My Life Simulator Chapter 400


Chapter 399 Across the world, galloping across the ocean

"Marquis, such a much does it cost?"

Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou are both famous generals. Naturally, it can be seen at a glance that this new type of fire cannon is huge.

"This is a Jiajing 40-style rifle."

Lu Li glanced at the two of them, said with a smile: "Do you want? Ten silver tael, with attached One hundred bullets."

"Ten silver tael?"

Qi Jiguang couldn't help screaming.

Yu Dayou next to him also stared wide-eyed with a startled look on his face.

Is it too expensive?

Yes! Now that the steam power has been updated, the manufacturing cost has been greatly reduced, and the production efficiency has doubled.

"It is unbelievable that ten silver tael can make such a fire gun."

Qi Jiguang raised his eyes and looked towards Lu Li, and said: "Marquis, now made by the Ministry of Industry. Fire gun, thirty silver tael, and it blows up from time to time, the formidable power is completely incomparable with a fire gun like yours."

Well, I'm still bidding low.

Lu Li laughed and said, "I'm at the cost price, so I'm supporting you."

"many thanks Marquis!"

The two hurriedly greeted you. Lu Li bowed and bowed, and his heart was even more moved.

This is clearly Marquis taking care of us.

Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou now have 5,000 soldiers and horses under their command, and they each placed an order for 5,000 rifles.

And then...Lu Li took them on a tour of the artillery!

A cannon blasted out, and a big hole was blown out on the ground.

The formidable power of such artillery makes Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou's eyes shine again, buy it! Must buy!

The artillery is more expensive, one thousand silver tael. The two also bought ten artillery pieces each.

Then, Lu Li showed them the military uniforms, rations, logistics support vehicles and other military supplies.

Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou seem to be the incarnation of a chopping party, and they keep buying and buying.

When the tour was over, the two were shocked to find that they had placed an order of more than 200,000 silver tael from Lu Li.

Fuck! What's happening here? Didn't we come to ask? How did it become big purchases?

And... after buying so many things, we simply can't come up with that much money?

"Two generals, have you heard of mortgages?"

Lu Li smiled.

As a result, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou, using the mortgage model and Lu Li's standard, each equipped a full set of equipment that could equip 5,000 people, and owed Lu Li a lot of money.

After the weapons and equipment are purchased, the after-sales service should also keep up.

Lu Li kindly gave the two a "Recruit Training Manual", and each sent 100 instructors to assist in military training and instruct the use of new weapons and equipment.

“many thanks Marquis for the love!”

Qi Jiguang and the two were grateful, they led the team of instructors, brought a lot of equipment and supplies, owed a debt, and went back happily .

The military reform of the Ming Dynasty took another significant step forward.

Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou are famous generals themselves, and they will be equipped with new weapons and equipment.

This is a good example.

Others see the success of Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou, and they will follow suit. There will inevitably be more people to purchase new weapons and equipment, and learn new training methods and combat methods.

Without Lu Li's forcible push, more people will come over and take the initiative to carry out military reforms.

The world is so big that Lu Li alone can't finish it.

Only more and more people join in, the tide of the times is rolling down, and the huge army is sweeping all directions.

Speaking of which, the number of troops in the Ming Dynasty was really scary.

The guards in each province are more than 200,000 soldiers. The two capitals and thirteen provinces add up to three to four hundred thousand troops.

If they were all changed to a new type of army...

Well, this is just delusional, it is impossible to support such a huge new type of army, and there is no need to create so many troops .

A new type of army with tens of thousands of people already has the powerful battle strength to hang all kinds of dissatisfaction.

Through the Ming Dynasty, at most 500,000 new troops were enough.

A 10,000-strong army is stationed in each province, and the rest... all go out, and expand the territory!


Time goes by.

The affairs of the Yamen, the governor of Nanzhili, have basically been on the right track.

Under the leadership of agricultural experts, the spring ploughing production of the forty-two health centers has been successfully completed, and high-yield crops have been fully planted.

The recruitment of new recruits at various guard posts is also going smoothly.

It's just that... raising an army of 200,000 people requires a huge amount of money, food and supplies. Lu Li couldn't handle it at all, so he could only reduce the scale and deal with it in half.

First recruit 100,000 soldiers this year, and then recruit the remaining 100,000 soldiers next year, completing the formation of a 200,000-strong army in two years.

Apart from this, the various workshops set up by the forty-two guards have all been put into production smoothly and are continuously producing various materials.

The construction of the heavy industry base in the Jinshan Port Industrial Zone is also very smooth. Metallurgical ironmaking, metal processing, machinery manufacturing, various steam-powered machinery and equipment are working non-stop, and the manufacture of guns and industrial equipment is in full swing. equipment.

