My Life Simulator Chapter 215


Chapter 215 only raised his eyebrows, but his heart came up

"Liu Qin, there is a courier!"

When Liu Qin When Qin came out of the library and returned to the dormitory, she heard her classmates calling her in the same dormitory.

"Express delivery? Where is it?"

A flash of surprise flashed in Liu Qin's eyes. Where did the courier come from? I haven't shopped online for a while? Did it come from home?

"I signed for you!"

Zhou Yan, a girl in the same dormitory, pointed to a packing box on the table in the dormitory, "There! The box, but...the weight is a little light."

"Thank you!"

Liu Qin, nodded with a smile, walked up, his eyes fell on the courier list, and there was only The recipient's information, the sender is blank. (The real-name system for express delivery will be implemented after 15 years)

Who sent it?

Liu Qin is slightly frowned, is it the "seeker" of some ignorant?

Although he was a little unhappy, Liu Qin still opened the express box. Even if it is sent by a "suiter", at least it is necessary to find out who it is.

Opening the box, it turned out to be five beautifully packaged scrolls.

Scrolls? Picture scroll?

Liu Qin's heart trembled, and he suddenly remembered the picture "Peach Blossoms on the Face of People", could it be him?

Looking at the picture scroll in front of her, Liu Qin was a little nervous, a little flustered, and her heart was beating fast.

"Yeah? Is this a picture scroll?"

Sister Zhou Yan next to her, saw Liu Qin open the box, revealing five exquisite scrolls, and immediately became interested. "Who sent you the painting? Let me take a look!"

As she said, Zhou Yan reached out and picked up a scroll.


Liu Qin panicked, and hurriedly stopped it, but it was too late.

Zhou Yan has pulled the tether of the scroll, and with a sound of "shua", the scroll is opened, and what appears in front of the two is a fine brushwork figure painting.

On the picture scroll, Liu Qin is wearing the uniform of Yucheng No.

The breeze blows and the hair is flying.

Liu Qin's face is filled with a bright smile, youthful and beautiful, and lively and lovely.

"This is..."

Liu Qin's heart trembled, this was when I first reported to Yucheng No. 1 Middle School, right?


Zhou Yan's eyes lit up and she couldn't help exclaiming, "This is you! The painting is you! The painting is so beautiful! It is so beautiful. Now! Who drew this?"

"Don't look! Give it back to me!"

Liu Qin just came back to his senses, and hurriedly grabbed Zhou Yan's hand 's picture scroll.

"Huh? There is no name written on the signature, but only a seal. These two words..."

Zhou Yan stared at the seal for a long time, but didn't recognize it Two ancient seal characters.

Liu Qinan was secretly relieved and quickly held out hands to receive the scroll: "Give it back to me!"

"Alright! Alright!"

Zhou Yan handed the scroll to Liu Qin, said with a smile: "Liu Qin, the person who painted this picture...hehe, must be your boyfriend? Didn't expect you have a boyfriend, you are hiding too much Is it deep?"

"What are you talking about!"

Liu Qin glared at Zhou Yan, with an inexplicable fever on her face.

"You still don't admit it?"

Zhou Yan pointed to the scroll, said with a smile: "Even if I don't know how to paint, I can see it. Paint this painting. The person who belongs to you is definitely not related to you. On the picture scroll, your expressions and gestures, as well as the movements of your hands, are exactly the same as you, and they are not bad at all."

"You still say it!"

Liu Qin hurriedly rolled up the scroll and glared at Zhou Yan again, "Don't talk nonsense!"

"Okay! Good! I understand! I understand!"

Zhou Yan laughed, "I promise not to say it, okay?"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Yan waved to Liu Qin again, "I won't disturb you to appreciate the picture, go first It's over."

After Zhou Yan left the dormitory, Liu Qin let out a long sigh.

Liu Qin reached out and untied the tether, and Liu Qin opened the picture scroll in his hand again. His eyes fell on the inscription in the lower left corner of the scroll, and when he saw the seal, Liu Qin's heart trembled again.

Lu Li...It's really you!

Zhou Yan could not recognize these two seal characters, but Liu Qin recognized them at a glance. On the seal of vermilion, the two seal characters of Xiongqi and Guzhuo are exactly "Lu Li"!

Looking at the scroll, Liu Qin saw more details.

In addition to Zhou Yan's expression and hand movements, Liu Qin also saw that the posture of carrying the schoolbag is the posture that he is used to, and the posture of walking is not bad at all, even laughing. The smile lines on his face are all the same.

