Yan Su also found out that there was a wealthy businessman named Master Zhu in the city who liked to eat an animal called red-eyed rabbit.

This kind of rabbit stands half as tall as a human, and its red lantern-like eyes are even brighter in the daytime.

This kind of rabbit is covered in gray rice fur, and its two hind legs are very powerful. It is said that it can kick an adult to death.

There are also those sharp rabbit teeth. It is also said that these teeth can break even iron.

Although they are vegetarians, this does not prevent them from fighting back against humans after being attacked. Most of the animals in this world have mutated.

So this puts an end to the idea of ​​hunting for a living for most people.

Da Niu didn't know that Yan Su was going to hunt. If she knew, there would be hundreds of thousands of people who would disagree. Hunting is too dangerous.

After all, there are not only vegetarian animals, but also carnivorous animals.

Yan Su learned that the city they were in was the City of Hope No. 9. There was a small forest two kilometers away from the city in a straight line.

There are a lot of mutated animals there, and it's almost a no-man's land.

Yan Su learned about the existence of this forest a few days ago, and she didn't know if it unlocked any plot. When she learned about the existence of this forest, her mental power could extend into the forest unimpeded.

This made Yan Su suddenly realize that feelings were unlocking a new map!

Of course, even if you knew of its existence, you still couldn't enter the city. You had to enter through the city gate.

Yan Su had seen some civilized people trying to kill or knock out the soldiers before entering the city, but these methods failed without exception.

I don't know why, but the abilities of civilized people are of no use to soldiers. Even those soldiers have thermal weapons in their hands. Civilized people don't dare to bet on whether they will die if those thermal weapons fall on them.

So this group of them tried every means to get into the city.

Some civilized people even sighed, how wonderful it would be if they were in the city from the beginning!

Yan Su sat on Zhaocai's back and quickly flew towards the forest.

At the speed of attracting wealth, only two kilometers were reached in the blink of an eye.

I don’t know if it’s a bug in this world. After the contract beast came out, the NPCs seemed to be unable to see the contract beast and just ignored it.

Yan Su also asked Zhaocai to secretly try to attack those NPCs. As she expected, all the attacks were ineffective.

Yan Su is not disappointed either, although all he can rely on now is his mental strength and physical fitness.

But at least she has one more ability than other beastmasters, and this is her advantage.

However, those robots should also be very strong. After all, their bodies are made of metal. Looking at it this way, the beast control master seems very passive.

After Yan Su arrived at the edge of the forest, he could see a little bit of vitality. He stepped on the hard soil with his feet and walked slowly forward.

I heard from the owner of the animal shop that red-eyed rabbits live at the edge of the forest. Surrounding the edge of the forest is a flat land with wild grass. There is grass that red-eyed rabbits like to eat, so they are all far away from each other.

But even if the red-eyed rabbit mutates, it will still be a rabbit in the end. They will dig holes and build nests in places with dense grass and soft soil, so Yan Su must first find the rabbit hole.

It is not difficult for her to find the rabbit hole. Although the role of mental power here is often limited, it is still very easy to use the mental power.

This made Yan Su think that this place was very tolerant of spiritual power.

A large number of pictures appeared in his mind, and Yan Su quickly locked on one picture, and then held the long stick in his hand tightly.

On one end of the long stick is a sharp iron point used to pierce the red-eyed rabbit's fur.

Yan Su bought this thing from the shop owner.

That cost her a total of 100 coins!

She only had 150 coins in total, which her sister gave her to buy daily necessities.

She almost felt distressed at that time. As expected, money is the most important thing no matter where you are.

Yan Su accidentally discovered that there were some gaps in the history of this world's background, which meant that not much of the culture could be preserved from the previous disasters.

That's why the makeshift spot she was in looked so out of place.

After all, it was rare for cold weapons to appear at the temporary building site, but she saw that the soldiers guarding the city gate were holding hot weapons.

Yan Su arrived at her destination quickly, but she stopped about ten meters away from the rabbit hole, and then found a place to squat temporarily.

Rabbits are social animals, so red-eyed rabbits will also maintain some of their original habits.

Yan Su found that the rabbit hole was extremely large, and even children could enter it without any problem.

Under the mental scan, the figures of three red-eyed rabbits appeared in Yan Su's mind.

But this time she could only fight back a red-eyed rabbit, and she went back in an extremely embarrassed state.

I wonder if mental attacks have any effect on them?

It has no effect on NPCs. Yan Su has already tried it.

When she thought of it, she immediately did it, and her mental power was like countless thin needles attacking one of the red-eyed rabbits that was eating grass!


However, the mental power directly surpassed the red-eyed rabbit and had no effect at all.

Yan Su murmured softly, It seems that mental power attacks have no effect on animals. Now mental power only has the role of exploring paths.

If that doesn't work, then think of other ways.


The red-eyed rabbit made a sharp cry, and the next second, it stopped abruptly.

The hot blood soaked into the ground beneath it, wetting its hair and gradually losing its vitality.

Yan Su pulled out the long stick and panted slightly, This red-eyed rabbit is really strong. Fortunately, I was prepared. If I were kicked by it, I would probably have chest pain for several days.

She wiped the sweat from her forehead. She hadn't had this kind of physical reaction for a long time.

The way to lure away red-eyed rabbits is very simple, that is to seduce them with food. Yan Su observed their favorite grass, and then picked such grass to pave the way.

Fortunately, these red-eyed rabbits have no IQ, and they don't know that this is a trap created by Yan Su.

There were no major accidents during her battle with the red-eyed rabbit, but when it was struggling to its death, it almost succeeded.

Just as Yan Su was about to bend down to pick up the red-eyed rabbit on the ground, he heard a self-righteous male voice from the left:

This rabbit is mine.

Yan Su didn't stop moving. She grabbed the two ears of the red-eyed rabbit with both hands and lifted it up. The weight of these dozens of kilograms seemed as light as a feather in her eyes.

Seeing that Yan Su didn't stop moving at all, the man walked over with cold eyes, Junior, did you hear what I said?

Yan Su really wanted to pretend that she didn't hear anything, but this person blocked her way, and his cultivation level was still at the fifth level of planet level.

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