"That alienated land was purified by you?"

Flanders suddenly stood up, he was obviously more concerned about the second thing.

"When did it happen? What kind of creature is the enemy? How is the purification completed?"

The archbishop asked three times, quickly and urgently.

He understands the tricky part of the alienated land very well. Even though he is much stronger now than he was then, he is still not sure of purifying the pollution there.

To complete purification, the law of pollution must be expelled or eliminated. There is absolutely no third way.

The strength of the law of fire he mastered was only slightly higher than that of the creatures in the alienated land, and he was still far from being able to expel its law, let alone the law of annihilation.

The other party's control over the Law of Fire is much stronger than his? Absolutely impossible.

At the same level, the priest's control over the laws is naturally much stronger than that of the Crusaders, and if the power of the other party's laws is strong enough, he can feel it.

According to this calculation, the reason for purifying the alienated land is probably that the other party's control over his bloodline has reached a new level.

"The purification was completed about ten days ago. The enemy is like a collection of flowing beams with no entity. As for the completion of the purification process"

Crown didn't know how to explain it for a moment. He tried his best and didn't hold back. The battle is short, the enemies die too quickly, and there are no waves.

"I launch an attack and the creatures that bring pollution die. It's that simple."

Simple? ! To put it simply, I did it a long time ago. Flanders glanced at Crown with a somewhat complicated look, feeling relieved but also a little bit sad.

He understood that after the other party advanced to the silver level, he still maintained rapid progress.

Bloodline, is the influence of bloodline really that great?

It seems that no matter how hard you try, it's not as good as reincarnation!

He didn't ask further, fearing that he would be hit even harder.

Flanders waved his hands in a dazed manner and said slowly:

"Sit down. Just now you said that Del has advanced to become a third-level transcendent. Is this Del the bodyguard you chose?"

Kroun sat on the sofa, his whole body falling into softness:

"Yes, according to the custom, as long as you meet the ability, you can obtain the position and treatment of a bishop."

"This was a common practice before, but the Holy See decided to change it."

Flanders found a document from the desk and threw it to Crown.

Crown reached out to catch it, and first noticed that the lower left side of the document was covered with the emblem of the Holy See and the papal seal.

He glanced through it quickly, frowned and asked: "This order has been issued for more than a month. What is the starting point of the Holy See?"

In the past, bishops represented the highest combat power of the Holy See.

Except for the Pope, everyone else is a third-level transcendent. An important indicator of the strength of each church is the number of bishops.

The church is eager to have more bishops working, but now it has suspended the promotion of newly promoted third-level extraordinary people as bishops, which is somewhat intriguing.

Flanders sneered, stretched out his finger and nodded at the other party, saying, "You have never taken the initiative to care about the church's policies."

“The concentration of spirituality in the world is increasing day by day, and it has now reached the point of causing qualitative changes, and the difficulty of advancement is getting lower and lower.

Taking our diocese as an example, there are currently seven third-level transcendental beings without the title of bishop, and these people have all advanced in the past two months.

I predict that in the next three months, all extraordinary people with the potential to advance will advance, and the number of third-level extraordinary people will further increase.

There are not so many positions for them to become bishops, so unless they have made great contributions to the church, the newly promoted third-level transcendent will continue to hold middle-level positions.

Being able to advance to the silver level is the real criterion for testing a person's potential. "

Crown shook his head helplessly and gave up on trying to get better treatment for Del.

There are more wolves and less meat. If those who come after want to get more, they can only fight for it from those who came before.

"Understood, then I won't disturb you. Point me to the location of the other alienated place and I'll leave."

“Based on the information from monitoring the alienated land, the threat posed by this creature from the stars is not high.

Although their laws are very polluting, they show no signs of changing places, and even the area of ​​the alienated land has not expanded compared to the original area. "

Flanders opened the map, pointed at a red mark and said:

"It's right here, one hundred and twenty kilometers southwest of Rhine City, on the outskirts of the Andes Mountains. It's in a remote location. There used to be a small town nearby, but it has been abandoned for several years."

Kroun put away the map and said righteously:

“If the creatures entrenched there want to change places to live, it may affect Rhine City.

I'm going to clean it up and prevent it from happening before it happens. "

Flender's expression froze for half a second, and he cheered: "Okay."

