My Life Simulator Chapter 364


Chapter 363 Biochips come out

The matching protein molecule has been found.

Lu Li's universal gene chip, or biochip, is on the way.

Farewell to Liu Qin, Lu Li hurriedly returned to the laboratory.

"Huh? Didn't you go on a date with Liu Qin? Why did you suddenly run to the laboratory?"

Professor He saw Lu Li hurried back to the laboratory with a face on his face. full of surprises.

"Haha! Liu Qin is my lucky Goddess!"

Lu Li said with a smile: "Just now, I suddenly had inspiration and suddenly found a direction."

"Oh? That's very good!"

Professor He's face is full of joy, "It seems that it's not without benefits to fall in love and show affection! Okay, I won't. Excuse me!"

As a joke, Professor He turned and left the lab.

The reason for leaving the lab is not to watch Lu Li's experiments. This is because... Professor He is worried that his existence will interfere with Lu Li's thinking and affect Lu Li's performance.

Inspiration, or ideas, this thing is very mysterious. An accidental influence, maybe the train of thought is broken.

Just like a writer's creation, when he was writing in a fascination, the phone rang and he answered a call, maybe...the train of thought was broken, and Calvinka took a long time.

That feeling, like when the pressure in the bladder is being released happily, it suddenly becomes blocked, which makes one wish one were dead.

Lu Li sat at the computer desk, closed his eyes, and entered the virtual laboratory.

In the virtual lab, Lu Li saw the results of protein molecular comparison.

There are several kinds of proteins with similar characteristics to the protein molecules in the virtual biochip.

One is yeast protein. Another is transcriptase, and Lu Li also saw a special protein...prion.

A prion is not a virus, it is a special protein molecule. But... this thing is more terrifying and scarier than a virus.

Zombies are already known as everyone knows.

It's just that, in people's minds, zombies only exist in movies, and in reality they exist impossible. are wrong!

Prions make real zombies!

The Zombie Deer Incident in Millikin and the Mad Cow Disease Incident in England were caused by prions.

After prion infection, the virus parasitizes in the brain of the organism, eroding the brain into many holes, like a sponge full of countless holes.

This results in the loss of most of the brain function of the organism, leaving only the frenzied offensive and feeding instincts.

Is it similar to zombie?

Moreover, there is absolutely no cure for prions. Because... Prions are simply not viruses, just a special protein molecule.

Fortunately, in addition to the individual cases of human infection with prions in England, there have been no cases of prions infecting humans in other places.

speaking of which you may not believe, the No. 20 gene segment in the human gene chain actually contains the antibody gene for anti-prion.

Scientists speculate that perhaps in the distant past, prions once broke out among humans, perhaps... once there were zombies everywhere!

Think about it!

Now, Lu Li has compared prions in the gene chip protein molecular comparison.

Isn't it?

Isn't it a gene chip made of prions?

Lu Li shivered.

Even if you can't study biological computers, you can't use prions to make protein molecules of gene chips.

In case of a Resident Evil crisis, where am I going to cry?

Ignoring prions, Lu Li virtualized yeast proteins and transcriptase proteins and started fusion experiments.

Under the electronic Microscope, the two protein molecules are floating in the culture medium, and they have nothing to do with each other and are completely strangers.

Normally, the two proteins are not compatible at all and do not interact.

So...the protein molecules required by the gene chip should also need to be synthesized by some means.

Lu Li turned to look at the prion displayed on the monitor next to it, slightly frowned.

Is it really necessary to use prions?

Lu Li looked helpless. I wouldn't use such a dangerous thing as a prion.

Uh...that's delicious!

Next moment, Lu Li created a virtual prion and added it to the previous culture medium.

Then...the effect is completely different.

Prions appear to be a type of catalyst, and when prions are added to the culture, yeast proteins and transcriptases elicit a vigorous response.

The two proteins are rapidly decomposed and rapidly fused to form a new protein molecule.

Take out this brand new protein molecule, compare the molecular structure again, and then... 100% match!

It worked!

Lu Li has prepared the protein molecules needed to construct the gene chip. Biological computer, has succeeded!

In the process of preparing this protein molecule, prions only play a catalytic role and do not participate in the reaction.

So, the Resident Evil crisis that Lu Li was worried about does not exist.

Next, Lu Li continued to prepare protein molecules.

Through experiments, Lu Li found that as long as the prepared protein molecules are put into the culture medium, as a demonstration, the yeast protein and the transcriptase will have a chain reaction and automatically fuse to form a new protein molecule.

This is better, no prions are needed, the danger is gone.

At this step, the rest of the operation is very simple.

Lu Li put hundreds of millions of yeast proteins and transcriptases into a beaker full of culture medium, and then added the prepared protein molecules.

Then...the yeast protein and transcriptase fuse automatically.

After a while, a thin protein film formed in the beaker, which looked like the film inside an egg shell.

The film was taken out, and Lu Li put it on a glass slide, dripped it into the culture medium, added nucleic acid molecules, and observed it with an electronic Microscope.

On the screen of the electronic Microscope, Lu Li saw that the bioelectric signals propagated by nucleic acid molecules were passed into the gene chip composed of countless protein molecules, and the "switch effect" of the protein molecules was activated, and the chip was activated. Start running.

The next moment, the chip protein molecules began to release DNA information chains.

So far, the biological computer has been successfully constructed.

The protein molecule constitutes the chip, the nucleic acid molecule constitutes the input device and the data line, and the DNA information chain is the storage device, that is, the memory and the hard disk.

It's just...there's a problem here.

That is, how to read data from the hard disk of the DNA information chain and convert it to the display.

This requires redesigning a low-level data interaction program.

This low-level data interaction program is the current cutting-edge technology in the computer field—genetic algorithm.

