My Healing Game

Chapter 643: F

F was very satisfied with the black knife. He seemed to be feeding the black knife on purpose, hoping that the black knife could eat more things and become more terrifying.

Whenever F swung the knife, Han Fei could hear the mourning in the handle of the knife. He wanted to **** the knife, but he couldn't find a reason to do so.

"The ghost will be active when killing people. If you want to hack it, I'm afraid you need someone to be the bait." Qianye, who was almost killed just now, turned around and looked at Li Guoer and Han Fei: "You two too Don't say we bully you, in fact, we also understand your careful thinking, it is nothing more than wanting to use our power to help you get rid of the 'ghost' pursuit. Everyone is a participant in the game, I will just open the skylight and say something bright, you guys Don't think about getting something for nothing, I want you to send someone to walk in front with me as bait."

Although Qianye looked a bit rogue, he was actually very shrewd. He was able to take charge of a six-person team by himself, which has already proved his ability.

"Ghosts" may appear at any time, and those who walk in the front are most likely to be attacked.

Li Guoer walked over without waiting for Han Fei to speak, "I'll be with you."

Those players were a little surprised, they thought it would be Han Fei leading the charge.

"Are you sure?" Qianye looked away from Li Guo'er and looked at Han Fei: "Do you agree too?"

"Don't talk nonsense, end the exploration as soon as possible, regardless of whether we succeed in catching the ghost, we have to leave before zero." Li Guoer flipped through Han Fei's scripts: "Ghosts are the weakest during the day, but also the most difficult. See, they will appear after nightfall, and their strength is slowly recovering, and they will enter the most terrifying state after zero."

"How did you know this?"

"Believe it or not." Li Guo'er walked upstairs after speaking. She was more panicked than anyone else. The "ghost" was after her. If she didn't find a way to kill the ghost, she would have trouble sleeping and eating.

"This is obviously a game of catching ghosts, but it's the complete opposite." A Chong quietly stepped back, but was pushed up by F again: "Why are you always targeting me? I can perceive the existence of supernatural beings, and there is nothing else. Ability!"

After seeing the monster just now, Ah Zong finally broke out.

"Your talent is stronger and more perfect than you imagined yourself, and I'm here to help you inspire it." F's voice has no emotion, and it's hard to refute it after being heard.

"You know my talent?" A Chong was dubious, and finally followed Li Guo'er silently.

As time passed, the sky outside the window became darker and darker, and at first glance, the entire community seemed to be painted red.

All kinds of strange noises began to appear in the community, and there seemed to be something special in that apartment building.

The number of missing people notices on the walls of the corridor gradually increased, and various debris began to appear on the steps, as well as some fine soil mixed with yellow paper.

"I have a very bad feeling." Ah Chong's footsteps are getting slower and slower, and he wouldn't move forward at all if it wasn't for being pushed: "There should be more than one dirty thing upstairs, I can feel it from them The dead aura radiating from the body!"

Warnings were issued continuously, but no one stopped. The players gathered the most elite teams, and they must succeed in catching ghosts tonight.

Facing F's black knife and Qianye's urging, Ah Chong only had to bite the bullet and come to the eighth floor.

Going up from here, the appearance of the floor has begun to change. The missing people notices on the walls all seem to have just been posted. The faces of those children have not been gouged out, but replaced with what they looked like when they died.

To be honest, this kind of missing person notice is more terrifying than the previous one. Walking in the dark corridor, it feels like being watched by a group of dead children.

In addition to those notices, advertisements for the park also began to appear on the walls. The park leaflets with photos of Ferris wheel, roller coaster, etc. formed a sharp contrast with the notices. Those poor children may only be able to approach the park in this way. .

"Catch ghosts is a game in Paradise, and there are also advertisements for Paradise. Could it be that Paradise is making ghosts?" Li Guoer frowned slightly: "If they are really hurting those children, then the meaning of Paradise is to do this. what?"

No one answered Li Guoer. Qianye, who was walking at the front, had already opened the door of the eighth-floor resident.

