My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1223: : Get it, leave

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On the fifth floor, Chen Fang didn't go to the room to clean immediately, but took the mop to clean the corridor first.

The purpose of this is to create an illusion, and the other is to observe.

After coming up from Chen Fang, two of the guards also followed. They stood at the top of the stairs and watched for a while. When they saw that Chen Fang was indeed cleaning the corridor floor, their attention was lost on him, and the two chatted. Come.

"Aren't the cleaners stupid? Wash them from the outside first. Don't be afraid to wait for them to step on the dirt from the inside."

"You care about him, people may be this habit, anyway, he will have a big deal to come out and drag it again."

"Yes, by the way, what did you say was the thing you sent here last time? It looks terrifying, it looks like an undead suture monster in the myth."

"I don't know, to be honest, when I saw it, I almost freaked out. I had never seen such a disgusting thing."

"Who said no, I changed a pair of pants when I went back that day."

"Ha ha."

"Laughing Mao..."

Chen Fang dragged the ground and walked away, and they didn't hear anything afterwards.

Even if there were, he didn't want to listen.

After dragging the floor in the corridor, Chen Fang observed that there were only four rooms on this floor. Three of them had doors open. Inside was a luxuriously decorated office. The last one was closed tightly. When Chen Fang continued to mop the floor, he took advantage of it. The guard didn't pay attention, and tried to turn the doorknob down, only to find it was locked.

He felt that the ancient beast crystal was probably placed inside, so he secretly took out the crystal from the space, but he did have a strong reaction, obviously he was right.

So now there is a question before him, how to open this door.

Violent demolition is obviously inappropriate and will cause hostility from the guards. This can only be used as a last resort.

Then all that remains is to find the key.

If you use a key, you have to find where it is first. There are two possibilities.

If you are lucky, the keys are kept in three offices; if you are not lucky, they are taken with you.

Chen Fang could only go to the office first and try his luck.

So after Chen Fang seriously dragged the corridor, he planned to enter the room.

The two guards at the top of the stairs saw Chen Fang about to enter the room and suddenly stopped him.

Chen Fang's heart was tense, thinking that they had discovered some flaws, but he didn't expect that he was just reminding him not to move things after entering, and gave him five minutes as a time limit.

After nodding in response, Chen Fang entered the first room, and then began to drag the floor while listening for footsteps in the corridor.

After spending some time, Chen Fang came to the desk and scanned the things placed on the desk after a hasty drag on the floor. Seeing that there were many documents, he ignored them, and instead set his eyes on the drawer. superior.

Chen Fang didn't move the drawers that weren't locked. He focused on the large drawer that was locked.

How to open the locked drawer became a problem in front of him.

And there is not much time left, only a minute or two for him.

Chen Fangji thought of war forging.

He tried to stamp the keyhole with his finger, and then input the source energy into it. After filling the entire keyhole, he directly forged and cast it. After forming, Chen Fang twisted, but he did not expect it to be opened by him.

You learned the unlocking skills, level MAX...

Chen Fang dubbed himself in his mind.

By the way, can I use this method to go directly to that room to unlock it.

Chen Fang suddenly thought.

But Chen Fang recalled for a moment. The lock in the room just now seemed to be a special lock like the human royal treasury. It needed a specific key to open it, so it should be impossible for him to open the door with war casting technique.

Thinking of this, Chen Fang gave up the above idea.

Opening the drawer lock, Chen Fang carefully tried not to let the drawer make any noise, and gently opened it.

At first sight, there are three black boxes and several sealed documents in the drawer.

Chen Fang opened the three boxes in turn.

There are no less than one hundred amethyst coins in the first box.

The second is three mutant cores, and the third is five skill cores.

Without the key, Chen Fang was a little disappointed.

The key may not be in this room, Chen Fang thought.

Time was running out, and Chen Fang simply swept away the contents of the drawer, closed the drawer, and walked out of the room with the mop and bucket.

When he was out of the room, the two guards might feel that Chen Fang was in the room for a long time, and they were worried about getting up and checking. However, after seeing Chen Fang, they leaned against the wall and continued to chat.

Chen Fang remained calm and walked towards the next room.

This time he went directly to the desk, used war casting technique to draw a scoop, and opened the locked drawer.

This time, there are only a few stacks of files in it, nothing else, and the key is still not here.

Based on the principle of thief not leaving empty, Chen Fang swept the papers out of the drawer, and then prepared to leave the room, but at this moment, he suddenly heard extremely faint footsteps in the corridor, walking towards his room. .

