My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1290: : The ceremony opens

On stage, watching offstage, the people who acted really acted, and the people who watched it thought they were acting.

   Unknowing people cheered loudly.

   And even if Chen Fang knew that the pitcher was arranged by Wolf Red, he said that he was foolproof, he still looked at it.

   "Don't miss it, or I won't be able to explain it to Lao Suo."

   Chen Fang wanted to go directly to save people and leave, but since he has already entered, he can't watch these hundreds of thousands of people die, so now is not the time, he has to wait.

   As for how long to wait.

   depends on when the old man finds out the eye of the sacrificial circle.

Chen Fang was still distressed about the formation of the battle, because if he did not find out where the battle was, he would save people. When the time comes, the Glory sect of the past will not see Laosuo, so he may start the backup plan directly, if it appears. Like when they were capturing the new city, it would be bad for the enchantment that covered the whole city to appear.

   "Master, have you found it?" Chen Fang asked anxiously.

   They don’t have much time.

   According to Wolf Hong’s disclosure, if it’s time for sacrifice, the carousel flying knife and axe still can’t force Lao Suo to appear, and the old Glory Sect will directly initiate a backup plan.

   And before the backup plan starts, Lao Suo's wife will be killed.

   So Chen Fang is very anxious.

   The old man was expressionless, focused on searching, and did not answer.

   Chen Fang had no choice but to wait.

   Because he was worried about losing his hand on the stage, Chen Fang kept looking at the high platform while waiting for the old man, and then suddenly saw Lang Li standing on the corner of the stage making some gestures towards him.

   stared at him with his brows tightly closed. Chen Fang guessed what Langli had conveyed to him, and his heart stunned.

   "No good, old man, they are going to put a heavy hand on Lao Suo's wife, I have to save her."

   I haven't waited until Lao Suo appeared. The people of the old Glory Sect couldn't wait any longer and wanted to brutally hurt Lao Suo's wife and force him to appear.

  Wolf Hong said that when he started to make a ruthless hand, Lao Suo’s wife would be killed if the maximum cost was ten.

   Although Chen Fang cooperated with her, Lang Hong made it clear that they would not provide help on the surface. At most, they would make it easy for Chen Fang to save people, and act as a chaser to release water when he escaped.

  The reason for this is that the werewolves only wanted the old plan of the Glory Sect to fail, instead of becoming enemies, otherwise her tribe in the north would still be unable to survive.

   "Go, I have eyebrows on my side, and I will destroy the eyebrows myself later." The old man said.

   Chen Fang didn't hesitate, got up and jumped onto the table, and in the surprised eyes of the nearby banquet participants, he leaped and jumped through the table ring and rushed to the high platform.

   Along the way, Chen Fang stepped on and kicked over the jobs of many people, and jumped onto the high platform amidst scolding condemnation.

As soon as Chen Fang got on the high platform, he quickly sprinted to the turntable, and this scene was also projected on the air screen above the high platform, and then it was seen by everyone, which caused countless shocks, and the city lord and the people of the old glory sect also watched it. arrive.

   "Here, grab him."

   While the city lord was waiting impatiently, he saw someone rushing to the high platform to save others, and immediately gave the order.

   Then, the people of the old Glory Sect came out one by one on the first floor of the high platform and surrounded them, and their bodies were splendid and ready to attack.

   Chen Fang saw that he was surrounded, his heart tightened, and he rushed to the turntable to save his life.

   He worried that if he slowed down, Lao Suo's wife would be killed.

   Chen Fang's speed was very fast, and the members of the Red Moon Circus on the stage deliberately released water, and didn't take much care to stop him, so he soon came to the turntable.

   With a knife and breaking the lock, Chen Fang swiftly rescued the woman on the turntable. He glanced quickly and saw that it was an old lady with a pale face of more than fifty, and then lifted her on his back.


   Locked on a target, the skill was released, and the wind was blowing under Chen Fang's feet. Before the first wave of divine power attack came, he rushed to a cultist.

Before the two sides collided, the skills were cancelled, and the steps were stopped. Then the inertial Chen Fang used the post-mountain leaning move to knock the believer into the air. Then he kept his gaze on the believer who was knocked out and used the charge again. Skill.

   was hit so that the believer flew out of the high platform and fell towards the distance. Chen Fang was also dragged, chasing the believer and flew away in the air.

  As Chen Fang flew out of the high platform, his magical attack behind him bombarded the high platform densely, causing bursts of explosions.

