More than a month later.

The circus arrived at the third base of this trip.

This is a city that is slightly inferior to Rosak City. It is slightly smaller in scale and has shorter city walls, but there are all types of shops in the city.

There is also a fountain square in the center of the city.

Xia Zuo and the other members had a tacit understanding and cooperated with the strongman Popai to carry the props and set up a tipi tent in the square together.

After completing the gripping training on the miniature elastic ball, I gained 1 point of strength attribute.

He moved things more easily, but always with caution.

Whether it is tent stakes or cables, stage cushions or wooden weapons, handle them with care to avoid spending money on repairs...

The eldest sister has clear rewards and punishments in this regard. If anyone damages a prop, he has to pay for a new one or hire a craftsman to repair it.

Fortunately, the suitcase in which Vers prepared the fire-breathing agent was carried by himself, and Xia Zuo or other members did not need to help.

While Vers was playing with the potion bottle, Xia Zuo secretly took a look into the suitcase. Inside was a set of simple alchemy instruments, a small bottle of ready-made fire-breathing potion and several boxes of potion.

He threw out the scrying spell and received surprising information.

The Versian-style intermediate fire-breathing potion will cause physical damage after drinking it. It is estimated that 180 blood points will be deducted within 60 minutes. When held in the mouth, 10 blood points will be deducted every hour. If you successfully drink or use this potion to spit fire, you can get experience.

180 blood points deducted in 60 minutes...

Xia Zuo looked at his character template.

【HP】20/20 (health)

20 points of health can only last about 7 minutes.

For Xia Zuo, drinking this small bottle of potion would almost guarantee death.

Fortunately, this potion is not for drinking. It is a prop for fire-breathing performances. Holding it in your mouth and spitting it out is the real use.

In the potion box containing the raw materials, there are several red potions as thick as a little finger. The smell is pungent. If you take a sip, your nose will become sour and your eyes will shed tears.

This potion seems to be a very important material, which can determine the power of the fire breath.

The detection technique fed back a series of question marks, and even the negative effects could not be predicted. It's obviously because his perception is too low and his knowledge of alchemy is too little.

Every time Vers makes a fire-breathing potion, he only uses two or three drops of red potion. If he wants the fire to be stronger, he will add a few more drops.

Before tonight's rehearsal, Wells changed into performance clothes for the first time.

Audrey called the members together, Everyone, Fars wants to try out the new fire-breathing show. Poppy, you and the Clown brothers and sisters will come on later. Snake and Xia Zuo, go prepare five fire rings and Bracket.”

In the days before the Fire Breathers joined, the clown brothers and sisters would perform fire hoops, so these props are all ready-made.

Xia Zuo followed Wells's instructions and arranged the fire rings in a circle. Snake coated the fire rings with flammable chemicals.

In previous fire-breathing performances, Fars would spit out flames in a straight line. When spitting out water, he would stand still and his body and head would not turn.

This time, the fire-breathing process was very different.

Fars stood in the center of the fire ring, first spitting out a long flame, and then slowly turned around after lighting the first fire ring in front of him.

Seeing this scene, Xia Zuo clenched his hands subconsciously, his palms full of sweat.

What Vers did was too dangerous.

The purpose of standing still when breathing fire is to keep the exhalation smooth, focus on the air flow, and steadily spit out the medicine in the mouth.

If there is any accident in the middle, such as throat discomfort, unstable center of gravity, etc., the exhalation movement will turn into inhalation subconsciously. The flames will roll back in an instant, seriously injuring the fire-breather.

It turns out that Vers has more control over Spitfire than expected.

The water spurting from the mouth suddenly became turbulent, and the fire became stronger. Fars quickly spun around, instantly igniting the remaining four fire rings.

He stood in a blazing circle and raised his arms to celebrate the breakthrough of the fire-breathing performance.

At this moment, something strange seemed to bloom from the body of this bald man surrounded by fire.

A unique charm of fire-breathing people took root in Xia Zuo's heart.

His eyes widened, filled with the scene of burning fire, imagining that he was surrounded by a ring of fire and enjoying the pleasure of burning with his own hands in the heat wave.

I decided I was going to be a fire breather.

Xia Zuo secretly made up his mind.

With the help of [Immortal Body], even if you are burned by fire, it will be fine. As long as your blood volume is restored to full, your body will be completely repaired. Not to mention that the hair and eyebrows were burned off, even if the throat was damaged, it would not be a problem.

Instead of wasting time and energy on less profitable acrobatics, it is better to make good use of the [Immortal Body], endure more hardships, and develop the true ability to breathe fire.

Well... the training process will be more painful, but compared with the copper coins and experience gained, it is worth it.

The fire in Xia Zuo's pupils was slowly weakening, but the look in his brows became more determined.

Waiting until the fire ring extinguished naturally, Audrey stepped forward and asked Vails: How do you feel? Are you sure it's safe?

Fares nodded heavily and made an affirmative gesture.

Do you want to use this program instead of the roast chicken, or add it after the roast chicken? Audrey asked Snake to put away the fire ring.

Vers clenched his two hands into fists and joined them together.

Including the warm-up show, that's three shows. How about setting the ticket price for the fire-breathing show at 12 copper coins? Audrey said while counting on her fingers.

Vers made a no-questions-asked gesture and then left the stage.

Xia Zuo, go and change the price list. Audrey looked at the boy who had recovered from the performance.

Roger it, eldest sister.

When Xia Zuo walked out of the low tent, in addition to his longing for fire-breathing, he also had expectations for the income from this performance.

The tickets for the Spitfire show are the best-selling. Many people come here specifically to see the performance in Vails. There is no need to worry about not being able to sell the tickets if they become more expensive.

