My Healing Game

Chapter 600: He is not Fu Yi!

"Attention players number 0000! When a player transfers jobs with full fit, an extremely rare additional professional talent will be triggered! There is a chance to raise the profession to a whole new level!"

"Attention, player number 0000! You have successfully unlocked the second hidden occupation - Guifu!"

"Professional Ability 1: Add 30% to Emotional Curse Resistance."

"Professional Ability 2: The friendliness of monsters of the opposite **** to you has a probability of turning into love and hatred. Please choose carefully to improve the friendliness of the opposite sex."

"Professional Ability 3: After the job transfer is successful, the initial friendliness of all strangers, resentment, and hatred towards you will no longer be zero, but one, and you will have a chance to get their help directly, but some help requires paying price."

"Professional ability 4: The only active ability of Crab, which can be used three times per night. You can reduce the hatred of any opposite **** for you for a short time, and you can also temporarily increase the love of any opposite **** for you. But when using this Before the ability, please remember that when you start to manipulate a person's love and hatred for you, you will never be eligible to be loved by her! Her hatred for you will double after the ability use time expires!"

"Attention! The lower the player's charm value, the stronger the effect of this ability!"

"Attention! After this ability is used on different sexes such as regret, resentment, hatred, etc., the actual effect will be different!"

"Professional fit reaches 100%! Unlock exclusive professional ability 5: After each upgrade, the charm attribute decreases a little, and it will be easier for you to increase the friendliness of the opposite **** ghosts."

"Because the player's occupational fit reaches the upper limit and refuses to change occupations many times, the occupational characteristics have changed!"

"Professional characteristics: You refuse to be ambiguous, you are never promiscuous, and you have never even taken the finger of the opposite sex, but you can complete the pre-requisite tasks of the husband five times. Maybe you can give this hidden profession a new meaning."

"A man's husband: You, who have no concept of family, have never been loved at all. When you walk alone in the dark, when will you wait for the soul who is truly willing to embrace you?"

"A person's exclusive professional feature 1: After the out-of-control soul approaches you, it will gradually recall the memories related to love."

"A person's exclusive professional feature 2: Before you truly understand love, every time you kill a ghost that betrays your feelings, you will have a chance to get a free attribute point!"

The second hidden profession was successfully transferred. Han Fei had no time to think. He checked all of Guifu's abilities as quickly as possible.

After he was transferred to Midnight Butcher, when he faced a butcher whose hands were stained with blood, his butcher's knife would become sharper, and he became a butcher who specialized in hunting butchers.

Now, after obtaining the Hidden Occupation, his occupational characteristics have changed again. As long as he can kill the ghosts who betray his feelings, he will have the opportunity to obtain the most precious free attribute points in the game. This system seems to encourage him to become a professional The Raven who hunted the Raven.

In general, the Hidden Profession is still a profession that relies more on ghosts of the opposite sex, and some abilities of this profession are indeed terrifying.

Han Fei looked at Guifu's only active ability. He could temporarily reduce the hatred of a monster of the opposite sex, but at the cost of gaining double the hatred of the opponent after the ability usage time expired.

Now Fu Yi's mother is grabbing Han Fei's neck, and the female netizen wants to take Han Fei's heart. Both of them are fighting against the hatred in their hearts, and maybe they will be swallowed up by hatred in the next second.

Han Fei looked around from the corner of his eye, Du Shu and the plastic surgery hospital merged, and the hospital had accumulated countless faces and "medicines", which not only replenished Du Shu's consumption, but also made her breath stronger.

If this continues, the final outcome will be that Han Fei and his wife will fall into the abyss of despair, and Du Shu, who has gradually gained the upper hand, will regain control of the plastic surgery hospital.

"If Du Shu is allowed to live, then Fu Sheng is likely to suffer all the pain and despair. That woman with a strong desire to control will make Fu Sheng's face look like Fu Yi, and continue to torture Fu Sheng as a toy. "Han Fei knows Du Shu's character very well, and because of this, he must kill Du Shu here!

"Without father and mother, Fu Sheng and Fu Tian will fall into Du Shu's hands, and the ending will be even more tragic than reality."

Han Fei's last gaze turned to his wife. She was still unwilling to let go and let Han Fei fall into the abyss alone, but she was getting closer and closer to the abyss.

"I think I know what I should do."

Taking back his gaze, Han Fei looked at Fu Yi's mother and used Guifu's active ability for the first time.

The heart was beating, and at a certain moment, the sounds of the two heartbeats seemed to overlap.

There seems to be a special connection between Fu Yi's mother and Han Fei. Han Fei doesn't know what Fu Yi's mother feels. He seems to have directly seen Fu Yi's mother's heart.

