My blood regeneration is 100 million points faster

Chapter 68 Starry Night Academy Meditation Method Part 1

The interior of a spherical dome made of silver sand.

Beatrice stood beside Xia Zuo and said:

“If the brain is the master of the body, then the soul is the manager of the spiritual ocean.

Unfortunately, even if we enter a meditative state and manage the spiritual ocean from the perspective of the soul, we still cannot see what the soul is like.

Xia Zuo frowned:

Professor, is the spiritual ocean in the brain? If the spiritual ocean is in the brain, can the soul be found?

Beatrice put on a straight face and said solemnly:

Xia Zuo, don't mention these words in front of anyone else. These two issues you mentioned once triggered a bloody experiment that lasted for hundreds of years thousands of years ago.

Bloody experiment...

Xia Zuo immediately thought of what the other party was referring to.

This incident was mentioned in a history book of the Eastern Continent, but it did not elaborate on the cause and process of the incident. It only briefly described the harm and results of the incident in a few sentences.

“In that era known as the [Year of Blood and Turmoil].

“There once appeared a group of scum among mages who called themselves flesh and blood artists.

They used the excuse of studying the location of the spiritual ocean to conduct inhumane experiments on a large scale. They divided the experimenter's brain into small parts, and then forced the victim to meditate to search for the specific part that houses the spiritual ocean.

Beatrice crossed her arms, frowned, and spoke solemnly:

Remember. Although the spiritual ocean is closely related to our body, it does not exist in any organ.

Don't have any thoughts of finding its specific location. This is very dangerous. Just curiosity is enough to make you go astray. Never, never delve into the two questions you just raised.

Seeing that the other party was extremely serious, Xia Zuo replied in a deep voice:

Yes, Your Excellency, President. Don't worry, I will never explore those two issues.

In fact, he was secretly relieved.

If you can't find the specific location of the spiritual ocean on the body, you can't find where a person's soul is.

The words of the head of the hospital undoubtedly showed that no one could discover his identity as a time traveler.

Beatrice raised the corners of her mouth with satisfaction and returned to her friendly look.

She stood side by side with Xia Zuo, and with a wave of her hand, the colorful floating scene disappeared.

Substantial layers of gray fog emerged around him.

The mist rolled towards the two of them, stopped close to their sides, and then condensed into a hard wall.

The space became small, and it was a bit awkward for the two of them to stand together. Xia Zuo turned sideways and stood with his back against the wall.

Beatrice pointed to the gray wall, her fingertips slid along the lines on the wall, and said:

“When you practice meditation for the first time, you will find that your spiritual ocean looks like this.

The gray wall tightly wraps your soul. There is only a very small space between your soul and the wall. This space is the prototype of the spiritual ocean.

The patterns on the wall symbolize the elemental qualities you have imagined. This pattern itself is a language, called the elemental pattern language. During the normal teaching process, this course is a required course for all four alchemy subjects to reach the proficiency level. . You are an exception. I will teach you in detail after you become a mage apprentice.

Xia Zuo frowned.

He didn't pay much attention to the elemental pattern language. It was just another rote course, but he was confused by the first half of the instructor's words.

Professor, are you saying that after I enter the meditative state, a gray wall full of lines will appear in front of me. This wall has no exits, doors, windows, or even gaps? Where does this wall come from?

She looked at the student with tangled eyebrows:

Yes, it is indeed a gray wall, a complete wall, without any gaps.

“Does it feel like our souls are closed off?

Do you feel that that is the real world, and the place we are now is actually an illusion?

Xia Zuo looked sad and nodded silently. The Top Ten Paradoxes of the World he had seen in his previous life reminded him of what his mentor said.

Beatrice snapped her fingers in front of the student, and the crisp sound of her fingers brought the other student back to his senses.

Her voice was extremely gentle:

“Don’t have unrealistic ideas.

The cognitive difficulties you are encountering now troubled countless people 20,000 years ago when meditation first appeared.

Now, the correct answer is already available in the Mage Temple. Due to the laws of the temple, I cannot tell you what the answer is.

But after you pass the inspection of the inspection team, you can go to the Mage Temple to study for a period of time after becoming an official mage. By then, you will know what this gray wall is and what is outside it.

Yes, Professor.

Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief after hearing his mentor's words.

