My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1283: : Wolf Red

Just as the three of Chen Fang were separately exploring the circus camp, someone secretly monitored them, and reported their every move to the principal of the Red Moon Circus.

   At this moment, in a small but gorgeous tent in the camp, two men and a woman are talking.

   Of the two men, one is middle-aged, well-dressed, tall waist, solemn expression, like a noble housekeeper.

  The other has five short statures, is less than one meter tall, looks ugly, and is still a dwarf.

   The woman has delicate features, spring brows and eyes, thick vermilion lips, and her body is like a giant mountain, waves are like anger, her waist is slender, and her hair is uneven. She looks like a fascinating fairy.

   The dwarf was kneeling humblely on the ground at this time, while the woman's long legs were leaning on his back.

   Such a humiliation, the dwarf is really happy, and has a look of intoxication. If people see it, it will definitely be abnormal.

   Feeling the temperature brought by the woman's long legs on his back, the dwarf indulged in a somewhat inextricable way.

  The middle-aged butler-like man has a serious look, and when he looks at the dwarf at the woman's feet, he does indeed have an out-of-mouth contempt.

   "Wolf Li, are the three people still in the camp?"

   The woman's lips were lightly opened, her voice confided, and her lazy tone was like a cat crying, making people want to listen to her.

   "Yes, they are still there." Wolf Li replied respectfully.

   Then Lang Li asked incomprehensibly: "Lord Langhong, those three people came to our camp and they clearly had some ulterior motives, why..."

   Langhong raised the wine glass on the table next to him, shook it and looked at the red wine in the rippling glass, interrupting Langli's words:

   "Do you not understand why I let them explore in the camp."

   Wolf Li nodded.

   Langhong took a sip of wine, "Then what is their purpose?"

   Wolf Li was silent for a while, and after thinking about it, he said, "It should be to find the decoy we imprisoned."

   Other than that, there is no other reason.

   "I think so too, Lord Wolf Red."

   In order to show his existence, the dwarf caught the attention of Langhong, so he inserted a sentence after Langli said.

   But neither Langhong nor Langli paid any attention to him, and ignored him as if he were a transparent person.

   "Well, those three people should have come for the old woman."

   "The lord, why didn't you order them to be arrested, but instead agreed to search them in the camp?" Langli asked in confusion.

   "Why arrest them? Wouldn't it be better for them to save people."

  Wolf Red raised the wine glass in front of him, and his eyes were extremely enchanting under the reflection of the wine in the glass.

"Ah, but aren't we cooperating with the old Glory Sect. If people are rescued, the plan will not fail, and if the people are lost in our hands, they will definitely trouble us at that time." The wolf said incomprehensibly. .

   "Wolf Li, how dare you question Lord Wolf Red." The dwarf who was lying on the ground as a footstool exclaimed.

  The wolf cast his gaze downwards, then raised his head blankly, as if he didn't put the dwarf in his eyes.

   The dwarf saw that the wolf was not paying attention to him, his face was red, his whole body trembled, as if he was extremely angry.

   Just when the dwarf raised his head and wanted to say something to Wolf Li, he suddenly felt a bit on his back, causing him to lie on the ground with severe pain in his spine.

   "Wolfheart, if you dare to talk more, I will crush your spine."

   The wolf's red eyes were indifferent and his tone was cold. He slowly ran his heels on the dwarf's back with great force. The pointy heels plunged into the dwarf's back a little, and blood was faintly visible.

   "Don't dare, huh, I... don't dare... Lord Wolf Red." The dwarf gasped for mercy.

   It's just that the tone is unspeakably wrong, and it seems to be a little bit excited.

   Wolf Li listened to the voice of the dwarf, and goose bumps appeared on his body uncontrollably, and he secretly scolded him for abnormality.

   After the wolf red taught the dwarf, he drank a glass of wine and took out a hand towel to wipe off the remaining wine at the corner of his mouth.

   "Wolf Li, the old glory is not cooperating with us, in their eyes we are just a group of watchdogs, and there is no qualification to cooperate with them at all."

   The words made Wolf Li's eyes redden, and there was a burst of anger in his eyes.

  Because the wolf red was right, the old Glory Sect did not put them in their eyes. They were just a group of dogs guarding the northern border for them.

   Langhong poured another glass of wine for himself, and then said: "This time the plan is blunt and they set it up for themselves. We are just being used as tools."

