My avatar rules the professional gold list

Chapter 84 The main body begins to change jobs, and the job transfer copy [Siling Mountains]!

Bai Chengyun's guess about proficiency was indeed correct.

Above the realm of perfection, there is indeed a higher level of proficiency.

The proficiency of the first secret skill, the secret puppet skill, has transformed into the ultimate state, which is the best proof.

And this time, Bai Chengyun also felt that the secret puppet skills had been improved to the extreme and could no longer be improved, as if they had completely reached their upper limit.

This made Bai Chengyun very happy.

Skills that have been upgraded to the extreme will definitely have a great impact on career changes.

It seems that the main body's job change should bring him some surprises.

Bai Chengyun fantasized happily, but in the blink of an eye, he suppressed the distracting thoughts in his heart.

The first secret skill: Secret Puppet skill has been improved, but the remaining skills have not been improved yet, and the skill experience growth card has been activated for 22 hours, leaving only the last 2 hours of validity.

With the remaining time limit so short, Bai Chengyun naturally didn't want to waste any time.

Thinking about this, Bai Chengyun concentrated his mind and devoted himself to skill training.

In this case, another hour has passed.

The proficiency of the second secret skill, the string puppet skill, has also reached its ultimate level.

Of course, this does not mean that the puppet skill only takes 1 hour to complete the transformation. The training of the two secret skills of the main body is carried out at the same time.

In other words, the training time of string puppet skills is only 1 hour longer than that of secret puppet skills, so it takes more time.

Bai Chengyun was not dissatisfied at all about this.

Bai Chengyun was already very happy to get the expected results.

As for the remaining hour, Bai Chengyun did not waste it, but devoted himself to practicing other skills.

In this case, 1 hour passes quickly.

Since then, the validity period of the skill experience growth card has completely ended.

At this time, the career pages of the main body and the two clones have undergone earth-shaking changes.

[Name: Bai Chengyun]

[Occupation: Simulation Puppet Master (Rare)]

[Level: Level 20]

[Skills: Secret Skill·Secret Puppet (Green, Ultimate), Secret Skill·String Puppet (Green·Extreme), Dual Purpose (***), Race Pocket (Blue·Small Success), Puppet of Hundreds of Machines (Blue ·getting Started)】


[Name: Zhu Lingya]

[Occupation: Dragon Swordsman (rare)]

[Level: Level 20]

[Skills: Green Bamboo Blade (white, perfect), Dragon Scale Helm (blue, perfect), Green Dragon Eye (blue, small success), Dragon Power (***), Soul Fusion Sword (green, perfect), Crazy Rabbit Steps (Green·Skilled), Camouflage Color (Green·Skilled), White Rainbow Sun (Blue·Entry)】


[Name: Yan Xinghuo]

[Occupation: Balrog Hunter (extremely rare)]

[Level: Level 4]

[Skills: Devil's Heart Eye (***), Burning Gu Flame (Blue·Perfect), Lava Body (Blue·Xiaocheng), Beaming Spirit Whip (Green·Xiaocheng), Sulfur Slurry Impact (Green·Entry), Burning Rock Flow (Green·Introduction)]


Needless to say, the gains of the main body are natural. The proficiency of the two core secret skills has been improved to the extreme level, absolutely leading all skills.

As for Zhu Lingya and Yan Xinghuo, their progress is not very high. They only have one skill at most, and their proficiency has been improved to the state of perfection.

Zhu Lingya has the dragon scale helmet skill, and Yan Xinghuo has the burning gu flame skill.

As for other skills, they really don't have time to improve them.

After all, the skill and experience growth card is not effective for a long time and can only focus on improving core skills.

Having said that, the other skills of Zhu Lingya and Yan Xinghuo are actually pretty good.

For example, Zhu Lingya's Green Bamboo Blade skill has been upgraded to perfection at this time.

However, the perfect proficiency of the Green Bamboo Blade skill is not the effect of the skill experience growth card, but the accumulation of dungeon experience and battle after battle.

The same is generally true for other skills. Even if there is a slight improvement, it is generally the result of past experience.

As for Zhu Lingya's Dragon Power skill and Yan Xinghuo's Demon Heart Eye skill.

Bai Chengyun also tried to practice these two skills, but because the levels of these two skills were too high, they exceeded the upper limit of Qingjiaotong skill appraisal.

Therefore, Bai Chengyun doesn't know the proficiency of these two skills.

This gave Bai Chengyun a bit of a headache.

"It seems that I have to find a way to evolve the Qingjiao Pupil skill and obtain a higher level of identification effect!"

Bai Chengyun murmured helplessly.

