I have an unknown hunch."

"Me too."

The soldiers on the patrol began to feel uneasy.

"Be quiet, come with me and have a look."

The patrol captain yelled, and then led his soldiers to look in the direction of the sound.

When the patrol followed the sound and came to the long passageway, the scene in front of them stunned them.

"It's a young age, and the stone statue has moved."

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