He thought to himself: ‘Isn’t there some benefit to killing the creatures in the stars? It's a pity that my ability is not strong enough, otherwise this benefit will not be given to you. ’

. . . .

Crown said goodbye to the Archbishop and flew to his destination.

The wind whistled by my ears, and the scenery under my feet quickly moved backwards.

As his proficiency in flying thaumaturgy continued to increase, he also saw small towns marked on the map.

With the reference object, he understood that there were still ten kilometers away from the destination.

"Hey", Crown, who was flying over the town, stopped.

He noticed signs of biological activity in the town, with several streets cleared that were supposed to be covered in snow.

The courtyard of a small church is still hung with dried game.

What's going on, is there human activity here? !

It stands to reason that everyone in the diocese is now concentrated near the Rhine City. Even if a reconnaissance team is sent out, they will not store food in the wild.

Crown felt something was wrong, so he adjusted his direction and flew towards the church.

It doesn't take much time to take a look, and people with good skills are bold, so they have nothing to fear.

I don’t know if the popes of various churches have gone further, but he has become a fifth-level transcendent, standing at the highest point in the world.

Soon, Croun landed in the chapel. He looked at the yard where various creatures were hung, with a gloomy expression on his face.

There are beasts and humanoids among them.

The humanoid creature has gray scales on its skin like a gecko, huge webbed fingers, and a thick tail.

Another unknown creature was discovered. Is it a newly mutated creature or one that already existed but was not included in the demon scholar's skills?

Crown walked through the meat forest with questions.

At the same time, he activated the flame breath, released the source armor, and then superimposed golden light protection on himself.

It's not that he is timid, this is his consistent style and basic ethics before fighting, although he does not think there is a threat to his existence here.

First, fill up your armor first, then you will not be constrained when fighting, and only then can you dare to fight and fight hard.

Capsized in the gutter? nonexistent!

Crown walked through the meat forest, picked up a piece of wild boar that had lost its head, and walked towards the open door of the house.

He sensed that there was a creature lying in ambush outside the side view of the door, and the malice emanating from the enemy was as dazzling as a torch in the darkness.

There is no way, the perception of a fifth-level transcendent is high enough, so of course he will be able to take advantage of it.

When he was about to reach the door, he suddenly threw the wild boar and activated the Sun Flame Technique in his hand.

As soon as the dead pig flew into the house, a bat-like monster jumped out and threw the 'prey' to the ground. The wild boar's body was instantly torn apart.

The monster has no wings, walks upright, and has long, sharp nails on its fingers.

It's Katakaan, a dark creature that feeds on blood.

Crown recognized the type of monster and hit the enemy with Sunfire.

A shrill scream sounded, and the snow on the roof of the house was shaken and fell.

Katakaan huddled up and turned into a big golden ball. Soon there was no sound except for the crackling sound of burning grease.

With the power of the fourth-level Golden Light Spell, the power of the law contained in the Sun Flame Technique is many times more powerful than before.

This monster is not a silver-level creature. Judging from the soul fluctuations, it only has three levels.

When the power contained in the Sun Flame Technique burned out, Katakaan had turned into black coals emitting thick smoke, and the aroma of meat was overflowing.

The Fury of Thunder appeared in Crown's hand, and a faint blue light flickered on the sword.

There was a smile on his lips, looking at the black coal with interest.


The black charcoal exploded. Croun turned slightly sideways and struck with a seemingly random but powerful vertical slash. A line of blood burst out from the originally empty void behind him.

Then, Katakaan revealed his body, and was accurately split in half from his head to his crotch.

"You're in bad luck."

Crown took out the scalpel, accurately cut off the teeth and claws of the prey, and then completed the dissection. The proficiency of the Demon Scholar skill increased by more than 40 points, and he was one step closer to advancing to the fourth level.

The third-level materials can still be worth some gold spirit coins. Although he is wealthy, mosquito legs are still meat no matter how small they are.

In fact, the blood-sucking creature Katakaan is very powerful. Its strength is extraordinary. If it has enough blood reserves, it can quickly regenerate life.

They use their claws to cause severe bleeding, and can even turn invisible, teleporting behind the enemy to attack.

