Mars cut the steak slowly, paused and said:

By the way, Xia Zuo. Don't forget the welcome dinner tonight. I will go to the library to find you before dinner.

Is the dinner also performed by elemental servants? Xia Zuo had a wry smile on his lips.

Ah, yes, yes.

Mars stuffed a mouthful of beef into his mouth, frowned, and realized the problem. The opponent's spiritual ocean was not fully developed, and he could not see the elemental servants...

The dinner party can be quite boring.

Can I not go? I want to continue reading in the library. Xia Zuo asked.

Mars nodded, swallowed the beef in his mouth and said:

Of course. As long as it doesn't violate Diem's ​​Castle Rules, he didn't list the dinner as a mandatory event.

A burst of frolicking came from the door of the restaurant, which was particularly noticeable in the quiet environment, attracting the attention of many freshmen.

Xia Zuo looked at the source of the noise, which were three fat men with bloated bodies and sagging faces.

They looked very similar, they were both extremely fat, and they seemed to be brothers.

The brown hair is twisted like the tentacles of an octopus, and the eyes and nose are small compared to the fat face, especially the eyes, which are like two mung beans embedded in the pile of flesh.

The restaurant can be used for both eating and playing chess and cards. Noise is not prohibited here, but most people will communicate in low voices instead of speaking at the top of their voices without restraint like these three people.

Xia Zuo noticed that the other party was a high-level student, and his standard robe was similar to Mars's, with colorful patterns on the cuffs and collar.

This is a symbol of completing the alchemical branch test.

Poison Alchemy is purple, Potion Alchemy is green, Oil Elixir and Strange Item Alchemy are blue and red respectively.

Their robes have 1 purple stripe, 2 green stripes, 2 blue stripes and 1 red stripe.

Corresponding to the entry-level poison alchemist, skilled-level potion alchemist, skilled-level oil alchemist, and entry-level rare item alchemist.

Except for the entry-level Alchemist of Rare Objects, the rest of Mars are skilled level.

Students with two proficiency-level alchemy skills are called advanced-level students.

If you only have one proficient level alchemy, you are a middle school student.

Those who only possess entry-level alchemy are called low-level students.

People like Xia Zuo who did not have entry-level alchemy skills were classified as freshmen.

According to the Introduction to Meditation Methods, if all four branches of alchemy have reached the proficiency level, you can try to practice the most basic meditation method.

Who are they? Xia Zuo looked back and asked.

Mars' mouth twitched slightly, and disgust flashed across his face:

The three Rich brothers.


Xia Zuo turned these two words around in his mind.

The surname of the Finance Minister of Starry Night Kingdom is Rich. It’s really amazing, I gave birth to triplets all at once, and they are all innately compatible.

You don't seem to like them very much? Xia Zuo glanced at the three brothers who were behaving a little domineeringly.

Mars put the cowboy bone in his mouth, chewed it and said:

Yes. This has nothing to do with their background. After all, after becoming a mage, worldly power is no longer so important. I just simply hate their style and behavior.

Seeing that Xia Zuo was still a little confused, Mars continued:

Have you brought Dim's Castle Rules with you? You can read what Article 15 says.

Xia Zuo pondered for a second and then said fluently:

[There are no elemental servants of mine in your dormitory. This is your private space in school.]

Mars blinked in surprise and forgot to chew for a moment, Have you memorized it already?

Xia Zuo shrugged his shoulders and nodded.


Mars spat the cowboy bones onto the plate, There are no elemental servants of Dim in the dormitory, but there may be others.

Xia Zuo's fingers holding the knife and fork turned a little white. Senior students who like to peep are really difficult to deal with. This accident was unexpected.


Xia Zuo once again confirmed that there is only one red line on the clothes of the three Rich brothers:

Can an entry-level rare item alchemist make elemental servants?

It's a little difficult. But...

Mars brought his index and middle fingers together and rubbed them with his thumb in a gesture that was universal.

It turns out that it depends on money ability.

Is there a way to discover the elemental servants? Xia Zuo twisted uneasily and changed into a comfortable sitting position.