In the atrium wrapped in hatred, Fu Yi's mother put a delicate, beautiful self who loves all kinds of food and music into the dilapidated wardrobe. She sealed the wardrobe with each case list.

After learning about Fu Yi's illness, she often forgot how to dress up and the things she once liked. She hid her former self, leaving only a "powerless", strong, and earning mother to see a doctor. .

Her face is no longer delicate, her hands are full of calluses, her skin is loose, and she hasn't smiled for a long time.

"I..." Han Fei's inner voice passed, and the increasingly aging mother seemed to have heard something, and she raised her head.

"Maybe I should help you to tear off all the case sheets on the closet and bring out the old you, but I can't do that right now."

Han Fei chose to reduce Fu Yi's mother's hatred. After he made the choice, the memory scene he saw began to dissolve.

The connection between the two was slowly disconnected. Fu Yi's mother's hand on Han Fei's neck slowly loosened, and her gaze towards Han Fei became more complicated.

When using Guifu's active ability, the heartbeats of the two coincide, and both sides can see something in each other's hearts.

Han Fei didn't know what Fu Yi's mother saw. He only saw Fu Yi's mother let go of his hand and walked directly to Du Shu.

"Killing Du Shu is the strongest wish in my heart. Can they see my wish?"

When Han Fei was still in doubt, the voice of the system came out in his mind: "Player number 0000, please pay attention! The active ability of Guifu is successfully activated, and the effective time is one minute."

Guifu's active ability can directly affect hatred, but the price to pay is also very high. After a minute, the hatred in Fu Yi's mother's heart will double and become even crazier. It is estimated that she will no longer be able to suppress hatred. , completely out of control.

Du Shu used to have a **** statue and a hospital, and was the ghost closest to the owner of the shrine. Now she has completely turned into a crazy monster with terrifying strength.

"One minute should be enough to say goodbye." Han Fei looked at the female netizen again: "I can't give you my heart, but I will help you kill Fu Yi."

When the heartbeats overlapped, Han Fei saw a very beautiful stray cat in the hearts of female netizens.

It has beautiful hair, well-proportioned body, and the most beautiful patterns, but at this moment it is squatting on the fence, looking at the room with the doors and windows closed in front of it.

The warm light shone through the window glass and shone on the grass in the yard. The stray cat was at a loss as he bit his bleeding heart that he had just dug out.

"Player number 0000, please pay attention! The active ability of Guifu is successfully activated, and the effective time is one minute and fifteen seconds."

The female netizen who stopped beside Han Fei walked towards Du Shu after she touched Han Fei lightly.

Female netizens joined the siege of Du Shu, and the situation was completely reversed.

No matter how strong Du Shu was, she couldn't deal with the hatred of the five at the same time. It was only a matter of time before she was killed.

"After a minute, Fu Yi's mother and female netizens will come back with double hatred. If they attack me, the situation of besieging and killing Du Shu will be broken again." Han Fei has come to this point. , he will never allow accidents, Du Shu must die here!

The nine hated each other, and now only the wife holds all the chains alone, and she is standing on the edge of the abyss of despair.

Even if she tried her best to persevere, she has reached her limit now. One step further, and Han Fei will fall into the abyss together.

How could she be alone against the despair of the entire shrine world?

"After Fu Yi died, she raised Fu Sheng and Fu Tian alone. Maybe in reality, she once fought against the despair of the whole world like this."

Han Fei finally looked at his wife. He couldn't say anything, and he was unwilling to use the ability of a geezer to his wife. He could only look at each other quietly, watching him grab all the chains, trying to pull himself out of the abyss.

Gu "I'm sorry, but it's time to say goodbye."

So far, only one third of the prayers of all sentient beings have gathered. It will take a long time to become a new god, but Han Fei only has less than a minute left.

"There are two despairs that this world has brought to Fu Sheng, namely Fu Yi and Du Shu."

"The last thing I can do for him is to help him destroy these two despairs."

"If I die, Fu Yi will disappear with me."

"If I die, Fu Yi's mother and the other girl will not come back with double hatred, they will continue to surround and kill Du Shu."

"If I die, you can also let go of the chains that wrap around your body and stop at the edge of the abyss."

Out of the corner of his eyes, he looked at his wife, and then slowly looked into the distance, where is the direction of home.

"I seem to understand him a little bit, why is he still willing to protect the world after being driven mad?"

At the end of one minute, Han Fei withdrew his gaze and gave Da Xie the last order.

"Great evil!"

The big villain in the black ghost pattern let out a scream, and it didn't want to come out of the ghost pattern.

