Monster Paradise

Chapter 1319


Chapter 1319 A sense of crisis

In the sky, the red and purple blade glow flashes in the sky, as if two electric lights are constantly walking.

Every one time collision causes a thunderous thunderous sound.

People who do n’t know why may think that this is a thunderbolt in this trial space.

The battle between Lin Huang and Dao Yiliu has continued for more than an hour.

I have to say that the sword is really strong, different from the middle-aged beard before. Bearded middle-aged, like Lin Huang, is fully developed and has almost no shortcomings.

But the knife one or two is sloping away. Her knife has only three attack methods, stab, slash and slash. And her stabs account for more than 80% of all attacks. As for slashes, they are only used when stabs cannot form an effective confrontation.

Of course, her stabbing has also completely achieved pinnacle. Each hit was reaching its limit, and the angle was tricky.

When Lin Huang fights with her, she must be 100% vigilant at all times, because if she is a little bit distracted, she may be pierced through the brain or heart.

To be honest, the cultivation direction of knife one two six is ​​easy to insta-kill in the face of weaker opponents. However, when it comes to Lin Huang, which is comparable to his own strength, it is easy to be overturned.

Even if her stab is stronger and her moves are more, her attack routine is still too simple. When encountering an opponent of considerable strength, as long as the opponent has sustained a certain period of time, understands her attack routine, and adapts to her fighting rhythm, she is basically invincible.

Lin Huang adapting to the battle mode of 126 is actually less than half an hour. She has been fighting with her since then, and is actually learning her assassination. She is also using the actual combat of this battle to speed up the digestion of what she learned from the sword one two six.

Although the knife 126 has changed her stab as much as possible, and even added more slashes to Full Patch’s single deficiency of her own attack mode, but more than an hour later, she is getting more and more Know your Win Rate is slim.

In front of this battle, it seems that his offensive momentum is more fierce than the opponent, but only himself who surrounds by this knows that it is the opponent who really controls the whole battle. The opponent has fully grasped his own fighting mode and is invincible.

Even if the opponent does not have any powerful killing moves to kill himself and end the battle, the current stalemate can continue for a long time, but in essence he has lost. Because I have exhausted almost all the means, but still can’t help the other party.

The knife was not tangled in one, two, six, and it was determined that he had no possibility of winning at all. His body flickered, and he returned to the small building roof he was guarding, with his head and feet standing facing Lin Huang’s. .

After closing the knife into the sheath, she directly expressed at Lin Huang expressionlessly said, “You won.”

“You let me win.” Seeing the other party has conceded, Lin Huang Had to retract the knife into the sheath.

Originally, he still wanted to practice as many pairs as possible with the opponent, but the opponent obviously felt that he had no chance of winning, and he simply gave up.

But Lin Huang just think about it, after all, there are 298 swordsmen behind, after all, there is no need to hold a firm, strong woolen wool.

“You don’t need to say such polite words, you are indeed not weak.” Knife 126 straightly said, “However, if you want to inherit the knife, this strength is far from enough.”

“In this case, someone has already told me before.” Lin Huang laughed, not at all is too concerned. Because the other party is not deliberately demeaning, but is telling the truth.

According to the middle-aged beard, if you want to clear the final test, you must break through to the Dao of the Blade Real Intent Realm. Although the knife in front of me was not clearly stated, it actually had the same meaning, otherwise he would not say that he was far behind.

“Yes, I have a question to ask you. Do all of your sword servants have names similar to yours?” Lin Huang couldn’t help asking.

“Yes.” Dao did not avoid this question.

“Is there a person named knife eleven?”

“Of course there is, our name is ranked from the knife at first.” The knife explained one to two six.

If she met a competitor, she would not say such a thing. However, Lin Huang is a trialist who starts competitive trials. Although the probability is extremely low, it is still possible to become the inheritor of the sword master. Moreover, once the trial fails, the trialist will most likely die in the trial, and even if it can survive, it will erase all memories of Haotian inheritance. So there is no need to worry about trialist leaking the secret in Haotian inheritance.

Lin Huang was surprised when he heard the reply from Dao Yiliu. He was curious to ask casually. Didn’t expect Daoyiliu ’s answer unexpectedly.

Before hearing the answer given by Dao Yiliu, he always thought that Liu Ren’s rename to Daoyi Shi was probably a coincidence, but now it seems that it is not the case at all.

“Which rules do your names follow? Can you tell me?” Lin Huang continued to ask.

“Of course, you rank according to strength, otherwise what else can you follow?” Knife asked, but suddenly she thought of something, and looked a little vigilantly towards Lin Huang, “I can There is only so much to tell you, you don’t have to probe the knife servant’s information anymore. If you can take down the sword master inheritance, you should know what you know. If your strength is not enough to obtain inheritance, it doesn’t make any sense to know these. “

The words” One, Two, and Six “completely blocked Lin Huang’s question. He would like to continue to ask about the issue of” Blade 11 “, but the other party was obviously reluctant to disclose more information.

“It seems that I can only ask other knife servants to see if I can hear more information.” Lin Huang said silently.

As the body of Knife 126 disappeared gradually, Lin Huang’s thoughts fluttered.

The eleven events made him somewhat concerned.

However, the prompt box that popped up after a while later quickly pulled him back to reality.

[trialist Evil Forest defeats BOSS and gets 100 points! 】

It is another “World” announcement.

Seeing this announcement appeared, nearly 3,000 competitors felt the pressure.

Some people who suspected Lin Huang cheating before were mostly silent.

One time may be cheating, but now the opponent has successfully completed two kills.

One time may be the use of loopholes in the rules, but two times are a bit unreasonable. It is impossible to leave such a large space for people to test. The most likely explanation is that the other party really has this strength.

Of course, most competitors know that a powerful monster emerged from the trial, all of which are onlookers. After all, the possibility of owning the first place is also almost zero, so it is better to watch the fun with joy.

There is nothing more stressful than Shen Wushuang and the secret cultivation of the Peak forces.

Shen Wushuang at first climbed to the top, and those who secretly cultivated were not too concerned. On the one hand, it is clear that Shen Wushuang’s strength. On the other hand, trials have just begun, and points have not widened much. Everyone feels that the point looting between competitors is the real thing.

But now a new guy who has never heard of a name suddenly emerges, and also kills two bosses in a row, widening the points gap completely. This will inevitably make them a little difficult.

That feels like a few gods who were confident of getting more than 680 during the college entrance examination, and suddenly found that a newcomer was airborne in their school, and even passed the simulation for more than 700. It is impossible without a sense of crisis.

Thank you for the rewards from the students of “tanyaangel”, “hsclaker”, “sea jellyfish”, “mental illness of the book ’s king”, and “I have no heart” this week ~

(End of this chapter)

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