As the golden light spell becomes more and more sophisticated, his perception sensitivity is very high.

According to mysticism, eyes are powerful, and he doesn't think this is his illusion.

He looked around carefully and found nothing unusual in his sight due to the obstruction of trees or bushes, but the vague feeling of being spied on still existed.

He must have been targeted by something, whether it was a mutated beast or something else.

Crown shouted: Tighten the team, each group should be careful, and no one should leave everyone's sight.

He turned to a group of woodcutter not far away and said, Del, your group will take the crossbows and patrol with them. We'll see if we can find any edible wild vegetables and bring them over.

Understood. Del was a smart man. He understood that the knight should have discovered something, and immediately called the team members to start patrolling.

After a while, Crown felt that the feeling of being spied on disappeared and no longer appeared. He relaxed a little and continued to practice swordsmanship.

Every half an hour, he would stop and look around carefully, and patrol within fifty meters of the mine.

The morning was spent practicing swordsmanship, and it was already noon when Crown ended the practice again.

He picked up half a basket of wild vegetables that Del and others had placed nearby and looked through them carefully.

From the perspective of a professional herbalist, he did not find anything unusual about these wild vegetables.

Then he tasted every wild vegetable, and he even felt that the leaves had a fragrant taste. Normally, wild vegetables were a bit bitter.

After confirming that there was no problem, he acted as a chef, put two large pots on the rack, poured water, salt and pepper into them, and also added a spout of holy water.

The food for lunch was dry bread and bacon and wild vegetable soup. The ingredients were all ready-made, which did not reflect his superb cooking skills.

Seeing the patrol walking nearby, Crown shouted: Del, tell everyone to eat and rest for an hour.

Okay, Valery, you go to the mine, Karam, you go to the west.

After assigning the task, Del happily ran over and reached out to take the wooden spoon in the knight's hand: Sir, just leave the rough work of cooking to me.

Crown released the spoon and said with a smile: Dell, I think you are much stronger than before.

The man's body now has obvious muscle contours, and his face no longer looks so thin.

I've been eating well lately and working a lot. I've tested it and found that my strength has increased. Now I'll test it with you and I should be able to push you back.

Really, let's try now. If the town restores contact with the outside world, we will train you to be a warrior of the church. Crown said with a smile. The power of the church is still too weak. It is very effective to cultivate some extraordinary people. Necessary, and now that people's physiques are slowly getting better, more people will meet the standards for promotion to extraordinary.

After saying that, he took a few steps back and stretched out his right hand, standing with his legs slightly bent at the waist.

Del put the spoon into the pot, made a few fist-bumping movements happily, then took a few steps and punched out.

Crown felt the air flow from his fist, and felt that the opponent's power was even stronger than before he was promoted to a warrior.

He held the opponent's fist with his hand and bent his arms slightly to transmit the force of the blow back to the ground through his legs, but his upper body remained straight and motionless. Del's face turned red.

This, Del retracted his fist and said in frustration, I still haven't let you move even half a step.

Yes, your strength has improved significantly. At this level, you have met the requirements for promotion to a warrior. If your physical fitness passes the test, you will get an extraordinary place. The reason why you didn't let me retreat is because I have also made progress these days.

. . . .

Karam, don't you want to go back for dinner? What are you doing there alone? Are you too lonely to vent your anger on the big tree?

A man with a brown beard asked lewdly.

Haha, I said it was abnormal when I saw a tree hole when I was logging just now.

Fuck you, sir, I can't go pee, Kalam spat, You're kind enough to ask you to eat, but you're just entertaining me.

Do you need us to wait for you? How long does it usually take for you to finish? Is ten seconds enough?

Leave far away.

Look! I got him right, he got angry. The bearded man smiled, It's so easy to patrol. It's not like us. The water we drank turned into sweat and there was no urine.

Let's go, let's walk ahead, he will catch up. Hurry up, I'm starving to death.

Several men chatted and laughed and left quickly.

Kalam walked behind a big tree as thick as an adult's arms, took out a small and powerful tool and started to pour water. There was a reason why he was embarrassed to do it in front of others.

Shh, he shuddered and was about to pull up his pants when a drop of green mucus dripped from the top of his head onto his left shoulder.

Shet, he glanced up and suddenly looked up, and saw a girl hanging upside down, her fingers tightly grasping the bark of the tree.

The girl had a delicate face, her emerald green hair was flying in the wind, and a green liquid at the corner of her mouth pulled out a crystalline thread in the air. Her eyes were full of desire. The desire to see delicious food.

Kalam opened his mouth wide and wanted to shout, but no sound came out of his throat for the first time.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the girl let go of her hands and fell from the tree. Her mouth widened and became bigger, big enough to hold him.

. . . .

Hans's legs and feet were wrapped in a layer of oilcloth and tied tightly with hemp rope.

His life has actually been relatively good recently. Several of his colleagues in the town were either killed in the last attack or were injured and unable to move.

At this moment, he was full of joy, because he had harvested more than ten herbs in his hands, and even three of them were purchased by herbalists at high prices. Making money always makes people feel happy.

The breeze blew, and Hans's nostrils twitched violently. He smelled the faint fragrance, and his mind suddenly became clearer.

Black sage, yes, that's the herb that I've made a lot of money from from the guru, and that's the herb that's done the most.

Hans's eyes were hidden in his smile, and his cloudy eyes shone with shrewd light.

Little darlings, here I come. The old man looked in the direction of the wind, and the special fragrance became stronger and stronger.

Haha, it's developed. Hans saw twenty or thirty black sage trees growing lushly beside the blue boulder not far from the small puddle in front of him. He avoided the puddles and rushed towards the grass bushes, moving as quickly as a sprinter.

He took out the shovel and knelt on the ground to dig carefully, with gentle movements.

Hans focused all his attention on the herbs, and did not notice the water ripples in the puddle behind him, and a ball of green slime crawled out.

The slime crawled forward, enveloping the old man's feet and buttocks.

Hans felt something strange and felt a different kind of softness in his hands: What the hell.

He was a little panicked and wanted to stand up and run away, but found that this thing was surprisingly sticky and he couldn't get up at all. Moreover, this disgusting layer of ooze spread upwards along his torso.

Fuck, the old man felt fierce in his heart, raised the medicine shovel in his hand and cut it hard.

The medicine shovel sank into the soft mud, and then it couldn't be pulled out.

Help, help, Hans was completely panicked. He began to shout, with endless panic and fear in his voice, and his tone was completely distorted.

His shouting did not last for a few seconds. The ooze had already spread to his head. The ooze began to change from green to transparent, and poured into the old man's mouth like a liquid.

Soon, all the ooze entered his body.

Holy water, I still have holy water. Hans regained control of his body. He tremblingly took out two bottles of holy water and poured it down. At the end, he shook the potion bottle to make sure not to waste a drop.

Just after he finished all this, his body suddenly stiffened, the pupils in his eyes immediately expanded, then slowly shrank back to normal, and thick gray smoke came out of his mouth.

Hoo, Hans pressed his fingers to his mouth and spat out the holy water he had just drank. His fingers quickly turned red as if they had been burned by boiling water, and wisps of gray smoke came out.

He closed his mouth, and a film of water wrapped around his fingers. After a moment, the skin quickly returned to normal.

Hans closed his eyes and stood still for a while, then bent down to pick up the medicine shovel and continued digging for herbs.

Thank you for your continued reading, monthly votes and recommendations. I will go to Sanjiang next week. Thank you all for your support.

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