My Life Simulator Chapter 312


Chapter 312 How strong is Lu Li's full play?

Aerospace Training Center.

On this day, Lu Li and the others received a new training, "Spacecraft Operation Training".

The spacecraft operation training has been conducted many times by Lu Li and the others. However, the previous operation training is a single training. List the operations of lift-off, landing, communication, orbit change, etc. separately, one by one training.

The current "spacecraft operation training" is an overall comprehensive training.

"Everyone, today's spacecraft operation training is not only a training, but also a test of the previous training results."

Wang Liwen pointed to the one placed on the ground The huge spacecraft said to everyone: "This is a replica of Divine Boat No. 11 spaceship. Today's training requires you to complete all the links, a total of forty-six categories and two hundred and thirty-six operations."

"Involving power system, operation system, energy system, life support system, communication system and other major systems, the manipulation is complicated and there are many kinds. But... I ask you to complete all the accurate and correct in the shortest time. Operation."

"Attention! It must be accurate. There is no room for error in the operation of the spacecraft."

Having said this, Wang Liwen glanced at Lu Li and the others. It fell on Lu Li, "Lu Li, you come first!"


Lu Li hurriedly took the lead, hurried to the next locker room, and quickly changed into The spacesuit in the cabin, and then quickly boarded the spacecraft.


With Wang Liwen's order, the spacecraft operation training officially began. The numbers on the big screen began to beat, timing Lu Li's actions.

At this moment, Lu Li has come to the cockpit of the spacecraft and is carrying out the launch procedure.

In the process of spaceship launch, the spacecraft and astronauts are actually in the status of "cargo", just the "cargo" transported by the launch vehicle.

At this stage, the astronauts don't really need much manipulation.

After completing the safety self-check according to the procedure, Lu Li immediately sat on the cockpit seat, sat down in a "lying" position, fastened his seat belt, adjusted his posture, and tested a communication , even if the take-off phase is completed.

This is a simulation, and naturally there is no need for Lu Li to sit in the cockpit and wait for more than an hour until the spacecraft is in orbit before the next move.

After completing the take-off procedure, Lu Li presses the enter key to end the take-off operation. He then immediately unbuckled his seat belt and stepped out of the cockpit seat.

The next step is the various operations after the spacecraft enters orbit.

Open the solar sail, the energy system starts to charge solar energy, and various electronic devices start to operate.

The life support system supplies oxygen to the cabin. Lu Li took off the spacesuit in the cabin and started various scheduled operations.

Before completing an operation, press the OK key to end the operation.

Forty-six categories, two hundred and thirty-six kinds of operations, need to press various buttons countless times, and can't make any mistakes.

In order to perform these operations skillfully and accurately, astronauts must undergo long-term and rigorous training.

It's just that...Lu Li is dead.

Unforgettable, let Lu Li know every detail in the cabin like the back of his hand, and he is clear about every operation procedure, and he knows the whole process completely.

The calm state of mind makes Lu Li calm and calm.

Ingenuity makes Lu Li's operations very precise and stable.

The fast reaction ability, which has been trained in the police story, has been continuously strengthened, makes Lu Li's movements very fast.

At this moment, Wang Liwen and the other team members watched Lu Li's operation through the camera screen on the big screen. They only saw that Lu Li's movements were fast and precise, and his hands were like playing the piano. Dazzled.

Every movement of Lu Li's hands, every movement of his feet, as if he had already designed a program, every movement was just right.

Lu Li completes an operation and presses the confirm button, and a message "So-and-so operation is completed." will pop up on the big screen.

An operation is completed quickly under Lu Li's hands . The "Operation Completed" prompt popped up on the big screen was like swiping the screen.

"Fuck! Thankless wretch is so proficient? So fast?"

Fei Xiong watched Lu Li's rapid operation and the "Complete" on the big screen. "Prompt, mouth opened wide in shock, unable to close for a long time.

Before...he wasn't so perverted! Why is it so frustrating today? Is this a bloodbath? Or take the blue pill?

"It's not just fast!"

Next to Qu Hongying, looking at the image displayed on the big screen, her face is full of admiration, "Are you paying attention? Lu Li's operation There are no mistakes. So far, there has not been a single error message, and everything has been completed successfully."

