My Exclusive Dream World Adventures

Vol 2 Chapter 279: Decide

? Several drones have flew out and circled for a while, but lost the shadow of that shadow.

There are many trees growing in the surroundings, and the environment is too complicated. The dark shadow does not seem to be too large. It is difficult to find it wherever you hide.

The drone did not withdraw, and continued to hover, responsible for vigilance.

"Take two robots to see if the monitored hard disk is still there. If so, bring it back." Chen Xu ordered Wang Zhu next to him.

Wang Zhu took his weapon and got out of the car.

"what is that?"

Luo Xiyun looked at the screen. On the image of the black shadow just taken, although he could not see it clearly in the thick smoke, he could generally see that it looked like an elongated black figure, which looked a little weird.

"It should be the mob of this game." Chen Xu tone was quite relaxed.

After a while, Wang Zhu returned, "the cameras were destroyed, the host and the hard disk were destroyed. However, we found these things."

This news is somewhat unexpected by Chen Xu. It is not surprising that the camera will be destroyed, but it is quite unusual to know how to destroy the host and the hard disk. This means that the intruder is likely to understand these things, that is to say, the enemy he is facing has a certain level of technology.

This is not good news.

These thoughts flashed in his heart, his face remained calm, and he looked at the thing brought by Wang Zhu. It was a kelp-like thing with scorch marks on it. It seemed to have life and was trembling slightly. From time to time, green juice seeps out. Looks disgusting.

Was that the intruder left behind?

In his impression, there was no such thing in the farm.

"Put it in a sealed container and take it back for research," he ordered, and then asked, "what's going on inside?"

Wang Zhu replied, "All the animals that were farmed were killed and all the equipment inside was destroyed."

Chen Xu was more certain of his own speculation.

Luo Xiyun said, "Let's go back."

"Okay." Naturally, Chen Xu would not reject her offer.


After returning to the base, Chen Xu first sent Luo Xiyun back to rest, then came to the control center again and began to strengthen the base's prevention work.

When he built the farm, he considered that there might be beasts coming in and installed weapons on the fence. Once the camera detected the approach of beasts and the like, he would activate weapons and kill them.

This design failed to stop the shadow, and he had to be vigilant.

In the event that the dark shadow touched the base, the equipment was destroyed or it was a trivial matter, and Luo Xiyun was hurt, so they regretted it.

"It seems that the iron ore has to be developed in advance."

Chen Xu made a decision.

After all, the farm was raided and almost ambushed him. The biggest reason was that the information was not smooth. If the farm can be connected to the base, the dark shadow will appear as soon as he knows it. Where would it be like now, not even the enemy's appearance.

This incident made him finally determined to build a network at least within his sphere of influence.

Although he doesn't know how to solve the problem of wireless signal attenuation, he has other methods. It is very simple, just build a wired network.

However, this requires laying a lot of optical cables and wires, and it takes a lot of human resources. More importantly, whether it is optical cables, wires, or corresponding supporting facilities, a complete set of production lines is required. There may be a dozen or even dozens.

Take the cable insulator, first of all, there are raw materials, such as commonly used polyethylene, that are processed from ethylene, and industrial ethylene is separated from the gas produced in petroleum refining.

In other words, we must first find petroleum, from petroleum extraction to refining, and then separate ethylene from the gas, process it into polyethylene, and then make an insulator ...

Among them, there are many links involved, and each link may involve new links, so that it continues to extend, maybe it will eventually involve the entire industrial chain.

This is the era of big industry. One link involves countless links. Where it gets stuck, it cannot be produced.

Moreover, after the production line is built, people always have to control it. Now the human resources in the base are too tight, and they are not enough.

Therefore, Chen Xu has not been able to make up his mind to do this.

Now, he can't help but hesitate to do it no matter how difficult it is. The enemy has already appeared, and he has a feeling that the shadow will be quite difficult to cope with.

After readjusting the base's security system, he came to a medical laboratory.

"General Manager Chen."

After Chen Xu entered the door, three biochemical men in white coats stood up and saluted him.

He waved his hand, motioned them not to be polite, and asked about the business, "Feng Song, did you research the sample you just sent?"

The youngest of the three said, "This should be some kind of biological organization, but its cell structure is very strange. In the biological database, no match was found, even none similar. It is a kind of A whole new type of creature. "

Chen Xu heard a frown, and there was no similar creature in the biological database. What would it look like? Even the rockets on the transport vehicle could not be killed, and the speed displayed when the shadows escaped.

The enemy I'm about to face is really a bit beyond imagination.

He said, "You temporarily put down the other work at hand and research it first. If there are any results, please inform me immediately."


When Chen Xu left the medical laboratory, he was thinking about how to solve the problem of population shortage.

Feng Song is the only medical laboratory in Nuode University that can really come in handy.

Feng's surname was the ninth batch of biochemicals. At that time, he lacked a man capable of acting alone, so he gritted his teeth and trained a group of fourth-level biochemicals. Biochemical humans at this level have a training cycle of up to one and a half years.

This batch of ten people, each responsible for a field, biological laboratory, physics laboratory, chemical laboratory and so on.

As for the other two, they are secondary biochemicals. As assistants, they do some simple and repetitive tasks in the laboratory.

The production capacity of the biological manufacturing room is limited, with only ten culture tanks. The challenge he faces is whether to cultivate a first-class biochemical person with a short growth cycle or a senior biochemical person with more professional knowledge but a long growth cycle.

When Chen Xu returned to the living area, he had a decision in his heart.

Cultivate natural people.

Using a biomanufacturing room to train a natural person has the shortest cycle and only takes one day to be born, because it only needs to be grown to infancy, without ripening to adulthood, and without instilling knowledge, which is the most time-consuming.

If all ten cultivation tanks were used to cultivate natural persons, he would have more than 3,000 people a year later. Moreover, natural persons have the ability to reproduce. After two or three decades, the population of the second generation is simple to double. If legislation encourages multiple lives, quadrupling would be fine.

Before, Chen Xu had not been able to make up his mind. It was not entirely a problem of excessively long training periods. More importantly, the constitution stipulates that the free will of a natural person is not violated. Even if he has the highest colonial authority, he cannot use machines. Natural people perform brainwashing.

When a natural person grows up ~ ~ with the ability to think independently, he must spend a lot of energy to consolidate his position.

Moreover, doing so is equivalent to creating a human society. Just thinking about it, I felt a tremendous pressure.


Chen Xu thought about these troublesome things. Before he entered the living area, he took a long breath and let those things go.

Anyway, it's all just a game. To him, it was not as important as the woman inside. He relaxed his muscles on his face and made himself smile more naturally before he went in.

At this time, it was just night.

When he entered the hall, he smelled a scent. Looking into the kitchen, Luo Xiyun was standing in front of the stove, holding a spoon, and was tasting.

The hair behind Luo Xiyun's head was tied up, and Chen Xu could see her side face. The concentrated look was less arrogant and quieter than before.

At this moment, she inadvertently exposed the tenderness and hit Chen Xu's heart.

"It seems a bit light," Luo Xiyun whispered to himself, as if all feelings, turned around and saw him, his expression changed, and when he cooled down, he didn't say hello to him and put the spoon back.

She took out the lunch box, filled the soup and meals, and turned back to her room. During the whole process, he didn't say a word to him.

Chen Xu walked into the kitchen and saw that there was half of the rice left in the pot. There were vegetables in the pot and soup, which was obviously reserved for him.

There was a warm current in his heart. He took out the chopsticks, stood by the stove, ate it and tasted it. He seemed to be back in his first dream ...

ps: roar, ask for a monthly pass.

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