  The sudden explosion made the city dwellers very puzzled. They didn't know if what was happening on the stage was a performance or something else, they were all at a loss.

   While Chen Fang charged up to catch up with the flying apostle, he immediately cancelled his skills and stepped on the panicked cultist who danced in the air, stepped his feet like a skateboard, and landed on the ground.


   The believer who was trampled on by Chen Fang's foot was unable to concentrate and use his supernatural powers. As soon as he landed on the ground, he spewed a large mouthful of blood, his chest collapsed, and he couldn't live his life.

   Chen Fang didn't care about him, and ran away with Lao Suo's wife on his back.

   Seeing the dead, the nearby city residents screamed and became confused.

On the high platform, the city lord and an old Glory sect senior who was in charge of this plan, through the air screen in the sky, saw this happening, which was different from what was predicted. At the same time, they also saw that the hostage rescuer was not the target. Taoist, suddenly frustrated.

   "Damn, he got a helper."

   "A group of trash, even individuals can't stop it."

   The high-level sect was angry, and he didn't know if it was the werewolves of the Red Moon Circus, the group of cultists arranged below, or both.

   "In fact, it doesn't matter whether the person who came to save the person is the goal, what is important is the strength of the person who comes to gain. If you are a Taoist, you can also become a pillar."

  Santo is quite calm.

   The high-level sect heard it, and immediately ran to the edge of the high platform, his eyes lit up with golden light, and looked towards Chen Fang who was fleeing.

   "Impossible, why is there no elemental energy response in his body, this is only possible for ordinary people, but this is impossible." The sect senior shouted incredulously.

   His eyes are filled with divine power to become a divine pupil, and he has the ability to see through the strength of the target. The awakened person of each element will appear in different colors in him. The darker the color, the stronger the strength.

   But for some reason, on Chen Fang, he saw the same white as ordinary people.

   But Chen Fang can never be an ordinary person.

  Because the opponent clearly had wind and electricity on his body just now, the impact speed was extremely fast.

   But why the color in the vision of the **** pupil is the white of ordinary people, this is too weird.

   "Did he use any means to hide his own strength, which caused your misjudgment." The city lord guessed.

   "Impossible, my **** pupil can see through everything, without any props or means to blind my eyes."

   The high-level sect directly denied it.


   The city lord wanted to say something, but after thinking about it, now he says what those useless are doing, anyway, the most important thing is to execute the plan.

   "It doesn't matter if he is or not, he must be caught back. The time for the sacrifice ceremony is almost here," said the city lord.

   The sect leader nodded.

   The person is really going to be caught back. If it is confirmed that the other person is a Taoist, he will pull it as a pillar and become the energy supply for the sacrifice ceremony.

   If it's not, kill it and enable the backup plan.

   But now that there are so many people below, it is not easy to catch Chen Fang.

   However, the high sect and the city lord are not worried.

"That person must have eaten some of the food we prepared specially for this banquet. At this time, the stupid city people below should have finished eating too. Let's just do it." The city lord looked down and ate the food. Now The city dweller who suddenly fell into a trance, suggested.


   "Come on, Shenyin admonishes."

   The high-level sect gestured to his subordinates.

   Soon four disciples came out, stood on all sides of the high platform, flipped their lips up and down, and sang weird songs.

   The magic is that these four believers did not rely on any means of amplifying the sound, but they made a loud sound like thunder from their mouths.

   The sound turns into sound waves, and the radiation spreads out with the high platform as the center, covering the entire square.

  In the sound waves, the residents of Dajicheng on the square began to appear weird, their eyes turned white, saliva left at the corners of their mouths, like dementia, and their whole bodies began to tremble violently.

   This state did not last long. The city residents suddenly "woke up" from dementia, all of them knelt down on the ground like devout believers, motionless, with no gods in their eyes, like stone carvings.

   Soon after, all the people attending the banquet except for the people in the high platform area were affected by the sound waves.

   Oh, no, two other people were not affected either.

   One is Chen Fang who is running away with Lao Suo's wife on his back, and the other is Mr. Liu Xianjie who is standing under the high platform without knowing when.

   On the high platform, the high-ranking sect, who focused on Chen Fang, screamed in surprise.

   "Strange, why isn't he affected? Didn't he eat anything at the banquet?"

   The sect's high-level are very confused.

   "Don't worry about why, if you don't catch him, you will run out of the square." The city lord reminded.

   The high-level sect immediately gave orders to his men upon hearing this.