"Eat me!"

An unquestionable voice came from Han Fei's heart. After Han Fei made the decision to die, Fu Yi also seemed to have noticed something, and it appeared from all over his body again. He had been waiting for Han Fei to coax his wife and lover. Eventually capture the shrine.

The flesh and blood lost control in an instant, and Han Fei was left with only his heart beating.

"Eat me!!"

The black ghost pattern pierced the skin, and an incomparably gigantic ghost emerged from Han Fei's body!

When the big evil appeared, Han Fei's flesh and blood body was completely torn apart, all ten chains were broken, and a third of the prayers gathered in the world of the shrine were scattered, and a hospital was completely alienated. Rain made of field light.

The heart turned into scattered blood beads, and in the shattered body, the two consciousnesses were tightly intertwined and could not be separated.

Han Fei grabbed Fu Yi who was trying to escape. With a grim face, he dug into Fu Yi's body with his hands.

"You think I'll give you a chance to be a ghost?"

The mist-stained soul bit Fu Yi's neck fiercely. Even if Han Fei lost his soul, he would kill Fu Yi completely.

Losing the pull of the chains, Han Fei and Fu Yi fell to the abyss of despair together.

Fu Yi tried his best to escape, but Han Fei was unwilling to let go of his own consciousness.

His soul consciousness was entangled with Fu Yi, and if he wanted to obliterate everything about Fu Yi, he would have to drag him into the abyss together.

Punching and beating, Han Fei bit Fu Yi's consciousness bit by bit!

It wasn't until Fu Yi could no longer scream, and the last piece of memory was also crushed by Han Fei, that everything returned to peace.

He dragged his dying consciousness, looked up at the exit that was getting farther and farther away from him, and was slowly overwhelmed by despair.

I don't know how long it has been down, but Han Fei seems to have come to the bottom of this abyss of despair.

With only one broken consciousness left, he saw the source of all despair in the shrine world.

Beneath the abyss, there is a black box.

No one knows what is hidden inside, and no one knows where this box came from. It is placed in the deepest part of despair like that. It seems that only those who have fallen into the deepest despair can see it.

"Fu Sheng was tortured in the hospital when he saw the black box. He should have been like me at the time. He was scarred and his consciousness was about to dissipate."

Han Fei has become unable to think, and he will soon usher in a true death.

The last ray of incomplete consciousness approached the black box, and before Han Fei's consciousness was completely extinguished, he softly read out two vague words - return to the soul.


A third of the prayers in the shrine world exploded in Han Fei's body, and a gentle rain fell in the completely alienated hospital.

Each and every one of those spots of light carried beautiful expectations, and the process of alienation was interrupted.

The wife stood by the abyss clutching all the chains. She witnessed Han Fei's death, and also saw the consciousness that Han Fei and Fu Yi were entangled in the end. She saw Han Fei's face.

The chain in her hand fell to the ground, the wife slowly turned around, and she walked towards Du Shu, who was completely passive.

Hatred ignited in her heart, and the wife wanted to let hatred swallow up her reason, so she shouldn't feel sad.

With a piercing scream, Du Shu, who merged with the hospital, was killed by several haters. She used to be the most beautiful in the shrine world, but in the end, only the ugliest body was left.

After Du Shu died, all the "medicines" in the hospital returned to normal, and the alienation was only limited to the hospital and did not spread.

As for the shrines and statues in the hospital, they all collapsed.

If it weren't for the existence of two shrines in this shrine memory I am afraid the whole world would be on the verge of collapse.

"Team leader..."

When other hatred besieged and killed Du Shu, Li Guoer looked into the abyss. She no longer cared about love, and wearing those worn glasses, she desperately collected Han Fei's bodies around her.

Her heart was broken, and Han Fei had died in the memory world of the shrine. She continued to work hard, but even Han Fei's body could not be pieced together.

After Du Shu died, several other haters also came over.

Everyone gathered around the base of the statue, looking at Han Fei's broken body.

He ended up lying on the table of the God of Beauty, but no one hurt him anymore.

"Love is like a chainsaw, this is what it looks like after being in love." Love threw the chainsaw in her hand and put her hand on Han Fei's neck, leaving all her hatred and love behind. In Han Fei's body: "There was nothing when we met, and it should be the same when we separated."

Hatred and love were entwined between Han Fei's neck and head, and the **** clothes on Love's body slowly dissipated. When she was about to leave, her silent wife suddenly spoke up.

"He's not Fu Yi." The wife looked at everyone's face, her hands clenched tightly: "Do you know? He's not Fu Yi!"


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