Once the boundary between fantasy and reality is blurred, people will fall into endless sinking and despair. Fortunately, I don’t have to go through this difficult process of thinking.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but admire the wizards and sages.

Beatrice nodded slightly, stretched out her fingers and tapped on the gray wall, and warned:

Remember, when you see this wall, you must stay calm. Any mood swings will immediately take you out of the meditative state.

Yes, Professor, I remember it. Xia Zuo said.

Now, let me introduce to you the meditation methods commonly used in schools.

Beatrice stretched out her hand and held it in vain, summoning some small points of light from the invisible:

Suppose these are the clever elements you accommodate into your spiritual ocean.

When you run the basic meditation method created by tower scholars, the clever elements will float in the spiritual ocean and slowly help you transform the spiritual ocean. Just like this...

Beatrice let go of her right hand.

Small points of light turned into meteors and flew out from the fingertips, dragging their long tails and flying against the surrounding gray walls.

Whenever a small meteor scratches the wall, there will be a slightly invisible scratch on the wall.

Let's speed it up a bit, if you become an official mage overnight

Beatrice turned her palms over.

A large number of small meteors flew out of her hand, and after converging with other meteors, they suddenly accelerated their flight speed.

They turned into circling streams of light, quickly cutting through the wall, and the surrounding space gradually became wider.

This is the general process of the clever elements transforming the spiritual ocean. They fly against the gray wall and help you expand the size of the spiritual ocean little by little.

Can you understand? Beatrice looked at the students beside her.

I understand. Xia Zuo nodded.

That's good. Do you know about elemental dissipation? Beatrice asked.

She noticed a strange color flash across the other person's handsome face, You hesitated. So, you know that the elements are dissipated.

Xia Zuo took a breath and talked face to face with a highly perceptive person. It was really stressful:

Yes, Professor. Senior Mars told me.

Well. Then I don't need to explain more. When the mage's emotional and mental state is unstable, the spiritual ocean will undergo drastic changes, and the well-behaved elements living in it may sneak away. This is a popular term for the dispersion of elements. . Just remember this.

Beatrice clicked her fingers lightly to expand the surrounding space a little further.

She took a few steps forward, then turned to face the students and said:

Each school has its own meditation method. Our alchemy school is the same. After thousands of years, absorbing the clever elements is no longer a problem.

“Only the dissipation of elements is a difficulty that every mage cannot avoid.

In order to deal with the dissipation of elements, most of the alchemy branches in Starry Night Academy have developed meditation methods that match the alchemy branches.

Let’s get to the point.

Xia Zuo couldn't help but straighten up and stare at his mentor's beautiful face.

“Medicine Alchemy and Oil Alchemy, the meditation methods of these two disciplines come from the tower scholars, which are the basic meditation methods mentioned before.

The basic meditation method is almost the first meditation method for all mages. But after mastering its entry-level content, whether to invest time to continue studying it, or to modify other meditation methods, depends entirely on the mage's personal wishes.

“The concept of basic meditation to deal with the dispersion of elements is simple.”

Beatrice raised her left and right hands, and there were several small light spots floating on both sides, forming the shape of a scale:

Since the dissipation of elements is inevitable, as many elements as are dissipated will be reabsorbed. Just maintain a certain number of well-behaved elements in the spiritual ocean.

Catch as many as you run away and keep your spiritual ocean in a state of slowly expanding... It is indeed a very simple and simple concept.

I have just demonstrated the process of opening up the spiritual ocean through basic meditation. Use the well-behaved elements to repeatedly polish the gray wall that surrounds the soul, and expand the space of the spiritual ocean outwards to accommodate more well-behaved elements.

You must remember that only this basic meditation method inherited from the tower scholars will require the mage to continuously expand the spiritual ocean. It is precisely because of this that the basic meditation method is the meditation method with the lowest threshold.

Thanks to Xiaoye from Qianye’s family for the 100 points.

Thanks to Walking Pineapple Can, Gang Jing who is not Gang Jing, fossil, Hong Chang loves to do handicrafts, Lan Baiyun who cannot keep up with the times, Su Jin, Meng Ting, S Meng Ji, Maybe Doesn't Exist, and Huisu for your monthly votes.

Thanks to many book friends for their recommendation votes, thank you very much!

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