My Life Simulator Chapter 113


Chapter 113 Peak Throne, first under the heavens

"China TV! China TV!"

"Everyone Audience! I am very excited to report to you! In the just-concluded 100-meter sprint final of the Asian Games, Chinese athlete Lu Li, with an unparalleled absolute advantage, ran a score of 9.56 seconds, breaking the Bolt's world record of 9.58."

"It's a brilliant record! It's a great victory!"

"As everyone knows, in the 100m track and field In terms of sports, our country, our Asia, and even all the yellow races have always been at a disadvantage."

"Some people think that this is determined by the genes of the yellow race. Our physique cannot compete in the 100-meter track and field. Competing with other races in the project.”

“However... just today, at this moment, Lu Li smashed this statement, with an unparalleled absolute advantage, with a brilliant and splendid record , announce to the whole world: Chinese people have already stood at the Peak of the 100-meter project!"

"At this moment, I seem to see that our Kuafu in Myths and Legends has entered reality. Chasing the sun Our runners, our sun runners, led the Huaxia 100-meter track and field event to the top of the world!”

“Cheers for Lu Li! Cheers for China!”

Huaxia The host of the station was moved to tears.


Lu Li's brilliant record also spread throughout the world with the radio waves.

"God seems to have made a joke! Chinese 100-meter sprinter Lu Li ran 9.56 seconds at the Incheon Asian Games, breaking Bolt's world record!!!"


The title of the "China Second Street Daily" is heavily bolded, and several exclamation marks are also used in a row.

"Huaguo! Lu Li! 9.56! Incredible new record for 100 meters!"

"Is this oriental witchcraft? Chinese athlete Lu Li set a new 100m record of 9.56."

The Times of England also in amazement.

Media and newspapers all over the world are reporting this shocking news.

"When my assistant told me the news, I also told him: Today is not April Fool's Day. However... when I saw the video of the game, I was left with a deep shock !"

In an interview with reporters, IAAF President James said: "Huaxia's Lu Li, this is a great athlete! He has raised the human speed limit by another level. This is the Olympic spirit of faster, higher, stronger!"

"Mr. Bolt, have you heard? Lu Li, a Chinese athlete, broke the 100m world record you created. What do you think about this?"

Jamaica TV reporter, interviewed "former world record holder" Usain Bolt.

"I'm very happy! World records are meant to be broken."

Bolt smiled, "As for Lu Li's achievements, I express Heartfelt congratulations and admiration, and looking forward to competing with Lu Li on the same track."


Most of the world media expressed their shock and disbelief at Lu Li's brilliant record , the domestic media is as lively as the Chinese New Year.

“The leader of the new era—Lu Li!”

The Peoples, the most authoritative newspaper in China, affirmed and appreciated Lu Li’s outstanding achievements, saying that Lu Li Li is "the pride of the Chinese people"!

The official media is still more reserved, while the online media is very unrestrained.

"From myth to reality, our Kuafu, our Sunstrider, Lu Li!" - Homepage of Xinlang.

"Shocked! The new generation of 100-meter overlord turned out to be him!"

This is a familiar UC body.

"Bolt's throne collapsed with a bang, and the sunstrider's brilliance enveloped the world!"

The blog site's headlines were searched.

"Lu Li, the fastest man in the world!"

Which unscrupulous media is this?

"Attractive spectacle, heartwarming, celebrating with everyone, and running to tell each other. Lu Li has become the king of the 100-meter sprint Supreme!"

"If you still talk about genes, stand up. Can I see if my face is swollen?"

"When Lu Li ran 9.56 seconds, my whole body was shaking and my blood was boiling. This is Lu Li's victory and Huaxia's victory. !"

Various forums, blogs, and social platforms, netizens are discussing Lu Li's brilliant achievements.

For a while, in the whole of China, every Chinese who has national self-respect and pride feels rejoicing and proud.


The 100m dash is over.

A podium was set up on the field.

Lu Li stood at the top of the podium and received the gold medal representing the champion of the Asian Games from the presenter!

Above the head, the bright five-star red flag is gradually raised. In the ear, the passionate national anthem is majestic and high-pitched.

Lu Li sang the national anthem with a solemn face.

In front of my eyes, countless flashing lights kept flashing, and reporters from all over the world recorded this historic moment one after another.

2014 Incheon Asian Games, Chinese 100m athlete Lu Li won the gold medal with a time of 9.56 seconds, breaking the world record!

"Get up, people who don't want to be slaves..."

In the audience, countless Chinese audience stood up and sang the national anthem together, with a bright five-star red flag on each side. Show up in the wind.

The red flag rolls all over the world, and the national anthem resounds in the sky!

This moment belongs to Lu Li, this moment belongs to Huaxia!

"Lu Li Lu Li! World No. 1!"

After the national anthem stopped, the audience burst into the shouts of heaven shaking, earth shattering! Countless people are cheering for Lu Li, for victory, for glory!

In the 100-meter sprint, Lu Li topped the world first.

This is the glory of Lu Li and the glory of China.

This means that the Huaguo track and field project has officially reached the top of the world, and we can confidently declare to the world: We are the strongest!

In addition to these, Lu Li has something to gain.

"1. Players get a special badge: Peak Throne (D) (Glory × 1)"

"You broke the world record and reached the top of the world in the 100m final of the Asian Games. Number one. This is your Battle of Titled Kings."

"2. Players get special badges: Sunstrider (E) (Glory × 50)"

"You are a Chinese Named 'Kuafu'. Your prestige is admired by the world! Your glory spreads all over the world."

"3. Players get achievement badges: Asian Games Champion (E)"

"You won the 100-meter sprint championship at the Asian Games."

"4. Players get achievement badges: world record holder (E)"

"You created a new world record.”

A series of achievements have enriched Lu Li’s harvest.


"Lu Li is already world number one?"

Yutan Sports School, long jump girl Tan Xiao, watching the report on TV, The expression on his face was gloomy.

I'm still fluttering on the ground, but you've already flown out of the atmosphere. Such a gap... enough to make people desperate.

My sports innate talent is not good, no matter how hard I try, I can't even see the shadow of Lu Li, so why insist on it? Might as well go back and read!

The long jump girl finally realized her childishness and innocence, and found her own way again.

Lu Family Bay.

Looking at the report on TV, Lu Wanshan and his wife were both surprised and happy.

"Li Yazi...This is the number one in the world?"

Lu Wanshan still couldn't believe it.

"Yes! He is already number one in the world."

Aunt Tan Fenglian nodded again and again. my cub! You have already flown into the sky!

(end of this chapter)

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