Move a Monster To Another World

Chapter 290: Fry the boat!

Gawain blinked.

It was a werewolf boss, at the same level as a werewolf trainer, and the equipment on his body was good, and it didn't look too annoying.

This is unprecedented. In an adventure mode, in addition to the big boss, there is actually a small boss? And it's not sure, besides the little boss on the deck, whether there are any other little bosses on the ship.

In general, the boss of this level is indeed more difficult to deal with than the previous ones, or to be precise, it is more difficult to deal with, at least doubled.

"So, the adventure mode does change the difficulty quietly. The boss at the back must be more difficult to deal with than the boss at the front..."

Gawain shook his head.

There is no fire beard on the deck.

Then, you can only get on the boat.

Fortunately, the effect of the "invisibility cloak" is very strong, these ordinary kobolds, even if Gawain stood in front of it, it would not find it. The perception abilities of those kobold spellcasters and little bosses are stronger, but as long as Gawain is not within 3 feet, they will not be discovered.

Be careful, sneak into the pirate ship and search it.

Half an hour later...

At the bottom of the bed compartment, Gao Wen shook his head helplessly.

did not find.

The pirate ship is too big, there are too many kobolds, and they are always going up and down. It is very difficult to see every kobold.

the most important is……

Firebeard is a stalker, and you can guess it. It should be a stalker of at least high level. He has a strong stealth ability. Maybe he hides in that corner. Want to find it, how easy is it to say?

Where did Firebeard go?

The cabin is large and there are many rooms, which brought inconvenience to Gao Wen's search and convenience for him to do bad things.

Gao Wen finally found the opportunity, caught a kobold, and got the answer he wanted from his mind.

"Huobeard is very afraid of someone assassinating him, so no one knows where it is. It only finds someone else's share. No one can find it?"

"Firebeard is a high-level stalker, but also a keen talent, very strong ability to sneak and disappear? More than most high-level stalkers, can be called a'sneak master'?"

"Every time there is a battle, Huobeard orders all his men to charge, then sneak and disappear by himself until the battle is over?"

"Huobeard has been a pirate for more than ten years, robbed a lot of wealth, is dressed in luxurious equipment, it is terrible?"



"So, the difficulty of this level is how to find Firebeard first, and then defeat it?"

Gao Wen realized the difficulty of this level.

No one can find a high-level stalker that can be hidden, at least Gaowen can't.

No one has even seen Huobeard eat. There are meals in the kitchen 24 hours a day. Meals will be delivered from the bridge and in the room from time to time. Huobeard will eat whenever he wants.

There is a bigger problem:

This ship will set sail in an hour, leave here, and sail to the boundless sea.

Once the pirate ship sets sail and leaves the underground world area, the adventure mode will fail.

There is not much time left for Gawain.

There are actually many ways to pass this level:

The Flame Master can directly use "Flame Storm" to turn the entire pirate ship into a sea of ​​flames, and then the kobolds on the entire ship will be burned to death, and the same goes for Firebeard.

A great warlock who is proficient in destruction spells can do the same.

The master stalker has rich experience, and may be able to follow the clues, find out the fire beard, and then forcefully kill.

A hunter strong enough, as long as he brings enough ammunition, can even guard the deck, no amount of kobolds can get off.

And if it is a powerful knight or battle master, directly destroying the deck, boarding the ship, and then rushing up to set off a killing storm, Firebeard can't escape either.

Gawain couldn't do this.

But he has other ways.

When he reached the bottom of the cabin, Gawain hit a boring hammer, quietly killed several kobolds, and then took out a backpack.

This is the boss reward of "Hamm the Road Builder", which contains a hundred candle bombs.

In adventure mode, followers cannot be summoned and cards cannot be used, but this kind of physical reward can be used.

"Would you like to take it out first and save some use... Forget it, to be a man, you have to be willing to be willing to get it!" Gawain shook his head, mercilessly.

If the power of the explosion is not strong enough, the ship will sink slowly. Who knows if Huobeard can escape from the ship in time.

I can't bear to let the child catch the wolf, the bomb is just used to blow it up!

Putting the entire backpack on the ground, Gawain began to step back.

Going back to the farthest point, Gao Wen raised his staff.

"Huh? What is that?"

There were many kobolds coming and going. Several of them were in charge of patrols. They quickly found the backpack and walked over curiously.

They quickly opened their backpacks and saw the bright red candles, their small eyes lit up instantly, screaming and throwing their legs, rushing to fight for it.

"My, my!"

"Don't grab, I'm the captain of the patrol, it's all mine!"

In the distance, a faint smile appeared on Gawain's face.

"Don't grab it, don't have a chance to grab it!"

A "flame shock" hit the backpack.

All the candles are lit, and then...


A violent explosion blasted the competing kobolds into pieces, and the fireworks were brilliant.

The planks overturned, the bottom of the ship was blown up, and the sea was surging back.

There was plenty of water, and the pirate ship began to shake.

In a few minutes, the entire ship will sink.

On this swaying boat, most kobolds can't stand still, let alone escape.

All kobolds who are too late to escape will sink to the bottom of the sea with the pirate ship, and then die in the inverted water.

As long as there is no immediate escape, you will never escape.

The sea water poured in and soon flooded the cabin.

Gawain transformed into a seal.

This feeling is very strange, it's like really becoming a seal, with the organs of the seal, and the habit of the seal, just as if one's own soul has been loaded into an unfamiliar body——

Fortunately, with this feeling, Gao Wen has already had it once and has experience.

In the past, Gawain would become a seal fluttering in the yard when he was okay, and when he took a bath, he would also become a seal to feel, so he is still comfortable.

He quickly left the pirate ship, swam to the shore, then returned to human form and went ashore.

There was a panic on the deck.

In the distance, the turbulent sea swallowed the pirate ship, and I don't know how many kobolds died in it.

Some responsive kobolds fled the pirate ship for the first time. Among them was a very conspicuous kobold.

It was a kobold in a luxurious costume, with the iconic pirate hat on his head. Three candles of different colors were burning on the hat. The green candles were more obvious. The pirate hat was dyed by the constant flow of wax oil. green.

It was holding a fine iron pickaxe in its left hand and a precious gem in its right hand, sprinting on the boat.

high speed!

At the moment of escape, of course, you will not "sneak", because the speed of sneaking is very slow even walking slower than usual.

In this case, time is life, and it hates how long two legs are.

Kobolds have short legs, even if they "sprint", they are actually not fast, so until now, he finally jumped off the boat, jumped onto the deck, and then rushed towards the entrance of the cave.

Because the deck is not safe!

The pirate ship sank, set off stormy waves, and slapped the deck, which was being swallowed by the sea.

Gawain was smiling.

One by one kobolds panicked and fled from him, and he had to move his position to avoid the charging kobolds.

But he met the luxuriously dressed kobold.

Then as it approached, the splendid ice froze it, the ice bolt hit its knee, and the ice spear pierced its chest.

Gao Wen carried the warhammer and walked over.

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