But the huge gap in strength was as insurmountable as a chasm, and this Katakaan was dealt with as soon as they met.

The rose gold wings behind Kroun spread out and flew towards the destination. Katakahn was a solitary creature, so he didn't need to search for anything.

When we arrived near the alienated area, darkness had fallen and gray fog enveloped the land.

All the plants shimmered with the color of the stars, and the grass and trees were twisted and tangled together.

Brilliant lights and shadows lit up on the white ground, like blooming flowers, but with deep malice and seductive temptation.

Crown raised his position and observed the size of the area.

This area is slightly larger than the area in Hamers City, but it is also limited.

Three kilometers away from the alienation area, he began to visualize the golden light spell to replenish the energy consumed.

When his physical condition returned to its best, he took out a few more golden spirit coins and absorbed the spirit essence to restore the spirit-controlling power of the Fire Cube.

The starry sky creature is there, and it won't run away. Of course, he has to replenish what he has consumed.

Everything was ready, Crown was fully equipped with armor and various statuses, and flew straight to the center of the alienated area.

According to the last experience, the center position is where the starry sky creatures land, and the target's lair is most likely there.

Under the night sky dotted with colorful shimmers, the golden wings cut through the thorns and cut through the gray fog.

When he reached the center of the area, he dived down without saying a word.

Like a meteor falling to the ground, the moment it landed, the golden light field swept out, and the laws full of malice and confusion were swept away like catkins flying in the wind.

Like the scorching sun in the sky, the darkness retreats.

Crown was certain that the strength of the enemy's laws was much stronger than that of his counterparts near Hamers City, but there was no qualitative leap.

Therefore, he judged that the enemy's level was also at level four.

"I'm good at using the big to bully the small!"

Crown smiled proudly and flew outside the golden light field area.

Xing Zhicai was looking for food, and a snow leopard came near it and contributed its life force.

While it was enjoying itself happily, the golden light in the distance attracted its attention.

The golden light was extremely fast and fell down before he could react.

Then, it felt that there was a blank space in its law area, and the blank position was in the center of the law area.

Xing Zhicai was surprisingly angry. There was a creature provoking him. How could he bear this!

After arriving in this world, it has not encountered any danger. It has always been a fish of other creatures.

It quickly swallowed up the snow leopard's life force, twisted its body, and moved towards the central area.

Looking down from the sky, a more brilliant light band quickly approached the target position like a giant python shuttled through the grass.

Kroun seemed to be aware of it. He turned his head and saw a group of brilliant lights and shadows, like a waterfall falling from the sky, rushing toward him overwhelmingly.

‘The sound is huge, but the power is scattered, and they just look fake. ’

The corners of his mouth curved into a disdainful arc, and bullet time was activated the moment he turned his head. At the same time, the Sun Thunder Seal broke out of the air.

After these days of warming, most of the power of the Sun Thunder Seal has been restored.


The golden thunder shone, sweeping the world with great force, driving away evil spirits. In an instant, a colorful 'waterfall' rolled up.

A golden blazing sun rose from the ground, illuminating the night sky. The hundreds of meters thick gray fog nearby evaporated instantly, revealing a waning moon like a hook in the hollow.

In one encounter, the 'young and energetic' Xing Zhicai was severely beaten by justice.

It still has a few powerful moves that it has not used, but now it is seriously injured and can no longer use them.

'escape! ’

Star Color also has the emotion of fear. It gathers the few remaining 'bodies' together and rushes into the distance like a launched missile.

‘This speed is slower than when you came to trouble me! ’

Kroun made a pertinent evaluation in his heart, spread his wings, a strong wind rose from the ground, and the golden light raced towards the gorgeous light and shadow.

Don’t run away from proficiency!

Ten minutes later, as Crown released the thunder in his palm, the last color of the Star Color dimmed and turned into gray on the ground.

At this point, the origin of the starry sky creatures has been purified, and the process is smoother than the previous goal.

Crown opened his hands and felt the warm currents in the void rushing towards him, feeling an indescribable sense of comfort all over his body.

He is like a huge magnet, attracting the loot.

When the pleasure no longer continued, he summoned the golden wall to see what he had gained from his trip.

[Golden Light Spell: 24586/300000; Level 4]

Twelve thousand proficiency points obtained! Call it a day.

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