It's really bad not being able to see the proficiency. There is a feeling of being out of control, and it's not clear whether there is growth.

Bai Chengyun seemed to understand why it was so difficult for ordinary professionals to improve.

Without seeing the proficiency, they are confused. Even if they want to improve the proficiency of the skill, they don't know the training results.

Thinking about it this way, the skill of Qingjiao Pupil seems to have become a drawback for him.

"But having said that, the ability to identify proficiency can be done by every Green Flood Dragon Eye skill, or is it only my Green Flood Dragon Eye skill that is special?"

Bai Chengyun murmured to himself, expressing a doubt in his heart.

Theoretically speaking, the evolved Green Snake Pupil skill has the ability to identify proficiency.

In other words, proficiency should not be a secret.

After all, green water snakes are creatures in the novice experience dungeon, and there must be countless professionals who have hunted green water snakes.

In this case, Bai Chengyun didn't believe that no one had obtained the green snake pupil skill, and no one had evolved using the primary skill evolution card.

Theoretically, there should be a small group of professionals who possess the skill of Qing Jiao Pupil.

But if that's the case, why is the piece of information purchased from Qilixiang Tavern, namely "On Speculations and Conjectures about Triggering Special Occupation Transfer Quests," filled with a lot of uncertain words.

It shouldn't be difficult to verify skill proficiency and the secret of job transfer through the appraisal effect of Qingjiao Pupil's skills.

Or, as Bai Chengyun thought, the ability to see proficiency is not something that every owner of the Green Eyes skill can do, and Zhu Lingya is just an exception?

Well, I'm talking about Zhu Lingya, not Bai Chengyun, because the skill of Qingjiao Pupil is the skill of Zhu Lingya's clone, not Bai Chengyun's skill.

Perhaps there was something special about Zhu Lingya that caused this change in Qing Jiao Pu's skill.

Bai Chengyun thought about many things.

After a while, Bai Chengyun suppressed his distracting thoughts and prepared to get down to business.

"The effect of the skill experience growth card is overwhelming, and the proficiency of the two core secret skills of the main body has been increased to the extreme. Maybe I can try to change jobs!"

Bai Chengyun murmured to himself, thinking about his next plan.

According to his idea, the four-dimensional attributes and core skills have been improved, and the next step is to change jobs.

To be honest, Bai Chengyun is not sure whether his core skills have been fully improved.

Needless to say, the two core secret skills should be considered improved when they are both improved to the ultimate level.

But Bai Chengyun doesn't know whether his multitasking skills have improved.

It's still the same reason, the Qingjiao Pupil skill has not evolved, and the situation of high-level skills cannot be determined.

But before, Bai Chengyun forcibly controlled Yan Xinghuo's clone in order not to waste the effect of the skill experience growth card.

He clearly felt that he had to use his skills to break through the limits, which allowed him to complete the four-line parallel plan.

From this point of view, the multitasking skill should have achieved a breakthrough.

On the other hand, career change for professionals is not a matter of life or death at one time. Each professional has three opportunities to change careers.

It doesn't matter if you fail to transfer once. As long as you can succeed in two subsequent job transfer opportunities, you can break through the career limit and advance to a higher level.

For this reason, Bai Chengyun really wanted to try it.

If the first transfer fails, he still has the opportunity to transfer again.

When he thought of this, Bai Chengyun had already made a decision.

He was going to try to change jobs for the first time to see how the transfer went and to get familiar with it in advance.

Thinking about this, Bai Chengyun left the professional training tower and soon came to the professional square.

In the center of the huge career square, the career gold list stands there, seemingly unchanged and never changed.

However, Bai Chengyun didn't pay attention to the career gold list, but looked in the other direction of the career square.

An ancient and majestic palace is located at the end of the Professional Square.

The palace is very large. Although there is no brilliant decoration, it is only engraved with sculptures of various professionals.

However, the mysterious runes surrounding the palace have already shown that the palace is extraordinary and contain the atmosphere of time.

This palace is the job transfer hall.

Bai Chengyun didn't say much and silently walked into the job transfer hall.

The interior of the job transfer hall is very simple. A huge statue stands in the center of the hall. It is obviously impossible to see the face clearly, but it gives people a solemn feeling.

Even the noisiest professionals will involuntarily calm down and offer devout prayers after entering the job transfer hall.

In addition, there are many rooms on both sides of the main hall, and occasionally some professionals come in and out of the rooms.

"Dear professional, I wonder how I can help you?"

An elegant and beautiful woman with long hair appeared in front of Bai Chengyun.

