My Beast Taming Skills Are Just a Billion Points Stronger

Chapter 580 Turning bugs into contracted beasts

Yan Su didn't come up with it out of nowhere. In fact, this idea had appeared before, but because he was too busy, he never thought about it in depth because of some things.

Because at that time, she had not thought that the beast master would have no contracted beasts due to the scarcity of alien beasts.

The most important thing about a beast master is the contracted beast. It can even be said that without a contracted beast, how can one be called a beast master.

Moreover, entry-level growth is closely related to contracted beasts, because the beast master cannot directly absorb the energy and matter in the universe. It must be absorbed by alien beasts and then fed back to the beast master.

Therefore, as the number of beast masters increases, the problem they face immediately is the problem of alien beasts.

The alliance did not stipulate that it was illegal to contract insects. Yan Su even summoned the insect Ying after Mu Waner left.

The increasingly transparent insect floats quietly in mid-air. Although it has a terrible origin, it looks very beautiful.

It is different from the one that attracts wealth. The one that attracts wealth is domineering and majestic, while Chongying represents exquisite beauty.

After Chong Ying was summoned by Yan Su, she seemed to feel something abnormal and slowly opened her eyes.


At this time, Chongying had only fallen into a short slumber, and if she was awakened by Yan Su, there would be nothing wrong with her. At most, she just seemed to be out of energy.

How about discussing something with you?

Chongying's eyes were blank, and she still wanted to sleep.

But Yan Su was full of energy, Since the alliance faces an invasion of insects every year, causing countless casualties, why not just use these pests for your own use?

Chong Ying was stunned, her sleepiness almost gone.

Those small, crystal clear eyes stared at Yan Su, Master, are you serious?

Yan Su: Do you think I'm telling lies again?

Chongying was silent for a moment, As long as you are happy.

I don’t know why, but seeing the master’s serious planning, things that originally seemed ridiculous in my heart seemed to gradually become a possibility.

Chongying didn't have any racism in the first place. After staying with Yan Su for a long time, it even felt that this kind of life was pretty good.

Yan Su didn't treat it badly. Except for losing a little freedom, the other insects felt pretty good.

Their lives are inherently long, and they have plenty of time to gain freedom.

Its main task now is to grow.

After thinking about it, Chong Ying finally spoke: But master...those bugs with low bloodline have no IQ. Bloodline almost determines their life. Even if they are contracted, they may still be affected by bugs with high bloodline.

This is the survival law of the Zerg race, and it has existed for countless billions of years.

No matter what, let's try it first.

Yan Su knew that this road was difficult, but she couldn't give up just because it was difficult. She was not that kind of person.

Otherwise, she wouldn't be where she is today, and maybe she wouldn't even be a beast master.


To carry this matter forward, Yan Su alone will definitely not be able to do it.

So she found a time to convene the heads of the five major countries for an online virtual meeting.

In the virtual space, Yan Su stood in the middle, and the other five people stood in a row in front of her, looking slightly respectful.

Lord Star Lord, I wonder why you summoned us?

Oh, something is indeed wrong. Yan Su cleared his throat, Didn't you say a few days ago that the number of Blue Star Beast Masters has increased, but the number of exotic beasts is scarce? I have a solution now, but we all need to discuss it.

After Yan Su became the Star Lord, he did not directly unify the world. Instead, he allowed the original five major countries to still manage their own countries. As for the small countries, he let the leaders of the five major countries control them.

However, it is said that there is no unification, but in fact there is still unification.

Oh, there were three major countries when Yan Su left, but after the turmoil in Chongying, two more major countries rose up to form the current five-nation alliance.

You came up with a solution so quickly? One of the kings opened his eyes wide.

Although the other four kings remained silent, there was still some doubt in their eyes.

After all, this time was too short, so short that they thought it was just a few minutes ago.

Yan Su hummed, I'll show you a picture.

The time from when she became the master of Blue Star to when she returned to Blue Star was neither long nor short. Half a year had passed.

But I always felt as if she had just come back.

Her thoughts wandered for a while, and when she raised her eyes again, a transparent and crystal-clear insect appeared in front of the five kings.

The moment the beautiful bug came out, even in the virtual space, it felt like the air was frozen for a while.

The South African leader said in a stiff voice, Isn't this a brain-eating female worm? Star Lord, what do you mean by this?

Presumably no one who has experienced that disaster will forget its existence.

Although only more than ten years have passed, the five kings present have all experienced that bloody storm, and they still remember it vividly.

The disaster it brings is too terrible!

The other four kings also asked the same question. Seeing their reactions, Yan Su hesitated to say the last words.

Do you really want to say it?

Chongying was indeed the culprit, but at that time it was just relying on instinct to carry out the disaster.

At that time, it was only a few months old, not even a year old.

But does Blue Star deserve to suffer unreasonable disasters?


After much deliberation, Chongying was not wrong, and Lan Xing was not wrong either.

What was wrong was the wrong time.

Yan Su's hesitation only lasted a moment. As the star master of Blue Star, she already has a community of interests with Blue Star. If this matter is not resolved, it will always be a problem.

Moreover, she had no choice but to forcibly contract Chongying, and she did not need others to understand what she did.

Yan Su said calmly: This is my third contracted beast.

Originally, the leaders of the five major countries were still filled with righteous indignation to fight against the insect that brought disaster to them ten years ago. But when Yan Su's words came out, their throats seemed to have been collectively strangled, and there was no sound at all. Issued to.

Yan Su was not in a hurry and just stood there.

I don't know how long it took before a king asked in surprise: Star Master... what did you say?

Yan Su repeated it again unhurriedly.

This time it completely exploded.

Star Lord! Why did you contract such a cruel thing? It killed a full third of Blue Star's life at that time! Even now, the scarcity of exotic beasts is precisely because of it!

Yes, if it weren't for it, how could Blue Star have suffered such a catastrophe? It has not recovered for more than ten years.

I have a different idea, Star Lord. If you have any unspeakable secrets, feel free to tell me.


The five people were all talking and noisy.

If their people saw this appearance, they would probably doubt whether this was really the king they respected so much.

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