Monster Paradise

Chapter 1215

Lin Huang left the first shelter with Bloody after a conversation with three town guards.

In fact, in his conversation with the three policemen, he quietly made the dream read the memory of the three. With the power of Dream Kanby True God, everything top secret, mask monster, they didn’t even realize that they had been dragged into a dream world.

With the memory of the three villagers, the two people also need not be allowed to continue to stay in the shelter.

Until 10,000 kilometres from the shelter, Lin Huang, that’s why summon came out of his dream and let him share the memory of the three.

Almost finished looking at the memory of the three, Lin Huang said with a smile, “although these three guys concealed some information, at least that part of the disclosures was not lying, but it was already good. From this point of view, monster is more real than humankind.”

“There is no need to lie about the part without interest.” Bloody looks more thoroughly.

Lin Huang indifferent expression laughed and then moved the subject to the right thing.

“According to the memory of the three villagers, the central region has three emperors and the leader of the entire False Domain, all of whom are other powerful people of God Grade. Among them, the Emperor was the weakest, but the True God in the first order, but she was able to understand the space gods and set the Great World coordinates, and only one by one was a strong man who could send people out of False Domain. The other two monster, True God, are in second order. However, owing to the limited resources available to False Domain, there is no harmony between the three. I guess we go to the King of the Butterfly, and she doesn’t have to let us go.”

“The deal is spoken.” Bloody doesn’t worry, “she always has what we want, so long as we can give her what she wants, I’m sure she won’t refuse the deal.”

“That’s it, but it’s not that easy for a True God to ask.” Lin Huang laughs at her head, “If it’s really easy for her to take it herself, she doesn’t have to pretend about the hands of others.”

“That’s true.” Bloody hearing this is also nodded.

“But she can’t force us to leave. If we get to a little world where birds don’t shit, it’s even more troubling.” Lin Huang also tried to solve the problem by simply using violence, but feared the other side’s hands.

“Let’s see what she wants, and if the conditions are really too much, think about other solutions.” Bloody said, “Bloody’s over, looking around Lin Huang.” Do you want to find Qi Muxiong’s address first? Or go to the central shelter first? ”

“Go to the site, take something, and find the king.” Lin Huang thought about saying, “If you go first to the Central Asylum, if the king is happy, you’ll just promise to take us away, then you won’t have time to go to the site.”

“You think it’s beautiful.” Bloody’s got a fake smile on his face.

“If I say so, I can’t deny it altogether.” Lin Huang said, and whispered, “The king is a female, and if I like Ghost-mask’s capsule, it’s not possible. After all, Ghost-mask, this face is the most beautiful man in male life.”

Bloody curl one’s lip, some of the suspicions whispered down and said, “I don’t feel good.”

“What are you talking about?”

“I said,” What if Ghost-mask is seen by the King of the Butterfly, let us go? “Bloody’s busy changing his mouth.

“Then leave Ghost-mask, but I have 30 quotas, and he’s nothing to do with it. If one day really needs him, then bring him summon back.” Lin Huang said with a smile.

Ghost-mask is unknown that he has become the subject of discussions between Lin Huang and Bloody, and that the subject under discussion is how to sell himself.

After two conversations, Lin Huang simulated False Domain map projection in Divine Energy. This stereotyped 3D map was derived from the minds of three town guards, and undoubtedly much more detailed than had been sent before Bloody.

“Here we are,” after the formation of the map, Lin Huang points to the western region on the map, marking an “X”, and then moving a long distance to the right, marking a “O” where the southern boundary is close, and “according to the coordinates of Qi Muxiong’s memory, his site is probably here. In the south-west direction of the entire False Domain, close to the southern edge, and in the lofty regions.”

“According to their memory, the south of False Domain is a abandoned place, floating around a fragmented floating island, deserted.” Bloody looked at Lin Huang’s point. “This may also be why he chose the site here.”

“How much is the distance, can you count it?” Lin Huang asked.

“Around 5,130,000 kilometres, far more than in central shelters.” Bloody gave an estimate of the results only by looking at it.

“Let’s go!” Lin Huang nodded, again summon came out of Thunderclap.

Thunderclap, a purple black feather, had a little golden brush on his body, and a pair of purple-golden eyes saw the map from Lin Huang.

“The map remembers it.” Lin Huang and Bloody jumped on Thunderclap’s back.

When Thunderclap wins up, he goes to the map built by Divine Energy in Void.

More than 500,000 kilometres of distance, Thunderclap horses are open, and almost two hours of arrival.

But when it was thousands of kilometres away from the coordinates, Lin Huang had stopped wrinkling his eyebrows, because his Divine Intent felt that the space in which the coordinates were located was sealed with the boundaries.

After arriving near the coordinates, Lin Huang and Bloody finally saw this ice crystal line.

This layer of balloon ended, wrapped up a lot of space nearby, like a half-transparent ice crystal that floats in the air.

“It was also discovered that Lin Huang’s eyebrows were tightened and the site was found by False Domain’s native inhabitants, which was not a good news for him.

“This is obviously True God’s means.” Bloody Divine Intent knew that the intensity of the line was not at all possible.

“should be done by the Dragon King.” Lin Huang made a direct conclusion.

False Domain has only three True God, the three of whom are good at the Ice element god, and only the frozen dragon, known as the Dragon King.

“If the demarcation was forcibly broken, it would certainly be felt.” Bloody turned his head on Lin Huang, “The most conservative practice is not to win the grass to scare the snake.”

“Don’t worry, I’m not so touched.” Lin Huang expressionlessly said, “The Cold Dragon-blooded Species of Four-Time Variation, the True God in the second order. If I do, I’ll do a lot of work.”

“Turn around to Central Asylum, we’ll listen to what’s going on here, see if there’s any way to find a chance to get in.”

Lin Huang said that after taking a picture of Thunderclap, Thunderclap sent a sound, a win-win shock, drove two people around the direction of moving towards the central shelter!

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