Everything went very smoothly, but Lu Li became more relaxed and continued to study scientific cultivation with Tan Yuheng Old Daoist Priest.

It is worth mentioning that the promotion of high-yield crops led by Hai Rui has officially taken the first step.

Last year, the locust plague in Henan province reduced food production.

Hai Rui asked for orders to carry out pilot projects of new crops in Henan Province, and comprehensively promote drought-tolerant and high-yield crops such as corn, potatoes and sweet potatoes.

The reason why Lu Li thinks of Hai Rui is that... this guy is really a jerk.

Hai Rui, who has studied in Lu Family Village for more than half a year, eats Lu Li, wears Lu Li, uses Lu Li. tenant.

If it weren't for the fact that he was an honest official, Lu Li would have almost caught him and beat him up.

Hairui is piloting high-yield crops in Henan Province. Once the pilot program is completed, various high-yield crops will be fully promoted. Next year, there will be many high-yield crops in Daming, right?

In fact, in the area of southern Zhili, especially in the two prefectures of Su and Song, because of the bumper harvest of Jinshanwei and other guards, it has also led countless people around to follow up, introduce high-yield crop seeds, and plant them in an all-round way. high-yielding crops.


While Lu Li was building a lot...the Japanese pirates came again!

South Zhili and Lu Li were in town, and Japanese pirates dared not come. But... in Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong and Guangxi, and Qiongzhou, there are Japanese pirates everywhere.

Lu Li's record is really scary, but it takes time for the army to open up. When Lu Li calls, the Japanese pirates have already finished.

even more how, in the eyes of Japanese pirates, Lu Li is a land tiger, but they are a Flood Dragon at sea. No matter how powerful you Huating Hou are, you can still catch up to the sea and beat us?

Lu Li replied: Yes!

Lao Tzu's three destroyers have been floating at sea for months!

The 41st year of Jiajing, in May.

Japanese pirates attacked Zhejiang Province and Taizhou Prefecture, and the Japanese pirates looted everywhere.

The 41st year of Jiajing, June.

The Japanese pirates Wang Zhibu, tens of thousands of troops attacked Fujian Province, Quanzhou Prefecture, Fuzhou Prefecture, and Zhangzhou Prefecture, all in an emergency.

At this time, Hu Zongxian didn't know what to think, he didn't ask the Imperial Court for orders, and he didn't let Lu Li lead the army to pacify the Japanese.

Half a month later, Lu Li received the news from the house that Hu Zongxian had fallen.

The reason for Hu Zongxian's downfall has nothing to do with the various messy charges impeached by the Qingliu, but is completely a victim of political struggle.

Because... Mr. Yan Ge stepped down.

As a member of the strict party, Mr. Yan's resignation directly led to the dismissal of Hu Zongxian, the anti-Japanese governor, and Suo Na went to Beijing to inquire.

Hu Zongxian was dismissed and convicted.

Qi Jiguang's troops were stationed in Zhejiang Province.

Japanese pirates attacked Taizhou Prefecture and looted everywhere. Qi Jiguang immediately led the army to attack.

Qi Jiguang's 5,000 soldiers and horses have completed three months of preliminary military training under the training of the instructors, and have a certain combat capability.

With 5,000 new troops, thousands of Japanese pirates in Ye Ma's army were completely pushed and crushed, and they won a series of victories.

In Fujian Province, Yu Dayou's 5,000 new-style troops also completed three months of training.

We fought a positional battle with the Japanese pirates Wang Zhibu, directly crushing an army of tens of thousands of Japanese pirates, and achieved a brilliant victory.

However... Japanese pirates are sea pirates.

I can't win on land, so I went to sea. When the army retreated, they came back to loot again.

In today's Ming Dynasty, there was no coastal defense at all.

The long coastline is full of landing points for Japanese pirates. When the army came over, they ran away, landed in another place, and continued to burn, kill and loot.

Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou were exhausted and had no choice but to fight the fire everywhere.

At first several victories were fought, and for a while, Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou's troops hardly fought any major battles with Japanese pirates.

Except for some Japanese pirates who ran a little slower, who were killed by the two of them, the large troop of Japanese pirates had long since gone to sea.

What is a sigh of relief? This is Wang Yang sigh!

Watching the Japanese pirates show off one's military strength on the sea, the two have nothing to do.

Yu Dayou trained the navy in Quanzhou, but... those small sampans can only play a reconnaissance role, let's forget about the naval battle with Japanese pirates.

