In the study room of the tower.

Xia Zuo took the spell scroll from Beatrice's hand and caressed the smooth and soft scroll cover and red ribbon.

[Fireball] was originally a spell that only formal mages could learn.

After being streamlined by the tower mage, it became a trick that even mage apprentices could learn.

The learning method is the same as Hand of Wind and Communication. You can only use spell scrolls to instill it in your mind.

The exchange price for this spell scroll is as high as 200 points.

Expensive, but definitely worth it.

Using spell scrolls to imbue spells eliminates the lengthy process of learning and training. It would be more meaningful to spend this time refining poisons.

Secondly, fireball is a dangerous and complex compound spell.

The earth trick of shaping flammable objects, the fire trick of igniting flammable objects, the fire trick of controlling the burning speed, and the earth trick of controlling burning flammable objects are four independent tricks, and the four are combined Together, they can create a fireball that can be fully controlled by the caster.

Without any one of these tricks, the fireball will cause accidents, such as premature explosion, excessive fire intensity, unexpected flame extinguishing, etc.

These accidents may cause the spell to fail at best, or accidentally injure the caster at worst.

Professor, I want to use the spell scroll here, and then go to the spell training room to practice. Xia Zuo stared at the instructor with an expectant look on his face.

Well, pay more attention during training and don't accidentally injure yourself.

Beatrice looked at the students' longing expressions, nodded with a smile on her pretty face, and then controlled the pen to write on the notepad, busy dealing with the affairs of the school and the kingdom.

I will, thank you, Professor.

Xia Zuo untied the red ribbon and laid the spell scroll flat on the desk.

The milky white sheepskin scroll is densely covered with small words and ripples, and there are also many figures of unknown meaning mixed in.

Beatrice once introduced these contents when teaching students to use spell scrolls. This is a special language that only tower scholars can master:

Spellweaver Language.

It is very difficult to join the Tower Scholars. According to Beatrice, the Tower Scholars no longer accept new members below high-level mages.

It will probably take decades to learn the Spellweaver language.

Xia Zuo gathered his thoughts and pressed his right index finger on the spiral pattern in the center of the scroll.

The words and graphics on the parchment scroll seemed to be given life, swimming slowly like tadpoles, flowing clockwise around the center of the scroll, and being swallowed bit by bit by the spiral pattern in the center.

Xia Zuo closed his eyes and listened to the whispering in his ears. The words were vague and low, not as clear and clear as when he obtained the innate spell.

A few minutes later.

The words and graphics on the parchment scroll disappeared, revealing the milky white scroll surface, which was as clean as new.

Xia Zuo opened his eyes, rolled up the scroll, tied the red ribbon again, said hello to his mentor, and walked to the door deep in the study while flipping through the fireball spell templates in his mind.

[Spell Name] Fireball

[Spell type] Attack type

[Spell Level] Trick

[Related Trait 1] Fire: Burning

[Related Trait 2] Earth Element: Shaping

[Spell Power] The current maximum power is 4 points (2+2)

[Spell Description] Before the fireball explodes, the fireball itself is a projectile.

[Spell Effect]

When this spell is cast, a fireball will be summoned, and the size, duration, and trajectory of the fireball can be controlled through thoughts.

The fireball's explosive power is related to the spell's power.

The fireball's projection speed and maximum flight distance are also affected by power. The current maximum speed is 4 meters per second, and the straight flight distance does not exceed 14 meters.

Spell training room.

Xia Zuo stood facing the target, stretched his right arm forward, palm of his right hand facing up, and kept his palm as far away from his head as possible.

With a calm face and calm eyes, he entered into shallow meditation.

Xia Zuo, based on the fireball knowledge in his mind, sketched out the characteristic lines while imagining a round flammable object with a hollow surface and full of tiny holes.

Two seconds later, a black ball appeared out of thin air, floating ten centimeters above the palm of his hand.


The black ball was ignited, and the fiery red flame enveloped the ball. The tongue of fire stretched upward, licking the surrounding air like a smart tongue. Heat waves radiated from the flame, and there was a faint burning sensation in the palm of the hand.

