After passing the acquired affinity test, Xia Zuo came to the library of the testing station at 7 o'clock every morning. His handsome face was full of anticipation and smile, and he looked satisfied when he came out at 9 o'clock in the evening.

The small bungalow that came with Rossak's naturalization is now the only residence.

The circus performed in Rosak City for 6 consecutive days. Without the fire breather, the revenue dropped sharply.

Audrey met two flamethrowers who jumped out of the car, Vers and Xia Zuo, and learned lessons from the painful experience. She issued a bounty order directly through the Warriors Guild and used points as rewards to recruit long-term and stable flamethrowers. By.

In the library early in the morning.

Xia Zuo sat at the desk by the window and took the last bite of white bread.

The breeze blew the leaves swaying slightly, and the light of the morning sun left changing silhouettes on the table.

I wonder where the eldest sister is. Have she met the new fire-breather? Is the other person easy to get along with?

Snake, did they receive my gift?

More than 50 silver dollars were saved in the name of universal antidote, all of which was in Audrey's.

Spread equally on everyone's head, it's at least 10 silver dollars, which is not a small amount of money.

What excuse would you use to hand it over to Snake and the others?

Ha, let Audrey have a headache.

Xia Zuo looked away from the window and scanned the bookshelf, looking for an interesting book.


Reading 6 books in seven days improved my spirit by 0.3 points. On average, each book provides 0.05 spirit points, which is more than double that of books sold in ordinary stores.

There are three free meals a day at the testing station. The dormitory upstairs has not been renovated yet, so we can only live in a simple bungalow temporarily.

Without the worry of running for a living, I could devote myself to reading, and my mental attributes improved rapidly.

However, not everyone is as carefree as Xia Zuo.

At this time, there are still some days before the autumn harvest, but some industries are already busy.

Farmers sent iron tools such as hoes, rakes, and sickles to blacksmith shops for refurbishment.

Little Merburn Riley, son of a blacksmith, has only appeared once since passing the test. He frowned at the bookcase, and finally chose to go back and help his father.

Corrie Muller, the miller's daughter, borrowed a few books and went back to read, and at the same time she had to look after the family's windmill and waterwheel.

After the fields were harvested, the mill barns would be filled with grain. The wheels must not rotate all day long and need to be maintained in advance.

Xia Zuo glanced at the clock on the wall.

It's almost time.


The library door was gently pushed open and then quietly closed.

Xia Zuo looked over and met the black-haired girl's eyes.

This girl with the scent of turpentine comes to the library to sit for a while at the same time every day.

Not to read, not to find a quiet place to take a nap, just to sit down with a book and secretly look at the only boy in the library.

do we know each other?

Xia Zuo happened to feel a little tired of reading continuously and wanted to find someone to chat for a while.

Mars works in the front office.

This dark-haired girl who was obviously interested in him seemed like a good chat partner.


The black-haired girl didn't expect that the other party would suddenly make a sound. She trembled like a frightened rabbit, then lowered her head and said:


Xia Zuo frowned, could it be that his body has grown smaller? Do the two childhood sweethearts have a crush on each other?

He threw out the Detection Technique again, but the other party's name was still a question mark.

The black-haired girl walked to sit across from Xia Zuo, held her face on the table, and looked at him with blurred eyes:

I know you, but you don't know me. Just like the wind blowing the leaves, they are gone in a hurry.

Literary... Literary girl?

Xia Zuo was stunned.

There were two blushes on the black-haired girl's face, and she mustered up the courage to look at him:

I'm An Ru'er, a painter. Your fire-breathing performance has a profound artistic conception, and I can't forget it after watching it.


Xia Zuo breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. It turned out to be a little fan girl, and he thought he was confessed.

Then don't forget it. As classmates in the future, there will be plenty of opportunities for you to perform.

After Xia Zuo finished speaking, he really wanted to slap his face twice.

He was actually led astray by the other party, and he became artistic inexplicably, and even flirted with her a little by the way.

I have a few works that I would like you to take a look at. Wait a moment and I'll get them.

Anruer's pink cheeks turned red, her face was buried in her hands, and she walked towards the door with small steps, leaving a somewhat messy Xia Zuo in a daze in the library.

ten minutes later.

Anruer was out of breath running back and forth, and unfolded three oil paintings on the table.

The first picture is a scene of Xia Zuo standing in a pillar of light, spitting out white flames. The parchment is yellowed, highlighting sunlight and fire.

In the second painting, Xia Zuo spits purple flames and the clown sister leaps into the air. Surrounded by the rest of the circus members, outlined in simple lines.

In the third painting, Xia Zuo stands in a row with everyone, bending down to thank the audience. The faces of Audrey and others were clearly visible.

Xia Zuo's eyes were wet, and he regretted not going to see the circus people off. In fact, it was a scene where he couldn't help but shed tears.


Xia Zuo held back his tears and pointed to the third painting, Can I buy it?