What's a little bit special is that the long-haired woman's body is a little unreal, like an elf, and you can tell at a glance that she is not human.

"Guide, I want to complete my first job transfer!"

Seeing the appearance of the illusory woman, Bai Chengyun's eyes moved slightly, but he did not show any surprise or shock.

Anyone who is a professional will be familiar with this special existence who has lived in the job transfer hall for a long time.

The guide, as the name suggests, is the guide in the job transfer hall, who can provide professionals with various help related to job transfer.

Using the knowledge from his previous life, this person is the NPC in the job transfer hall.

So next, Bai Chengyun only needs to follow the guide's guidance and receive the job transfer task.

"It has been detected that you are level 20 and have met the requirements for job transfer. Please follow me."

The illusory guide showed a standard smile and led Bai Chengyun.

Bai Chengyun glanced at the huge statue, then turned around and followed the guide to a room on the left side of the hall.

The room was empty except for a small statue of the god.

Different from the huge statue in the center of the job transfer hall, the small statue in the room is about the size of an ordinary person, holding a stone mirror in its hand.

"Put your right hand on the stone mirror, mobilize the energy in your body, and transport it to the statue, then you can receive the job transfer task."

Following the guidance of the guide, Bai Chengyun stretched out his hand to hold the mirror, and then mobilized the energy in his body.

At this moment, the small statue glowed faintly.

Pieces of career information appeared in front of Bai Chengyun's eyes.

[Congratulations, you have been successfully promoted to level 20 and meet the basic requirements for job transfer. Do you want to perform the first job transfer? 】


Bai Chengyun's eyes were calm and he directly clicked the OK button.

[Based on your career situation, you can choose a job transfer task from the following job transfer tasks:]

[1: Go to the "Green Mantis Forest" instance, defeat a mature Green Knife Mantis, obtain Green Mantis Blade materials, and bring them back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[2: Go to the "Red Turtle Coast" dungeon, defeat a mature red-armored water turtle, obtain the red turtle's armor material, and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[3: Go to the "White Bird Canyon" copy, defeat a mature white-haired sparrow, obtain the White Bird Wing materials, and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[4: Go to the "Unmanned Rice Field" copy, defeat a mature laughing scarecrow, obtain the laughing straw material, and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[5: Go to the wooden house at the entrance of the "Green Mantis Forest" copy, obtain the Green Knife Mantis material left by the old hunter in the wooden house, make it into a Green Knife Mantis Puppet, and use the Green Knife Mantis Puppet to enter the center of the Green Mantis Forest, and bring Return a green knife mantis egg and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[6: Go to the wooden house at the entrance of the "Red Turtle Coast" instance, obtain the red-armored water turtle material left by the old hunter in the wooden house, make it into a red-armored water turtle puppet, and use the red-armored water turtle puppet to enter the red turtle coast. Deep down, bring back a red-armored water turtle egg and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[7: Go to the wooden house at the entrance of the "White Bird Canyon" copy, obtain the white-feathered sparrow materials left by the old hunter in the wooden house, make them into a white-feathered sparrow puppet, and use the white-feathered sparrow puppet to enter the depths of the Whiteque Canyon. Bring back a white-haired sparrow egg, a white-haired sparrow, and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[8: Go to the wooden house at the entrance of the "Laughing Rice Field" copy, obtain the laughing scarecrow materials left by the old hunter in the wooden house, make them into a laughing scarecrow puppet, and use the laughing scarecrow puppet to enter the depths of the laughing rice field and bring back a little Scarecrow and bring it back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[9: Go to the "Four Spirit Mountains" copy, defeat one mature four spirit monster each, obtain the four spirit materials, and bring them back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

[10: Go to the wooden house at the entrance of the "Siling Mountains" copy, obtain the four spirit monster materials left by the old hunter in the wooden house, make them into four spirit monster puppets, and use the four spirit monster puppets to enter the depths of the Four Spirit Mountains and bring them back Four spirit monster cubs were brought back to the job transfer hall. (ps: It needs to be completed within 24 hours. Failure to do so will result in job transfer failure)]

"10 job transfer tasks, what the hell, what's going on?"

Bai Chengyun was a little confused!

According to the information he had learned before, when each professional receives a job transfer task, at most 3 to 4 job transfer tasks will be triggered.

This is the most normal situation.

However, when Bai Chengyun started to change jobs, 10 job transfer tasks were triggered.

This is not normal no matter how you look at it!

Is there something wrong with the job transfer hall, or is there something wrong with his career?

Bai Chengyun was confused and didn't know what was going on.

"Calm down and think about what is going on!"