So beautiful

Xia Zuo stared closely at the fireball in his hand and continued to shape flammable materials into the black ball to keep the flame burning.

This feeling of being in control of dangerous things is really intoxicating.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but stretched out his left hand and tried to touch the fireball.

The tongue of fire rubbed against the fingertips, and the burning sensation was short and strong, but it was not pain, but a slight numbing sensation.

The blood recovery data in my mind changed a bit.

【210/210 (slight poisoning)

[Basic blood return speed]

45 points/hour

[Real-time blood return speed]

45-40→5 o'clock/hour

A slight contact with the flame can no longer make the blood recovery speed negative!

A bold idea flashed through Xia Zuo's mind!

If the blood recovery speed and fire resistance are increased to the limit, can theoretical fire damage immunity be achieved?

There is no need to worry about accidental damage caused by casting fire spells.

In the future, he can accommodate enough fire and earth elements, and pile up the power of fire spells. During the battle, the fireball spell will be thrown around, burning everything, but he will not be hurt.

Tsk tsk tsk~ It’s really admirable. have to prepare spare clothes when the time comes, or simply spend your points to buy a robe that can't burn to cover your body...

Xia Zuo was imagining the future scene while lightly touching the flame, and the numbing pleasure came again.

About half a minute later, a weak twitching suddenly occurred in my mind, and a feeling of fatigue grew in my heart.

Maintaining the fireball technique consumes a bit of energy.

With a thought in his mind, Xia Zuo faced the metal target at the edge of the training room. He turned his right arm, palm forward, and the fireball in his hand flew towards the target with its tail dragging.

Bang! A crisp sound sounded in the training room.

The black ball in the flame collided with the target, and a large piece of black powder collapsed. The powder was immediately ignited by the flame. The fire spread instantly and enveloped the target, and then the flame dissipated into the air.

The message from Goldfinger came to my mind:

It is detected that the host successfully casts a complete fireball spell, the power is 4, the reward is 0.44 experience points, and the spirit, perception, will, and four-system resistance are rewarded.

Currently, the maximum power of the fireball spell is only 4 points. The fire element of the [Burning] trait and the earth element of the [Shaping] trait each provide 2 points.

With just 4 points of power, the fireball technique has such momentum.

If the power is piled up to 20 points or even 50 points, it will really explode.

Xia Zuo cast fireball again.

Bang! The fireball hit the target and burst into flames.

It's so beautiful~ Look at the color of the flames. It's red with bright yellow. It's definitely the best quality among flames.

Quack. Xia Zuo let out a weird laugh, throwing fireballs at the target one after another, stroking the flames from time to time, as if he was pampering his pet.

The sound of bursts of flames burst into the training room.

4:55 p.m.

When Xia Zuo left his mentor's study, the tiredness and excitement on his face were intertwined, and the strange excitement brought by the fireball technique flowed in his heart.

He waited for a while in the castle hall to have dinner with Anjou, whom he had not seen for a month.

You're finally out~ Anruer threw herself into her boyfriend's arms.

Xia Zuo patted her on the back, How are you doing in elemental concrete science?

Hmm~ Anruer hugged her boyfriend's waist and shook her, It's a very interesting subject. I think it's very fun.

She raised her head, stared at the other person, curved her lips into a faint smile, deliberately frowned her eyebrows, and said in an exaggerated tone:

Oh~ It's such a pity. Professor Bethel said that the content of the subject of elemental representation cannot be told to others. I~ can't tell you either.

Ha Xia Zuo shook his head and smiled dumbly.

This girl was imitating someone's former tone of voice, deliberately using his own secretive way of speaking to tease her boyfriend.

I'll take care of you over the weekend. Xia Zuo rubbed An Ru'er's face in return for her kiss and attachment.

The time after dinner cannot be used to train spells.

Xia Zuo planned to take a leave from his instructor and not go to the Kit Kat object learning course tonight.

After practicing quietly for a month, there are a lot of poisons in the big alchemy room that need to be dealt with, and there are still many orders that urgently require the help of expert poison alchemists.

In addition, the poisonous effect of elemental toxins has been proven.

Xia Zuo feels that the days ahead will be more fulfilling.

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