After Kroun's consciousness exited the mysterious space and used the ability of the time hourglass, he already understood some of the characteristics of this item.

The timing function is a passive ability that always exists. As the hourglass's ability increases, it can also determine the passage of time more accurately.

The ability to stop time is compared to Silver Ba's, and it can only be released by consuming the Sands of Time. There are two ways to obtain the Sand of Time, one is the natural accumulation over time, and the other is transformation.

Absorbing the spirituality of living things can transform the Sands of Time. In Crown's understanding, it is a collection of biological essences and spirits. Without this spirituality, animals will become walking corpses, and plants will wither and die.

Another kind of transformation is to absorb the pain, fear, despair and other negative emotions of living creatures. The best target for this transformation is primates, especially humans, because they have feelings and can produce strong negative emotions. mood.

The ability of the Time Hourglass is essentially the ability of evil spirits. If he wants to actively increase the Sands of Time, he doesn't know what side effects it will have. He is not ready to actively obtain the Sands of Time for the time being. He will decide whether to take the initiative after he has a general understanding of the mysterious world. Obtain.

The ability to stop time has not been fully tested. For example, what is the specific coverage area of ​​the ability? If a bullet is shot, will it cost the same to stop it and to stop the falling silver coin?

These need to be verified slowly. At this time, the physical risks have been solved, and Croun is no longer so eager to conduct tests in this area.

He planned to shift his focus to herbalism and the production of two kinds of Taoist talismans.

Herbalism is a craft for making money, and only if you can make money can you accept the teachings of the priest and become a Crusader warrior.

With the advancement of the Golden Light Spell, he now has some methods to fight against evil spirits, but his physical fitness has not improved much, except that his recovery ability has become stronger. He also needs a way to deal with monsters.

Werewolves and vampires are not just legends, they are also real.

It is said that the larger the city, the more numerous these two evil creatures are.

When he killed the goat-headed monster that day, Nick showed off his might and completely overturned his impression of the priest.

He was able to carry a heavy shield and flail and maintain a vigorous fighting state for a long time, which made him completely believe that the priest had a way for people to fight against evil.

After thinking about this, Crane decided to resume his previous routine. During the day, he still visualized the golden light spell. When buying herbs, he paid attention to the materials for making Taoist charms. He also practiced shooting while trading with the livestock farm. At night, he focused on improving his proficiency in herbal medicine. .

The production of ordinary potions already provides very little proficiency, but since he has not yet entered the circle of extraordinary beings, he now has no channels to obtain raw materials for blood-boiling potions or sales channels, and can only rely on making these ordinary potions to make money.

In the next few days, he plans to increase the production of ordinary potions. In a few days, the Frost Moon will enter, and the Kingdom of Faruk will also enter a long and cold winter.

He needs to stock up on enough goods before the merchants arrive.

In the first week of every month, merchants pass through Zak Town. They will stay here for two to three days, buying and selling.

Pink medicine is used to promote excitement; Bupleurum medicine is used to treat colds and reduce fever; bruise ointment is used to activate blood circulation and remove blood stasis.

These three medicines have a wide range of applications and are in high demand. He plans to sell these two medicines to merchants.

. . . .

The Frost Moon has arrived, the sky is not completely dark yet, and the wind outside the window has already brought a biting chill.

Kroun made moonlight seals on his hands, bathed in the bright halo, and meditated.

In his consciousness space, the silver liquid on the right side of the crystal ball accumulated at an imperceptible speed, shining brightly together with the golden liquid on the left side.

When his spiritual sense came to him that it was a quarter past six, he slowly stopped the exercise.

Exhaling, he picked up the wooden box he had prepared, stuffed the pistol into the inner pocket of his old coat, and rushed to the Goat Inn on Tavern Street.

At noon today, he went out to buy grain and meat and learned that merchants had arrived in Zak Town.

In the medicine box are several samples of medicines, as well as a black-tailed grass.

He was going to ask the descendants if they knew the herbs used by the mystics. If they knew them, it meant they had access to people with extraordinary abilities, and he might be able to obtain a supply of materials for making blood-boiling potions.

In a short time, he arrived at the door of the Goat Hotel.

The hotel is bustling with people at night, and quarry workers who have worked hard all day always like to come here for a drink.

Pulling open the goatskin curtain hanging at the door, a warm and lively atmosphere rushes into your face.

Abel, two more glasses of dark beer!

The food is being served, why is it so slow! Jason, are all your chefs slacking off?

Croun smelled the aroma, and felt a little hungry unconsciously. He imagined that the energy consumed by the Golden Light Spell was much more than at the zero level.

‘Have a big meal here after you finish your business and see how the chef’s skills here compare to mine! ’

He swallowed as he thought and walked straight to the counter: Old Jason, where are those merchants?

Old Jason was in his forties, with a strong build but not obesity, and a slight bald head. His predecessor had come here many times to deliver goods, and they looked very familiar.

A Giselle caravan?

Without looking back, Old Jason pointed to the small door at the back of the house and said, They took over the entire backyard.

Okay, I'll go talk to them about business and prepare two roasted lamb legs for me. I'll eat them after we finish talking.

After saying that, Kroun stepped inside.

Hey! Old Jason stopped him, turned to his face and said in a low voice: Can you still supply the pink potion?

Of course, my level of potion is much better than that of my father. I can supply it even if you eat it, so you can fill it up!

Croun patted his chest: I'll send you some tomorrow, prepare the money.

Your uncle, get out of here!

Jason touched his smooth scalp with some embarrassment and spat.

You kid, you are so willing. When your father was alive, he would only buy a roast leg of lamb during the Chinese New Year to make you tired.

Yalu, ask the chef to roast two more legs of lamb and add more chilies, he shouted to the busy waiter.

Crown walked through the crowded aisle toward the back door.

When his hand was about to touch the doorknob, an arm stretched out in front of him.

Friend, I want to discuss a business deal with you, the person sitting at the table next to him stood up and said gently.

This man had long white hair tied back casually, his face was weathered, and his face was full of perseverance.

His tawny eyes are very bright, and a hideous scar extends from his forehead to under his left eye.

All this shows that this person has a thrilling past.

My name is Geralt, Geralt the White Wolf.

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