It is not difficult to rewrite the machine language in the way of genetic coding.

Theoretically, the genetic algorithm has appeared, and the genetic coding technology has also appeared.

It's just...because the interpretation of the gene has not been completed, this gene encoding technology naturally cannot be put into practical application.

For Lu Li, what exists in theory can be virtualized.

"Virtually create a decoder and integrate the gene coding database."

With a thought, something similar to a "light cat" appeared on the test bed.

The next step is easy.

Lu Li virtualized various components and began to assemble the computer.

It is similar to the normal computer structure, except that the silicon-based chip is replaced by a gene chip, and a decoder is added to link the input and output devices.

After assembly, Lu Li opened the program interface, wrote a program to calculate Pi, and started to run.

As soon as you hit the Enter key, the data on the screen scrolls like a waterfall, and it is calculated to hundreds of millions of digits in an instant.


Lu Li smiled. Gene chip, or biological computer, declared a success!

Of course, Lu Li also needs to call up the gene coding database in the decoder to read it again, and write down the underlying data.

Unfortunately, the data in the virtual lab cannot be copied out with a U disk, and I still need to memorize it by rote...

Huh? It seems... there are other methods.

This virtual laboratory exists in my brain and is rooted in my mental consciousness. So... my mind connector, can it be copied?

With a thought, Lu Li opened the mind connector.

Sure enough!

The Mind Connector really does connect to the virtual lab.

Lu Li hurriedly used the mind connector to copy the underlying data of the genetic code that had just been virtualized into his memory.

One click!

Exiting the virtual lab, Lu Li opened his eyes.

In front of him is his laboratory at Fudan University.

In the laboratory, Lu Li repeated the experimental process in the virtual laboratory to prepare the protein molecules for constructing the gene chip.

And then...the rest of the steps Lu Li did not continue.

After preparing protein molecules with practical application value and constructing a thin film-like gene chip, Lu Li began to carry out various tests.

Test the computing power of the gene chip, test the speed of information transmission, test the ability to withstand interference, and test the ability to automatically repair after damage.

After all the test items were completed and all test data were recorded, Lu Li started writing the thesis.

"A new type of gene chip based on biological protein switch effect."

Lu Li wrote two copies of this paper.

One is internal data. Lu Li described the manufacturing process of the "switch protein" in detail. Every step and every data is written very detailed and accurate.

Another paper was published.

In this published paper, Lu Li deleted the preparation process of the switch protein.

It only describes the computing power, information transmission speed, anti-interference ability and automatic repair ability of the "switch protein" in detail, and also lists the detailed experimental detection data.

After finishing this, Lu Li looked up at the time.'s the afternoon of the second day.

Well, it's hard to get addicted to scientific research.

Lu Li laughed, took out his mobile phone and called Professor He, "teacher, I wrote another paper, please take a look at it."

And the results came out again?

Professor He received this call, and he was both joyful and amazed.

This kid Lu Li is really too strong!

After hanging up the phone, Professor He called Lu Li, the life assistant who was guarding outside the laboratory, and said, "Lu Li has completed his research. Go and prepare food for him, and bring it over as soon as possible."


The life assistant got up quickly and hurriedly prepared meals for Lu Li.

Professor He turned around and walked into the laboratory, and said to Lu Li, "Don't be in a hurry when doing research. Neglect sleep and forget about food is not right. Pay attention to your body!"

"Inspiration came, but I can't hold it back. I will pay attention to it later."

Lu Li replied with a smile, and handed the printed paper to Professor He, "teacher, Take a look."

"What have you researched again?"

Professor He stretched out his hand to take the thesis materials as he spoke.

Looking at the title, Professor He was shivering.

Gene chip?

Damn! You are going against the sky!

Professor He took a deep breath and looked towards this paper.

This paper is very detailed, describing the artificial synthesis process of a brand-new switch effector protein molecule. Every step and every data are very detailed.

In the second half of the paper, Lu Li also listed various testing data and conducted various tests on this gene chip.

It is clear that Lu Li has developed a truly practical gene chip technology.

“Where is the chip? Where is the gene chip you made?”

Professor He asked Lu Li excitedly.


Lu Li pointed to a coin-sized protein film floating in the petri dish and said to Professor He: "That's the gene chip!"

"It's really done! It's really done!"

Professor He looked at the protein film in the petri dish, and his face flushed with excitement.

Huaguo has always been at a disadvantage in chip technology. Whether it is a civilian chip, an industrial chip, or even a military chip, there is a big gap compared with the other side of the Pacific Ocean.

This disadvantage of being controlled by others has made China suffer a lot.

Now...the gene chip developed by Lu Li has fundamentally reversed the situation. It can even be said that Lu Li has created a new era!

The dominance of silicon-based chips will be shattered, and Lu Li's gene chip will surely create the future!

"Lu Li, being your teacher is the greatest honor in my life."

Professor He raised his eyes and looked towards Lu Li, his heart was filled with emotion.

With Lu Li's achievements, he will surely leave a splendid imprint on human history. His name will surely be remembered in history.

It's really... an honor to be his teacher!

In the beginning, how could I be so lucky to pick up the student Lu Li? It's just like a dream!

"Lu Li, the success of gene chip research is an epoch-making Great Accomplishment."

Professor He patted Lu Li's shoulder, "Gene chip will definitely change the world , the gene chip will surely create a new era. And you... the father of the gene chip, the founder of the new era!"

Uh... the father of the gene chip?

So, who the hell is a gene chip?

Lu Li touched his head, "teacher, you can don't say this. The father of the gene chip, don't say such a name."

What is this "gene" The name "Father of Chips"...Lu Li always felt...a little weird.

(end of this chapter)

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