What do you think? We are already very sincere. With such a large quantity, you don't know how long it will take to sell out in Zac Town.

Lemansky took a sip of hot water and stared at the young herbalist, waiting for a counter-offer.

Crown showed a shy smile and said in a deep voice: My price is priceless. We might as well settle the accounts first!

Generally speaking, except for injuries such as bruises and bruises, if people don't survive well after getting sick, they will go to church to buy holy water when their illness worsens.

To treat severe colds and fevers, you only need the lowest grade No. 3 holy water. Taking the Church of the God of Fire as an example, each bottle of No. 3 holy water sells for 50 silver coins and can be used four or five times.

Based on five uses, it usually takes two drinks to heal. The cost of treatment is twenty silver coins.

One dose of Bupleurum elixir can cure this disease. I sell it for 5 silver coins. You must have a profit margin of at least 10 silver coins.

I also have to bear the consumption cost of the herbal medicine. Calculating it this way, I have sold 5 silver coins less.

Croun talked eloquently and clearly.

The old man's face was a little ugly, and he had settled the account clearly.

This kid is difficult to deal with.

Lemansky sighed silently, with a troubled expression on his face: Your calculation is correct, but we need to pay for your goods first, so part of our funds have been occupied. I don't know what It will take time to sell all the goods, which will occupy the inventory of the carriage. During transportation, something will inevitably happen. If you encounter a monster along the way, the entire truck may have to be abandoned and escaped.

In short, we have taken more risks. I also have a deep research on herbal medicine and can roughly restore the herbal ingredients in your medicine. Most of the raw materials in Bupleurum medicine are ordinary common herbs, right? 1 I guess the cost of one set of medicinal materials is no more than five silver coins. And one set of medicinal materials can produce two sets of six potions in total.

An expert. Croun smiled slightly: Have you ever seen how much the herbalist with the highest success rate can achieve? Can it reach 100%?

The old man was speechless. A skilled pharmacist made a very familiar potion with a success rate of 50 to 60%.

The two of them went back and forth for a while before the purchase price of the medicine was finally determined.

Bupleurum elixir costs 4 silver coins and 50 copper yuan each, while the price of pink elixir remains unchanged at 20 silver coins each.

The people who were counting the potions finally finished counting, and the leader of the group, the Gisai, said a few words to the old man in a language they couldn't understand.

Lemansky nodded slightly and turned to look at Croun: 600 pills of Bupleurum potion and 100 pills of Pink potion, right?

Exactly this number.

The old man said something to the people who were counting the potions just now, and they started to move the potions away.

After the table was cleared, the old man clapped his hands. The little girl who had a fever last night ran over and handed the old man two boxes.

Let's see what you want.

Crown opened one of the boxes and saw that the black sage inside was well preserved with few broken roots. He nodded with satisfaction.

He opened another one and inside were blue dried petals.

After a slight sniff, a fragrant aroma hit my nostrils.

Crown took off the leather bag from his back and took out a small pocket-sized box.

Open the small box and take out the contents. This is a set of scales.

After skillfully weighing the goods, he smiled and said, I'm very satisfied with the goods. Let's calculate the total account.

Taking out a pencil and some pieces of paper from the cloth bag, Crown began to calculate skillfully and muttered words.

My goods are 600 Bupleurum elixirs worth 27 gold shields, 100 pink elixirs worth 20 gold shields, a total of 47 gold shields, 10 black sage plants worth 5 gold shields, 100 grams of blue tulip petals, 15 gold shields. You still need to give them to me. 27 gold shields. Well, that’s it, yes.”

After saying that, Kroun handed the paper on which he calculated to old man Gisai.

Lemansky glanced at it, took out a cloth bag from his arms, and counted out the full amount of gold shields:

Originally we were going to Rhine City tomorrow. Since you said you could make a blood-boiling potion, I can wait for you until noon the day after tomorrow.

Taking the heavy golden shield, Crown whistled loudly:

No need at all. You can see what you want at noon tomorrow.

It was his first time to refine an extraordinary potion, and he didn't feel confident about it, but it didn't affect his confidence.

He bought 10 materials. Since the high-end potion needs to be refined and purified, each material can only produce one set of finished products, that is, three.

When you first start to refine a new potion, various unexpected situations are bound to happen. He planned to divide each material into three equal parts and practice one by one.

30 opportunities will always come true once or twice, right?

I have to stay up all night again tonight!

Crown sighed in his heart.

In order to have a stronger voice in front of his dealers, he decided to show his potential as much as possible.

The Gysai people are a wandering people, but they are quite united and help each other.

If he captures Lemansky's small caravan, he can build relationships with the entire group behind it.

See you tomorrow then, Crane stood up to say goodbye.

See you tomorrow.

. . . .

Stepping into the hotel through the back door, the warm atmosphere dispelled the chill on Crown's face.

The weather had indeed gotten a lot colder, so he took a few steps outside and felt a little shivering.

Walking to the counter, Crown asked: Old Jason, where are the two foreigners carrying long swords?

Why are you looking for them? That guy with the scar on his face is not easy to mess with at first sight.

The hotel owner put down the rag in his hand and lowered his voice: Tonight, a drunk man came to provoke him. He was punched by the white-haired man and flew out the door. The bridge of his nose was broken.

Crown shrugged: Don't worry, I'm just talking about business with him, and he buys some herbs from me.

Oh, that's it. Go upstairs to the innermost room. Jason pointed to the stairs.

Walking on the creaking stairs, Crown went upstairs to the end of the corridor.

Boom, boom, boom.

Who is it? came a slightly childish voice.

Open the door, Allen, it's me, Crown, and I'll treat you to a roast leg of lamb in a few days.

Soon, the door was opened.

Brother, you must keep your word!

Little Allen raised his red face and excitedly let the guests into the house.

Forget it. When Crown came in, he saw Geralt wiping his sword.

I brought the black sage. He took out a small box from his leather bag and handed it to the witcher. The herbs inside were collected by himself.

The white-haired man reached out to take it, opened the box, picked up one and looked at it carefully, then nodded with a smile: Yes, the herbs were not harmed at all when picking.

Alan, get money for Crown.

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