"This guy... is more perverted!"

Touching his chin, a wry smile appeared on his face, "It's so stressful to be teammates with such a guy!"

Qinghu and Qilin, who were standing on the left side of the team, looked at each other, It was all a helpless smile.

Lu Li's show operation brought too much psychological pressure to everyone.

As the same group of team members who joined the aerospace battallion, you are so good, what should we do?

Wang Liwen looked at the big screen with no expression on her face, but there was a shock in her eyes.

Lu Li's so proficient?

Every operation is fast and accurate, without the slightest hesitation, and without any unnecessary movements, as if these operations are all skilled as instinct.

Is this a reservist who just joined the aerospace battallion? Those official astronauts who have been training for more than ten years are at this level.

This guy Lu Li is...a natural astronaut.

physique is unbelievably strong, psychologically too good, and has a perverted ability to learn.

This really talented!

After more than 20 minutes, Lu Li completed the final landing procedure, ending all operations.

"The comprehensive operation training of the spacecraft is over."

"The completion rate of the operation project is 100%, with 0 mistakes and 0 accidents. Time: 21 minutes and 09 seconds."

"Comprehensive evaluation: Excellent!"

After Lu Li finished training, Lu Li's training results popped up on the big screen.

Seeing this result, the other team members admired Lu Li's ability to complete all operations without any mistakes.

Hundreds of operations, pressing various buttons countless times, but without the slightest error, it is really not easy. It is possible to press the wrong button when typing on the keyboard!

Wang Liwen's focus is different from others.

The operation of each step is completely correct, without a single error. This is the basic requirement of astronauts.

Even if there is one mistake in 10,000 operations, such a person has no chance to lift off.

Wang Liwen is more concerned about the completion time of this "21 minutes and 9 seconds" than a completely correct operation.

In Wang Liwen's memory, it seems that the fastest official astronauts completed it took about twenty-five minutes.

Speed is important after operation is completely accurate.

In case of emergency, completing the operation one second earlier may be the difference between life and death, success and failure!

This guy Lu Li...really good!

A smile appeared on Wang Liwen's mouth.

Originally, Wang Liwen also felt that Lu Li's height was a disadvantage, but now it seems that with Lu Li's performance in all aspects, the influence of a slightly taller height can be completely ignored.

Next, several other team members also started training.

Looking at Lu Li's operation, everyone will inevitably think... It seems that this thing is quite easy, and it can be done easily.

After experiencing it myself, I realized that it is easy to see but difficult to do.

After the completion of this round of training, the results of everyone... are horrible! At least it's horrible compared to Lu Li!

The Flying Bear made two mistakes, the Winged Tiger made three mistakes, and both Qinghu and Qilin made two or three mistakes.

The only thing that didn't go wrong was Qu Hongying. The delicate thoughts of women allowed her to complete all the operations accurately. It's just... she spent an entire hour.

Seeing their own results and comparing Lu Li's results, everyone sighed, and two words popped out of their minds: "Perverted!"


After the comprehensive operation training of the spacecraft, in the next period of time, everyone also received a lot of training subjects.

Air-space joint exercise, ground-air joint exercise, ground-air-space joint exercise, extravehicular walking exercise, emergency self-rescue and escape exercise, landing impact exercise...

Various kind of training program continuously.

In the following training sessions, Lu Li's performance became more and more dazzling and more powerful. Every training is a 100% completion rate, the results are far ahead, it is simply outstanding!

After such a series of "strikes", Fei Xiong and the others have no idea of competing with Lu Li at all.

We are normal human beings, but Lu Li is superhuman. The gap is so huge that there is no comparability at all!

Time passed slowly in the non-stop training, and it was the end of the year.

In the winter of the capital, the ground is covered with white snow.

All this time, Lu Li still has a "non-human" record, leading the way in all training programs, thriving.

Although Lu Li is often praised by Wang Liwen and admired by his teammates, there is still no news about the selection of astronauts for the launch of the core module of the space station.

Lu Li also inquired about Wang Liwen, but...don't ask, it's a state secret!

In all the previous plots, Lu Li always took the initiative to fight for what goal to achieve.

Now it's different!