   "Go, let the dogs chase him, and tell them that if the person is not caught within ten minutes, the Red Moon Circus will not be necessary."

   The so-called dog referred to by the sect's senior officials refers to the werewolf.

   "Yes, my lord."

  'S subordinates hurried to the first floor and conveyed the order to Langhong.

   Langhong received the expected order, pretended to make arrangements with the team members, and then stepped off the high platform and pursued Chen Fang.

Chen Fang carried Lao Suo’s wife, because the other party was wearing a restraining bracelet. After being imprisoned by the elemental power, now he was almost like an ordinary person, so he did not dare to let go of speed to run for fear of hurting Lao Suo’s wife. They were all kneeling, and Chen Fang's speed was not fast.

   So he was quickly overtaken by Langhong with his men.

   It was just catching up, but because Lang Hong and Chen Fang were in collusion, after they caught up, they fought pretendingly, and the big side shifted their positions, tending to approach the edge of the square.

  The sect leader and the city lord did not know about the collusion between Langhong and Chen Fang, so seeing Chen Fang and the werewolf moving towards the border under a slap, they just yelled at Langhong and her men.

   "Trash, even individuals can't stop it."

   The sect leader is very angry.

   However, the city lord said: "Able to be besieged by so many people without any damage, he is very likely to be a master."

   "I will send someone over to help, or else I can't keep it."

   The high-level sect heard that when he was about to speak, suddenly the high platform vibrated and began to tilt for a while.

   "What's the matter, I feel that this high tower is going to fall down." The city lord frowned and said.

   "Damn, someone is attacking the front line." The sect leader suddenly said.

   The city lord hurriedly looked at the aerial screen, but saw nothing.

   "Why didn't I see?" the city lord asked.

   But at this time, the senior sect did not pay attention to him. Instead, the opponent gave an order to let them go and see.

   After receiving the order, the followers immediately began to act and went down to look for the person who was destroying the formation.

   After going down, the believers came to an artificial gap under the high platform for the first time, and rushed in one by one.

   As soon as he entered under the high platform, the believers saw a man with his back facing them, and the man was trying to destroy the formation eye drawn on the ground.

   The person who is destroying the front line is naturally the old man Liu Xian.

   Not long after Chen Fang left, he found the position of the eye.

   Then while Chen Fang attracted most people's attention, he came under the high platform.

   After destroying a few supporting pillars, the old man found the formation eyes carved on the ground.

   found the front, the old man was also unambiguous, and began to destroy.

But after doing it, the old man found that the frontal eye on the ground seemed to be integrated with the ground, and he didn't know what material it was constructed of. The frontal eye was connected to the ground as the carrier and became very indestructible. The father tried a few times. Don't even get a little dirt out.

The old man doesn’t want to delay too long. The glorious people in the old days saw him trying to sabotage the formation, and they would definitely take action. If they just send someone to stop him, it’s okay. You can delay for a while, if you activate it at the same time as you send someone. Magic circle, that's not good.

   So the old man manifested a weapon with a talisman and a thunder-attracting rune, and slashed towards the front eye.

   At this moment, the followers rushed down, just in time to see the old man waving a weapon, and immediately rushed to stop it.

   "Stop it if you don't want to die."

   The head of the group of followers screamed But how could the old man listen to him, and the weapon still fell towards the eyes on the ground.

   But at this moment, the eyes on the ground suddenly burst out with a dazzling glare, and then a golden and translucent shield suddenly appeared, protecting the eyes.

   Obviously, someone activated the magic circle at this time.

   Facing the shield, the old man cut it off regardless.


   A thunder blasted over the high platform, and then a black lightning fell in the sky, hitting two layers of wooden boards, and bombarding the eye shield.

   However, the lightning summoned by the lightning technique, which has always been harmless to the divine power, did not split the shield at once, but made it bright and extinguished, and it became a little dim.

   The old man guessed it, at least five more swords were needed to break the shield on the front of the array.

   It's just that the old glorious believers have already been killed at this time, and he can only get rid of these annoying flies first if he wants to continue.

   There is not much time, and the sacrificial circle does not know when it will be activated. In order to be able to hurry up, the old man exploded with some strength and cleanly killed the believers, but it took less than twenty seconds.

   killed all the believers, the old man slashed towards the shield again, and with each attack, the shield became darker and darker, and he could destroy it if he wanted to come a few more times.

   But at this moment, the ground suddenly vibrated.

   But the former eyes that were originally portrayed on the ground suddenly floated off the ground.

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