With a move in his heart, Chen Fang realized something and immediately picked up the mop and scrubbed the floor seriously.

And when he was mopping the floor with his back to the door, two guards suddenly appeared at the door. They stared at Chen Fang's back for a while, and then left after scanning the entire room to see that there was nothing unusual.

Chen Fang's ears moved slightly, and he got up only after listening to the sound of footsteps.

"Hehe, vigilance is pretty high. Fortunately, my ears are good enough."

Chen Fang was slightly proud, and after dragging the ground, he walked out of the room again and went to the next one.

After coming out this time, Chen Fang found that the two guards no longer looked at him when they heard the movement last time, and only talked with them, without even looking at him, he was a little happy.

Walking to the last office, Chen Fang came to the desk, praying in his heart that there was the key he needed.

Xu Shi God happened to be here at this time, so he fell in love with him, there was really a key in the drawer.

This is good news, but it is also bad news, because Chen Fang discovered that this key is a bunch, at least a dozen.

Let him catch blindly.

With so many keys, he wants to try it until the year of the monkey, and he doesn't have the time and opportunity at all, holding the keys under the guard's eyes and trying them one by one.

what to do?

Chen Fang was very distressed.

If the guards were not there, he could try to pass them one by one.

But how could the guard be away.

So when the key was found, he still couldn't open the door.

"Oh, time is wasted. It seems that in the end, you can only get rid of the guards before you can unlock them."

After a while, Chen Fang decided to find a way to kill the guards, and then calmly went to unlock the ancient beast crystal.

However, doing so will inevitably fight, and the movement will also attract the attention of the patrol team outside the building below. When the time comes, the enemy will come in waves, and I don't know if I have the time to open the door to get the ancient beast crystal.

But now it seems there is no other way.

Chen Fang can only make up his mind.

So he started to move his hands and feet, thinking in his mind how he would kill the guards in the shortest time.

After moving around, Chen Fangzhan pulled his knife and put on his war make-up. He was about to knock down the things in the room. He first attracted the two guards in the corridor to kill him.

Just when he was preparing to act, he just reached a vase on his desk, suddenly there was a huge roar of smashing the ground outside the building, followed by vibrations as if experiencing a magnitude three earthquake.

"What happened?"

Chen Fang was very confused. He looked out the window, but didn't see anything. Obviously, the place where something happened should be on the opposite side of this room, that is, in the direction of the building facing the entrance of the manor.

"It's not easy, let's go see it soon."

The sound of the guard sounded outside the corridor, followed by a series of sounds of going downstairs.

Chen Fang was taken aback.

"No, it's a coincidence that God is so cooperative."

However, Chen Fang didn't think about it. He retracted his weapon and battle makeup, ran out of the room, and ran to the stairs to take a look. He found that the guards were gone, obviously they were all gone.

Chen Fang, who had some doubts about what caused them to leave, remembered the big movement just now, and ran into the window of the first office facing the door and looked out.

As a result, he saw a place more than 30 meters away from the building. A behemoth was climbing from the ground. On the opposite side, it was his engineering vehicle, which was spinning the **** iron ball in circles.

At the same time, there was a tree monster warrior standing on the vehicle, defending and attacking the beast crowd that initiated the siege around the engineering vehicle.

"Why are they here?"

Chen Fang hurriedly contacted Xiao Qiao, and the answer was that when they were doing sabotage, a monster suddenly ran out and attacked the engineering vehicle.

As soon as the monster appeared, he grabbed the squash-breaking cable hanging from the engineering vehicle and dragged the engineering vehicle here.

Later, it was Xiao Qiao who controlled the engineering vehicle and threw the squash ball to get rid of the monster.

After Chen Fang understood what had happened, he immediately asked Xiao Qiao and the others not to fall in love with each other, and drove the construction truck out of town.

Then Chen Fang stopped wasting time, and immediately ran to the locked room with the key, trying to unlock the set of keys.

The more you race against time, the worse your luck is.

The same is true for Chen Fang.

With more than a dozen keys in his hand, I tried it all the way until only one was left, and the room still didn't open.

Chen Fang wondered if this set of keys didn't have the key he needed, but it was the last one and opened the room.

"Nima, do you want to do that."

Chen Fang was very depressed, but now it was not time to be upset, he opened the door and rushed in.

The room was very dark. Chen Fang subconsciously touched the wall next to the door. He didn't touch the switch of the sparkling stone, so he couldn't bear to look for it, so he put on glasses with night vision function.

After putting on the glasses, the pitch black turned dark green. Chen Fang, who had a vision, didn't look for the ancient beast crystal. No matter what was stored in the room, he opened the space and emptied it.

