My Skills Are Not Serious

Chapter 1102: : Times have changed, everyone

From the perspective of the Fairy Clan, there is actually no problem with the remarks made by the Fifth Elder.

  Especially, he himself was very self-knowingly proposing that when the southern human race was in distress, the goblin race watched this with cold eyes.

  At this point, suddenly a member of the royal prince of the Southern Territory Human Race came out and said how the Demon Race mad orcs would behave towards the Fairy Race, there is no doubt that.

   Chen Fang glanced at the Fifth Elder, not knowing whether the other party was really stupid or fake.

  With this brain circuit, you shouldn't fail to see the ambition of the demons.

"Mother, the five elders certainly make sense, but didn't Hogman already recruited. The reason why he acted on me was that the demon race behind instigated him. He clearly wanted to attack my race by blaming me. Could it be fake?" Bilis said anxiously.

   The third elder stood up at this time and said confidently: "We don't need to be afraid of this. With Hogman's testimony, this matter is not in our heads, on the contrary we can still trouble them."

   Chen Fang couldn't help but sneered, his voice particularly harsh.

   The nine elders frowned, feeling that Chen Fang was too arrogant.

   The Sixth Elder snorted coldly: "What are you laughing at."

   Chen Fang shook his head and looked at the elders with pity.

   "I laugh at your overwhelming ability."

   The four elders scolded: "Why do you say that we are overpowered?"

  Chen Fang said coldly, "Then why should you trouble others?"

   The four elders were just waiting to speak, but they were interrupted by Chen Fang's wave.

   "Don't tell me, it's yours."

   "If they dare to calculate you, they are not afraid of being troubled by you."

   "Because you are not strong enough."

   "If you have a big fist, who makes sense, you won't even understand this truth."

   Chen Fang paused after speaking, looked at the nine elders, and saw that they were thinking a little bit, then continued:

   "Since the demon race and the wild orcs formed an alliance, the human race was completely removed from the southern border, and the balance and mutual restraint of the five emperors in the southern border has been broken."

   "The human race is gone, and the gods are left in the southern border, you, and the true orcs."

   "The gods do not care about the world, even if the sky is broken outside, they still drink tea inside."

"On the surface, the orcs seem to be real orcs in power, but the wild orcs have changed to confuse with others, and they can stop them? Without the help of the wild orcs, what is the real orc, no matter how good your brain is, what use is it that you can't beat it. "

"What about your fairies, please put it nicely. With no human beings producing food, on the surface, your family is dominant and masters the lifeline of the Southern Realm. But do you have the strength to hold the territory? You can definitely learn from the demons and the mad. In the case of an alliance between the two orcs, will it be possible to get a bargain?"

   After speaking, Chen Fang saw the fifth elder opening his mouth and he didn't give him a chance to speak, so he continued.

   "Don't tell me, even so, you think that the demons and orcs are making trouble for you, and you just want to take advantage of it."

   "It would be naive to think so."

   "I can say with certainty that their conspiracy to frame your princess is just the beginning, and then maybe how many conspiracies are waiting for you."

   Seventh Elder asked at this moment: "Then you say why they are asking us for trouble."

   Chen Fang rolled his eyes, and said with contempt: "Of course it is because of ambition, the Human Race has been knocked out, they have been so obvious, can't it be seen."

   "You sell food, weapons and equipment to promote federal unrest. Don't you wait until the outside fight is almost done, then go out to clean up the mess, expand the territory, and even dominate the entire Xia continent ambition?"

   The second elder shouted: "Our fairies don't have this idea."

   Chen Fang glanced at the second elder, and said noncommittal: "You may not have one, but you dare to say that the demons and the wild orcs are not planning this?"

   The second elder was silent.

   Chen Fang continued: "If you want to go out of the South to earn territory, your opponent is the powerful Federal Parliament. Do you want a stable rear?"

   "The six races in the South, the most ambitious races, are nothing more than demons, wild orcs, and humans. What they fear most when they go out to fight for territory, the most fear is that the army goes out and their hometown is taken advantage of."

"So in order to realize their ambitions, they do nothing but do nothing, the demons first acted to be strong, and they found the mad orcs with no energy but no brains to cooperate, and then gave the human race to eliminate hidden dangers, and at the same time enslaved the human race. It produces food to ensure the need for future warfare in the south."

"Now that the Human Race has been taken, the Demon Race and the Mad Orcs have also swallowed all of the Human Race's territory, but because we joined in Nirvana City, we rescued the objects they originally wanted to enslave, making the landlords fewer, and they don’t. I can grow food. For the future, do you think that attention should be paid to you."

   "Observed slaves and allies who control their own food lifeline, how do you think they would choose?"

   "So this is going with the trend, it is inevitable, can't you see it clearly?"

   "Don't be naive to think that the human race is gone, you can still live peacefully with them, sit on an equal footing, you don't have the strength, don't deceive yourself too much."

   "The times have changed, everyone."

   Chen Fang talked freely, and the people in the hall were stunned. At the same time, he realized that he was really thinking too shallow before.

   The five elders changed their expressions and stood up and said: "We can also unite the gods and the true orcs, even if the demons and the wild orcs want to make trouble, they have to weigh them."

   Chen Fang patted his head with a headache and weakness.

   "You just passed what I said before you pierced your ears."

   "Combine with the gods, the true You are not thinking too much."

   "Well, even if you can tell the gods to form an alliance with you, but I can guarantee that true orcs will never unite with you." Chen Fang said confidently.

  The elder frowned and asked: "Why do you say that?"

   Chen Fang: "The true orcs also formed an orc race with the wild orcs. Would you say that without their secret support, would the wild orcs cooperate with the demons?"

   "Even if they don't, they are still riding a tiger. Who told them that the dog they raised at home would chase with others, so they still stay at home, and he doesn't have the strength to protect himself."

   "You said that in this case, they dare to form an alliance with you? I'm afraid it's not going to die too soon."

   The five elders insisted: "Even so, if you just form an alliance with the gods, they won't dare to mess around."

   Chen Fang sneered and said, "Can you turn the situation around by forming an alliance with a **** race alone?"

   "The demon race and the **** race can be said to be half a catty, but can your goblins be better than the wild orcs?"

   "It's not equal at all, okay."

   "As long as the Demon Race drags the Divine Race, it is not as easy as eating for the wild orcs to clean you up."

   The five elders are speechless, because the fact is that as Chen Fang said, the strength of the goblin tribe is not as strong as the mad orcs.

   Chen Fang looked around everyone in the main hall, and finally said: "Now you still think that you can stay in the southern border? Think I'm trying to instigate separation?"

   Everyone is silent.

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