They are gifts from me to you. Do you like them? I have always felt that you have a different charm. To others, the dangerous flames are like your old friends. You two get along so well.

An Ru'er stood beside her and said warmly, with shallow dimples on both sides of her mouth.

Thank you, I like it very much.

Xia Zuo shamelessly rolled up the three paintings and placed them on his seat.

An Ru'er came forward and sniffed carefully, and the tip of her small nose traced Xia Zuo's collar and shoulders.

The spicy smell has faded away. Have you been reading in the library recently? No wonder you can't be seen at the circus.

Yes, what about you? Are you also entangled in trivial matters like little Moben and Keli?

Xia Zuo walked to the bookshelf and found a book with illustrations. This type of book seems to be faster, the rewards are not low, and the price/performance ratio is very high.

I still have a few works to complete. The buyer is a regular customer. I am embarrassed to refuse.

Anruer waved her jade lotus root-like arms, I'm going back to paint first. It's best to finish it before departure.

Xia Zuo waited for the other party to leave, then unfolded the three paintings and stared at them for a long time.

It wasn't until noon, when Mars walked in, that Xia Zuo put the scroll away with red eyes.

Mars, who had light blond hair, immediately understood that the other party was sad about parting.

He looked at the illustration book on the table and said in a brisk tone:

Illustration of Kingdom Trees, a good popular book on alchemical products, a cross between potion alchemy and strange object alchemy.

Xia Zuo rubbed his eyes, and his sadness was replaced by an inquisitive look.

Mars pulled up his chair and sat down, turning the book to one of the pages, which showed a picture of a brown tree trunk and some text explanations.

Look, the book says that there are more brown trees in the kingdom's territory. This is the result of the Kingdom of Starry Night opening up the wilderness a hundred or two hundred years ago. The pioneers cut down the white trees that had worms and planted brown trees with more vitality.

Xia Zuo recalled a passage:

If you get lost in the forest, walk in the opposite direction from the white trees. The more brown trees around you, the closer you will be to a populated area.

Now it seems there are historical reasons.

Actually, the truth is far more complicated than this.

Mars blew his hair and showed a mysterious smile.

“Brown trees are alchemical products.

“First use the alchemy of strange objects to transform the seeds, then plant them in the culture solution made by the alchemy of pharmaceuticals, and then plant them into the soil after the roots have sprouted.

“The purpose is not just to point the way.

Brown trees emit a fragrance that ordinary humans cannot detect. Forest beasts do not like this smell. They will eventually migrate south and survive in the wilderness in the south of the kingdom.

Xia Zuo's memory went back to those two days of hiking in the forest.

In addition to mosquitoes, the most common ones encountered were hares and pheasants. Indeed, we did not see any aggressive beasts such as forest wolves, forest bears, and wild boars.

Mars, why is alchemy a required course at Starry Night Academy? Why not just start learning meditation?

Xia Zuo sat down at the table, resting his chin on his arm in confusion.

There is a book on the bookshelf dedicated to introducing the courses of the school. He read it through for the first time, but couldn't figure it out.

It's like this is common sense and doesn't need to be explained.

Mars scratched his cheek, seeming troubled.

To be honest, I finally understand the tangled feeling that professors have when adapting tutorials. Introducing elements to people who are more friendly to you is like scratching an itch through a boot, but you can't scratch the itch.

Mars stood up and paced.

That's it, Xia Zuo. Elements are complex and profound existences. If you want to absorb elements through meditation, you must first understand them.

Mars drew a circle in front of him, It's like a pancake. You have to know what kind of filling it is before you can decide whether to eat it or not.

Xia Zuo nodded as if he had some understanding.

There are two ways to understand the elements.

Mars opened his arms and moved his hands to the left and right.

He first raised his right hand and made a gesture of turning over a book, reading and taking notes.

The first method is to learn alchemy. Potion Alchemy, Oil Alchemy, Poison Alchemy and Rare Object Alchemy. Once you learn these four subjects solidly, you will be able to understand what elements are.

It's like smelling the pancakes, peeling off the layers to see the color, and dipping your fingers into the fillings to taste.

The second method.

Mars raised his left hand, clasped his fingers in the air, and grasped the position where the air was placed in his chest.

The school of demon hunting is popular in the Eastern Continent. They are not magicians, but they can still use the power of elements.

“The school of demon hunting advocates taking potions or food containing elements, and using a tenacious will and a strong body to forcibly absorb the elements.

It's like taking a bite of a pancake no matter what the filling is. If you don't like it, spit it out and eat the next one until you find the one you like.

Then I should go to the Eastern Continent! The style of the demon hunting school is just right for me.

My will is so high...

Oh no.

With my vitality so high, it is still possible to forcefully absorb elements.

Xia Zuo's eyes widened and he asked anxiously: Can I transfer to the Eastern Continent?

Mars was startled, then smiled and said: The Eastern Continent is thousands of kilometers away across the sea.

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