There was no light in the narrow room, and all the windows were boarded up.

Entering the inspection, there is a place for developing photos in the house, and flower pots are stacked in a dark room.

Most of the pots were chipped, some filled with soil, others stuffed with toys.

Tear off the photos on the wall, Qianye held it in his hand to check, all those photos were of flower pots.

"What's there to photograph in a flowerpot? There's not even a single flower in it."

"Is there a possibility that these flowerpots are not flowers, but children?" Han Fei walked slowly to the center of the team, and the closer he got to the top floor, the more his heart beat faster.

"Yes, there is a similar short song written on the back of the ledger. The flowerpot represents the place where children are imprisoned, and the flowers should represent the child." F and Han Fei thought the same. He picked up the flowerpot to check and found that many flowerpots were under The person's name was written: "These flowerpots are of different sizes, but the same name is written. The flowerpot is still there, but the things growing in the flowerpot are gone."

As the exploration deepened, a sob came from F's ear. He held the black knife and pushed open the door of the innermost dark room, and the cry in his ear became clearer.

"What is this?"

In the corner of the dark room was a flower pot the size of a water tank, and in the pot sat a child who was obese and deformed. It seemed that it had never seen the sun, and its skin looked as if it had been bleached.

The fat boy turned his back to the players, his body seemed to be stuck in the tank, and he was crying in a low voice.

The shoulders shrugged, and the boy's skin seemed to be covered with water, and his whole body trembled.

F stared at the boy for a long time, and then took out the black knife: "Finally, I met someone who can't run. I wonder if killing it will increase the points."

"Are you sure you want to go over?" Ah Chong shrank back first: "I mean, maybe we can solve it in a more peaceful way? After all, the big kid in the flower pot doesn't seem to have any thoughts of attacking us. ."

"When it has this idea, everything will be too late." The eyes under F's mask are a little cold: "Ghosts, they shouldn't exist."

The boy couldn't move, and this time he didn't need a living person to be the bait, and F moved forward alone.

"The soul is flying away, and it is the real liberation." F raised the black knife, and countless people in the hilt were shouting, but they couldn't stop F at all.

The boy stuck in the flowerpot also realized that the danger was approaching. He turned his head desperately, revealing a face that was out of proportion to his body. His body was growing all the time, but his face remained the same as when he was abducted.

When the blade fell, the boy cried out in fright, and the tears fell into the flowerpot, as if containing the seeds of sadness and despair, which quickly took root and sprouted in the soil.

But before the things in the soil grew, the black blade had already fallen on the top of the boy's head.


Blades collide!

F's black knife was blocked by another knife, his pupils narrowed and he stared at the man in front of him.

Han Fei, wearing a black suit and a white smiling face mask, stood in front of the flowerpot, holding the knife called companionship.

"Are you looking for death?"

"You have read the ledger yourself and know that there are children who were kidnapped in the flowerpot. Even if this guy is a ghost, it is also a poor ghost who was kidnapped and sold." Han Fei silently closed the knife: "The couple can be killed, But this kid doesn't suggest you kill him."

Han Fei and F are tit-for-tat, and their attitudes towards ghosts are not exactly the same.

One wants to kill them all, the other wants to kill those who deserve to be killed.

"Ghosts can be converted into points, you should know this account better than me." F's voice became gloomy: "Get out of the way."

"We brought you here, and the ghosts in it should also be part of me. The couple gave it to you, and the child belongs to me." Han Fei had no intention of conflicting with the other party, so he proposed a compromise.

"You want to protect it, but it may not be willing to accept your kindness." F sneered and retreated.

Seeing the sudden change in F's attitude, Han Fei immediately realized something, and without the slightest hesitation, dodged to the side.

The tears that the boy fell into the soil grew black thorns, and poisonous spikes hung on those black thorns. The deformed and fat boy refused to be approached by anyone. Those poisonous spikes were his protection for himself.