The original ticket for the fire-breathing show only cost 8 copper coins, but now the price has increased by 50% to 12 copper coins. Whether it is the circus ticket sales revenue or the upgrade experience gained, there will be more.

Early next morning.

Xia Zuo hung the new price list on the carriage.

After he updated the price, he also specially drew a simple drawing to promote the new fire-breathing show: a bald man standing in a circle of flames with his arms raised.

This was the inspiration I got from last night's rehearsal.

Maybe the posters had an effect, or maybe the residents were tired of watching the previous fire-breathing performances, so the tickets sold out faster after the price increase!

In the evening, with many tickets remaining for the first three performances, the tickets for the Spitfire show were sold out in advance.

Xia Zuo had to put up a temporary departure sign and ran to the backstage of the performance to ask the eldest sister.

As soon as he opened the curtain of the short tent, he saw Vails drinking a light blue potion, and Snake, who was about to appear, was whispering to the green snake.

Xia Zuo nodded to the two of them, went straight to the changing room, and talked to the eldest sister through the curtain.

One minute later, Audrey changed into her performance clothes and stood in front of the flamethrower, Vars, your performance is very popular and the tickets have been sold out in advance. Do you want to increase the number of solo performances? I asked the clown sister Helping you warm up.

Vers thought for a few seconds and made a gesture to add two more games.

Xia Zuo, take the spare blank piece of wood as your ticket for the extra show. Go quickly.

Okay, eldest sister.

2,000 copper coins! That's as much ticket revenue today as it was on the first day at Rosasac City.

Vers' personal remuneration was close to 1,000 copper coins, more than 400 of which came from those two solo performances.

As usual, Xia Zuo handed over his reward to Audrey for safekeeping. After everyone else left, he told the eldest sister his desire to learn to breathe fire.

Audrey had already seen that the boy was interested in breathing fire.

She held the other person's face with both hands and rubbed it hard, Little guy, breathing fire requires talent.

Huh? Talent? Xia Zuo blinked.

Audrey took two leather bags of the same size and filled one of them with air, You breathe in from this leather bag first.

Xia Zuo blocked the bulging leather bag with his mouth, and tried to inflate his chest to inhale more. In the end, he inhaled more than half of the air in the bag, but could not completely suck it all.

Audrey flattened the other leather bag to expel all the air, then pointed it at the boy's mouth and sealed the gap between the mouth and the mouth of the leather bag with both hands. Blow hard to remove all the air from the body. Blow it out.”

Huh~~~ Xia Zuo's face turned red and he tried his best to compress his lungs.

The air flow from the mouth actually inflated the empty leather bag!

Ah hahaha, I didn't expect you to have the talent of breathing fire!!

Audrey laughed happily, opened her arms and took the boy into her arms, picking him up and spinning him around.

Xia Zuo had just finished blowing, and before he could take a few breaths, his nose was blocked by the waves.

He broke free from his astonishing chest, put his arms on his knees, and breathed heavily, Eldest sister, huh~huh~ why, huh~ said that I have, huh~ the talent of breathing fire?

Audrey's eyes shone with excitement, and she filled the bag with air again, Let's try again and make sure.

After resting for half a minute, the dizziness caused by blowing out air had almost disappeared.

Xia Zuo cooperated with the eldest sister and tested it again, and got the same result:

He obviously only breathed in half a bag of air, but he could spit out a full bag of air!

Now, even Xia Zuo, who didn't know why, was happy.

No elemental affinity, but the potential to become a fire breather!

Awesome! It’s not like everything goes wrong~

Audrey stared at the boy with her eyes wide open, as if she were facing a shining golden treasure, and her voice was trembling with excitement:

“When people breathe, they unconsciously store a small amount of air in their bodies.

Only an extremely rare number of people can exhale the remaining air. The vast majority of people cannot press this part of air out of their bodies no matter how hard they try.

Whether you have the talent to breathe fire or not depends entirely on whether you can use the air stored in your body!

Little guy, you really surprised me...

No one knows better than her how important a fire breather trained by the circus itself is.

What's more, Xia Zuo is hardworking and sensible.

Selling tickets, collecting money and accounting, carrying groceries, cooking, everything is done without complaint. I work harder than anyone else, my hands and feet are flexible, and I learn things quickly.

In his free time, he is not like other children who go out to play in the street. Instead, he stays in the hotel and reads books tirelessly.

Audrey felt from the bottom of her heart that the boy in front of her was simply a gift from fate to the circus, otherwise she would have met him on the forest path.

Xia Zuo.

Audrey hugged the boy again and kissed him heavily on the forehead:

Are you willing to learn to breathe fire? I swear, every time you train, I will be by your side and I will never let you get injured like Vans. I can also help you redeem the fire breathing tutorial from the Warriors Guild. and tools.”

Audrey stared into the boy's dark eyes, As long as you are a member of the circus, the tutorials and tools will always be yours.

I am willing to learn to breathe fire, and I also like the life of the circus very much. I want to make a living with everyone. But, eldest sister, why don't I learn from Vers?

Xia Zuo clung to the waves and felt the gentleness of his chest.

Audrey stroked the boy's black hair affectionately, Vars also redeemed it from the Warriors Guild. He can't speak, so it's definitely not convenient for him to teach you. It's better for me to prepare the things and teach you myself.

Xia Zuo secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

He had previously had a mixed feeling of desire and fear about learning to breathe fire, but now it was completely dispelled from his heart.

After all, learning skills from someone with a bad habit of stealing would be very stressful.

Now, without this worry standing in front of me, the process of learning to breathe fire will be much easier.

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