Is Lu Li so familiar with me?

Liu Qin immediately made up the scene of "sad love" in his mind. Apart from this explanation, no other more plausible explanation can be thought of.

Putting away the scroll again, Liu Qin looked towards the other four scrolls. What are these four scrolls... drawing?

There are five scrolls side by side in the box, and the one on the left is the one on the left. Liu Qin put down the first scroll and picked up the second scroll.

Opening it up, the picture shows Liu Qin standing on the school's podium, holding up the certificate of honor.

This is... at the end of the first semester of high school, when I got the first grade?

Seeing this picture scroll, Liu Qin immediately recalled the previous scene in his mind.

At that time, I stood on the podium, holding up the certificate, and receiving applause and cheers from the crowd, just like this painting!

A smile appeared on Liu Qin's face.

Putting away the painting, Liu Qin picked up the third scroll.

Open it and see the same award-winning scene on the scroll. This is the scene of winning the first place in the Olympiad.

"I don't remember, he didn't go to the awarding ceremony of the Provincial Olympiad. Did he watch it on TV? This guy..."

Recalling the glory he had won, The smile on Liu Qin's face became even brighter.

The 4th painting is definitely the winner of the national competition!

Liu Qin reached out and picked up the fourth scroll, opened it and saw that it was the awarding scene of the National Olympic Games.

"It really is!"

Seeing himself in the picture, holding flowers and medals, smiling brightly, Liu Qin seems to have returned to facing the camera and the flash. Facing cheers and applause, waving and laughing.

Have you memorized each step of my progress in your heart and depicted it in the picture?

This guy has been plotting against me for a long time!

Liu Qin's face flashed a blush, um...the painting is really good!

Putting down the fourth scroll, Liu Qin picked up the last scroll.

Opening the scroll, the fifth scroll depicts Liu Qin accepting the award at the International Mathematical Olympiad Tournament.

"Huh? How could he even draw the awards scene of the University of Buenos Aires so realistic and accurate?"

On the picture scroll, Liu Qin stood on the podium , holding a flower in one hand and a gold medal in the other, with a very bright smile.

The surrounding scene and the arrangement of the podium were exactly the same as when the award was received.

He should have never been to Buenos Aires, and... the winning photos published on the Internet are not like this.

Where did he... find these scenes?

Except for me alone on the podium and no other teammates, this painting completely reproduces the original scene.

Lu Li must have never been to Buenos Aires!

To be able to restore the original scene so realistically, he must have spent a lot of time and energy searching the Internet for architectural pictures of the University of Buenos Aires, comparing them one by one, and slowly piecing them together to restore them. Just drew this picture.

This guy... really put a lot of thought into it!

This heavy heart, Liu Qin will naturally not understand.

Thinking of Lu Li's entry on the national painting and calligraphy tournament, "Peach Blossoms Matching People's Faces," Liu Qin felt a little strange. This implying?

Last year in this gate today, the faces of the peach blossoms were red.

I don't know where the face is going, but the peach blossoms still smile in the spring breeze.

This season...the peach blossoms in Yucheng No. 1 Middle School have already bloomed, right?

A picture suddenly appeared in Liu Qin's mind.

The peach blossoms are brilliant, Falling Flowers in Riotous Profusion. Lu Li stood at the intersection, looked up towards Taolin, but... but couldn't see someone's silhouette.

"I don't have a long skirt like that, and I've never stood by a peach forest like that. Who knows how you drew it!"

Perhaps... a dream? A dream scene?

Bah ah! When a boy dreams of a girl, who knows what he is dreaming about!

Liu Qin blushed and lowered his head slightly.

Putting away the scroll again, Liu Qin's heart is still banging, this guy... these paintings are still very well drawn, he is a genius!


Lu Li and his party returned to Xichuan and received a series of praise and praise.

The Xichuan Education Department and the Xichuan Painting and Calligraphy Association jointly held a celebration.

At the meeting, Luo Yumin, President of Xichuan Painting and Calligraphy Association, praised the outstanding achievements of Xichuan players, especially Lu Li's performance in the national competition.

After learning that Lu Li had signed a special recruitment agreement with the Central Academy of Fine Arts, President Luo Yumin sighed deeply. Is the Nishikawa Art Academy in your hometown not good? Why did you still go to the capital?

At the end of the celebration, Lu Li said goodbye to everyone and drove back to Rain City.

After returning to Yucheng, Principal Luo from Yucheng No. 1 Middle School prepared another celebration party for Lu Li.