Anyway, as long as it is thorough, the ancient beast crystal will always be found in this pile of items in the room.

There were a lot of things in the room, and it took Chen Fang ten minutes to finish sweeping, after which he left the room.

When things were done, Chen Fang felt that it was time to leave, so he walked towards the corridor, but when passing by the nearest office, Chen Fang hesitated, walked in again, and took a few minutes to vacate here again.

After drawing the gourd in the same way, Chen Fang moved all the things in the remaining two rooms, and then went downstairs.

When he got down to the first floor, Chen Fang looked at the entrance of the hall. Except for a big hole that the monster had just smashed into, no one was seen outside, and the engineering truck also disappeared. They knew it was Xiao Qiao and they followed his orders. This is the case when the people of the beast wave chase it away.

There should be no one outside now, which is just convenient for Chen Fang to leave.

But when he was leaving the building, Chen Fang thought for a while, took out all the plant bombs in his inventory, and threw them around on the first floor. He left when he was busy.

Walking out of the gate of the manor, Chen Fang looked back at the building, and when he was about to detonate the plant bomb, he stopped again.

"Empty explosion on the first floor, it's a bit wasteful, why must some people be sent to heaven together."

So Chen Fang left directly.


Outside the town, the engineering vehicle ran in front, and the beast crowd and the monster were chasing behind.

"Attack me, you must leave this mechanical creation." Rio roared.

The giant man and the enchanting girl are also very dark.

Behind them, the town was half ruined, and the crime was serious.

This small town is the headquarters of the animal tide. It has been built soon but has invested a lot of money. It is also a very important part of the son's plan.

Now it's half ruined, and if the son knows, even if they don't die, they will lose their status. This is the result they don't want to see.

And now the only chance to redeem the merits is to take down the weird and peculiar, and destroy the powerful mechanical creation in front.

As long as this mechanical creation is taken down, the young man will scold at most about the small town.

Rio said anxiously to the giant man: "You go back to get the ancient beast crystal, and bring a few giant beasts from the animal pen. We will follow this mechanical creation to find a chance to hold it, and we must leave it today, even in the end. Even a pile of broken copper and broken iron can also reduce the son's punishment on us a lot."

When saying these things, Rio's tone was not very polite, and there were some orders. If the ordinary giant man would definitely kick it over, but at this time he could not care about anything, so he left after listening.

"Hramanda, you are not a beast soul awakened. You can summon a mount. Now you will go around to the front and create a large area of ​​Shen Ze. The range must be large and deep." Rio turned his head and said to the enchanting girl.

The enchanting woman replied: "There are mounts, and the speed is very fast, but I want to create a large piece of Shen Ze who can fall into the mechanical creation in front of me, I can't do it alone."

Rio shouted: "If you don't do it, you have to do it, if you don't want to be punished by the son."

The enchanting girl's face was ugly, but in the end she gritted her teeth and agreed, summoned her mount, and ran forward quickly.

Rio saw that everyone had left under his own arrangements, and immediately ordered the beast wave members who were chasing after the scene: "Listen, everyone, don't attack the mechanical creation and the recognition above, bombard the ground and create obstacles for me. Let it not run so securely."

Give an order, and the beasts will do it.

One by one desperately attacked the ground beneath the wheels of the engineering vehicle, or suddenly lifted the ground, or pierced the ground, or smashed the ground with flames and frost, creating potholes and obstructing the advancement of the engineering vehicle.

Not to mention, their operation really slowed down the forwarding of the engineering vehicle, but it was very limited.

After all, the wheels of engineering vehicles are very large. If it is not a big pit, it will either run over directly or get out after a few rounds of the wheel, so the obstacles they create are not very effective.

But at least I was able to buy a little time to come out.

And this time was just enough to create Shen Ze for the enchanting girl who ran to the front.

The enchanting girl also worked to take out all the things that can enhance the power of the elements, no matter if it had side effects or not, they swallowed them all, paying the pain of being backlashed, and finally created a large amount of sinking. Ze came out.

And because the color of this piece of Shenze was similar to the original surface, Xiao Qiao and Hela, who controlled the construction truck, didn't pay attention, so they accidentally drove the car in, stuck in it, and couldn't get rid of it.

Rio and the enchanting girl who looked like gold finally breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the construction truck sink into the sun.

Next, as long as they can kill the sagittarius creatures in this car, they will securely get this mechanical creation in their hands.

"Kill them for me."

Rio pointed to the Dryad warrior on the engineering truck and ordered.

The people of the beast wave launched an offensive one after another.

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