In this kind of thing, in addition to doing my best to show all my abilities, I can only passively wait for the selection from "the above".

If you can't be the core module astronaut when the core module is launched this time, and go to space in one fell swoop, then you can only wait for the next launch of the cabins of other space stations.

The progress of aerospace engineering is not the launch of the core module today, the launch of the experimental module tomorrow, and the launch of the storage bin the day after.

After the launch of the core capsule, it may be several years before the other capsules can be launched.

Lu Li didn't want to delay for so long, but there was still nothing he could do. The only thing he could do was to train hard and show his advantages in front of the leaders of the aerospace battallion.


"Xiang team, I want to talk to you about something."

On this day, Wang Liwen walked in with a folder. Sunshine Great Captain's office.

"Oh? It's so formal!"

Xiangyang laughed and gestured to Wang Liwen, "Sit! Sit! What's the matter, talk slowly."

"Thank you!"

Wang Liwen sat down on the sofa opposite Xiangyang, put down the folder in her hand, and said to Yang: "Xiang team, the space station core module 'Tianhe' lifts off, what are you going to do? To choose astronauts?"

"Of course it's from the aerospace battallion! Are you still choosing outside?"

Xiang Yang raised his brows and made a joke with Wang Liwen.

"Xiang team, I'm serious."

Wang Liwen rolled her eyes, "As the director of the Astronaut Training Center, I am also qualified to participate in this matter. Right?"

"Haha! Of course!"

Xiang Yang laughed, "Director Wang, I don't know... What advice do you have on this?"


"I recommend someone!"

Wang Liwen picked up the folder, got up and walked to Xiang Yang, and handed the folder to Xiang Yang, "I recommend...Lu Li!"


Xiang Yang was stunned, "Lu Li? He's still a reserve player, how long has he been training? Including selection training, it's only a year, right? He can do it. ?"

It's no wonder that Xiangyang thinks so.

The astronauts in the aerospace battallion, some people have entered the aerospace battallion since the 1990s, and have been trained for more than 20 years.

Lu Li, this group of "new recruits" who have just joined the aerospace battallion, can only be regarded as the successors of the "veteran". Xiang Yang never thought of choosing the astronauts of the "Tianhe" from the reserve team.

"Look at the information first!"

Wang Liwen pointed to the folder and said seriously: "Xiang team, you should know what kind of person I am, Wang Liwen. . With my strict and critical, I can still recommend Lu Li. That only shows that Lu Li is good enough!"

"Didn't you dislike his height before? Now you admire him so much. It seems that this guy Lu Li really has several points of ability!"

Xiangyang "washed" Wang Liwen, reached out and picked up the folder and looked through it.

At first, Xiangyang didn't care much. In Xiangyang's view, although Lu Li is excellent, it will not exceed expectations.

Now take a look... FUCK! Is this still human? This is too good, too good!

"The centrifuge training, under 10G overload, persisted for 45 minutes?"

Seeing the first test report, Xiangyang's eyes bulged out, "As expected of the most Born from a strong soldier king, this body... is simply made of iron!"

"That was last week's test report. This week's report has not been compiled yet."

Wang Liwen Xiangyang laughed, "The people in the centrifuge lab told me that Lu Li could last 50 minutes under 10G overload."

"My God!"

Xiang Yang He raised his eyes and looked towards Wang Liwen with a look of horror on his face, "Under the 10G overload, it lasted for 50 minutes? This is not ironclad anymore, this is Indestructible Vajra!"

"It's not just overloaded. Tolerance, you continue to see, Lu Li has a very high tolerance to high temperature environment, low temperature environment, vibration, shock and blood redistribution state."

Wang Liwen seems to have a little bit on her face. He was very proud, just like the teacher and his peers showing off his good students, "All in all, Lu Li's physical fitness is the strongest in the entire aerospace battallion."

Hearing this, Xiang Yang hurriedly Read a few other reports.

After watching it, Xiangyang stared wide-eyed, "A guy who can push a tank with his bare hands, physique is really strong! It's just... physique alone is not enough. Astronauts need more than toughness. physique."

Wang Liwen pointed to the folder with a smile on her face, "There's more in the back! Keep reading!"

(end of this chapter)

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