Bai Chengyun forced himself to calm down and think about the current situation.

"The first four job transfer tasks are all combat tasks and are related to strength, defense, speed and spirit!"

"In other words, these four tasks are tasks for changing jobs into the [Puppet Master] profession!"

After some observation, Bai Chengyun quickly discovered the rules.

The green knife mantis has amazing strength, the red-armored turtle has strong defense, the white-haired sparrow is fast, and the laughing scarecrow is a mental disturbance.

This corresponds exactly to the four-dimensional properties.

In addition, these tasks are all about defeating these extraordinary creatures and are combat tasks.

In other words, if you complete one of these tasks, you will most likely be transferred to the combat-oriented [Puppet Master] profession.

In the same way, the situations of the 5th to 8th job transfer tasks are basically the same.

However, this part of the mission focuses on making puppets and using the created puppets to defeat the enemy.

In other words, this is a job change mission for the manufacturing-oriented [Puppet Maker] profession.

Once you complete these tasks, you should be transferred to the [Puppet Maker] profession.

"This should be related to my core skills and four-dimensional attributes. Because my core skills have all been improved, and the four-dimensional attributes are balanced, I cannot choose which aspect is dominant, so I am given a job transfer task in four aspects."

The more Bai Chengyun analyzed, the clearer he became about his current situation.

It can only be said that his previous efforts have produced results.

The improvement of core skills and the balance of four-dimensional attributes made his job transfer mission particularly different.

Moreover, Bai Chengyun also discovered something.

The first copy of the [Green Mantis Forest] in the job transfer mission. When he was replenishing his professional knowledge, he had seen information related to the [Green Mantis Forest] copy.

[Green Mantis Forest]: Intermediate dungeon space, where the powerful Green Knife Mantis extraordinary creature lives. The Green Knife Mantis has an extremely sharp mantis knife that can easily split trees and rocks. Its attack power is very powerful. The mature Green Knife Mantis, The level exceeds level 25 and is very powerful.

A level 25+ extraordinary creature, and a heavy-attacking extraordinary creature, so the danger is simply not too high.

Even second-level professionals would not dare to provoke this type of extraordinary being.

As a result, now, this has become one of Bai Chengyun's job change tasks.

This shows how high Bai Chengyun's job change requirements are.

Previously, Bai Chengyun purchased some simulated puppet master job transfer cases at the Qilixiang Tavern.

Their job transfer requirements are not that difficult.

This made Bai Chengyun confused for a while.

Why do you think his career change situation is so different from other professionals?

But then I thought about it, I guess there is no simulation puppet master who can improve the proficiency of the two core secret skills to the extreme like him.

In this regard, Bai Chengyun has been different from other simulation puppet masters from the beginning and has already embarked on a different path.

Therefore, his job change situation is quite special and it is reasonable.

But having said that, what caught Bai Chengyun's attention the most was the last two job transfer tasks.

Enter the "Four Spirit Mountains" dungeon and defeat one of the Four Spirit Monsters each?

The Four Spirit Monsters are extraordinary creatures. I have never heard of them.

Moreover, even if the job transfer task is to defeat the four spirit monsters, why do you say "defeat each"?

Is it possible that the Four Spirit Monsters are more than just extraordinary beings?

Bai Chengyun had a lot of doubts in his mind, but at the moment, he couldn't solve them.

Moreover, the first eight job transfer tasks already include the eight advanced professions of [Puppet Operator] and [Puppet Maker].

Theoretically, these are all the advanced professions of [Simulated Puppet Master].

In this case, if the last two job transfer tasks can be successful, what job will they be transferred to?

Will he trigger the hidden job transfer mission?

Once the unprecedented job change mission can be completed, will it be possible to obtain an unprecedented hidden career?

When he thought of this, Bai Chengyun suddenly became excited.

He decided that he would choose a profession related to the "Four Spirit Mountains" copy.

The last two job transfer tasks are related to the "Siling Mountains" copy. As for how to choose, Bai Chengyun has also considered it carefully.

The ninth job transfer mission is still related to combat. Even if the job transfer results in a hidden job, it is still a combat-oriented job.

On the other hand, the 10th job transfer task is of the type of making puppets and should be related to the puppet maker.

This is Bai Chengyun's goal.

When he thought of this, Bai Chengyun had already made a decision.

"I choose the 10th job transfer mission!"

After some rational analysis, Bai Chengyun finally came up with a satisfactory result and determined his true goal.

He has decided that he will carry out his 10th job transfer mission.

[You have successfully received the job transfer task. Please complete the job transfer task within the specified time limit. 】

New career information emerged, and Bai Chengyun's career change journey has officially begun.

