Monster Paradise

Chapter 1291


Yellow-Gold’s black market’s largest information provider is dumb.

The reason it is called Dumb Pavilion implies the confidentiality of information trading, you did good. No matter what information the customer buys or sells, it will not be leaked out.

But Lin Huang has questions about the confidentiality of Dumb Court. As an information provider that sells everything, as long as the buyer’s price is sufficient, it is not impossible to secretly sell the transaction information of his customers.

Due to his fame and facade, Lin Huang found the shop at Dumb Court without much effort.

Just stepping into the store threshold, a tall woman wearing a cheongsam greeted. Lin Huang also noticed that other waiters in the shop wear similar “cheongsams”, but the colors and styles are different, but each one is clearly tailored to reflect the female figure to pinnacle.

Each and everyone waiter is young and beautiful, charming and temperamental. Just pull out one and put it on Earth. It is estimated that Peak’s entertainment company will spend a lot of money on pillars to cultivate.

With just a glance, Lin Huang looked back.

“Do you want to provide information, or collect information?”

“Collect,” Lin Huang said calmly.

“Please follow me.” The woman smiled and nodded, leading Lin Huang to move towards the second floor.

Lin Huang follows closely from behind followed along, looking at the swaying posture of the woman in front of him, he could not help but secretly sighed in his heart.

“This dumb court is really rich and imposing. It is estimated that it will cost a lot of money to cultivate these waiters.”

Without many conferences, the woman led Lin Huang to the door of a room.

“Guest 203 has just been vacated. Guests are invited in.”

The woman said, slowly opened the sliding door, and then slightly lowered her head to wait for Lin Huang to enter.

After Lin Huang stepped in, the woman slowly closed the door and turned to leave.

Into the room, Lin Huang found that the area was larger than he thought, and the decoration in the room was not mysterious, but it felt like a living room in a luxury hotel room.

The counter is made into a bar similar to a bar. Sitting behind the bar, it is a beautiful beauty, with a short white lining on the upper body and a bar counter below the waist.

“Guest, what do you want to ask?”

“First, the star map, the larger the range, the better, the more detailed the better. Second, the information about the major forces and races, the more detailed the better. Third, the various Secret Realm and sites information. Fourth, the personal information of Sword Eleven … “

After spending a lot of God Stone, Lin Huang got almost all the information he wanted. Other than Haotian inheritance and hidden treasure, he did not ask because he was not sure what the consequences of asking this information would be.

But the purchase of the information also made Lin Huang confirm one thing. Probably due to lack of resources, God Stone’s purchasing power is stronger than Big World here, which is about ten times that of Divine Realm.

Big World’s cheapest rule tool. The starting price of one piece is at least one million God Stones. In the Clear Sky Territory, the starting price has become 100,000. Three-four million God Stone is enough, even if it is a superior quality rule.

As for Divine Crystal, even Rare does not circulate as currency at all.

Stepping out of the gate of Dumb Court, Lin Huang sensed that someone in the dark seemed to be spying on himself.

His Divine Intent, which is comparable to the nine-turn False God realm, combined with Seventh Layer’s “Infernal Affairs”, not only has the same strength as the real God Realm in the first sequence, but even the Spirit Soul’s sensitivity is much sharper.

But it can only sense snooping, not sure where the snooping came from.

Unable to determine the opponent’s purpose, Lin Huang left Dumb Court without any problems, but instead of leaving the black market immediately, he walked away casually.

After visiting several stores in succession, he can be 100% sure that the other party is directed at himself.

Because there was almost no interruption in that sense of snooping.

This also makes Lin Huang a little confused, “After entering Clear Sky Territory, I have not had any conflicts with anyone. It ’s impossible for anyone to know that I did it after blunting away the race race god. The other person stared at me and was in the end What’s the purpose? “

Unable to find out the purpose of the other party and the location of the other person’s hiding place. After confirming that the other party’s goal was himself, Lin Huang entered a shop again, and after a while, he changed his face in disguise with a thousand faces and walked away. come out.

This one time, the feeling of being spied really disappeared.

One minute later, a small four-legged snake crawled along the wall into the shop that Lin Huang had just entered. Two big green eyes glanced around, and climbed out of the shop again.

On the third floor of a teahouse on Heishi Avenue, a woman with a ponytail hung her hand in a tea cup, brows slightly wrinkle, “Is anyone gone?!”

After leaving the shop in disguise, Lin Huang didn’t feel the sense of peep anymore.

After all, Qiannian is the top-level camouflage-like god of order. As long as it is not Peak’s god, no one can see through his camouflage.

After leaving the black market, in order to avoid unknown snoops that he did not notice, he walked hundreds of kilometers and exchanged five faces for five identities, and found a black hotel without registration.

This kind of black hotel has a number of Wan Family in the entire Yellow-Gold City, more than the regular hotels. Due to the large number and fierce competition, the configuration and various services of these black hotel rooms are not inferior to most regular hotels.

After checking in, as soon as he enters his room, Lin Huang opens the information that he bought from the black market to check it.

The star map obtained from the black market is much more detailed than the one previously obtained by Bloody.

This star map contains almost all Star Domains around human, which not only includes detailed information of various Star Domains, but even a lot of planet information is described in great detail.

The Star Domain shown in this map alone is larger than the area that God Race has explored for 100,000 years.

In the second document, just looking at a few lines, Lin Huang couldn’t help but frown.

“Human has four gods?!”

After reading it, it turns out that human in the original Clear Sky Territory was split into two factions, each led by two gods.

There are no so-called government agencies, only two oversized human forces.

One is called Salary and the other is Herald.

The idea of ​​Salary is that humans should keep the bloodline pure, and humans are prohibited from intermarriage with other races. The ultimate goal is to continue the inheritance of human civilization from generation to generation.

The Pioneer’s philosophy is completely different. It doesn’t make any sense to maintain the purity of the bloodline. Survival is the truth. They encourage all actions that can grow stronger, including launching wars to plunder resources of other ethnic groups, genetic modification, mating with powerful bloodlines, and bred offspring … to various degrees, exploring the unknown.

The two forces have a huge conflict in concept, and the sites are adjacent to each other, which has led to constant battles between the two parties.

The area where Lin Huang is located belongs to the realm of firefighting.

The one time insect race and the fire war, the pioneers have always stood idly by, but in fact they did not take the opportunity to stab the knife in the back, it is already considered good.

Lin Huang was a little speechless when she saw the description in the material.

“In this environment, you can fight internally into two factions. It is indeed human …”

In addition to human information, this profile also contains information on more than 20 races in the vicinity.

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