My Liver Experience in the World of Cthulhu

Chapter 25 The werewolf who stole food

After practicing the Golden Light Spell for a long time, Kroun felt that his five senses became more and more sharp.

There was someone in the room eating a lot of food right now, and he could even hear the sound of the other party's mouth being smashed clearly.

Level 3 cooking skills can actually attract thieves. Should I cry or laugh?

Crown gently put down the box in his hand and took the backpack, trying not to make a sound.

The revolver was already tightly held in his hand, and the key was quickly inserted into the keyhole. He pushed the door open and entered, holding the gun with both hands and raising his arms flat.

Inside, I saw a very tall and strong figure with a somewhat hunched back. Under the moonlight, I could vaguely make out that he was wearing a fur coat.

Don't move! Behind your hands.

Before he finished speaking the skillful lines deep in his memory, an iron pot came flying towards him.

‘Your uncle! ’

The guy who was eating was thrown out. Croun cursed in his heart and quickly moved away from the iron pot.

Don't blame me for being injured or killed!

He dodged to the wall outside the door, waited until the iron pot flew out, and rushed into the house to give that completely unscrupulous guy a try.

With his current shooting skills, he would not be able to kill the enemy unless he aimed at his vital parts.

Although angry, those who steal food will not be punished by death.

It's not that I'm extremely hungry, most people wouldn't be able to do such a thing.

But eating my food secretly, and smashing my face with my pot when caught is unbearable!

A low roar came from the house, and at the same time, a black figure followed the iron pot, rushed out and stopped in the middle of the road, confronting Crown.

The moonlight outside was brighter, and he could see the shadow clearly.

What a face this monster has.

The face is hairy, the tawny eyes are shining with a cold light, the muzzle is slender, and the ears are pointed and erect. It is clearly a wolf head growing on a human body.

The whole body is covered with thick black hair, and the open mouth is dripping with saliva.

This is a werewolf, very much like Lushian's transformation in Underworld.

The werewolf's powerful lower limbs took a step forward, and his mouth opened wide to let out a roar.


Bang bang bang, it was greeted by continuous gunshots.

Although Crown was shocked at how unlucky he was, his instinctive reaction made him pull the trigger without hesitation.

The sound of gunshots and roars spread through the silent night.

Following the priest in a battle to kill the goat-headed monster, he understood how powerful these dark creatures were.

Ordinary bullets could not penetrate their tough muscle tissue, so he aimed at the werewolf's open mouth and eyes.

The werewolf's reaction to danger was faster than he expected. The first bullet had just been fired, and the werewolf had already closed his mouth and turned his head to the side.

After three bullets were fired, Crown fired the pistol again and fired two shots into the werewolf's ears.

The bullet missed the werewolf's vitals and just grazed his cheek.

When the second round of bullets was fired, the werewolf was already lying on the ground, roaring in his mouth, and rushed towards the young man who fired the gun.

Gan, do all dark creatures react so quickly? !

Facing the attacking werewolf, Crown dodged aside.

There was only one bullet left in his pistol. If he couldn't seize the opportunity to cause enough fatal damage to the werewolf, he might end up here.

He activates the ability of the hourglass of time to freeze the space around him.

At the last moment, he ducked and narrowly escaped the attack, and the werewolf threw himself on the wall.

Maybe the impact of the werewolf was too strong, or maybe his ability was too weak. After only delaying the werewolf for a moment, he felt that the sands of time in the hourglass were exhausted.


A dull crashing sound came, and Kroun felt pain when he heard it.

Fortunately, this monster's brain was not bright enough, and he still moved quickly with his hands in his mind.

Taking advantage of his illness to kill him, he shot him backhand.

With his shooting ability at such a close distance, there was no such thing as a miss.

With a stern expression on his face and his prayer in his pistol, the brass-colored bullet shot into the werewolf's head, approximately at the temple.

The werewolf's shrill wail sounded. He propped up his body with his upper limbs and stood up. After a few ups and downs, he disappeared at the end of the street.

Isn’t this even dead?

Crown opened his mouth in shock. Even at such a close distance, the bullet could not penetrate the werewolf's skull.

. . . .

At the Goat Inn, Geralt suddenly put down the rag he was wiping his sword with and looked at Alan next to him.

There's nothing wrong with a werewolf's howl.

Geralt quickly inserted the sword into its scabbard, put it behind his back, opened the window and jumped down.

Allen also shouldered his long sword and followed closely.

There was another gunshot in the distance, and Geralt pointed his arm:

That direction, go.

The two of them were like running cheetahs, rushing towards the direction of the sound.

When the two demon hunters arrived, Crown was bending down to pick up his iron pot.

What happened? Geralt still asked.

The man showed a dry smile: As you can see, a werewolf broke into my residence and smashed the pot I was eating!

Come in and talk.

The three of them entered the room, and Crown lit the oil lamp, making the room brighter.

There was a large amount of oil stains on the table, and several pieces of chicken lay silently.

The door to the backyard was only half hung on the frame.

After pulling up a few chairs and taking a few people's seats, Crown recounted what he experienced when he returned home.

When I first arrived at the door, I heard something moving inside. Finally, I hit the werewolf in the head. It must have felt the threat of death and ran away. If it didn't run away, it would be me who was in danger.

Finally, Crown asked his doubts: Isn't it said that those evil people who are affected by the dark power will only transform into werewolves on a full moon night?

Geralt didn't answer, he was speechless.

Allen took over the topic: Not necessarily. Some of them turn into werewolves at night and return to normal during the day.

The demon hunter added softly: The werewolf holds a grudge. After he recovers from his injuries, he will definitely take revenge on you. You should take necessary precautions.

Crown was a little annoyed.

What are these things? When people sit at home, disaster comes from heaven.

He also thought about living in peace for a while, making money by refining medicine, and then training with the priest.

Mr. Geralt, you said that I have become a spirit master, why am I still no match for these monsters?

Creatures such as werewolves and vampires are considered monsters. Their physical fitness is extremely good. The evil spirits that live with you may be more talented in magic. Therefore, you do not enjoy the bonus in physical fitness. Besides, you I have only become a spirit master for a few days and have not received formal training yet, so it is normal that I am not an opponent of monsters.

It is recommended that you take the time to go to a big city that has an agency that handles paranormal incidents and make a record with the officials. Although you will be subject to some restrictions, they will also provide some help and you can slowly integrate into the circle of mystics.

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