My Cards Can Be Fused Limitlessly

Chapter 149: Prime Minister Kame is here

Remember in one second【】

After Zhou Nan left the reef tower, he sorted out the supplies in the family camp before heading to the East China Sea full of expectations to explore.

The blue sea is vast, and the waves are endless.

Zhou Nan rode a donkey cart traveling at a speed of 180 kilometers per hour in the East China Sea, and it took two hours to find Jin'ao Island.

This Jinao Island looked like a big tortoise lying on the water. As soon as Zhou Nan landed ashore, the system reminder of the place name hadn't ended, and he saw a golden ao the size of a rhino.

[Jin Ao, wild monster, health value of 120,000, attack power 656, armor 23, magic resistance 19, has the skills tortoise shrink, gold armor, high-pressure water polo.

Kill drop: Golden tortoise shell (material, drop rate of 18%), tortoise shell (material, drop rate of 50), Golden Ao card (blue, drop probability of 1 in 10,000), tortoise prime minister (blue, One in a thousand chance of falling).

Special setting: Kill 500 Jinao in total on Jinao Island, and the King of Jinao will appear...]

The insight skills allowed Zhou Nan to see the detailed information of Jin Ao.

"One in a thousand chance?"

Zhou Nan didn't waste time, and immediately released the Dragon Prince group monsters.

After a while, Zhou Nan discovered that Jinao Island had not only a wild monster like Jinao, but also sea turtles, copperao, giant tortoises in the East China Sea, rock turtles, tortoise eggs and tortoise prime ministers.

Jinao and Tongao are the most. These two monsters have a chance to drop the Prime Tortoise card. The Prime Tortoise has the least number, and the chance to drop the Prime Tortoise card after killing is also the highest.

More interesting is the turtle eggs.

It is a material that can be directly stored in a storage backpack. It is also a kind of wild monster. It has a durability of 500 points. There is a countdown number on the eggshell. When the countdown is over, you can randomly hatch sea turtles, East China Sea giant tortoises, and rocks. Turtle, Tongao, Jinao, etc.

What surprised Zhou Nan was that when the Dragon Prince activated the gravitational vortex group monster, the turtle eggs within the skill's range of influence would also be pulled over, and of course they were broken, but the turtle egg card appeared next to Zhou Nan.

Of course, these turtle egg cards were "conquered".

Speaking of which, Zhou Nan's [Conquer] skills are applied to mobs, such as lobsters, king crabs, and the like. The effect is very obvious, and card swiping is quite powerful.

However, when encountering stronger wild monsters, such as the giant tortoise of the East China Sea, it is obviously broken and it is difficult to directly "conquer" the card.

As for the turtle egg, it can be said that it is a monster weaker than the lobster. Basically, by breaking three to five, Zhou Nan can "conquer" a turtle egg card.

Of course, the turtle egg card is very rubbish, all of which are one-star white cards, the turtle egg's career setting is actually an obstacle.

"This turtle egg card is naturally a trash card to others, but to me, it seems to be a good synthetic material..."

Anyway, Zhou Nan was on-hook to swipe the card of Prime Minister Turtle, and he used the turtle egg card to synthesize the card on the beach on the side.

As soon as he came up, he used an outrageous bombing flying ant to synthesize with a turtle egg card, and with a ding sound, he got a fried egg card, named [Fried Egg·Angse].


Card Name: Fried Egg·Ang Se (bound)

Card color: black

Card star number: one star

Use level: 1

Use mana cost: 10

Explanation 1: This card is a one-time use card, after use, throw a fried egg to the target.

Explanation 2: Fried eggs have the skill [Explosion], which explodes after hitting the target, which can cause 10 physical damage to the target.

Explanation 3: Fried eggs have the skill [Egg Broken]. After focusing on the target, you can apply special effects with liquid egg to the target. The special effect can last for one minute.

Note 4: Text dubbing, snap!


"Fuck, this is the best card!"

Zhou Nan was overjoyed, the little [Fried Egg] actually has two skills!

Is this okay?

Used as a card dart, it is equivalent to a blue card, which can deal 5,000 points of damage!

It only consumes ten mana points, and there is no need to worry about card recycling, because this fried egg card is a one-time card.

More importantly, fried egg darts are not only harmful, but also insulting!

"It's a bargain, what is a **** card, this is a **** card!"

