Mr Qi, You Are Blocked

Chapter 1056: The designer of the defensive wall

Chapter 1056 The designer of the defensive wall

While chatting, they cracked the last layer of the defensive wall.

After a few seconds, the picture on the screen changed.

This defensive wall was completely disintegrated.

Bai Chuxiao breathed a sigh of relief and couldn't help but explode, "Finally succeeded, shit."

"I thought we could fight 01, but we broke it, and 01 didn't show up. Didn't you persuade me?" Wu Tai said.

Bai Chuxiao doesn't care about this, without the defensive wall, she can find the person behind.

The last time I invaded, time was limited, only the location of 01 was found in the Yun Clan, and now I can check as I want.

Bai Chuxiao's precise IP address.

She squinted slightly, "The Yun Clan management is shared."

"What do you mean?" Wu Tai was puzzled.

"This defensive wall belongs to the management and is public." Bai Chuxiao explained.

The four members of the management can't determine which one it is.

Yun Clan management has such a powerful computer, can he set up a top-level defense wall?

The four managements are all from the previous generation, and they don't seem to have such strength.

More like what young people do.

In any case, the right to use the account behind the defensive wall means that it is one of the management.

Fu Li murmured, "It's weird, this defensive wall is familiar, like the one I set up."



Everyone was surprised.

"You?" Bai Chuxiao was incredible, "Xiaoshuai, are you sure?"

"I'm just not sure, so I said it seems like, because the initial defensive wall I set up was not so powerful. I don't know how many times it has been strengthened, but the basic feeling is that I set it." Fu Li squeezed his chin.

Bai Chuxiao suddenly remembered that when Wu Tai mentioned L's information in the computer room, he mentioned that he had something to do with the management of the Yun family...

Her face condensed, "Is the original foundation set by the Yun Clan?"

"Yes, both the di address and the frame are in agreement, so I wonder, what exactly are you doing to check this?" Fu Li said.

Wu Tai asked hurriedly, "Does the Yun Clan management have your relatives?"

"How did you know that you investigated me?"

"Who is your relative?"

"My aunt, let me set up a defensive wall." Fu Li said.

"Your aunt, is the surname Gao?" The Yun Clan management has only one female.

Fu Li: "Yes, my hometown is the Yun nationality. Later my mother married to Yangcheng. My aunt was not married and treated me like a son. Have you ever been to the Yun nationality and know my aunt?"

The amount of information is a bit big.

"The account controller behind this defensive wall is our enemy and wants our lives time and time again." Bai Chuxiao said bluntly.

Fu Li was taken aback, "My aunt is not that kind of person."

"I didn't say it was your auntie." Bai Chuxiao looked at him, "Besides, it is not certain that this defensive wall is the one you set up."

Now, everyone in the management is suspicious.

One more thing, Bai Chuxiao didn't tell Fu Li.

Qi Ruyan recommends Fu Li with the independent.

Qi Ruyan would not do this inexplicably, she and Fu Li did not know each other.

Bai Chuxiao believed that it was the person above Qi Ruyan who gave Qi Ruyan orders.

It just so happens that Gao Zhen is Fu Li's aunt...

Therefore, currently Bai Chuxiao's most suspicious person is Gao Zhen.

It's just that she can't figure it out, no matter who is in the management, who has no grievances and no grudges, why should he go against the Bai family?

Fu Li's emotions were complicated at the moment. Bai Chuxiao said that this enemy wanted their lives time and time again, and he was definitely not lying.

Otherwise, it won't take so much effort to crack the defensive wall and uncover the master behind the scenes.

If... really his aunt did it, he won't cover up this kind of murder!

One in four probability, prayer is not.

At the same time, Fu Li will fully cooperate with Bai Chuxiao.

After a moment of contemplation, Fu Li spoke again, "Dark, a 90% probability, I set up the basic defensive wall. As for who strengthened it behind, I don't know."

Everyone on the scene understood that with Fu Li's strength, a defensive wall of this level could not be created.

"By the way, what didn't you find in the previous cracks?" Qi Linfeng raised his eyebrows. "There are three layers of defensive walls, and each layer is different."

"Yes, if yes, I designed the first layer." Fu Li returned.

In fact, Bai Chuxiao realized that the farther behind, the stronger the defense.

The automatic completion, based on this function, is the last layer of design...

"So, this defensive wall was not set up by one person? Was it strengthened in the late 01?" Wu Tai speculated.

Si Diabolo moved his lips, "I have a share."

Upon hearing this, everyone looked at Si Diabolo.

"At one time, the Yun family invited Domination to get a security system for the Yun family, and at the same time, it strengthened a defensive wall for the management." The girl's delicate baby face was not emotional and her eyes were pale. Strengthened."

Bai Chuxiao frowned, "Seriously?"

Sikongzhu scowled, "I can only say that the person who sets up the last layer is better than everyone on the scene."

Si Diabolo was also very interested in this top master.

Better than them.

A great **** of this level should not have been unheard of.

So low-key?

Bai Chuxiao lowered his eyes, now the situation is in a mess.

"I want to see, which one is stronger than the third brother?" Qi Linfeng said.

Qi Linfeng is undoubtedly a loyal fan of Qi Moye.

"Brother, if you are alone, can you break the defensive wall?" Qi Linfeng asked.

Qi Moye, who had been silent for a long time, sat in his position, his eyes dark as ink, thoughtful, and after ten seconds, he said lowly, "Yes."

Everyone is shocked!

Do they have this hidden **** here? !

Bai Chuxiao blinked, didn't she... Then she went around this circle in vain?

"Because of the third layer, I strengthened it."

The man's deep and pleasant voice reached everyone's ears.


They took a deep breath... This turning point was unpredictable, completely overreacted, overwhelming...

"Fuck?!" Wu Tai's eyes widened, "So, 01 is just a false **** who is missing? Nothing?"

Qi Linfeng was also shocked, "What's the situation?"

A few people alone looked at Qi Moye, including Si Dizhu.

Fu Li set up the first layer of the foundation of the defensive wall.

The second floor was strengthened by Si Diabolo.

Finally, Qi Moye set up the ultimate third layer.

Three masters, perfect step by step, to create a perfect defensive wall!

No wonder Bai Chuxiao them, the previous three failed!

It's not that 01 is great, but Qi Moye and their three great gods.

01 actually doesn't know how to use a computer, so they cracked it today, but 01 has no response at all.

Because there is no way to deal with it.

Bai Chuxiao tilted his head, his eyes frozen.

Facing the girl’s sight, Qi Moye held her hand and told the reason unhurriedly, “My grandma and Mr. Liang met. Last year, I went to the Yun Clan for the first time. Mr. Liang asked me for help and gave Yun The clan strengthened the defensive wall."

(End of this chapter)

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