My Life Simulator Chapter 302


Chapter 302 I am a good person, please don't slander

In the first round preliminaries, Lu Li won!

However, the same tactics can no longer be used a second time.

The battle just now is enough to attract the attention of all pilots. As long as you are a little careful, flying over the mountain range of Yanshan, the ground detection radar can find the fighters hidden in the mountains.

But Lu Li didn't care. This routine can no longer be used, and I still have more routines!

Back at base, Lu Li, like other pilots, watched the game on the big screen.

There are still several rounds of duels to come, and the opponents we will meet will definitely be among these people. Look at the opponent's game first, and you can understand the opponent's technology to some extent.

The first round was played for two days.

In the past two days, Lu Li has also met many pilots who are very skilled and threatening to him.

A pilot, codenamed "Flying Bear", piloted the J-10 and faced off against the J-16.

The tactics of this "Flying Bear" are majestic. With superb operation, it continuously avoids two long-range missiles from the opponent, and kills all the way to the close. With the "pendulum-style stall roll" created by Lu Li, it will annihilate the enemy. 16 Blast on the spot!

This is awesome!

Lu Li himself has not used the "pendulum stall roll" to fight, but this flying bear used it first.

In addition to this flying bear, there is also a "winged tiger", which is also very fierce.

The Su-35 driven by the Jaw-wing Tiger has worse radar performance than the J-16, and is similar to the J-10.

In this duel, the Jaw-wing Tiger was driving the Su-35 and faced off against the J-10 fighter. It also uses gorgeous tactical moves to avoid the opponent's radar lock, and in close combat, the more lightweight and flexible J-10 is knocked out.

This dignified tactic, this gorgeous tactical maneuver, and this wonderful fighting duel drew applause and cheers from everyone present.

"It seems... this way of head-to-head battle is the air combat hero in people's minds."

Lu Li smiled and looked the head, "My wretched tactics, Everyone doesn't appreciate it very much!"

This is the truth!

The golden helmet air combat competition is mainly based on fighting duels. There is not much market for those who play stealth backstab quietly.

"Golden helmet competitions are basically close-range fighting!"

Tang Zhimin, who was next to him, turned his head to look at Lu Li, said with a smile: "Your previous tactics, Although it is in line with the rules, it is not respected by people."

"If you want to pursue stealth, you should play stealth backstab, go to J-20, and go to the golden dart competition. Here is the golden helmet, here Favored is the face-to-face confrontation."

"so that's how it is!"

Lu Li nods with a smile, already knowing.

I just used the easiest way to win. It's better than maneuver tactics, melee combat, and fighting, and I'm also proficient at it.

Two days later, the first round is over.

Next is another round of lottery, random grouping by computer and random pairing.

This time, Lu Li is the first to appear. The opponent randomly assigned by the computer was a Su-35 pilot that Lu Li didn't pay much attention to.

It's just that, under Lu Li's unforgettable memory, he thought about it for a while, and then he remembered it immediately.

The pilot, code-named "Flying Fish", has equally extraordinary strength and superb fighting tactics.

“This is a pilot who likes duels very much.”

Lu Li laughed, “Since that’s the case, then I’ll have a good duel with you!”

On the morning of the third day, the second round starts.

Early in the morning, Lu Li came to the tarmac with his flight helmet, checked the plane carefully, and got ready for takeoff.

"Golden helmet air combat competition, second round, first group, thankless wretch VS Flying Fish!"

"The competition begins!"

With an order, the engine Ignition, Lu Li flew into the sky in the J-10.

After the start of the game, the people in the red and blue bases saw the code name "thankless wretch", and their anticipation disappeared instantly.

"It's that wretched guy again, where will he hide this time?"

Someone said disapprovingly.

"Thankless wretch's tactics are really too obscene. Golden helmets that don't fight head-to-head, are they still golden helmets?"

Someone was full of disdain.

"thankless wretch, this peek-a-boo tactic, just play golden darts. Our golden helmets are not for you!"

Some people were dissatisfied.

However...the next moment, people were surprised to find that this time, Lu Li didn't play wretched tactics.

On the radar image, the flight attitude of thankless wretch is very standard, taking off and climbing, occupying a high altitude, and pressing the opposite side with the dignified division.

"Huh? This time...he's not hiding? This doesn't fit the style of thankless wretch!"