Because of the guerrilla tactics of Japanese pirates attacking from all directions, beacons were everywhere on the southeast coast. In addition to Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Fujian provinces, the coastal areas of Guangdong and Guangxi are also full of Japanese pirates.

Memorial reports from various state capitals are flying towards the court like snowflakes. In the eyes of Imperial court bosses, this is the intensifying trend of Japanese pirates.

The situation in the southeast urgently needs someone to preside over the overall situation.

Old Yan Ge fell from power, and Hu Zongxian, a member of the Yan Party, was naturally not mentioned.

The newly-appointed old Xu Ge felt that the Japanese pirates deliberately came to slap their face. I finally became the first assistant, why are you here to make trouble?

I still have a world famous general who defeated the Tatar army of 100,000 in the first battle! Dare to give me face? I'll let Lu Li hit you!

So, Mr. Xu Ge asked the Emperor Jiajing for a decree to transfer Lu Li, Marquis of Huating, and lead the army to pacify the Japanese.

Since Lu Li defeated the Tatars in the first battle, the Imperial court is full of confidence in Lu Li's battle strength.

No matter how powerful the Japanese pirates are, are they more powerful than the 100,000 cavalry of the Tatars? As long as Huating Hou goes, it will blow you up in minutes.

Emperor Jiajing also felt that this idea was a good idea. He reached out and knocked on the jade chime and passed the proposal.

An imperial decree was sent, and Lu Li received the imperial decree to lead the army to pacify the Japanese.

Now Lu Li has 100,000 soldiers who have completed three months of military training. It's just...the guns and ammunition haven't been stocked yet!

Fortunately, you don't need so many people to fight Japanese pirates.

Lu Li ordered that 10,000 soldiers and horses be mobilized and divided into two routes by water and land.

The army marching from the land is all cavalry, composed of the old team of Jinshanwei.

This cavalry unit will clear the pirates from the land.

The cavalry is much faster than the infantry, and is considered a quick reaction force. When the police call comes, they can rush to the scene of the incident as quickly as possible.

The remaining 5,000 troops, Lu Li convened another transport fleet, escorted by three destroyers, set off directly from the sea, and became the nature of the Marine Corps.


Taizhou Prefecture, Zhejiang Province.

Qi Jiguang led the 5,000 troops under his command to clear the Yema Department of Japanese pirates in Linhai County.

"The black clothed army is coming!" (Qi Jiguang's uniform was also provided by Lu Li)

Seeing Qi Jiguang lead the army out, the Japanese pirates... turned around and ran.

"The whole army is in pursuit!"

Qi Jiguang pointed at the fleeing Japanese pirates, angry roar.

"Did dah dah dick..."

The loud charging horn sounded, the five thousand army shouted "Kill it", and the Japanese pirates who moved towards the fleeing chased after them.

Hit and shoot while chasing.

The gunshot of "crackle" sounded, and the slow-running Japanese pirates screamed and fell to the ground.

However... all the way to the sea, the Japanese pirates have already boarded the ship and entered the sea.

The Japanese pirates supported the small sampan and rowed desperately, moving towards the ship that was docked away from the shore and rushed over.


Qi Jiguang could only order angrily, moved towards the small sampan that went away in the water and fired.

Although many Japanese pirates were killed and injured, most of the Japanese pirates had successfully boarded the ship.

"Fuck! Let them run away again!"

Qi Jiguang's eyes were burning with anger.

To pacify the Japanese pirates, it is not enough to have strong troops on land, but also a battleship at sea.

It's just that Qi Jiguang can't afford to build ships. One has no authority, and the other has no money.


On the sea, the Japanese pirates who boarded the ship moved towards the Qi Family army on the shore, laughing wildly, provoking wildly, and even unbuttoning their belts , moved towards the direction of Qi Family Army to pee.

This made the Qi Family army go wild one by one, but they could only hold their breath.

"Look! General Qi, look!"

At this time, an instructor sent by Lu Li pointed to the sea in the distance and shouted in surprise.

Qi Jiguang hurriedly looked over and saw three strange ships without masts on the sea in the distance, braving one after another black smoke, whistling from afar.

What's this...?

Qi Jiguang quickly raised the telescope and moved towards the three strange ships.

In the telescope, a bright sun and moon flag hangs high on the three strange ships.

This is my Ming's ship?

"Zhenhai Destroyer! This is Zhenhai Destroyer! These Japanese pirates are finished!"

The instructors in the army cheered one by one.


The high-pitched whistle sounded, and the three destroyers stepped out of the battle line, moved towards the front of the Japanese pirate fleet and rushed over.

A naval battle is about to break out!

(end of this chapter)

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