Principal Luo deliberately invited principals from all high schools in the city to show off. They also invited the leaders of the Education Bureau and the Cultural Bureau, the parents of the students in the school, and Yucheng TV to hold a grand celebration.

In addition to praising Lu Li's achievements, Lu Li also gave a speech on stage.

Lu Li has experienced this kind of occasion countless times, and has said it many times in the acceptance speech, so naturally there is no problem.

With a generous demeanor and a calm demeanor, Lu Li stood on the stage, smiling and talking freely.

First of all, thank you, then review the experience along the way, and then share your own successful experience. Of course, it is the positive energy of how hard work.

The last thing is to look forward to the future, and hope that the Junior Brother junior sisters will study hard and achieve better results than themselves.

With his handsome appearance, calm demeanor, magnetic voice, and well-rounded speech, all the attendees appreciated Lu Li very much.

It's no wonder that the first prize in the national competition is a good result. It really is a talent!

Mother Lu, who came to the conference as a parent, laughed from ear to ear when she saw her beautiful son who was chatting on the stage.

While laughing, he kept saying to the people around him: "My son! That's my son! That's my son!"

Such a low-level pretense routine , but still received the admiration and envy of countless parents.

This is probably what the so-called "honoring the ancestors" means.

A child's achievements are the glory of their parents!

“Players get achievement badges: Surprise four seats (E)”

“The works you created on the national middle school students’ painting and calligraphy tournament surprised the review teachers.”

“Players get achievement badges: come out first (E)”

“You won the first prize in the national middle school students’ painting and calligraphy tournament and won four firsts. Among the national middle school students, your painting and calligraphy The skill is the first not just in name only, but also in reality."

"Players get a special badge: talented youngster (E) (Glory × 10)"

"You The achievements you have achieved are admirable, and your reputation has spread widely. You are known as the talented youngster in the painting and calligraphy industry.”

The celebration of Yucheng No. .

Lu Li received numerous praises and admiration, and also received badges from the system.

Are you a talented youngster?

Seeing that the most important badge of honor turned out to be "talented youngster", Lu Li smiled and looked at the head.

Sure enough, in the arts and crafts world, being too young is still a flaw. People will appreciate talented youngsters and look forward to the future of talented youngsters, not the present.

The plot of this "Master of Arts and Crafts" needs to be successfully completed... I won't let me wait until I'm forty-fifty years old, right?

Lu Li smiled and shook the head, secretly made up his mind, practice skills first, and train them to the "Master" level, and then consider how to become a Master!

Back home, Lu Li received praise from neighbors, relatives and friends.

Mother is another low-level pretence to show off.

It was a lot of fun, and it was finally over. Lu Li's life has also calmed down.

Has been admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, and Lu Li doesn't need to go back to school anymore. During the time at home, Lu Li is not idle, and is still practicing skills according to the plan!

Of course, practicing skills is not inconsistent with Lu Li painting Liu Qin.

After returning home, Lu Li began to paint Liu Qin again.

In the plot of Xueba, the "competition" in the celebrity corridor of Yucheng No. 1 Middle School, the "sending pears" in the Youth Palace, the "problem solving" in the library of Yucheng No. 1 Middle School, the "Are you going to go there" in the Shuimu campus school to college"?

After the International Mathematical Olympiad, they made a public confession. The two held hands and ran in the sunset.

"Do you still like to eat pears?" "I like pears the most" on the parting occasion.

Those once beautiful memories, those memories that I will remember in my heart, all endow the pen with the end of the pen, write the heart, and turn it into a picture scroll.

There is no way to get rid of this situation, so I raised my brows, but turned to my heart.

Send a courier once a week to send the beautiful picture scroll to Liu Qin, who is far away in the capital.

At first, when Liu Qin received these picture scrolls, he was still a little embarrassed, always blushing, and only secretly took them out to look at them when no one was there.

As the number of pictures increases, gradually, Liu Qin's classmates in the dormitory have become accustomed to numbness.

Liu Qin can also be very natural. He took out the picture scroll and hung it up in public.

"When did I stand side by side with you in the celebrity corridor of Yucheng No. 1 Middle School and smiled at each other?"

"When did I meet you in the Youth Palace ?"

"When did I walk with you by the lake at Shuimu University?"

"When did I run hand in hand with you in Buenos Aires? ?"

Liu Qin pursed his lips and smiled, but his heart was very uneasy.

Are these...are the scenes from your dreams? How many dreams have you had?

(end of this chapter)

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