My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 293: If you like


Luo Luo Xiyun only felt the air blocked there, but, thinking of Chen Xu's abnormal state yesterday, she still put up with it, but did not want to stay here, turned and walked outward.

Chen Xu lifted the basket and followed from behind.

The two went one after the other and walked into the train. Did not speak all the way.

Luo Xiyun got out of the train and went directly to the study room. After putting on his glasses, his mood slowly calmed down.

At noon again, the set alarm reminded her to go back for lunch.

She turned off the alarm clock and continued to look down.

咚咚 ——

Until the sound of knocking on the table rang, Luo Xiyun took off his glasses, and Chen Xu stood in front of her and said, "Lunch."

She didn't move, just looked at him.

"Sorry, I said nothing in the morning and said something I shouldn't say." Chen Xu's tone was quite sincere.

Luo Xiyun put the glasses back in place, stood up and said, "Aren't you going to eat? Let's go."

She came to the table and sat down. Today is a new dish, which Chen Xu has never done before.

"Taste this lion head." Chen Xu fished a ball with a spoon and put it in her bowl. "I used to watch TV and saw this dish of lion head. I was always curious what it was like, only later Knowing it is a kind of meatball. After knowing the truth, it feels indescribable ... "

After a small storm, it was over.

After a while, the two's lives have entered a regular life. In addition to three meals a day and studying, they just play together and occasionally dance ...

Every few days, I will go and see those babies. The oldest is now almost three years old. These babies have very good genes, and they are all smart enough to start preschool education.

These days are not colorful, but bland and full.

Uh ...

The second half of the year was fleeting, and the return of the clones forced Chen Xu to devote some energy to the humans underground.

The plutonium clone can be said to live up to expectations, bringing back a lot of information. The biological intelligence in his body is almost full.

These information were sorted out before being sent to Chen Xu.

There are a lot of language materials, and the host brain has successfully decoded the language used by humans underground. For dialogue only, the text is too little and has not been deciphered yet.

Chen Xu finally got a general understanding of this somewhat mysterious underground world through the information at hand.

In the underground world, people who can carry parasites like clones are called "chosen ones" and have a very high status. Every time the clone encounters difficulties, as long as the parasitic armor is highlighted, it can be resolved smoothly. Everyone respected him.

Because of this, although the clones did not understand the underlying language, they were still confused.

It wasn't until the "Shrine" got news and sent someone to investigate his identity that the conflict was triggered. The clones had to flee the underground world and return to the base.

It can also be seen from this that the communication level of the underground world is not good. It took half a year for the "shrine" to react. Insufficient to imagine.

According to the data, the underground world is extremely vast, and no one knows the size of the person the clone has contacted.

However, due to underdeveloped transportation, the underground world is divided into pieces. ,

The country that is currently underground is thirteen districts. Nominally, it is ruled by a king. The true ruler is actually a "shrine".

From many details, it can be seen that the underground world class is severe, and the unified class, represented by the "shrine" and the king, holds most of the resources. As for ordinary people, the resources they can have are pitifully small.

It seems like a poor place. Ordinary people have a bitter life. Most of the time, they ca n’t even eat enough food.

Under the eyes of the clone, there is no agriculture in the underground world. There are hardly any plants in the ground. The most common is moss, which can't be eaten.

Where did the food come from, all were distributed by the "shrine" and the institution set up by the king. Of course, this is not free, you have to buy in one currency.

In other words, the food is completely cut off by the governor.

This is the basis of the "shrine" and the king's unification. No one can shake.

As for the army of the underground world | how strong the fact is, the clone did not inquire. The underground world has not had a war for a long time, and people have forgotten what war looks like.

However, considering that the "shrine" can provide food for so many people, it is presumed that the level of technology will not be worse.

If is replaced with a base, it will produce so much grain and it can be maintained in a short time. Over time, it can't hold back, and the energy of fusion | change is not endless. Energy consumption is a dead end.

Also, the parasite does not look like a natural product, maybe it is an artificial biological weapon.

If this is the case, then the level of this civilization will far exceed the base.

Feng Song has studied parasites for two or three years. There are still many unexplainable explanations for parasites, let alone made them.

到底 What happened in the beginning, even such a powerful civilization had to hide in the underground world?

From this perspective, this planet is really not simple. This is just one of the kingdoms of humans underground.

Unfortunately ~ ~ The clones don't understand the language, this is a fatal injury, they can't reach the real high-level, they can't understand their secrets. It can only be pieced together by some hearsay.

Chen Xu looked at the information and kept thinking about it.

"What are you looking at?" Luo Xiyun's voice suddenly sounded, startled him, looked up, she did not know when she had entered the control center, carrying a basket in her hand.

He wondered, "Why are you here?"

Luo Xiyun raised the basket on his hand to make him see more clearly, and said, "It's time to eat."

旭 Chen Xu remembered this, and apologized, "Oh, I forgot."

Luo Xiyun said, "Go, eat out."

Chen Xu followed her out and went to the study room next door.

Luo Xiyun arranged the dishes and asked, "Is something wrong?"

"Did I not tell you last time that this is a game and I am going to upgrade the monster."

Luo Xiyun listened to him easily, but understood that things must not be so simple, otherwise, he would not forget the meal. Before, this rarely happened.

"It tastes good, and your cooking has improved a lot." Chen Xu has begun to eat, and after he tasted the taste, he was full of praise.

Luo Xiyun finally had a smile on his face. "If you like it, I will do it for you in the future."


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