On the radar image, thankless wretch's majestic flying attitude, It's a little unbelievable.


in the competition airspace.

The Flying Fish was driving the Su 35, roaring through the air all the way.

As a top pilot who has participated in many gold helmet competitions, Flying Fish naturally knows how to study and analyze opponents carefully before the competition.

From the first round competition, thankless wretch is very good at "peek-a-boo" and likes to play sneak attack.

Even though this guy is obviously the founder of the Air Force's latest tactics and has a strong fighting ability, he is dedicated to playing sneak attack and doesn't like confronting people head-on.

After knowing the feature of thankless wretch, Flying Fish naturally has to take targeted tactics.

You want to hide and seek? There are only two mountain ranges in the entire airspace, and there are only a few places to hide. I will directly occupy the airspace above the mountain range, waiting for you to come to your door.

Yanshan mountain range is a dead place. After using it once, it is courting death. At this time, thankless wretch can only hide in the Daxing mountain range.

As a result, Flying Fish sneered and pressed the joystick, taking the lead in rushing towards the Daxing mountain range in a supersonic cruise attitude, occupying the altitude of the mountain range, and waiting for the thankless wretch to arrive.

And then...

Lu Li was surprised to find that his radar detected that the Flying Fish was moving towards the Daxing mountain range in a supersonic cruising attitude.

What is this?

Dare to play supersonic flight in air combat?

Supersonic flight is for traveling. In combat, supersonic flight is only used when being chased by missiles and having to escape.

Because...once you're flying supersonic, it's hard to do tactical maneuvers. In the supersonic state, making maneuvers with too much overload can easily damage the airframe and cause the aircraft to disintegrate in the air.

In addition, the detection ability of radar will also be greatly weakened in the state of supersonic flight.

The current situation is completely in line with this rule.

Lu Li's radar detected the flying fish, but the flying fish, which was flying at supersonic speed, did not detect Lu Li!


Lu Li looked helpless, I dignified to play head-to-head with you, actually put on this pose ?

I don't want a sneak attack either, the key is... your posture is very good!

So, Lu Li turned on the fire control radar and locked it!

The thumb fiercely pressed the launch button, and the long-range air-to-air missiles virtualized by the exercise system roared out.

Flying at supersonic speed and rushing to the Daxing mountain range, the Flying Fish suddenly heard a shrill alarm sound.

Huh? I'm locked on by a missile?

What's going on? Where is the thankless wretch?

Fei Tianyu was startled, and a cold sweat broke out on his head.

Under supersonic speed, maneuvering to avoid missiles is not possible. Slow down to exit supersonic state? Once slowed down, it will be hit by missiles immediately.

Now, the only thing left to do is... keep accelerating!

Stepping up the accelerator, the Flying Fish burst out the extreme speed of the Su 35.

As long as I run fast, the missile can't catch me!

Well...theoretically, that makes sense. Once in the Cold War, the polar bear's MiG 25 created a miracle that even missiles could not catch up.

However... the current air-to-air missiles are not the air-to-air missiles of the Cold War!

Whistled past's missile soon caught up with the supersonic flying fish. The missile in the infrared guidance mode locked on the engine nozzle of the Flying Fish and plunged into it!

And then... not then!

"Fuck! thankless wretch is so sinister!"

When the missile hit the Flying Fish and the Flying Fish's signal disappeared from the radar image, everyone watching the game, I couldn't help roaring.

In the eyes of everyone, Lu Li was deliberately plotting against Flying Fish.

The previous sleazy tactics were impressive. This time is uncharacteristically, not that he wants to dignified the game, but a more insidious, more treacherous, and more obscene plot against.

He guessed the reaction of the flying fish, and deliberately used this method to cloud the flying fish.

How insidious!

"Yes! Yes! thankless wretch is intentional! His plot against is too fine, too treacherous!"

"Who said he wanted to dignified a fight? ? This is so... more sinister, more obscene!"

At this moment, Lu Li's obscene label was already stuck!

"I don't think so!"

After returning to the base, Lu Li learned how everyone thought of him, and his depression was beyond words.

I clearly just want a dignified duel and a head-to-head duel, who knows... It's all Fei Tianyu's fault, it's all because of his posture, I can't help it!

The pose is so tempting, can you resist it?


"Lu Li, your wonderful!"

The smile on Tang Zhimin's face was very strange, "All fighters, with the right combination, with the odd victory. The way of head-to-head confrontation, but he played a surprising victory. This tactic is very consistent with Sun Tzu's art of war."

