The girl with a delicate face was sitting in the tail ring space, and energy was circulating every time she breathed and breathed. Finally, after all the energy calmed down, she opened her eyes.

Ten days is still too short, and it is not enough to improve my cultivation level.

Yan Su sighed slightly, stood up and left the tail ring space.

Today she was heading to the frontline battlefield. In order to gain more strength on the battlefield, she spent most of her time practicing in the past ten days, and even went out only occasionally.

After all, the more refined you are, the more likely you are to survive on the battlefield.

Although she chose such a dangerous path this time, she did not regret it.

After all, the enemies of their Yan clan are very powerful. If they don't work hard to improve their strength, they won't even be qualified to stand in front of their enemies.

After she advanced to the planetary level, although she still didn't know who the real enemy was, she had already roughly figured out the direction based on sporadic information.

With her current strength, a head-on confrontation with the opponent would be like hitting an egg against a stone.

As soon as Yan Su went out, there was a knock on the door.


When Yan Su opened the door, Yuri looked very excited, We should prepare to go to Sunset Space Station!

Okay, it's almost time, let's go.

Yan Su and Yuri left the hotel and headed to the Fourth Army garrison again.

The location of the space station is a very hidden thing, so it is naturally impossible for them to go there alone. Even if someone accidentally breaks into the monitoring range of the space station, they will be killed immediately by the space station.

On the way to the Fourth Army garrison, Yuri told him all the information he had learned.

I heard that there are three main races of bugs that Sunset Space Station faces, namely hydralisks, golden-armored stone bugs, and the last type of blasting mosquitoes.

The body of the Hydralisk is as soft as a snake, but its body is covered with silver thorns, and its head is ferocious and huge. The highest level Hydralisk can reach the Domain Lord level!

The golden-armored stone bugs have a huge body as hard as stone. Although they move slowly, their bodies are extremely hard. Ordinary attacks are ineffective against them. Compared with their huge bodies, their heads are only a little bigger, so they are easily ignored. .”

The last blasting has mouthparts that open like petals. This mouthpart can suck anything it wants to suck. Moreover, it has extremely strong reproductive capacity. It is the biggest thorn faced by the Sunset Space Station!

And their weaknesses...

Yuri Balabala said a lot. In fact, he is a person from the logistics department and does not need to know so many details.

And he said it in front of Yan Su, so it was obvious what his intention was.

After all, the front line is too dangerous, and even stellar-level experts may fall, let alone planet-level ones.

At this time, the planetary class on the battlefield has only initially reached the threshold of being able to face the Zerg alone.

So Yuri just wants Yan Su to live well! Always live!

Yan Su did not interrupt Yuri's gushing, and soon they arrived at the fourth unit's garrison.

This time was different from the previous two times. They arrived at the special docking station of the Fourth Force, where many warships were parked.

Yes, almost all of them are battleships.

Only when Yan Su came to Hel did he realize how awesome it was to own a battleship.

At first, I only thought that the Star Alliance made Felix's battleship very handsome, but I didn't expect that he was actually a rich man.

A battleship costs at least hundreds of millions! And it’s an alliance gold coin!

One can imagine how expensive a battleship is.

Moreover, there is almost no ceiling on the price of a battleship. It all depends on the configuration. This configuration is the most unclear thing.

Originally, Yan Su felt that it didn't matter whether he had a battleship or not, but if he needed to fly long distances between planets, then a battleship would indeed be simpler and more convenient than a contract beast.

Yan Su and Yuri were arranged to board a medium-sized battleship, which could accommodate about a thousand people.

Yan Su glanced at it, and it seemed that there were less than a thousand soldiers going to the Sunset Space Station this time. He didn't know whether it was just theirs or other warships going together.

Yan Su didn't care so much. Her figure looked very petite among this group of planets, and her aura was restrained, so she didn't attract anyone's attention at all.

Except for Yuri, almost no one noticed her.

This was what Yan Su wanted. She found a place to stand at random. Yuri did not follow her for the first time, but chatted with the people around her.

He was not far from Yan Su, and Yan Su could hear his conversation with other people.

But after listening to it for a while, she quickly lost interest. It was all nonsense with little nutrition.

Yan Su came here not to make friends, but to kill more bugs and earn enough military merit points to exchange for blue stars.

The battleship quickly left the Buster Star and flew towards an unknown direction.


Dear warriors, we will arrive at Sunset Space Station in ten minutes. Warriors, please be prepared for your new journey!

Suddenly a broadcast sound fell on everyone's ears, and the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

We're here! We're almost there!

I don't know which captain I will be assigned to. I heard that Sunset Space Station only has ten beast control teams, which is too few.

Just be satisfied, my bloodline civilization only has one small team, and we don't even have a chance to choose!


After the battleship landed successfully, Yan Su could clearly feel the mood swings of the people around him, and most of them were extremely excited.

After all, although war is cruel, it will also bring honor and glory to the ancestors.

Opportunities always coexist with risks, and vice versa.


Thousands of people got off the battleship and came to a huge open space. The top seemed to be covered with a protective net made of metal to protect the people living in the space station.

The role of the space station is to resist insect invasion and is the alliance's first line of defense at the border.

If the space station is destroyed, the planet protected behind the space station will be ravaged by insects.

When the time comes, all life will be devastated, and maybe the planet will be destroyed as well.

Yan Su and Yuri had to separate when they reached this point.

Yan Su didn't feel much, and Yuri looked reluctant to leave, as if he had lost his backbone.

Boss! You must come to the logistics department to find me! If the logistics department can't find me, then I must be in the canteen!

Yan Su nodded, Don't worry, I won't leave here for a while. I have plenty of time to find you.

Yuri: o(╥﹏╥)o……

Yan Su was assigned along with the flow, and was then assigned to a team called Chris. There were a total of thirteen people in this team, all of whom were planet-level cultivations.

However, there are only four newcomers among the thirteen people. Chris looked at the four newcomers and said, Please introduce yourselves.

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