My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 97 First hearing about bioalchemy

Don't you need to meditate? You've been running on the road all day. Xia Zuo touched the carriage board, This carriage is driving very smoothly, but it's not a good place for meditation, right?

Hmm~ Dim made a meaningful hum, You may have some misunderstandings about meditation places.

He sat up straight, bent his right arm, the muscles on his upper arm bulged, and slapped the muscles hard with his left hand, This is my meditation place. Do you understand? Xia Zuo. What kind of meditation place, Nothing can compare to my own solid body.”

What do you mean? Xia Zuo frowned, confused.

Meditation requires a safe environment, right? Dim asked in a calm tone, showing no irritability.

Yes, yes. Xia Zuo said. .

Dim patted the other party's shoulder, When your body is strong enough, your five senses are sharp enough, and you have many emergency measures, most environments will be safe for you. Do you understand?

Xia Zuo nodded slowly as if he had some understanding.

Dim further explained, Think about it, if you have the three things I just mentioned...

He pointed at the packhorse and said, You also have a reliable guy to help you lead the way. Can't you meditate wherever you go?

It makes sense. Xia Zuo discovered that he had a blind spot in knowledge, So, Dim, is there any good way to exercise?

Practice breathing techniques. Dim took the last bite of carrot.

But I have already practiced meditation...

There is no conflict between these two cultivation methods. Dim shook his hand.

Xia Zuo took over the conversation, In other words, can I still practice the breathing method after I have already practiced the meditation method?

Yes. If you don't want to take the secret medicine of breathing method, you can also practice breathing method. The secret medicine only speeds up the development of the body's potential.

Dim nodded, then remembered something and asked:

This time we are going to investigate the researchers from the Eastern Continent. Do you have any ideas? The head of the hospital said that you are very smart and cautious. You are a good prospect. Let me guide you before the official action.

Xia Zuo scratched the back of his head and quickly searched for known information in his mind, Dim, do you have a list of these researchers? Or introduce them to me. I have been refining poisons in the academy, and I have been refining poisons for people outside the academy. The people and things are somewhat unfamiliar.”

I have what you want.

Dim reached into the pocket under the leather armor, pulled out a parchment and handed it over, There are 6 permanent researchers in Sbrier Province, and they will not leave Sbrier Province. There are also 3 other researchers, We will be traveling back and forth between Sbrier Province and Starry Night Province, and we need to investigate these three researchers first, so we happen to be on the way.

The parchment roll is as thick as a forearm, and when fully unfolded, it is one and a half meters long.

Xia Zuo held the scrolls on both sides with his left and right hands, turned the scroll little by little, and read the text on the scroll.

The nine researchers who will be investigated come from three different alchemist associations.

2 from the Herbal Alchemists Association, 2 from the Ore Alchemists Association, and 5 from the headquarters of the Biological Alchemists Association.

The first two associations, Xia Zuo is familiar with, are the Golden Wattle Sisters and the Obsidian Alchemists Association, which are sub-associations of the Herbal Medicine and Ore Alchemists Association respectively.

But the third association is almost never heard of.

Fortunately, the parchments record the daily work of bio-alchemists, so we can get a rough idea of ​​what this alchemy is about.

The naming method of bioalchemy is the same as that of herbal alchemy, ore alchemy, etc., it is named after the raw materials.

Living things include both plants and animals. The raw materials of bioalchemy are these two.

The main product of this alchemy is a tool to improve physical fitness.

The secret medicine needed to practice the breathing method was developed and iterated by bioalchemy in conjunction with other alchemies. If he hadn't seen these words on the scroll, Xia Zuo would have thought that the secret medicine was created by the Warriors Guild itself.

The three researchers who traveled between the two provinces were from three alchemist associations. They were responsible for taking care of the raw materials shipped from the Eastern Continent in Starry Night Province and escorting them to Sbrier Province. On weekdays, these three people would do research in their stronghold.

The scroll is scrolled to the end and there is nothing more on the parchment.

Xia Zuo rubbed the scroll and returned to the first paragraph to read it again, intending to memorize the information about each researcher.

Dim sat aside, looked at Xia Zuo's expression, leaned back, rested his head on the back of the chair, closed his eyes and entered deep meditation.

The carriage drove on the bumpy mud ground, but there was no obvious shaking feeling.

Dim's packhorse is unusual. With great strength and endurance, he will actively avoid depressions and rocks, and will not go around when encountering short slopes. He will climb to the top of the slope with heavy breaths, raise his head and let out a proud snort, and then lead the carriage smoothly. Go down the hill.