"What kind of tactics? What kind of Ghost Soldier method?"

Lu Li looked helpless , "I didn't think about it at all, I just wanted to fight head-to-head. The problem is that when the opportunity comes, it won't work if you don't fight!"

"hehe! We are our own people, you just Stop pretending!"

Tang Zhimin laughed and looked at the head, thinking to himself: I believe in you!

"I'm telling the truth, why don't you believe it?"

Lu Li sighed helplessly, your hearts are too dirty!


“A rival! thankless wretch is a rival!”

The pilots who watched Lu Li’s two games have deeply realized that thankless wretch wretch is a particularly tough opponent.

Even the "pendulum-style stall roll" can be produced, with strong tactical maneuverability, and... extremely insidious and cunning, extremely wretched and cunning.

With such an opponent, you can't judge what he will do next, and there is absolutely no bottom line!

After this battle, Lu Li was treated as an evil villain by all participating pilots.

Lu Li let out a long sigh: I am so wronged!

The second round is over, and there are only 26 pilots left.

Next is a new round of group matching.

In the third round, Lu Li came in tenth, and his paired player was a Southwest pilot who also flew J-10 fighters, codenamed "Hammer".

This code name...In Xichuan dialect, the meaning of hammer...cough cough.

At this time, Lu Li has already made up his mind, he must be dignified to have a head-to-head duel. Fiercely's show-stopping operation will reverse my stigma.


The third round has begun.

Groups of battles are all head-to-head confrontations. Even in order to offset the difference in radar detection distance, we have to use an ultra-low-altitude penetration attitude to shorten the distance. In the end, it is still at close range. Fight to win.

What is spelling is technology, what is compared is operation.

Won everyone's applause with gorgeous tactical moves.

After the first few games, when Lu Li came on the court, the audience booed again.

This guy thankless wretch will definitely play a wretched routine with no lower limit.

"I'm not!"

Lu Li burst into gnashing teeth, launched the fighter jet, and roared into the sky!

Take off and climb into the sky. Lu Li flew towards the midline of the competition airspace in a high-altitude cruising attitude.

The radar kept scanning and searching, looking for another J-10 fighter on the opposite side.

Flying all the way to the center line, Lu Li still couldn't find the "Hammer" fighter on his radar.

"This guy...played ultra-low-altitude penetration?"

Lu Li slightly frowned, the map of the competition airspace appeared in his mind, and immediately judged...not a super-low-altitude penetration Defend.

The radar detection range of the J-10 is only 100 kilometers, and it is impossible to search all places in the airspace of 500 kilometers.

The hammer probably made a circle from the side, ready to take a back path.

"Are you copying the back path? Let's see who is copying the back path!"

Lu Li grinned, pressed the joystick, and took the centerline of the airspace as the origin to give full play to the The maximum detection distance of the radar, search for each other in a circle.

On the radar images that the audience saw, the two J-10 fighter jets of Lu Li and Hammer were drawn in circles like two compasses.

The two fighter jets are the same model, and both take subsonic flight. After a circle was drawn, the relative positions of the two remained unchanged, and no one found the other.

"Can't find it?"

Lu Li raised his brows, "This is interesting!"

After turning around, the hammer couldn't find me , what would he think? Based on his "misunderstanding" of me, I will definitely feel that I am playing insidious routines again.

In order to avoid being attacked by my sneak, at this time... all he has to do is to protect himself, to be invincible first, and to respond to changes without change!

He will climb, he will rise to the extreme altitude of the J-10. Hiding in the sky, waiting for me to come out on my own.


Lu Li's mouth showed a smile, pulled the joystick, and began to climb.

It's just that Lu Li's climbing angle is very large, and he almost rushed up in a vertical climb.

And then...the radar detection range of 100 kilometers in front of the nose immediately found the hammer rising to an altitude of 10,000 meters!

Fate is always frustrating!

At this moment, the hammer, which had just risen to its extreme height, was in such an excellent posture that it couldn't help it at all!

The fire control radar is turned on and locked.

With a thumbs down, the virtual missile whizzed out.

With a "bang", the hammer... exploded!

"Fuck! It's so sinister! It's so treacherous! It's so obscene!"

The people watching the game are angry roar again!

Lu Li: I'm a good person, don't slander me!

(end of this chapter)

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