My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 3 Chapter 354: Send away

Chen Xu stayed at the film production company for a while and learned about the progress of the animated film. Turned around and went to the opposite game production company.

At present, the game production company has three projects underway at the same time, which are small games of different types.

The person in charge of the company told him that at present the company's website has received dozens of applications from the game production team and wants to make VR games. More than a dozen copies of the planning book were received.

Of course, most of this is luck, and the level is not good. After screening, less than ten are valuable.

Chen Xu didn't know much about the game and didn't give any opinions. Let Luo Xiyun take the lead.

Then, he went to see the three production teams. Their speed was much faster than that of the animated movie, because the scenes were relatively simple, the requirements for the picture were not so high, and the production was not so time consuming.

Among the three games, one is a zombie shooting game that highlights three-D visual effects, one is a maze game, and one is a role-playing game.

Chen Xu talked with them for a while to see if they encountered problems that were difficult to solve during the production of the game, collected them, and could improve them next time.

He is the company's chief technology officer. This is under his control.

Before he knew it, it was already dark.

Seeing that they hadn't left yet, Chen Xu asked the person in charge, "Do you want to work overtime tonight?"

The person in charge of the company is a woman. The last name is Liu. It was dug up from another company. She is mainly responsible for administrative management. Energetic, staying overtime every day. "

"How is overtime paid?"

"They are all issued in accordance with national standards."

"Well, you can count on what you want. There must be no deductions. We will be a world-class company in the future. You remember that."

"I see, Mr. Chen." Manager Liu flattered. "The company has a leader like you, which is a lucky thing for the employees."

Chen Xu remembered one thing and said, "Also, it's time for dinner. I invite all employees to dinner. You arrange for people to go to the restaurant opposite, and pack them back to them according to the standard of 100 yuan per person. Tomorrow You contact my secretary with the invoice and ask her to pay you. "

Manager Liu said, "Then I will tell you the good news."

She said, ran into the company, and soon, there was cheering.

Chen Xu smiled, said hello to Manager Liu, and left.

He had worked for several years before, and knowing the hardships of working, if possible, he wanted to be as good as possible to the employees, at least in terms of wages and treatment, and not betray them.

In fact, no matter whether it is a laboratory, a data center, or Yunxu, he solved the most difficult part by relying on him. Just the development cost, I do n’t know how much money was saved. If you are still thinking about squeezing overtime pay for your employees, that's too low.

When Chen Xu came downstairs, he took out his mobile phone and called the driver, saying, "You go back first, you don't have to send me tonight. Um, yes."

After sending the driver away, he called a car online, a white Volkswagen.

The same car, sitting on this Volkswagen, feels very different. In addition to configuration differences, there are also differences in identity.

Since he earned billions of dollars through patent licensing, his status has changed completely. People around him have respectful respect for him.

This is indeed very fulfilling, and no one wants to get other respect and attention.

However, after a long time, every time someone sees you, this attitude is very boring. Luo Xiyun didn't feel it when they were around. They are not here now, facing these people, he could not help but develop a sense of loneliness.

So he sent the driver away.

Sitting in this car and withdrawing from my original identity feels a lot easier. Looking at the night scene outside, talking to the driver about some, as if returning to the previous life.


Chen Xu got off near a commercial street and found a chain fast food restaurant. This time it was a meal. When there were most people in the fast food restaurant, he had almost no place when he went in.

He likes the lively atmosphere in the store. Ordered a set meal for one person, took a meal and found an empty seat. As soon as I looked up, across the glass, I saw a 2003 noodle shop across the street.

It's a coincidence.

He was a bit surprised. In the past few months, the noodle house has entered a state of rapid expansion. Mainly, he invested some money in the back and took back control.

With enough funds, Don Tang will let go. In the past few months, more than a dozen stores have opened.

He is also busy, and it is impossible to go through the branches in person as before. You can only understand the situation of the noodle shop through reports. I really don't know where they are.

Unexpectedly, Tang opened the noodle shop here.

In the period after the brick-and-mortar store entered the severe cold, the rent of such a prosperous commercial street was not cheap. Previously, there were insufficient funds and no similar plan was available for the time being. All I can say is that Tang's actions are fast enough.

However, he has seen the financial statements of the noodle shop last month, and his financial status is still healthy.

Looking from this location, there are a lot of customers in the noodle shop. Business is no worse than this fast food restaurant.

"Let's borrow it."

Suddenly, when he heard someone passing by say something, he felt the sound familiar. Looking back, he was really an acquaintance, "Liu Xiaoshang?"

The man heard someone calling him, turned his head and looked surprised, "Chen Xu, why are you here?"

Liu Xiaoshang ~ ~ is Chen Xu's college classmate, who was his deputy monitor at the time. During the Chinese New Year last year, he and Yang Jinxia went to drink his wedding together.

In reality, this incident is less than a year old. But for Chen Xu, it can be regarded as an old memory.

"I'm here to do something." Chen Xu was very pleased to see the old acquaintance. "How about you, it's so late, don't you come home?"

"Hey, isn't it near the end of the year, the company has a lot of work and overtime."

It happened that the person next to Chen Xu was gone. Liu Xiaoshang sat down and put things away, and said with emotion, "This year's economic situation is not very good. Wages have not risen. Overtime is added every day. What is 996? . It's like you, being your own boss, chic. "

Not long after the Spring Festival last year, the two came out to have dinner together. Liu Xiaoshang knew about his noodle shop.

Chen Xu smiled and shifted the topic, "If you don't go home for dinner, your wife has no opinion?"

"Going back is also taking out food. After getting married, she hasn't cooked a meal. It's better to eat out." Liu Xiaoshang shook his head and said with some depression.

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