My hotel connects the past and present

Chapter 214 Tomato Scrambled Eggs

Although he planned to make Kong Lingchen the villain of both worlds, the young man was still injured after all. Although the wound had been treated, Chen Wenjiu still did not let him go back now.

"You can play in our hotel first? It's on credit. We've already purchased the goods on credit, so there's no problem in paying the hotel's purchases on credit." Chen Wenjiu said with a smile.

Kong Lingchen: "..."

Although he felt unhappy, Kong Lingchen still wandered around Wenjiu's hotel. Of course, it was impossible for him to go to the hot spring in the large bathroom on the second floor. He didn't have that much money to experience high-end hot springs now.

The hot springs at Wenjiu Hotel are very expensive. Just the small outdoor hot spring costs 5,000 yuan, which Kong Lingchen can't afford anyway.

So Kong Lingchen just walked around in front of the big bathroom, and then went to the restaurant to have a meal.

The young man's food has not been very good in the past few years, that is, he occasionally finds temporary jobs in restaurants, washing dishes and vegetables, or being a temporary waiter. He can eat some dishes that are not eaten by the guests, otherwise he would not eat them. Just very simple food.

Although Kong Lingchen also wanted 200 water and steamed buns to satisfy his three meals, he also knew very well that if he ate like this, his body would definitely not be able to hold on. So from time to time, he will eat some cheap but nutritious food, such as tofu, bean sprouts, eggs, etc.

Tofu, bean sprouts, eggs, etc. are not expensive, so Kong Lingchen can occasionally eat these foods to supplement his nutrition.

As for instant noodles, which are said to be nutritious foods, he can't afford them. After all, some instant noodles are very expensive. How could he eat instant noodles every day if he is so poor?

Kong Lingchen hadn't eaten such delicious food in a long time. Even the most popular dishes in the restaurants where he worked before were not as delicious as those in hotel restaurants where he had warm wine.

Kong Lingchen didn't order anything too complicated. Even the simple tomato scrambled eggs were very delicious. He couldn't help but eat several bowls of rice with just one plate of tomato scrambled eggs.

The rice in the restaurant is not expensive. A portion of rice costs about 2 yuan, and a portion of rice costs about five taels. You can eat five taels of rice for only 2 yuan, which is already a good deal.

Kong Lingchen ate a pound of rice because the tomato scrambled eggs were so delicious. He couldn't help but eat so much rice.

After he was full, Kong Lingchen also drank a bowl of simple hawthorn and lotus leaf soup provided by the restaurant. After drinking the soup, which was a little sour and a little sweet, he could quench his thirst and relieve his tiredness.

After Kong Lingchen had a full meal, he swiped his exclusive card. Although he doesn't have much money in his card now, he can still punch in the card and pay it when he has money.

After Kong Lingchen had a full meal, he went to visit other places in the hotel, such as the small garden. Although he was single and did not have much leisure time, he couldn't help but relax while walking around the small garden.

Ever since there was an accident at home and his father passed away, he had been living a tight-knit life. He hadn't done anything like strolling in the garden for a long time.

After Kong Lingchen visited the small garden, he visited the fitness plaza. Of course, he basically rode an electric tricycle for sightseeing. Who made him injured and he just had a full meal? I don't want to waste my energy at all.

He was shocked by the sports items in the fitness center. The most important thing was that he couldn't figure out why this hotel 16 years later had so many magical things.

You can't see much of that small garden from the outside, but once you get in, you'll find that it's really big.

The small garden has now been upgraded by Chen Wenjiu to a size of 2,500 acres, and there are more types of flowers in it. Of course, the area of ​​some flowers and forests has also increased a lot.

The maximum area of ​​the small garden should be 3,000 acres. Next time Chen Wenjiu upgrades, it may be the limit. But even so, the small garden is very big. As a result, you can't see anything in the small garden from the outside.

There is also a fitness square, which is also very large and has so many sports, which shocked Kong Lingchen just looking at it.

After visiting these two places, he came to the vegetable stall and fruit stall. Looking at the dazzling array of ingredients and fruits inside, he couldn't understand why this hotel was so magical.

Is it possible that hotels will look like this 16 years later?

"No, it's not that hotels will look like this after 16 years, but our hotel has its own magic." After letting Kong Lingchen wander around for a while, he bought some fruits at the fruit stall and gnawed on what was waiting for him. Chen Wenjiu said.

"Our hotel is unique. Not all hotels are like this 16 years later." Chen Wenjiu said with a smile.

She handed the strawberries in the box to the boy and said, "Try it? The strawberries are delicious."

Kong Lingchen looked at the girl in front of him who looked a few years older than him, but according to her birth year, she should be the same as his sister, and asked incomprehensively, "What do you mean by this? Is your hotel special?"

"Yes." Chen Wenjiu nodded. She took Kong Lingchen away from the fruit stall and explained to him after avoiding other customers, "Our hotel is magical and special, not because all hotels today are like this. .”

Kong Lingchen looked at her still stuffing herself with strawberries, and reluctantly took two and ate them. After hearing her explanation, he didn't delve into anything further.

No matter how special this hotel was, it still provided him with help. Why did he continue to study so much? So what if you know more? It was impossible for him to snatch this hotel and own it, so he wisely stopped the topic.

"What goods have you decided to take back when you go back?" Chen Wenjiu asked. She was still very curious about Kong Lingchen's world.

In the time and space of 16 years ago, she was only 6 years old at that time. Chen Wenjiu's memory of when she was 6 years old was not very clear. On the contrary, her cousin was about to graduate from elementary school at that time.

Chen Wenjiu remembered that her cousin once complained about how hard it was for her to go to elementary school. At that time, the elementary school in their village only had grades up to third grade, so after fourth grade, she had to go to the town to study.

Maoyang Village is three or four kilometers away from the town, and her family was poor at that time. Her cousins ​​basically had to walk to school at that time, and they had no money to live on campus.

Her cousins ​​have been walking to school since the fourth grade, four times a day, which means they have to walk more than ten kilometers a day.

When Chen Wenjiu thought about it, she still felt that everyone was still very poor at that time. She had been living with her parents in the county town since she was a child, but she didn't have such an intuitive experience of life in the village and town.

And Kong Lingchen's side seems to be a big city, so she shouldn't be able to understand what the countryside was like in 2006, right?

Not necessarily, she can also go to Kong Lingchen's time and space. If she goes there and wants to see the countryside in 2006, she can also go to the countryside by herself.

But now, she has no intention of going - after all, she is not familiar with Kong Lingchen's time and space, so how can she just go to the countryside over there?

In fact, she was still a little afraid of something happening.

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