The time for job transfer was limited, only 24 hours. Bai Chengyun left the job transfer hall immediately, unwilling to waste any more time.

"Dear professional, I sincerely hope that you can successfully complete the job transfer task."

The leader showed a standard smile and respectfully sent Bai Chengyun off.

Bai Chengyun ignored these things.

After a while, Bai Chengyun arrived at the teleportation altar.

Even for job transfer tasks, you still need to go through the teleportation altar and enter a full-time dungeon.

After queuing for a while, the professionals in front gradually entered the dungeon, and soon it was Bai Chengyun's turn.

"I choose the "Siling Mountains" copy! "

This copy is a bit special. It seems that it is not a regular copy and cannot be displayed normally.

In desperation, Bai Chengyun could only use the search function to find this copy.

Finally, click OK button.

Along with a burst of space fluctuations, Bai Chengyun disappeared on the teleportation altar with a ray of light.

Starlight shifts, time passes.

There was a sudden spin, and when the light returned to Bai Chengyun's eyes, a special mountain range appeared.

This is a special mountain range, with a total of four majestic and towering mountains.

The four mountains are of different colors, including the lush green and vibrant Green Mountain, the Red Mountain that is as red as fire and like a stove, the Yellow Mountain that is withered and withered, and the White Mountain that is covered with snow and silver frost.

Green Mountain, Red Mountain, Huangshan Mountain and White Mountain, these are the impressions left on Bai Chengyun by the four mountains.

However, Bai Chengyun felt that this title might not be accurate.

These four mountains with distinct colors are more like the mountains of the four seasons of spring, summer, autumn and winter. It is more appropriate to call them Spring Mountain, Summer Mountain, Autumn Mountain and Winter Mountain.

In addition, four mountains are nestled together, forming a basin in the middle of the mountains.

After years of accumulation of rainwater, the basin in the center of the four mountains has long turned into a large lake.

Bai Chengyun's location was on the island in the center of this huge lake. There was nothing but a thatched hut behind him.

[Dungeon name: Siling Mountains]

[Copy Type: Special Job Transfer Copy]

[Location: Lake Center Island in Siling Mountains]

[Difficulty: Difficult]

[Task: Make four spirit monster puppets and bring back four spirit monster cubs (time limit: 24 hours)]

[Introduction to the dungeon: The Siling Mountains belong to a special job transfer dungeon space. There is a special kind of extraordinary creature, the soulless monster. The soulless monster itself does not have attributes, but after fusing the special crystals of the Siling Mountains, it will transform into a creature with There are spirits with different attributes, and they gain different attributes of power, and their strength is extraordinary. 】

"I see, is this the truth about the Four Spirit Mountains? It's a supernatural creature, but it can have different attributes, just like Pokémon's Eevee!"

Bai Chengyun complained silently, finally having a rough understanding of the situation of this job transfer mission.

No wonder the ninth task asked him to defeat one of the four spirit monsters each. It turned out that he was asked to defeat one of the four spirit monsters with different attributes.

Of course, the job transfer mission that Bai Chengyun chose was the 10th mission. He only needed to make the puppets of the Four Spirit Monsters, and then use the puppets of the Four Spirit Monsters to find the cubs of the Four Spirit Monsters from the Four Spirit Mountains.

In theory, this should be relatively easy.

That being said, as a hidden mission, the job transfer mission in the Siling Mountains is destined to not be that simple.

You know, even in the previous basic job transfer tasks, the extraordinary beings you need to face are all level 25+ beings.

Not to mention, Bai Chengyun has to face enemies in hidden missions.

The degree of danger can naturally be imagined.

However, Bai Chengyun, who had already improved himself to the extreme, didn't have much to worry about.

After thinking about this, Bai Chengyun stopped thinking and started to prepare.

"According to the requirements of the job transfer mission, there should be materials for the four monsters for me to make into puppets!"

His job transfer mission mentioned that the wooden house at the entrance to the "Four Spirit Mountain Range" dungeon contains the Four Spirit Monster materials left by the old hunter in the wooden house, which can be made into a Four Spirit Monster puppet.

Although he didn't know who the old hunter was, he was probably an NPC-like existence.

But this has nothing to do with Bai Chengyun. What he needs is materials that allow him to create the corresponding puppet.

Bai Chengyun looked around, his eyes falling on the hut behind him.

Pushing open the door of the hut, four large wooden boxes appeared in front of Bai Chengyun.

In the wooden box, various materials are piled up together, which looks very complicated.

If he guessed correctly, this should be the material of the four spirit monsters.

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