Don't worry, they won't come to see you. Who wants to see a boy's bare buttocks? The three Rich brothers are only interested in girls.

Mars said with a displeased look:

“Not once did they succeed.

Every time Dim catches their elemental servants, they will destroy them on the spot. However, they will still spend a lot of gold coins to buy new elemental servants from outside the castle.

Xia Zuo looked around at the dining tables. Many new girls seemed to know nothing about the three Rich brothers and this group of voyeurs.

Mars knew what the other party was thinking, and tapped the soup bowl with his fork, attracting Xia Zuo's eyes:

I saw it in front of their dormitory before I came here. Dim arranged for six or seven elemental servants to patrol there. Now, each of them has an elemental servant following behind them at all times. It is impossible for the three Rich brothers to bypass Dim's Surveillance.”

Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief and said:

Will the school expel such students? I mean, without taking into account their background and personal talents.

They will be expelled, and their memories of the school will be forcibly erased. Beatrice, the head of the school, will personally take action.

Mars' tone became angry:

However, the three Rich brothers have a perfect excuse to explain why their elemental servants appear in the corridor of the girls' dormitory.

Xia Zuo unconsciously leaned towards the table, leaned forward and asked curiously: What's the excuse?

Mars shaved off the minced meat on the fork with a table knife and said helplessly:

Elemental dispersion is a high-level learning content. When you are about to practice meditation like me, your instructor Kulov will tell you.

Just as Mars was about to cut off another piece of steak, he found that Xia Zuo still looked like he wanted to ask more questions, so he put down his knife and fork and crossed his fingers and said:

Okay. Let me explain it to you briefly.

After using meditation to tame the unruly elements, they will be transformed into well-behaved elements and live in our spiritual ocean. This is what is included in the Introduction to Meditation.

Yeah. Xia Zuo nodded and motioned for the other party to continue.

Mars spread his hands:

But you have to know that our mood and mental state change all the time. Sometimes we are sleepy, sometimes we are happy or sad.

“In summary, emotional and mental conditions affect the mental ocean.

“When the well-behaved element feels that your spiritual ocean is terrible, it will quietly slip away from the spiritual ocean when you are not paying attention and transform back into the unruly element.

This is the dissipation of elements.

Are the elements conscious? They also have their own preferences? Xia Zuo asked in surprise.

Mars shook his head:

There is no consciousness and no preference. There is only suitability and inappropriateness. Everyone's spiritual ocean has a unique structure, which is only suitable for specific forms of elements.

That's why I have to learn alchemy. This skill can cultivate elemental affinities faster, and it is much more efficient than painting, blowing stoves, etc.

Whether it's innate or acquired, as long as you have elemental affinity, it can help you identify the unruly elements that suit you and minimize the possibility of elements escaping.

So this is the principle... Xia Zuo leaned back in his chair as if he had some understanding.

Mars pointed in the direction of the kitchen and said:

Elemental servants are the product of the Elemental Embodiment discipline. They need to be maintained frequently to stabilize the internal texture. The Elemental Embodiment course has this assignment.

Otherwise, like a well-behaved element, it will deviate from its station and wander around when we are not paying attention. This is also a kind of elemental dispersion.

“The three Rich brothers used this as an excuse.

They will arrange for people to go out for a while, and once they get the news that the castle manager Dim is coming, they will cut off the connection with the elemental servant and completely transform it into a scattered state.

This abandoned elemental servant has the spiritual imprint of the three brothers, but there is no evidence to prove that it was in a controlled state rather than a dissipated state before entering the corridor of the girls' dormitory.

Mars took a sip of the soup and said, It's a bit cold.

He rang the bell and asked the elemental servant to bring the vegetable soup for the two of them to heat up.

Although Xia Zuo didn't know the specific operation, just listening to Mars' description, he knew that it was difficult to get a handle on this kind of thing.

The principle of pleading guilty also applies to school rules and the Castle Code, not to mention that the three Rich brothers also have a powerful father in the world.

I hope no girls will suffer.

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