Zhou Nan was crazy to synthesize fried egg cards immediately, and found that their attributes were all the same, and occasionally came up with a meaningful suffix, and even additional special effects.

For example, [Fried Eggs·Large Volume], after use, you can make the area of ​​the egg liquid spread larger, and one egg is stronger than five eggs.

Another example is [Fried Eggs·Lasting], which can make the special effects of egg liquid application last longer!

Zhou Nan liked these special fried eggs even more.

"Outrageous, what are you doing? Step up to make the bombing flying ant card. If you have no materials, buy it. Use the gold coins in the family warehouse. If you don’t have enough gold coins, sell the materials. You can make as many bombing ants as you want. As much as you make, store it in the family warehouse..."

Zhou Nan felt that it was necessary to save money to buy a top-quality card backpack. Later, he would bring hundreds of fried eggs with coal, and drive the donkey cart to throw the fried eggs by himself. The scene must be quite exciting.

After using up all the bombing flying ant cards on his body, Zhou Nan used the adult card, the villain card, etc. to combine with the fried egg card, and successfully obtained the big fried egg card and the small fried egg card.

The difference between these two cards and the ordinary fried egg card is that the power of fried egg is different. The big fried egg can cause 100 points of physical damage, but the mana cost is increased to 11.

^0^Remember in one second【】


On the whole, it is the most cost-effective synthetic fried egg card.

Next Zhou Nan used the turtle egg card to play with the adult card, villain card, stegosaurus card, turtle dragon card, etc., and got the egg man card, egg dragon card and so on.

He found that the turtle egg card and the turtle dragon card were combined, and the dragon turtle card was actually obtained!

"It's really weird. Before, I wanted to combine the Dragon Turtle Card. No matter how I made up the word, I would accurately avoid the word Dragon Turtle. Now that the turtle egg is added to the turtle dragon, I actually got the Dragon Turtle! But this dragon tortoise looks average. what……"

Zhou Nan felt that he had gotten another powerful card synthesis path, but the Dragon Turtle card with the two-character prefix name was just like that. It was not strong, not even the turtle dragon. It is estimated that a three-character prefix name and a four-character prefix should be put together. The names are awesome, such as "Frost Dragon Tortoise", "Flame Dragon Tortoise", "Ancient Dragon Tortoise" and so on.

Tortoise dragon, stegosaurus, etc. can all try this kind of synthesis. It depends on chance. It's definitely not as good as fried eggs.

Zhou Nan did not care about the follow-up synthesis of the dragon turtle. He studied the egg man and the egg dragon. The latter is a garbage card, and the former seems to be okay. After a while, Zhou Nan used three egg man cards to synthesize an egg man. Iron Sheet].

This egg is really fun. There is an egg shell stuck on the top of the head, palms and the floor of the feet. When the body shrinks, it can become an egg. Its attributes are very stretched, and its movement speed and attack speed are extremely low. It really has to be singled out. May not be able to beat an adult.

However, Dan Dan has a god-defying skill, that is [Invincible]!

After the Dandanren turns into an egg form, he can gain invincibility for five seconds, lock the blood during it, and be immune to all damage!

"It's impossible to fight with this egg, but this invincible skill is powerful, and there must be some use it...If only this invincible skill can be transferred to other powerful cards through synthesis!"

Zhou Nan thought silently.

At this moment, dinged, the first Prime Minister tortoise card was finally played.

Zhou Nan quickly picked it up and inspected it.

This Prime Tortoise card is a blue one-star card named 【Prime Tortoise Raoski】. The summoned Prime Minister Tortoise has two skills, namely the attack skill【High pressure water polo】 and the defense skill【Siping and Eight Steady】.

Zhou Nan summoned the tortoise prime minister Raoski, and then returned to the magic potion, released the shrimp soldiers, crab generals, little dragon girl, dragon prince, and old dragon king, and immediately received the system prompt: "Congratulations on your collection of the dragon palace. Deck, are you sure about the current combination? After confirming, each card will receive the Dragon Palace prefix name, and the special effects of the deck will be activated. It can be stored in stacks, occupying a storage compartment, and accessing and using it at the same time."


Zhou Nan said quickly.

A joke, I am the emperor of the black card, can I use the ordinary Prime Minister tortoise card deck?

It must be turned into a powerful black card!

Dear, this chapter is over, I wish you a happy reading! ^0^

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