My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1336: : The army is in disarray

On the way to Jiangcheng, the descent army is slowly advancing, the soldiers in the army are downcast, look wilted, and physically and mentally weak.

   The confidence that had been defeated by the demons in the Southern Territory earlier had not been restored. This time, they returned without success in the first battle of Xuanwu City, which caused them to be extremely hit.

   Once upon a time, they were proud of themselves as the gods, but the cruel reality stepped their pride in the mud time and time again.

   "Oh, I'm going back this time, I want to retire from the army."

   In the boring team, a soldier suddenly spoke to his comrades.

   His comrades asked in a puzzled way: "Why do you suddenly have this idea? Is it because so many people are scared to death."

   The speaking soldier nodded and shook his head, and said with a complex expression: "It's a lie to say that I'm not afraid, but it's not the reason I want to quit."

  Zhan asked in a friendly and curious manner: "Why is that?"

   The soldier looked into the distance and said with hollow eyes: "The main reason is that I don't want to be pricked in the backbone by other races in the street in the future. Don't you think it's wrong for us to do this."

   The comrade-in-arms showed a confused look, he couldn't understand the meaning of the words.

   The soldier did not see the reaction of his comrades, and knew that the other party should not understand what he was trying to express.

   "Since being driven out of the southern border by the demons, I think we have changed, from being a victim to a perpetrator."

   "Whether it is to invade and occupy the city of the human race that is benevolent to us, or to attack others this time, it is a shameless act, which makes me sad."

   "I don't know if I stay in the army that carries out this kind of behavior, will I gradually become a villain with all evil."

   The comrade-in-arms listened to silence for a while and said, "What are you thinking about so much? We are just soldiers. All we do are orders from above. It has nothing to do with us. Don't be burdened."

   The soldier looked at his comrades deeply and said: "If the human race here has nothing to do with us, then the occupation and attack can be explained by the reason that the weak and the strong."

   "But they are kind to us. If it weren't for them to go to the southern border to rescue, our clan might be destroyed by the demons, and even if they weren't destroyed, they would become slaves."

"But not only did we fail to repay them, but we also committed the destruction of the three views. First, we invaded other people’s cities, then took their people as hostages, and threatened them to provide us with food. Now we are going to attack other people’s cities. What normal people can do?"

   "Think about it if it feels disgusting, how can you say that there is no burden in my heart, anyway, I feel shameless to see people."

   The soldiers spoke louder and louder, causing other people nearby to hear it, and even some people spoke in agreement.

"Me too. After I took over the city from my clan, I always had nightmares at night, being pointed at by people of other races, and I also dreamed of taking my children to the streets and being thrown rotten eggs by people of other races and scolded a lot of bad words. , Saying that our clan are all white-eyed wolves and ungrateful."

   "You can fall asleep and have nightmares. I suffer from insomnia every day. Seeing if I have dark circles under my eyes, it's so heavy that people think it's greyed out."

   "Well, now I don't dare to meet my wife and children. My family looks at me like they are looking at strangers."

   "My wife also advised me not to stay in the army, and she plans to leave Jiangcheng, saying that there will be retribution if she stays any longer."

   "Well, I will also withdraw from the army when I go back this time, and leave Jiangcheng with my family. I will never come back again."

   The more the soldiers talked, the lower their mood.

  They are all ordinary people, they all have shame and know what good and evil are.

   I have my own opinions and thoughts on a series of things such as the occupation of Jiangcheng, and I think these things are extremely despicable. Valley

Originally they only occupied Jiangcheng, they could keep these things in their hearts and not think about it. After all, at that time they were actually deceived by the people above, and they didn’t know the plan to occupy Jiangcheng, and there was no homelessness. There are places where I live, and I am not alone. There are old people and children in the family who need food, so they can only stay silently without their conscience. Anyway, everyone is the same.

But this time they failed in the attack on Xuanwu City, and their generals on the battlefield did not regard them as human beings, and madly made them die. This made their shame and intertwined hearts even more sensitive, and they felt that this would not work. They couldn't hold back what they were saying when they were pierced.

   The soldiers talked more and more people, and the last large area was complaining and dissatisfied.

   Some officers heard the soldiers' complaints and yelled at them to quiet them, but the soldiers were dissatisfied and ignored them.

   "The law enforcement team pulled me out of those who speak the loudest, and whipped thirty."

   Seeing that the scolding was useless, the irritable officer chose the hard way and called the cold-blooded law enforcement team in the army.

The law enforcement officers are composed of ruthless and indifferent people. They only obey the orders. Good and evil are irrelevant to them. After receiving the order, they immediately executed it. They saw them squeeze into the crowd and squeeze a few voices into the crowd. The loudest people were all pulled out.

   During this process, some soldiers wanted to protect the targeted comrades, but they were all slashed with whips by law enforcement officers.

  Because they were accustomed to military discipline, the soldiers who were drawn dared not speak up, nor dared to fight back, so the law enforcement officers' brutal behavior did not cause riots.

   The law enforcement officers pulled those people out, tied them to a tree on the side of the road, and then in front of the soldiers, they whipped the hapless guys mercilessly.

The screams entered the ears of the soldiers, and when they saw the tragic appearance of the victim's skin and flesh, the soldiers couldn't help but a fire broke out in their hearts, but they were still restraining their loyalty to the race and the identity of the soldier~www.mtlnovel .com~ The law enforcement officers started very hard, and most of the soldiers were dying after 30 whips.

   "Listen to all of you, if you dare to talk nonsense and shake your military spirit, they will end up."

   Seeing that the soldiers were quiet, the officer said triumphantly.

   All the soldiers were silent, but the hand on the side of the leg fisted.

   The officer watched the soldiers calm down, and felt that the matter was over, so he stopped staying. He didn't care about the people tied to the tree at all, and took the law enforcement team away.

   Seeing the officer leave, someone immediately went over to untie the soldiers who had been tortured, and helped them into the team for treatment.

   It's a pity that a few were beaten cruelly, and it didn't take long for them to breathe.

   "Damn it, you put such a heavy hand on your own people."

   "I can see it through. Those who are officials are not good things. They don't treat us as clansmen at all. If we continue to follow along, I may be killed someday."

   "Retreat, I must withdraw from the army this time I go back."

   "When I go back, I will run away when I find a chance. Anyway, I have no relatives."

   "You are stupid, you are not afraid of being caught by the law enforcement team when you run during the day, and you have to leave at night."

   "It makes sense, then night."

   Seeing the tragic situation of the tortured comrades, some soldiers were indignant, and they became more determined to withdraw from the army, and some even had the idea of ​​running away that night.

   The high-level army of all the gods was unaware of it.

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