   "The plan is successful in the future. The kingdom of God they built will come here, completely freed from the harsh and cold climate and scarce resources in the north, and we will only be abandoned by them to survive in the harsh environment."

   "In that case, why should I help their plan succeed?" Lang Hong said coldly.

   "But the leader agreed to cooperate with them, my lord, if you violate the order, the leader..."

   Langli looked worried.

   The wolf's red eyes stared at the sloshing liquor in the glass, his eyes deep.

   "I don't care about Wolf Lie at all. His wishes can't affect me, and I'm not afraid of him."

   "We can be humans or wolves, but we must not be dogs."

   "Wang Lie thinks that by obeying those gods and doing things for them, he can get what he wants, but that is the other party's charity to him, and one day he won't give it if he doesn't want to."

   "Wolves never need to beg for charity. What wolves need is to use their fangs and claws to get the prey they want."

   Wolf is silent.

   "Lord Wolf Red, you are right, we werewolves are never slaves." The dwarf seemed to have forgotten Wolf Red's warning and couldn't help but said flatteringly.

   Langhong glanced at the dwarf, but did not move his foot to break his spine.

   "But now most people in the tribe are willing to obey the orders of the leader, feeling that they can't live without the old Glory Sect, and in fact, in the current situation of our clan, it is indeed inseparable from the support of the old Glory Sect."

"If the adults here deliberately let the bait be rescued and the whole plan fails, I am afraid that the old Glory Sect will anger our clan and stop supporting our clan's resources and materials. I think the leader will definitely unite those and His like-minded people are making things difficult for adults."

   Langli said worriedly.

   Wolf Hong sat stiffly, stretched out her graceful posture, and said without undue delay: "Of course I know that this is not the time to fight against the old Glory Sect and Wolf Lie."

   "But some things must be done."

"Like this time, once their plan is successful, the old Glory Sect sent the Kingdom of God to move directly here, and we are left in the northern border. How do we get supplies from them? This is not the same as the plan failure. What difference does it make to provide me with supplies?" Lang Hong said.

   Wolf Li was stunned for a moment, as if it was really the case.

   The dwarf interjected again: "I heard that when the Glory Sect reached an agreement with Langlie in the old days, it promised that after the plan was successful, it would leave a batch of supplies enough for all of my people to eat and drink for a year."

   Langhong sneered and said: "The problem is that the supplies are not available at all. After the plan is successful, who knows if they will honor their promises, even if they do, after that year, where will my family go to find a stable source of food."

   The northern border is bitterly cold, with frost everywhere, pitiful animals and plants, and a misty forest outside the border, with empty fish wandering in it, extremely dangerous and unsuitable for survival.

  Even if we can find cultivable land for planting in these two extreme environments, so what.

   As werewolves, although they can still maintain their human form, their tastes have become more likable than vegetarian.

  Although they can still get nutrients from plants, the consumption of werewolf’s strong physique can be supplemented by eating some white rice and green vegetables.

   It’s good if you don’t eat meat for a day. If you don’t eat meat for a few days, you will be hungry and faint, and in extreme cold environments, once hungry faint, werewolves are more likely to die than humans.

   You would say that since you can't live in that environment, it's better to leave and migrate to another place.

   Unfortunately, it's not that easy.

   Werewolves used to go to the north, and they took two roads, one in the foggy forest and the other in the wind rift valley.

   In order to go north through these two roads, the werewolf let a large number of zombies and werewolves clear the way, and then they passed.

   But at that time, the zombie werewolf was almost exhausted, and without a physical shield to open the way, it was almost impossible to migrate again.

   The reason why the Red Moon Circus was able to come down from the North Realm was because of their powerful strength and undead body as a backing, so that they could come out of the North Realm.

   Not all werewolves have the same powerful strength as the werewolves of the Red Moon Faire, and it is impossible for them to leave the North.

   So once the old Glory Sect plan succeeds, the werewolves of the North will have to face the extremely harsh environment alone, and in the absence of sufficient supplies, they will die soon.

   After listening to Lang Hong's words, Lang Li somewhat understood her intentions.

   "So my lord, when you do this, you actually want to sacrifice yourself to take care of the whole clan."