"So the psychological counseling of the kidnapped children is also very important. If you don't have the courage to break through the thorns around them, then don't say anything to save them." F looked at Han Fei who fell to the ground: "They stayed there forever. In the dark room, they have turned into monsters, and even if there is an occasional beam of light coming in, they will only feel dazzling."

More and more thorns began to grow in the flowerpot, but most of those thorns were coiling around the boy, and there was no intention to hurt others.

F also saw this, but he was still reluctant to stop. The boy who was planted in the flowerpot could just let him do some tests.

"Don't get in the way." He turned a deaf ear to the boy's cries and moved forward with the knife.

"Children's fear of darkness is understandable. The real tragedy of life is that adults are afraid of light." After realizing that the boy only knew how to protect himself and cry, Han Fei stood between the boy and F again: "I forgot who said this. , but I think it makes sense."

"Many people are confused because they have heard too much truth." F grasped the black knife tightly. He saw that Han Fei insisted on not letting go. After a moment of confrontation, he turned and walked out of the room.

Being trapped in a ghost building, there can be no more conflicts among players. F's doing this does not mean that he agrees with Han Fei, he is just taking care of the overall situation.

After F left, Han Fei also put away the knife, and he looked back at the fat boy.

It's very strange that Han Fei, who was extremely terrified in his own home, actually faced such a deformed monster, but he was not afraid, and his heart was very calm.

"Sorry, I can't help you find your parents. All I can do is to stop them from hurting you temporarily."

Han Fei didn't expect anything in return, and was about to leave after speaking, but the boy who was trapped in the thorns was crying too sadly.

Han Fei, who had no memory and didn't know how to coax children, reached out and took out a balloon from his pocket, which was the only toy he had at hand.

Try blowing up the balloon, and an adult head appears.

Looking at the gradually enlarged face, the boy cried even more miserably. He was very scared, and more and more thorns began to emerge from the flower pot.

"I'm sorry, I thought you would like this." Han Fei, who was at a loss, hurriedly threw away the human face balloon. The face happened to touch the thorns all over the boy's body, and was instantly punctured.

It was found that the fearful face was shattered and exploded in front of him, the boy's attention was attracted, and the cry became much smaller.

"Your child's hobby is a little special, isn't it?" Most of the balloons were in F's hands. Seeing that the boy stopped crying, Han Fei squeezed a smile out of his face hidden under the mask: "If I can survive tonight, I will Pop all the balloons in front of you."

The boy didn't know if he understood, anyway, when Han Fei approached, the thorns around him retreated a little.

"I seem to be very attractive to children, and Li Guoer and the women in Paradise also think I'm good." Han Fei heard Qianye's words before: "These game participants seem to regard charm as an attribute that can be quantified. If the man dressed like a turkey has an eight-point charm, how attractive will I be?"

Subconsciously, Han Fei felt that charm should also be a weapon of his own.

After leaving the eighth floor, a group of people came to the ninth There were more and more flower pots placed in the corridor, and the door and corridor were full of thorns. At first everyone could barely walk forward, but When it was between the ninth and tenth floors, the corridor was completely blocked by black thorns.

"These things seem to be children's tears, and thorns grow in the flowerpots on their backs and pain." Han Fei explained patiently, but no one listened. cut.

The black knife, which was easy to chop monsters before, seemed to struggle when chopping thorns. That knife didn't seem to like chopping innocent things.

Little by little, F finally led all the players to the tenth floor.

The missing person notices on the walls have been completely covered by park advertisements, and in the most prominent place above their heads, there are two words written in red paint - welcome to my home! Welcome to my little paradise!

The text written in paint was similar to the text in the clown mask, and No. 11 seemed to be completely insane at this time.

"The tenth floor always feels like the most critical floor." Han Fei vaguely thought of something, and the experience on the eleventh seemed to remind him on purpose: "I seem to have met a very important person on the tenth floor. , he changed me. He gave me everything he lost."

A light flashed in his mind, Han Fei pressed his head firmly, he glanced at all the players, and finally looked at F wearing a mask and holding a black knife: "Will that person be on the tenth floor? I forgot. Has everything been taken away by him?"

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