Beisha City, early morning hours.

Twenty black figures quickly gathered around the capital, and their bodies were deeply hidden in the shadows of darkness. No one was aware of it in the capital of a wall.


As the voice of a female voice was clear, the two figures moved almost simultaneously.

I saw two black-and-white Flickers in the void.

In the next moment, two of the Guard’s glory gods glared at the temples, and the body quietly softened.

Without waiting for the two to fall to the ground, the two black shadows quickly smashed out and quickly dragged the two who had become the body into the bushes.

From the shot to the disposal of the body, the whole process is less than two seconds.

After solving the Guard, the twenty black shadows sneaked into the capital.

The people hidden under the shadows spread out and began a formal hunting.

In the prefecture, the strong ones who are still asleep are silently dying in various poses.

Some were cut off their heads directly, some were penetrated by the sharp-edged brain, and they were pierced into the brain by fine needles. There was no visible wound on the surface…

In the room of the owner, Wei Yun, who was sitting on the bed, suddenly opened his eyes.


He vaguely felt that he was being pegged by a poisonous snake hidden in the dark, and he could be attacked deadly at any time.

“Your sensing ability is a bit special…”

A black figure slowly emerged from the shadows, with a black mask on her face and a red gem on the forehead of the mask.


Wei Yun’s eyes narrowed slightly, and even though he saw the woman in front of him, he still could not sense the existence of the other party. The ability to hide the breath to this level can only be achieved by the top professional killers.

“Yes. I will give you a reward.” The black-robed woman walked slowly toward Wei Yun, and did not seem to be anxious to shoot. “How about choosing a death method yourself?”

“I choose you to die!” Wei Yun’s body shape directly provoked an attack, and the heavy punches rushed toward the woman’s face.

But in the next moment, a silver awn in the room illumined, and a military thorn pierced the face of Wei Yun.

The room was in a silence.

The thorn was pulled from Wei Yun’s face, and the woman took out a white handkerchief and slowly wiped the thorn in his hand.

“Forgot to tell you, I am not only proficient in assassination, but also strong in frontal confrontation.”

The blood stains on the army’s thorns were wiped out, and the woman threw the red handcuffs on Wei Yun’s disfigured face and turned and pushed the door open.

At the door of the room, 19 black-robed figures have gathered together.

“The team from the glory of the gods is still 57 minutes, then the fastest speed to search for loot…”


The story of the performance of the capital of the city of Beisha is also staged in several other capitals.

Only the actors and scripts that participated in the show are different.

The great dark influence After a day or two of crouching, I learned that there is no Emperor Palace realm in this world, and it has completely exposed the face.

It’s a small matter to plunder resources.

What’s more, I also shot the massacre.

The Seventh Emperor, these strong men, are almost invincible in the same level of combat power, and the battlefields that meet the glory of the gods can easily break out. In addition, other members of the dark influence are also the enchanting powerhouses of Nine Steps Long Life realm, which is not the same as that of Dufu.

The whole world has fallen into a panic under invasion and plunder.


Late at night, the Celestial Alliance gathered again.

“I have two bad news.” Don’t wait for the distribution of the spoils, and Downing’s face was solemnly opened.

“The people of Saint have slaughtered the city today. The entire Fenglai City, with a population of more than three million, was completely slaughtered, and the dogs did not stay…”

Everyone listened to it.

“How can this be? Isn’t their sacrifice only a virgin? Why do you want to kill everyone in the city?” The wolf is somewhat puzzled.

“Because the process of sacrifice was interrupted, they slaughtered the whole city in a rage, saying that it was to calm the anger of True God.” Downing explained helplessly.

“The people of the Alliance Government and the Hunter Association didn’t shoot?” Lin Huang asked, frowning.

“Alliance Government has been busy with the dynasty in the past few days, and there is time to manage it. The dynasty has already plundered two capitals, dozens of large and small towns, and will not stop it. I don’t know how much resources they have to plunder.”

“The Hunter Association and Purple Crow are right, and it’s hard to get out and help. Now only the Adventurer is mobilizing the team and wants to block Saint and avoid making them more harmful.”

“What about the night charm and Heresy? No one cares?” Shen Tao asked quickly.

“This is the second bad news I have to say.” Downing’s face suddenly seemed a bit difficult to look at. “The person of the night charm seems to be coming to us…”

When Tang Ning’s sentence came out, everyone’s face was a little hard to look at, and the room was also in a silence.

“If you want to withdraw? If we have the night, we have no advantage.” Li Jia looked at the wolf. “If it is just a confrontation, we have some confidence in one-on-one. But they are now twice as many people as we are, and we win.” Not big. And the night charm is a professional killer organization, and their people are good at assassination and other means of side-by-side, which is impossible to prevent.”

The greedy wolf is in silence and does not know what to think about.

“I don’t think I can’t fight.” Lin Huang couldn’t help but speak. “We can join forces with the capital, so that the number of night charms is no longer an advantage. As for the assassination, there is Li Jia. The people in them are estimated to be able to play only one or two of them. I also know a little about the means of perception and should be able to help. And we can send a message to the coalition forces for help, so that they can be dragged to the reinforcements. It’s not necessary to kill the night charm.”

Although Lin Huang said that he does not have to kill the night charm, his heart is already figuring out how to make the night charm people smash the net and eat the spoils they plundered.

He even made up his mind that if the greedy wolf finally decided to evacuate, he would have to find a way out of the team to hunt the night charm alone. After all, people are hard to send to the door, cooked ducks can not let it fly.

After some silence, the greedy wolf finally spoke.

“Without the war, it is not the style of the Celestial Alliance. Even if the enemy is a dynasty, we can only fight and not retreat! This time the opponent is the night charm, we must not only stay, but also must win! But this battle is a Fighting hard, it is even possible that some of us will fall. For this, please be prepared and don’t have luck…”

“We are the Celestial Alliance people and the number one enchanting organization in the world! In this battle, we want everyone to see, this first, our Celestial Alliance deserves it!”

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