After Xia Zuo finished memorizing the parchment, he stared at the packhorse curiously for a long time before gently tapping Dim to wake him up.

Dim ended his meditation as if he had taken a nap. He scratched his beard a few times, took out his water bag and drank a few sips of water. Do you have an idea? If there are really traitors among these nine researchers, just guess based on intuition. For a moment, which one do you think it will be?

Hmm... Xia Zuo rubbed his chin, It's hard to say, Dim. I think there may be more than one traitor.

Oh? Why? Dim's eyes flickered.

Xia Zuo handed the parchment back and said with both hands, Alchemists can write alchemy diaries, and so do I. This is a basic quality. If you want to know what I have done and what I am doing, just hold my alchemy diary. Diary, just go to the alchemy room to check the inventory of products and raw materials.

He feels this deeply. In order to cover up the elemental poison used in the poison test, he made a lot of preparations.

Beatrice had always trusted him. After her student took over the poison order, she had never entered the large alchemy room. Even the inventory of basic poisons was handed over by Xia Zuo to the delivery team outside the castle. Thanks to this, many of the backup plans he planned were useless.

Uh... Of course, there is another possibility. Beatrice never imagined that her students could still be alive and kicking after taking elemental toxins...

After listening to Xia Zuo's words, Dim nodded repeatedly, Yeah, yeah, keep talking.

The researchers' alchemy work will use monsters, magic grass and magic minerals transported from the Eastern Continent. The things recorded in their alchemy diaries will be more standardized and detailed than mine. Hmm... I really want to see the Eastern Continent. Curiosities of the Continent.”

Xia Zuo paused and then said:

The parchment says that there is a close cooperative relationship between the researchers. If there is no abnormality in their alchemy diaries and inventories after being reviewed together...then there are only two results - they themselves are still Remain loyal to the Alchemy School, or commit crimes as a premeditated gang, covering for each other.

Dim Mosuo's hairy chin asked, What are you going to do?

I... Xia Zuo scratched his head, I plan to carefully check the alchemy diary and inventory to deduce whether these researchers have made any unusual moves. I can only think of this idea for the time being.

I remember that your general course exam scores were all full marks, right? Dim asked while recalling.

When he saw the other party nodding, he clapped his hands and said, I'll leave it to you to check the alchemy diary and inventory. I'll be responsible for questioning the researchers.

Okay, no problem. Xia Zuo rubbed his hands excitedly, looking forward to seeing the monster with his own eyes.

Dim took out the kingdom map from his pocket, stretched out his finger to draw on it, In about six days, we will arrive at Starlight City, where three researchers live.

He put away the map and pointed to the car behind him, If you want to meditate, go to the back.

Xia Zuo pondered for a moment and said, I want to practice the wind movement, so I'll just follow the carriage.

Speaking of practicing spells, I have a suggestion.

Dim reached into his pocket, I'm here to see where those gadgets are... I haven't used them in a long time.

His forearms slipped into his pockets, seemingly groping in the depths.

Found it. Dim took out his right hand and opened his palm. Three bouncy balls appeared in the palm of his hand. You have been in the circus before, so you must be familiar with acrobatics. Have you ever tried to use the wind hand to throw and catch the ball? ?”

Can you still play like this? Xia Zuo became interested.

Here, I give them to you. I don't have any use for these three bouncy balls. However, you have to practice in the carriage, otherwise it will be very troublesome to pick up the balls.

Dim pushed the ball over, held the opponent's shoulder, and said:

Some spells are extensions of the body, Xia Zuo. The trick of Hand of Wind has mysterious and special features. If you understand it carefully, you will find new inspiration for casting spells.

Xia Zuo held the elastic ball and said sincerely, Thank you, Dim. I will remember it.

Go ahead. If anything happens, I'll call you. Dim waved his hands back, adjusted his sitting position, and half-lyed on the chair.

Xia Zuo pushed open the barrier behind him and got into the car sideways.

It is not difficult for him to throw and catch the ball with both hands.

But in terms of Hands of Wind...

Xia Zuo tried it. It was very difficult to summon two wind hands at the same time, not to mention controlling them to throw and catch the ball.

Dong dong dong several muffled sounds came from the carriage. Wind's hand used too much force and the bouncy ball hit the wall and bounced around.

Xia Zuo released the Hand of Wind, waved his arms to catch the naughty pinball, and then summoned the Hand of Wind again...

The carriage made a muffled sound, the wheels turned, the packhorse snorted, and the carriage drove smoothly on the mountain path, passing through fields and villages, and crossing one low mountain after another.

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