If the plan fails, the old Glory sect cannot leave the north. When the old Glory sect is held accountable, Langhong will stand up and take all the sins and sacrifice one person in exchange for understanding. If you want to come to the old Glory sect, it will not Not forgiving the whole werewolf clan, after all, they can still use it, so they will continue to provide supplies.

  Wolf Li looked at Wolf Red, who tasted the red wine casually, and felt immensely admired by this woman's thoughts, and his heart was shocked.

   Wolf Hong said faintly: "I'm not as great as you think, just because my parents are still in the north, and I don't want them to die. Others just incidentally, nothing more."

   But is that really the case?

  Wolf is not convinced.

   Incidentally, it can take tens of thousands of people by the way.

   It wasn't a day or two for him to be with Langhong. He had known Langhong a long time ago. Although he couldn't fully understand her, she couldn't be wrong about her temperament.

   This woman's beautiful appearance like a fairy, and her behavior like those slutty aristocratic wives, fall in the eyes of the world, and she will definitely feel that she is a watery person with a turbulent heart.

   But in fact, before the werewolf, this woman was a pure nun who was given the name of the Virgin, kind and generous, and her demeanor showed a gentleness everywhere.

   is now like this, because the environment has to make her make changes and add a layer of protection to herself.

   But in fact, her body and mind are the same as before, she is still a kind girl.

   At the expense of herself, Gu's whole family can do it completely.

"My lord, there is absolutely no need for you to do this. As long as you want, we can go back and bring your parents out, so that you don't have to worry that the old Glory Sect will starve to death after they leave the northern border." Wolf Li followed the wolf. Red said.

   He said that on purpose.

  Wolfhong drank the wine in the glass, and said lightly: “That’s too dangerous. Whether it’s Gangfeng Rift Valley or Misty Forest, even if someone protects it, it won’t necessarily keep my parents safe, so I don’t want it anymore.”

  The wolf sighed in eccentricity.

  Wolf Red is obviously just an excuse.

   Their entire circus was able to come down from the north without casualties. Could it be that they couldn't protect two people.

Moreover, the two old men are not as unbearable as ordinary old ladies. They are also werewolves. They also have good skills. Even if they can't fight the monsters, they can protect themselves when the members of the circus fight and walk out of the north completely. not a problem.

   Therefore, Langhong is not afraid of her parents' safety and refuses to agree, but she can't abandon other people at all.

   "Okay, don't talk about it."

   Langhong did not want to talk about this topic.

   "I know what you are worried about, I'm not that stupid."

   "Even if it does, I will do it so that the old Glory Sect can't fault it."

   Langli asked, "What do you plan to do, my lord?"

   "It's very simple. Let the three people know that people are indeed in our hands, but we can't let them start saving people now."

   "Let them do it at the right time and at the right place, and borrow their hands to destroy the entire plan. This is the best way."

   Langhong slowly said his calculations.

   When the wolf heard it, he nodded frequently, his eyes brighter and brighter.

   Finally, when Wolf Red finished speaking, he couldn't help but clapped his hands.

   "My lord, this is a great idea. You will definitely succeed."


  Wolf was a little worried after being excited, "It's just that they will cooperate with us like this?"

   The wolf smiled at the corners of his mouth, stood up to stretch his graceful body, and said: "Cooperate or not, we must let them know."

   "So it's time to meet"

   Langli made a sound in surprise.

   "My lord, why are you going to see them?"

   "If you don't see you, how do they know what to do next."

   "But how could they believe us, and adults, aren't you afraid that they will use this as a handle to threaten you in the future?"

   "Will it? I don't think it will be. How can a person who can take the initiative to enter a dangerous situation in order to save people will betray a friend."

   "But we are not friends with them, but enemies are about the same."

   "The enemy? We have no grievances with them, how can we become enemies for no reason."


   Langhong's words seem to make sense, but Langli always feels that something is wrong.

   "Okay, don't think too much, you go get something that can indicate your identity from the old woman, and then follow me to meet the three guys."

   After finishing talking, Langhong walked out of the tent with graceful steps.

  Wolf thought for a while and followed behind him.

   Only the dwarf was left in the tent.

   "Tsk tsk, it's terrible, this woman is really courageous."

   The dwarf got up from the ground, patted the dust on his knees, his expression changed from flattering to cold.

   "Should I report this to that side?"

   The dwarf thought for a while, "Forget it, let's take a look."

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