At five o'clock in the morning, the first thing Crown did when he opened his eyes was to pull out bullets and arrows from under the bed to check the stability of the golden light talisman on them.

Except for the arrow with two talismans drawn on it, everything else was fine.

He touched the arrow with blurred golden runes with his fingers and found that there was still a warm feeling on the metal.

It should be a problem that the spirit of the talisman escapes too quickly, but it also shows that if you draw two talismans on the arrow, it can be used in a short time.

After checking the condition of the bullet, he quickly washed up and opened the window. After the morning sun rose, the sunlight would shine directly in.

Kroun sat cross-legged on the bed. A beautiful day started by visualizing the golden light spell.

. . . .

Karuk and others yawned, carrying crossbows and came to the wall to change shifts with the night watchman.

What's wrong with you guys? You all have dark circles under your eyes. Did something indescribable happen last night?

Karuk and others glanced at each other. Although they couldn't see their own faces, they found that the others really had dark circles under their eyes.

Damn, you guys are really in trouble. The man who just spoke had a gossipy look on his face. Hurry up and tell me, let everyone hear how you play.

Go, go, go, think about women so much that you go crazy.

A group of rough guys joked and took turns.

Why do I feel like I haven't slept all night and my hands and feet are still weak? Karuk hit his lower back with his fist and said distressedly, I fell asleep as soon as it got dark yesterday.

I also feel that my hands and feet are weak, but last night I snored so loudly when I fell asleep that it took me a long time to fall asleep.

Old man Hans looks refreshed when he wakes up in the morning. Old people just need less sleep.

. . . .

Woodland near the mine.

The sun shines through the woods, casting golden dapples and imprinting the shadows of the trees on the ground.

In the morning, the air in the mountains and forests is fresh and pleasant with a hint of coolness.

Del and Balu were cutting branches and wormwood poles that had just been cut down and were as thick as a little finger.

Crown glanced at the several humanoid shadows hovering high above, with a bit of a sneer on his face.

The lair of those unknown banshee monsters is probably nearby, and Geralt's proposal should be carefully considered.

Today, they changed their strategy and gathered everyone together for mining. They planned to wait until enough ore was mined before concentrating on logging. In this way, the two second-level transcendental beings and everyone had enough crossbows to more effectively guarantee the Team safety.

Seeing that the monster bird and monster only dared to fly high in the sky, he jumped to the tree and cut off a straight branch as thick as an arm. He also found some dead grass nearby, tied it with a rope, and made a grass target.

Then he crouched down, drew his weapon, and cut the twigs together.

These branches and mugwort stems are relatively straight, making it easy to make arrow shafts.

You only need to cut off the small branches on the pole, then cut the thin end into a round head, and make a gap in the thick end to use as the arrow tail, to create the simplest arrow.

Of course, real arrows would not be so crude. If they were made by hand, the process would be too complicated. After hearing Del's introduction to the arrow manufacturing process, Crown decisively gave up practicing archery with standard actual arrows. It was too artificial. nickel.

This simple wooden arrow is enough for practice. He will only consider using it for practice after his archery skills have improved to a certain stage and the territory has produced enough standard arrows.

Balu took a long puff of cigarette, blew out the cigarette that was about to burn his lips, and said complimentarily with his yellow teeth:

Sir, only a strong man like you would consider using a bow. Ordinary people like me can just play around with a crossbow.

I also use a bow now, why didn't I hear you say that I am a strong person? Del interrupted his flattery.

You? It's true that you are stronger than me, far worse than my lord. You didn't see what happened yesterday. Three flying banshees attacked my lord, killing one and injuring the other in an instant.

The dead one disappeared in the end, otherwise you would have seen its miserable state. It was split into two halves with one sword strike, and the cuts were neat. The butchers would have to cut back the knife several times to chop the pig's ribs.

The three of them talked and laughed, and soon made more than a hundred usable wooden arrows.

Del carried the target, Baloo bundled the wooden arrows firmly and put them on his back, and the three of them returned to the mine together.

. . . .

There was a tinkling sound from the depths of the mine. Crown took the straw target from Del's hand and asked him to walk in front with a special oil lamp, while he walked at the back.

The light dissipated the gray fog entrenched in the darkness. When the light moved forward, the gray fog was refilled behind it.

In the gray fog, shadowy figures could see red light spots, which were the eyes of mutated mice.

Sir Knight, when will this gray fog dissipate? Balu asked cautiously, I asked the priest, and he never answered directly.

Perhaps because he is worried that you will be desperate, Crown also did not give an accurate answer: We will need to adapt to a life with gray fog for a long time, and try not to be directly exposed to gray fog as much as possible, especially you.

The three of them quickened their pace and soon joined the large army.

This is a straight mine tunnel. Everyone first put down an oil lamp at the fork in the road, then took the lamp and continued walking in. They used the light to disperse the gray fog and illuminate an area for activities. At both ends, Geralt's division The disciples guarded separately.

The demon hunter saw Crown walking back and said, You stay here and I'll go for a walk outside to look for some useful things. Our reserves of potions and sword oil are running low.

Be careful, those banshees are still out there.

I know, there's no need to protect others, I can still handle a few monsters that fly very fast.

The demon hunter came over and whispered: There are a lot of mutated rats here, much more than yesterday. We'd better end the excavation as soon as possible, or wipe out a group, otherwise, these ferocious rats will get hungry and become violent, and they will definitely attack us. .”

Crown nodded: I understand, I really don't worry about anything.

He handed the lamp out, and the witcher took it and walked away.

He placed the straw target diagonally on the wall of the mine and walked twenty meters away.

He took the yew longbow that Del handed over, pulled it in the air, and easily pulled the longbow into a full moon.

He slowly let go, allowing the longbow to recover its deformation. It is said that releasing it in an empty position would cause great damage to the bow.

Del's eyes shrank. This longbow was the heaviest bow he had made recently. He could barely draw it to full capacity. He was preparing to use it after becoming an extraordinary person with stronger arms.

Tell me the basics of archery, Crown said.

I learned from Orion's training methods and my own experiments to figure out a set of basic movements. Sir, please listen.

The feet should be shoulder-width apart, and the knees should be slightly bent. The back and head should be straight. The arm holding the bow should be straight. The elbow pulling the bow should not be flush with the arrow body, nor should it be too high or too high. Collapse. When drawing the bow, push with the front hand and pull with the back hand.

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