My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 53 The true meaning of the law

But we are all unfortunate. Those demons submerged in the dust of history will return to the world, and more and more extraordinary people will lose control. A trace of sadness appeared in Nick's eyes.

Crown was a little suspicious. He learned from the demon hunters that most of the supernatural beings who lost control were those spiritual controllers and demon hunters. How could the extraordinary beings in the church also lose control?

He asked his question, and the priest sighed softly: As extraordinary beings, we are not only stronger than ordinary people in physical fitness such as strength and endurance, but more importantly, our spiritual sense is sharper. What you did on the full moon night a few days ago Dreams are caused by our spiritual sense being too sharp. Because we can sense some of the darkness that envelopes the world, our spiritual sense will be corrupted by evil.

This kind of corrosion can be eliminated by condensing the brilliance of our own humanity through devout prayers. However, in the future we will have to fight against various evil creatures. If we do not have time to purify our spiritual filth within a period of time, these filth will adhere to our bodies. In spirituality, it becomes increasingly difficult to eradicate.”

As time goes by, even the church's combatants will lose control.

There is also good news. Those evil spirits have very high requirements for spirituality. They will only wake up completely when the spiritual concentration of the world rises to a certain level. We still have time to accumulate ourselves. Being spiritually active also means that our strength can reach the legendary level. The level of the most heroic warrior of God.”

The priest explained, but his steps were not slow, and he walked at the front of the crowd.

About an hour later, the golden halo in the oil lamp suddenly dimmed, and the thick fog surrounding everyone suddenly filled the area around the human body.

Take turns to get the oil lamp, you'll be next. Nick put the oil lamp into Crown's hand.

Pray first. This oil lamp is specially made by the church. It can absorb pure spiritual light and then help us expel darkness.

But my faith is not pure. Croun was a little embarrassed. He closed his eyes, tried his best to be pious, and began to recite the prayer of the God of Fire: We are bathed in the glory of God, and the holy light gives us a face. Courage and strength against evil. May the God of Fire light our way forward.”

The golden light shone again in the oil lamp, but the brightness was far different from before.

Your faith is not pious enough. Nick frowned slightly as he looked at the weak golden light. After Crown prayed, the range of the oil lamp's radiation was less than three meters, which was too bad.

Redbeard let out a scoff.

At this time, Marshall, who was laughing at his teammates and not conducive to unity, glared at his friend fiercely, and the other party reluctantly held back.

Just think about which passage in the Bible touches you the most. It doesn't necessarily have to be recited. The purpose of prayer is ultimately to allow us to radiate pure spiritual light outwards.

He guided from the side and decided to cultivate the piety of this church guardian in the future. The opponent can feel the evil whispers on the full moon night without being promoted to the extraordinary. The spiritual activity and sensitivity are up to standard. There is no reason why the pure spiritual light produced by prayer is so weak.

Pure spiritual light, I get it.

Crown understood, he stopped chanting any scriptures, held the oil lamp in both hands, and began to meditate on the golden light spell.

The clear and bright moon appears in front of the eyes, and then the bright moon plunges into the eyebrows and into the Niwan. A red sun radiates golden light in the Dantian.

Crack, the lanterns in the oil lamp exploded, and the golden light flourished, like a rising sun, the darkness retreated, and the gray fog dispersed.

I'm not the best, Nick cursed in his heart, Why can't all my years of devout faith and hard training be compared to a warrior who joined halfway?!

The light from the oil lamp was bright and unrestrained, and its radiation range reached twenty meters away.

Not only the priest, but also the two soldiers following behind were stunned. Savas thought he was dazzled and rubbed his eyes vigorously.

The two looked at each other, and when they saw each other, they both looked like they had seen a ghost.

After visualizing the golden light spell for a whole day, Crown opened his eyes and saw the golden halo in the oil lamp. He let out a sigh of relief, thinking that he could finally get through it.

Nick rushed forward, grabbed the oil lamp, and looked closer.

Crown was puzzled by his actions and wanted to warn him, 'Be careful of blinding your eyes', but when he saw the other person's focused and solemn expression, he swallowed his words again.

The priest suddenly raised his head, his voice full of envy and sadness: You actually understood part of the true meaning of the God of Fire's laws?!

Impossible, how can a warrior understand the true meaning of the law? Savas shouted from behind.

I don't feel the true meaning of the law. Father, can you explain it clearly? Marshall was also puzzled.

You are not a priest, and your spiritual sense is not as sharp as mine. My inspiration is wrapped in a warmth, like sitting next to a warm fireplace on a snowy winter day.

Crown was puzzled. He didn't understand what the true meaning of the law was, and he didn't know how to explain it. Should he tell them that all this is an illusion and that my will is that the sun shines?

Hey, you don't have the concept of the true meaning of the law yet. When we go back, you can explain your understanding of the Bible to me.

Realizing that now was not the time to get to the bottom of things, Nick stopped asking and continued: Let's go, return to Zach Town earlier, and we can be more proactive.

Understanding the urgency of time, everyone set off, speeding up further.

Savas and Marshall also held oil lamps in turn. When they prayed, the lighting range of the oil lamps was only about ten meters away. This gave Kroun a clear understanding of the purity of his spirituality.

When the oil lamp was passed to Nick's hands again, everyone was tired and hungry, and the stomachs of the three warriors were growling.

The battle with mutated beasts prevented them from enjoying the dinner they deserved.

The priest motioned for everyone to stop: Rest where you are for five minutes. You can drink some holy water to replenish your strength.

Holy water is a strategic material of the church. It has many functions, such as exorcism, treatment, etc. Replenishing energy is only an insignificant side effect. Using holy water to replenish physical strength is a huge waste.

If it weren't for time constraints, Nick would never give such an order.

This holy water was saved with great effort by the church in Zach Town. The leader knew that firewood and rice were expensive, and he was reluctant to waste a drop of it.

Crown took out a bottle of holy water labeled ‘Ⅲ’ and took a small sip.

The taste is warm and moist, and after the gurgling is taken down, a sense of warmth rises and spreads to the limbs and bones, and the protesting cry of the stomach suddenly subsides a lot.

He didn't expect that the first time he drank holy water was to use it as food to satisfy his hunger, he couldn't help but feel a little funny.

Raising his head, Crown drank the holy water in his hand.

Feels better, he thought, patting his belly.

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